How To Price Your Services Accurately !!! ( Hair Stylist )

If you are a new hair stylist ( braider ) and you are having the issue of not understanding your value or what you should be charging this video is a must watch !

00:00 Intro

1:34 Why having flat rates can be an issue

4:00 What is a consultation

5:25 Questions you should be asking

8:15 Add on (horror story time )

11:59 Factor is product cost

13:32 Travel Cost

14:57 Determine your monthly financial goal

17:35 Don't let clients determine your value , but explain your value if its not understood by them



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What'S good y'all she girl shawnee echo and i'm back with another video. If you're new to my channel welcome, welcome, welcome. My name is shiny, echo, i'm a singer: songwriter stylist videographer, all that good stuff, and if you would like to see my content make sure you subscribe and like turn on your post notifications, because that's the only way you're going to be notified when this algorithm is Set up if you are returning me, thank you for watching my videos. I appreciate you so if you read the title today, we are talking about how to go about charging your clients, that's something you need help with. You need to see continue watching this video, okay and without further ado, we're just going to get straight into it. Don'T y'all hate them. You know videos for long, intros, yeah, i'm one of them. Oh well, but let's get to it. Let'S get to it. We are in the beginning of a series for all my fellow hairstylists. It was actually brought to my attention. You know by one of my supporters that what i was saying in my last video that, if you didn't go see you need to go see which is the top 10 mistakes i've made as a hair. Stylist applies to pretty much all business owners. A lot of those mistakes are commonly made in other forms of business. So, even if you don't do hair this, may you know you could take some of these concepts and apply them to whatever type of business you have, but for this video this is specifically about hair stylist. I have history in braiding, wigs and like sew-ins, so this is my take on how you should consider your um pricing. You know what i'm saying. Would you charge so first things. First, i'm not gon na sit here and give you a specific, oh box. Braid should be this amount of money um, you know a stitch. Braid should be x amount of money. I can't do that for you, i'm sorry. I know i did the same thing. I was you know, searching on youtube, trying to find specific prices wish. It was that easy, but it's not you're gon na. Thank me because you shouldn't be doing that. This is why i personally believe that you should be consulting each and every client if you want to take the easy route which you will be frustrated in cheating yourself. Sometime, you can do a set flat rate price on each style, regardless of how a client's state of their hair is in. If you want to do that, fine, but let me tell you something: every human being is unique, which means every head size is unique. Every hair texture is unique man, so it's not going to be a flat amount of time. It takes to do people hair, it's going to be an individual experience and i think that you should charge for that individual experience. I have seen people go in on a policies right and it sounds when you're reading and you know how you text somebody and they don't know you so they just take it out of context. It sounds real aggressive, like by the time you get done. Reading a policy you feel like well, damn do you even want to do my hair cuz? You got all these stipulations, but me being a stylist. I understand exactly why. So maybe they should like make a video, so it can come off nicer, but there's purpose behind that, so we're gon na go in and break down how you consult. What information are you looking for to determine what you're gon na charge these clients? Okay? So i got my notes. First of all, let's talk about a consultation. What a consultation is it's the time you spend going back and forth in a text message dm or on the phone with a client who is indecisive about how they want their hair or um. You know has questions about what the process may be, or you need to ask a couple of questions to determine how much you're going to charge them for what it is that they're looking to get done now, some stylists some businesses charge a consultation fee. That'S the amount you know some stuff is easier, quick and some is not so you can charge for a consultation if you choose or you can do it for free. I recommend maybe that's included in the deposit price and maybe the deposit don't have nothing to do with the appointment. That'S a that's! The best way to like you know, compromise with that. You lock in your appointment with me, and i gave you vulnerable information. You spent time on whether that's like 30 minutes 20 minutes. So i'm texting you that's time. Out of my day, time is money. I'M gon na charge you for this consultation and even if i don't do your hair, i gave you the information for you to do it yourself or go. You know, go get it done by somebody else. I should be paid for that. You know i'm giving you value up to you. However, these are the things that you want to um find out during the consultation and why so? The first thing you want to find out the age if possible - and usually this is more so applying to children when you're pricing you usually charge less to do children's hair than you would an adult head just because the sizing, however, sometimes you might charge more to Do a kid here because they're tender headed, so it takes you longer to do it because you got to be a little bit more. You know abiding to that. They don't sit still, some of them do, but you can expect for them to not sit still and be crying and having to go to the bathroom. All of those things are inconveniences, so some people charge more for children. Some people charge less for children. However, if you know their age, you can kind of guestimate. You know how you want to charge that, and you know how big they are, but i think a more accurate thing to do is to get a photo of that child with its natural hair. The state of its natural hair, showing within that photo so now you know how big they head is approximately what their natural hair looks like from a texture standpoint and from a color standpoint. Why does all of these things matter? How big their head is, determines how long it's probably going to take what their texture is, determines you know how tender headed they may or may not be the length