Summer Hairstyles For Curly Frizzy Hair | No Heat Needed |

Hi babes!

These are just some fast, easy & simple hair styles to do for the summer if you have curly, wavy frizzy hair. I hope you like these & it helps a little.

My Curly Hair routine:

Edge brush:

Baby hair/fly away brush:

IG: Jenny.Vee_

Hey guys, what's up, what's good, how you doing it's your girl, jenny, v! Sorry, if my lighting's a little off i'm trying to work with it, but i don't know it's like in and out of making me dark too bright and washing me out. I think it's because my window behind me, but whatever we're just gon na roll with it, but in today's video i'm going to be doing a few hairstyles with no heat for curly, frizzy, hair or wavy frizzy, hair um. I don't know if it would work well with straight hair. I don't actually have straight hair. I have naturally like wavy curly-ish hair. So if you have frizzy hair, this will help especially like, if you don't want um to use heat, and i just hate how humidity like makes your hair all whoosh and also like. I don't want to use gel and mousse and hairspray to damage my hair more. I mean you can as long as you're not doing every day, but maybe i'll do one hairstyle with jelly mousse. Maybe but i've learned to work without it. So in this video, i'm gon na be showing you how i style my hair for the summer, at least. Maybe you use this during other seasons, but this is just helpful for summer, mainly um, so yeah so stick with it if you're interested. If you got this kind of hair, if you want to leave any like hairstyles that you guys do, let me know, but let's move on okay guys. So, as you see, i have my hair and braids. This is one way that helps me a lot with a lot of my hairstyles, especially for the summer time i like to. I will shower at night, and i will braid my hair i'll put them in like pigtails. I can't do french braids, so if you guys can do french braids, that's even better, because this will leave you with like a natural wavy type of hair and like the beachy wave kind of thing, so it works out. I mean it works on my benefit because of some of the hairstyles i could do, but also like it's just like when you take out your hair. It looks good and it's not as crazy, especially how i do it. So when i get out the shower, my hair is damp, not soaking wet. I will put leave-in conditioner, whatever kind you want like i use like cantu, or i just tried this maui one. Any leave-in conditioner is fine. If you want put a little bit of oil but towards really the end, don't put on your top, because your hair is naturally oil on your scalp, so you're just going to look oily and greasy, and you don't want to wash your hair that much um. Also, like you, don't have to wash your hair every day, but you could just spray it with like a spray bottle. I have one on hand, but you also know what i'm talking about or just what, if you want to stick your head under the like the shower head and wet it and then just make it damp and braid it again at night. If you want so before, you braid your hair, put the leave-in conditioner throughout your whole head work it through and make sure you get a good amount in there, because you know you're gon na be sleeping, so some of it's gon na come off and stuff like That you'll be touching your hair when you're braiding it so braid your hair. If you could do french, braids, perfect um, and then, whenever you sleep with it, you can leave your hair like this. If you want, if you don't mind, i mean it is a cute hairstyle, but if you like work in office or you know, like some people be like, oh, this is too young, but look or whatever fine. But you know you can make this work, pull out a hair and it looks cute. You know i wear it sometimes out. I don't mind it, but that this could be a hairstyle, but it's not my time, so it might be a little too high, especially if you have thick hair and a lot like it could be like me when i'm hot and sweaty like i don't want my Hair touching me it's like ugh, so what you can do is after, if you don't want to leave the braids in you know you take them out. Let'S see, look at that, look how pretty that is, and you just like break your hair through and break up the waves, and this is also good like if you want to like go out at night you're going for dinner or something - and you know it's a Little a little cool and also when you're doing the braids. If you part your hair like on the side like me, then make sure you part your hair. The way you would want it before braiding it just so that you can style your hair, how you want it okay and look guys effortless like cute beachy waves like come on. I know beachy, but, like it's cute, tell me not. I love it. You just like work it there. You know, but okay, so this is a hairstyle that you can work with, make it work, but this is more like night, if you don't mind having your hair down. This is perfect and your hair stays like this literally for the rest of the day, the rest of the day like it's, because i have a leave-in conditioner in my hair, and i put enough in don't put a lot on your roots. Remember that is key. Put it and don't put don't put like make sure you get it on there, just don't glob it on, like you would on the rest of your hair, because then it's just gon na look uh. Okay, now we're gon na go to like the real hairstyles. This is just simple, like you know, like effortless like, if you wake up in the morning really early and you just don't, have no time to do your hair and that this this is one good way where it's like well. Take the braids out. Look at me and do your makeup. If you wear makeup and you are good to go like people are gon na be