How To Blow Dry Short Relaxed Hair - Lesson 1

Don't be afraid to ask your hairstylist for a mirror! Carmita gets an intro to the blow dry technique used to create her salon-styled look. She watches, listens and learns about brushes, heat, tension and more.

Your mind learns stuff by seeing it so not seeing is a real setback in black hair. Like you know what i mean like the beginnings of even being able to learn, so what i'm doing is rolling around you have to. Let me know how to eat deals, because i can't see the end, so i'm using a door bristle brush just kind of blow out and blow this back area straight um. But i want you watching what i'm doing the whole time and passively watching not looking at. First like why you don't have to do that myself, none of that just you're, just processing, just watching this passive observer, what's happening to your hair if the brush hurts, let me know if it's too hard the tension, the tightness of the more bristle brush is enough To pull the hair straight, even when you you know, have pearl and need a touch-up. That'S it there's no way you can pull it through the air and not wind up with the hair straight, because that's what it does so, when you're learning to do your hair, whether you're learning at seven years old or you're, learning at 37 years old, the components Of learning to do your hair have to do with the dexterity which most people actually have a dexterity. What most people don't have is the use of mirrors, because in the mirror, right left left right right and especially now you look in the other direction and because that's never happened, then you know that that's one of the things that has to do um so once I get the skinniest pieces dry around the edges, then i um and you can use these towels. Then i'm going to go in with a bigger brush and actually dry the bulk area, but i start looking in a super soapy sloppy way. I don't even because i want that product to actually dry into the hair um because it protects it and it's the start that makes the style move. The other thing is um, i said mirrors is one of the things that kind of is a learning curve. The other is products, so until you work with your hair wet to dry, you know working with the hair. What to drive is the only way you learn what products work the best for styling, the hair right one one product will work really well and make things easy and another product will make it miserable and that's just no way around. I do i do, but i'm moving it so you'll notice that i'm kind of doing a swivel thing that keeps keeps the air moving, while i'm always using the nozzle, so that the air is just kind of directed in one spot. And if i it's easier for you to blow dry your own hair, believe it or not than it is for me, because you know you can feel the heat i'm just kind of and my brush and my dryer move together, that's the rhythm! So everywhere my i had no point in brushing without the air and no point do i have the air in the hair without the brush, because that this is where the styling actually begins. I'M pushing the hair in the direction that i think i want it to go when i finish the styling make sense and you can still mold your hair. Molding is easier for um. You know sitting still and actually having your hair dry and especially if you know that you like the outcome of how it you know once you flat iron it when it's molded, that's a fine approach. It'S just it takes more time right. In fact, it's better for the hair um, because it's indirect heat, the hair it dries through a wicking process, not the direct. You know air being put on the hair and they're all kind of molding process. The hair all dries at once. It all gets damp together and all of a sudden, it's all dry, so it's together much better for the hair. If you have the time putting this particular and pulling it back, because it's actually tension that straightens, the hair, not heat. So if you could, i could sit forever if i had all day to stand and just hold this hair like this. Until it dries, it will dry perfectly straight. The heat is hair, whisperer

ms.chelle: I'm binge watching your videos. Can you do a proper blow drying of longer hair, like pass shoulder length?

Kim Evans: What are the names of the products you are using?  Can they be posted under the videos each time you use a specific product/brush/tool?

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