of their hair if um their hair is very short, it's typically harder to do the parting and Tucking when hair is very short, so that's something you want to consider that lets. You know. Okay, i have a client that literally tries to book getting her daughter's hair done. She sends me these reference photos of how she wants her daughter's hair and then she don't want to add no hair ma'am, your daughter, hair, not gon, na, look like that. You wan na know why? Because her hair is too short or it's not thick enough, and it's not gon na look like that, we need to add hair. I understand she's a child, we can make it look natural, but we're gon na need to add some hair, so that helps you determine those things right and um. The density of their hair is important, because then you understand how much hair you need. You might only need one pack, because you know sometimes you go to the beauty, supply store and you don't know. Do i get one pack. Do i get two packs you over buy or you under buy? The worst thing to do is to under buy, but you just figure out all of these things. During a consultation, you figure out their hair color. What number you need to purchase if you're braiding, so all of that is important. All of that factors into how long it's going to take you to do their hair right, that's before the style, that's just determining like how long and what you're dealing with, especially, if they're doing an add-on and we're going to talk about that a style right. Let'S say knotless braids, which these are my knotless braids. I do do them. I live in atlanta if you want to book, but i did these myself in the last video that i uploaded so again make sure you guys go watch that anyways knotless braids. Let'S say i charge 250 for this right and that's just to braid the hair right. That'S just to part it braid. It do all that feeding! You know prep. I account for the time it takes to do that. Then you want to add, and then you want me to wash and blow dry your hair okay, a washing blow dryer can be as quick as 30 minutes or it could take two hours. I promise you, i kid you not. I showed up to somebody house and they added on my website. I had a set price, i think to watch. It was like 35 and to blow dry is 10. If you do it together, i think it's like 40 bucks right. It took me two hours to wash and blow dry this lady's hair. Now i don't discriminate against hair textures, but some hair textures are difficult to work with in others. On top of that, she was not maintaining her hair. It was not detangle. It was not nothing when i went to go put her hair under the water. I couldn't even get to her scalp, so it took me two hours and you know, and then she was like you want me to help you. You want me to help you like. I was taking too long right. I start um, letting her know. I don't she decides. She want to help me anyway. She start combing, her hair out and she's ripping her hair. I took my time to detangle make sure she didn't have too much breakage. That was like not necessary, she's literally like you're, taking too long just ripping her hair out, i'm like ma'am. If i would have knew it was okay to rip your hair out, we would have been done. We would have been done so take into account a person's hair texture, how much they upkeep in a hair before you get there to wash it. You know i'm saying they they not being considerate of like. I want this person to wash my hair, so i'm gon na comb it out the tango, do the hard work and then you know have it separated. So it's easy for them to wash it and blow dry. It they're, not thinking that the whole purpose of them. Having you do their hair is because they don't want to deal with it. They don't want to do it, but when i get there, you just add it on a 40 add-on, that's gon na take me two hours and the way my knotless braids are set up. If i'm charging 250 i'm expecting to make fifty dollars an hour. So if it took me two extra two extra hours to do something for that ended up forty dollars, because i didn't do a consultation and understand how long it was really going to take. Or do a consultation and make a recommendation? I can wash your hair, but it's going to be an additional price unless you detangle. I wouldn't have known to tell that person that, if i you know, if i don't do that consultation, but that two hours i spent making a little extra forty dollars to wash their hair, i could have done a two hour style for 80 bucks or you know, 125, there's plenty of styles out there that only take you two hours, but but you just made forty dollars in that two hours that you gave away. So sometimes it's not worth it and that's why some clients, some um stylists, tell you to come with your hair. Wash and blow dry it and they'll give you example. This is not blow dried. This is what it needs to be. This is the state it needs to be in for me to accurately time that it takes five hours. However many hours for me to do your hair, so it's very important that you do a consultation to find out those things, because you will run into some stuff and be pissed off at yourself that you had a flat rate. I'M sorry everybody's, not the same! So everybody's price shouldn't be the same. That'S just my opinion because that's my experience of like showing up somewhere and budgeting out how much time and that's not the reality of it and you can't be mad at nobody. But yourself, because you didn't ask the right questions outside of those factors. Another thing you need to think about is how much it cost in products to do that person's hair. So i told you guys again we'll use the knotless braids for the shine and jam container. I think i can get maybe four sets of knotless braids out of that. Can that jar is twenty dollars, so that's five dollars just for the product, i'm putting in your hair. That'S not accounting for the mousse either you got ta put some mousse. You know what i'm saying and you uh a lot of the times um i have them, bring me whatever oil they want to put in their scalp. I don't really provide that, but, if you're providing that just take into account how much you're using on each client what the total cost of that is and make sure you're factoring that into the price of the hairstyle that you're charging okay product very important, also hair Factor in hair a lot of the times, a client will show up with the wrong hair, so you can call them, have a conversation, make sure they get the right hair or you can get the hair for them charge it um convenience fee for going to pick It up - and you know, do it that way, but account for how much that's going to cost making