like okay, she did her thing all right now, i'm gon na give you the real hairs. First, look is where i'm gon na twist these and put it back. It'S super simple: it's like you, don't want, if you don't mind having your hair done, but you just don't want in your face because that's my thing like i don't always mind having my hair done. So what i do is is i take oh sugar, we're gon na use a rubber band, but normally i use a clip because i don't feel like getting up to get my clip. So i take this right at the very front. Take a piece and then i take another piece like a little bit lower and i work it and then right next to me: um, okay, yeah and then i will okay. So what i just did is sometimes like. I will bring this back like that or i will grab a piece like kinda in the middle-ish, and i will twist it like this and you can twist it like this from the beginning. If you want - and if i had my clip, i would clip it back here and see so since i don't, i'm gon na have to do a little old school style and hold it in my mouth so and don't mind me improv improvising. I can't say that. Okay and then you're, just gon na repeat it on this side. So since i have my hair in my mouth bear with me on you're gon na see this side i like to take more hair back and then i will pull it back like this and normally i have a clip. So it's easier, but i don't so i'm just taking a rubber band. If you don't have a clip, just use a rubber band and here is a look. I think it's super cute and if you want you could also like do this whole thing. But i like to have just a little bit to cover my ear. You know and then sometimes we make it too tight, just pull a little bit to make it loose if you're using a ponytail and there you go and then that's a look one. If you don't mind your hair down, okay, now we're gon na go on to a look two well two. Okay, now for look two! What you will need is because i'm gon na do that, like half up half down like type of ponytail, so what i do is i use. I don't know what kind of comb this is or brush um, but it looks like this with these bristles. So it's easy to like get the baby hairs down and stuff, and i also use this because this helps, though it's a little crazy dirty but um this one. I got from the dollar, store i've gotten it before at dollar tree i mean from sally's, so you can get it from sally's, walmart, probably cvs, and that, but i got this from the dollar store and it works just the same as the one that i've gotten From sally's this i got from targ marshall's marshalls, i've seen it on amazon. I will try to list products that are similar to these down below okay. So what we're gon na do for this half up half down look is back kind of like if you were going to do like a regular high, ponytail okay. So this is how - and i have to go up like that. Okay, sorry, i'm just making sure the bumps - because it's kind of hard for me to see how it's going, brushing it to make sure it's flat. This helps make it like really slick back and tight, and this will come in handy when i show you like the high ponytail, like the slick back high pony yeah, the stuff you need. I'M saying this. I forget to put my rubber bands on your wrist on my wrist, so you know how like it's easier to like just pull it off like that yeah, so make sure just make sure you get all the bumps like this helps so much when you're doing a High pony, i, like my baby hairs whatever i can get right. I also have done like i pull little strands right here and i curl it if you want to do it like that um, but this is just so. You guys get the idea, something quick and easy, but that is for heat purposes. You know like this is for this. Video is like, if you don't want to use any heat in your hair. Okay, now this will help smooth okay, so you're gon na try to put it as high as you can. Okay and then, if you have any bumps, you know you take the brush, you could use either or but this one by the time you're up to this part, you want to use this and i'll help. I normally have a breath rat tooth comb i'll insert a picture, so you get an idea because that helps so much too like it helps better than that. A wooden handle brush okay. So i used two rubber bands um, so i use the thick one first, okay, and then you pull on it to make it tighter. Also, what you could do is that i didn't do that will help is to get a spray bottle and just wet it so that it's easier to make it tight. Okay, you can make it higher than this. I don't want mine too tight. Oh too high not too tight, too high and like this is how i would do it, and i would take a piece from under here: okay and then you wrap it around your little ponytail, okay and some people use bobby pins. I just use a skinny rubber band and i just wrap it around and then you just move the hair open, the rubber band once you have it there and you tuck the little piece of hair under the rubber band and there you go y'all. It'S cute noticeable. Half ariana grande kind of vibes, except it's not as high, but i like it. You know like if you're, okay, with having your hair down but like this, helps pull it back and it's cute. I think it's cute, i mean wet a little bit. If you don't want this volumized, but i like it like this - maybe wet a little bit and put some leave-in conditioner, but this works for me on to the next hairstyle okay. So there are two hairstyles left. This is the third one, i'm pretty sure all right. So, third, fourth, i don't know but okay, so i just took out that half up half down pony but now we're gon na go to the higher, looks okay. So what i like to do so i got so i got my spray bottle because i was like you know what i need to give y'all the real full look can't be half in it. You know half bootying it so i'mma spray right here, i'm not gon na drench, my hair, but i'm definitely gon na like make it damp. And then i'm gon na take this brush and brush back okay and then flip it over, because we are making a high a high slick back tight ponytail, and this is what you definitely need to use like more than one rubber band. To make sure it's super tight and secure and stuff okay, so i'm going to make sure like all this is sleek. Okay. This is what else okay and see having these waves from the braids. It helps because it gives us some style and you didn't add heat. I mean if you have straight hair, this works, but i'm not straightening my hair in the summer, because it's kind of pointless at the same time, okay, you can make it higher, but i'm not really a fan of making my hair too high. So the last one is a high pony like a sock bun, but you don't need a sock. You don't need that little thing that, like you, could help you do the sock bun, it's a faux sock, bun, bun um and you don't need bobby pins. My uh, my old roommate she i sucked at doing buns like i would just do a messy bun and that's all i could do like. I was just like because, if i did like what i thought a regular bum would be it looked dumb, so she used to do my buns and she showed me how she would do the bun as like. It would look like a sock button and she didn't have to use that though, so what she did is she said, put your hair in a high pony, and then you twist your hair, and you twist it right in the angle that you want to go in And okay, so you wrap it right, you could do it loose wrapping right or you could do it really tight, whichever you prefer, because you do really tight. It'S like that, but that's not so much a sock button so to make it kind of like soft, bun. Ish when you like twist it loosely twist it so that when you go down, you wrap it and then you get a little bobby pin or a rubber band. But a bobby pin is easier just to like hold it in place and you put it in and you got the sophisticated bun look see it's like not exactly like a sock bun. That'S what i call a faux sock. Bun. Look because this is pretty close. It looks really good honestly and like if you want that sophisticated look like y'all hey what is up and it it your hair is out of your face. Oh my god. Oh sorry, y'all, i don't have the acn, so you guys could hear me better because i hate hearing that sound in the back of my videos - i'm like, oh, my god, so annoying so i'm working with it off. That'S why i might look a little hot, but yeah, so that is the like faux sock, bun type of look. You could also do like a little pony, but i wanted to do this so like the ponytail and like the sock bun. I personally do when i am like, because i wash my hair two times a week so like when i'm on, like the third day or whatever um, or sometimes i wash my hair once a week. Summertime though it's like, i need to wash it more, but at least twice, but if i'm doing it once a week, i buy this like third or fourth day. I will have um put my hair in a ponytail, and then you know when it starts to get oily and greasy. What i like to do is when i put it in the bun, and i know i'm going to wash it that night or the next day. I will put leave-in conditioner and oils in my hair so like it's in there all day and it's like cooking kind of you know, and so, when you wash it out like you're, treating your hair at the same time like um, you can use like deep conditioner. They would put deep conditioner, leave-in, conditioner, oils and stuff my method of like the day of that you're washing hair day before type of hairstyle, that you do it perfect. Now, i'm gon na see if i can like pull out the hairs. That concludes for today's video. You know, i hope this gave you guys a little bit like you guys, probably like. We already knew these hairy styles, but, like maybe you didn't know how to dress it up. Maybe you didn't know like how to do a good, tight slick back, pony or bun that faux button, though i know, helps some people, because that helped me and then, but these ideas are like good ideas and good ideas of not using heat to do it. You know also like, if you've seen my curly hair routine. You would know that um, you could use that as well. If you didn't want to do the braids and you're the type of person that likes to take showers every morning and stuff like that, then you could just do that without using a diffuser, just put a leave in conditioner and stuff in your hair and do these Hairstyles that works just the same. I will try to link that video down below if you're unsure, and you want to know how to take care of your curly hair and not have it frizzy i'll leave it down below. But on that note guys make sure to give this video a thumbs up. Leave a comment share and, if you're not yet subscribed, what are you waiting for go subscribe right now. I hope you guys enjoyed this video until next time. Bye, guys

Dine with Duddess: Just stunning and loving your yellow nails New friend here

KhayyNy -: I love your hair

Zama Ngema: New subbie here love the hairstyles ..they look really good

Sanaya Diamonds 💎: All the hairstyles look great on u

Vibe With Cassie: Ive dead never thought of using leave in conditioner LMFAO i always use regular conditioner im terrible . Your foundation looks flawless boo & highlight on fleek periodd . That pink & black brush is mad cuteee .

Chika Glory: I love your content

KhayyNy -: I get so excited when you upload

Jason Mackesey Fitness: Great video

tasha shaback: wow i really like your hair

Marilyn’s Family Vlog: I’m here watching

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