sure you got the right amount of hair all that matters when it comes to like okay, i'm charging this much, but the hair is included. A client would love to to show up and not have to worry about and get their hair done. So if you are having the hair included account for the fact that you got to go pick it up and pick it out, so travel making sure this common sense. But it wasn't for me in the beginning, so travel account for two things, because i was only accounting for one account for two things: your gas and your time right. If i'm traveling to you depending on where you live right, let's say i'm in atlanta, it's traffic! So somebody lives 35 minutes for me. I got ta leave. I got ta be ready to go about an hour ahead of time. I got ta account for the traffic i'm gon na run into. I have a policy that's friendly to. If i'm late, i discount you. If you late, it's gon na cost, you more so i have to make sure that i'm on time, but when i'm traveling to you that means i got ta leave early to get to you on time. So that's an extra hour right, plus the time it's actually taking to travel back home. So i just gave you an extra maybe hour and a half of me driving to you on top of gas, so don't just charge. Oh, it's only going to take me a quarter of a tank or the six dollars no charge for the time the convenience of the fact that you're coming to them and um the gas when you're when you're doing the travel. That'S very important. The next thing that you have to factor in is your expenses, so as an adult as a teenager as whatever. If you have expenses, if you don't have expenses, whatever your financial goal is to make per month, then you have to break that down into how many um, like figure out what your specialty is, that'll, actually help. You figure out your specialty, so we're going to use the knotless braids again right. Let'S say i want to make two thousand dollars a month. That means i have to do eight sets of knotless braids in a month, which means minimum two um knotless braids a week right cool. Then i have to factor how much time i'm trying to put into that, because you need to figure out how much you need to be making per hour to hit your goal. You need to make the styles that you're offering worth your time if you're, giving out a style that cost sixty dollars and it's taking up three hours of your time. It'S taking up three hours of your time and you only have 12 hours available in that week and you give three of those hours away for twenty dollars an hour. Are you going to reach your goal financially, based off of the time you have available? That'S how you have to do your pricing, so then that means each style. You have to be making a particular amount of money based on the time you have available to make that money. Hopefully that was making sense, because i was editing this video, i'm just like. I don't think i was clear: bro, that's 20 an hour. Is that going to get you to 22 000. You know whatever your goal is probably not so be particular about what your uh outcome is in terms of what your expenses are. That should help you determine based on understanding your market, we're going to have another video about that, but based on understanding your market that will help you understand what you need to be charging in order to reach that goal and factor in that you have to pay Taxes unless you're doing it under the table, that's cool mind your business. It is what it is, but if you're doing it the legit way you have to pay taxes. So you're gon na need to take a percentage out of every client that you're making - and you know, put some money aside for that. So it's gon na be more than just eight times. You know i'm saying all of that needs to be taken into account and when you figure out what that number is what that goal is, then you can factor that, on top of how much time it's going to take you into how much you charge, don't let Nobody try to determine what your value is based off of them. Comparing you to somebody else. You could also, you know, include an experience, so i have a client that um does hair herself and she charges a lot of money for what she do, but she's offering an experience: complete privacy you're not going to her house you're, not going to your house. She got her own suite and ain't nobody else in there, so she got celebrity clients who have privacy. You get there. She set the mood. She probably got some champagne for you. If you want to factor in all of those things, then you can charge more um. The fact that their hair - you know they got their edges - it's not red bumps at the back of their neck, when you do their hair, there's a whole bunch of things that need to be factored in. They tender headed, but they like when you do that, hair because you take the time to care about the fact that they're tender headed there's so many different things that you can factor into. Why you charge what you charge. What you can do is explain that to the customer, because it's not always assumed they're just looking at oh well, i i went on so it's on instagram and it cost this. Why are you charging that you know they're, not understanding that there can be an experience that you're offering included in in how much you charge so just be mindful of that um be realistic. You know um perfect your craft master, it be good at it, be reasonable about what you're charging or you'll find that you're gon na have a hard time. Keeping clients just make sure the quality and the the customer service adds up to what it is that you're charging and you should be fine. So again, that's pretty much sums it up. I personally think you should be doing a consultation. Everybody shouldn't be paying the same price because everybody's not going to get the same variables. You know i'm saying it could be close, but just understand is levels to this. I'M saying, and if you don't do that, you're going to show up and sometimes you're going to feel like. Oh, this was easy money. It was exactly what i expected i charged right and sometimes you'll feel like. I should have charged more or this wasn't even worth my time or you know you just run into things and it's just like unfortunate. So that's my opinion. I definitely feel like consult. Please consult, that's how you charge and um. If you have any questions, leave them down below if you're a stylist feel like i missed something you have value to add to the people who are watching this video go ahead and leave a comment down below and um yeah until next time. I love you

YOung AAMiR: I love you ..

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