How To: Heatless Curls! (With Flexi Rods)

Yay for heatless curls tutorial! :D Hope you guys like it.



I couldn't find the ebay store i bought the flexi rods from, but maybe you can get them off amazon here

Hey guys so today I am going to be doing a heatless, curls hairstyle tutorial for you. In my last video I had some curls in my hair and you guys are just so awesome. I think around 3/4 of the comments were commenting on my curls and requesting that I do a heatless curls hairstyle tutorial. So I decided that I would do one for you guys today so to curl. My hair, I used flexi rods and flexi rods are basically just flexible. Stick with some foam wrapped around them. It kind of looked like snakes or something, and the reason I like Keys and flexi rods is because one they require no heat, and you guys know that. I don't like using any heat in my hair because I'm trying to keep it as long and healthy as possible, and the second reason I really like them is because they are super super cheap. I think for a couple packets and only cost me a couple dollars. I bought mine off eBay, but you can get them off Amazon off eBay at your local beauty supply shop and you can get different sizes, there's a bunch of different sizes. I got the orange one and the grey one, I'm not sure the exact size of these, but I will put it right here and yeah. I just really really like them. So I'm going to get into the tutorial right now and I hope you enjoy it all right. So I'm first going to start by brushing out my very long Mane with my trusty wooden brush and then I will just apply a little bit of argan oil into my ends and I just think that it makes my curls come out a bit more soft and Shiny and lustrous now I'm going to start putting in the rollers. I don't really have a specific way that I section off my hair. I just kind of do it the lazy way and grab whatever hair is available, but I do try and do the top portion of my hair first. So the crown of my hair first and then I do the bottom section after and I'll just mention that that spray that I was just putting in my hair is just water in a bottle. I just kind of like to damp in my hair a bit while I'm curling it, because I find that the curls come out a bit better. I'M sure some of you can do this with fully wet hair, but you know I have very long thick hair and if I was to curl my hair right out of the shower, I would wake up the next morning and it would still be damp and wet. So here's a little close-up shot for you guys, as you can see, I'm just twisting the end of my hair around the rod and then rolling up, and once I get to the top of my head, I will just bend the ends of the roller over and Secure my hair in place also a lot of people just twist their hair around the rod like this there's so many ways you can actually use these flexi rods, I'm just showing you today the way that I did it the other day to achieve the curls. In my previous video, but you can just play around and find what works best with your hair and I'm using the orange and the grey flexi rods today. So I usually put the orange ones kind of closer to my face to kind of frame my face because it's a smaller rod and then I do the gray ones around the back of my head. So I am going to just quickly speed this up for you and I will see you in a minute all right. So now I have all my hair in the curlers and I just usually pinned these bangs back because they drive me a bit crazy and then I just spritz my hair with a little bit of water to dampen it up and oh, oh, how did that clip? Get in there, I am sorry about that, so this is what they will look like and now I am just going to go to sleep and I will see you in the morning when I take them out good night. You you

Purple Puppy: Wow those curls look gorgeous, kinda better than iron curls. Im sick of putting all this heat in my hair just to end up with dissapointing curls and burnt fingers occassionally. I can finally have curls without frying my precious locks

R .Lapointe: Sarah, thanks for making all these great videos! You really brighten my day! You are such a beautiful energy on YouTube! Many thanks for your constant inspiration!

holistichabits: Thank you so much for watching them!! I'm so happy you like them :) I plan on doing a skincare series eventually :)

Meg Meg: Beautiful eyes. Thank you for the tutorial! :)

水森茉莉: This is my ideal hairstyle !!!! Thank you for the tutorial!!!!

Jennifer Bond: Thanks so much!! I did this for my daughter for her school picture day and it came out great!!

holistichabits: I definitely would love to do a video on this topic! Yes I am happy a lot, but I also get down as well. In fact today was one of those days. Life is a pendulum. You need to feel cold to know what warmth is, you need to experience dark to know what light is, and you certainly need to know what sadness is to fully appreciate happiness. And when you feel sad remember EVERYTHING gets better. it 100% always does. But yes, I will try and make a video with some tips <3 :)

holistichabits: Yes!! do it :D I know I haven't done these curls in awhile cause can be lazy when it comes to styling my hair LOL but now I think I will do them more often!

Michelle Brumwell: So beautiful! Amazing hair! Thanks so much for posting!

88sjp88sjp88: My hair is so thick and a curling iron never works. Thank you for this tutorial! I purchased the flexi rods and my hair is bouncy and full, without heat :)

Tanya Jundt: Hello, I absolutely love your videos and tips! I stumbled across them while looking for a holistic way to whiten my teeth. Since then I have watched almost all your videos and now do oil pulling regularly! I tried this heatless curl method with no luck :( I think my hair is too fine for these rollers, not to mention they are so big and bulky, ugh, how do you sleep in them?! Anyway, In my quest for heatless curls I came across Bantu Knots! Works like a charm and I would be interested to see you do a video on them :) Happy curling!

Maddy Limee: THANK GOODNESS!!! I've found heartless curls done by someone with thick hair like me, my hair is so hard to do some of these with because it's heavy and it's so much to try and put up but this helped a lot ❤️

Anna Castillo: I'm convinced to go heatless!! Thank you for your tutorial! !

holistichabits: It's actually a dress! I got it at H&M a couple years ago :) I just thought it suited the fancy curly hair theme :P haha. Thanks for watching!

Maisie Patricia: I love this, it looks so natural and pretty :)

About Christina: Those curls look great! I will definitely try and get those flex rods & give this a try. I usually just braid (or plait) my hair when its wet, and it creates waves, but would love to be able to have nice bouncy curls instead :)

sasafoo98: Updated haircare routine please! Your hair is so incredibly gorgeous! Love your videos <3

Mendy Duchan: Thank you so much!  I just bought these for 10 yr old for a dance competition.  I did them exactly how you suggested!  Appreciate it!

littleHelper2012: I will be so happy to share this video with my 3 precious girls ! GREAT VIDEO! Thank you.

ely: Oh my god you're absolutely gorgeous!! And your hair is amazing ^-^ thanks for the tutorial

Constance Goldwing: "oh how did that clip get in there" GIRL YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE RIOT. I LOVE YOU

Joana: New Subscriber! Great Job on this video tutorial. I just love the way you demonstrate how to use the flexi rods! I will be trying this soon!

TheJoyOfPiano: You are absolutely beautiful! And I envy you! Lol! Could you make a video like "a day in the life of Sarah" and take us through your day and any daily routines? That would be awesome to watch! Thanks! :)

peachandjess123: This looks so gorgeous on you!!

Steelalchemist: I just wanted to say thank you for this tutorial! Your smile is gorgeous

SmartyPants519: Thanks so much for making this video! I purchased some flexi-rods a while ago, but I could never get them to work. But I'm going to try this way and I have a good feeling it will work :)

Alyssa Weyland: Such a helpful video! Your hair is so beautiful!

Tiffany Griesbach: Your hair looks so healthy <3

Natalie Willcox: Love your videos!! will definitely be trying this :)

Just Li: Once I stopped using a lot of heat on my hair and quit washing it so much it became so healthy and is in the middle of my back. Trying these rods! Great vid

BlueEyes2596: I adore your videos! You always give such inspiring advise and useful information, naturally! I was wondering, could you make a video on your skin care routine? You don't have to reply (although I think it's awesome that you usually do!) I just thought I'd put in a request! Thanks for taking the time to make such wonderful videos. :)

Yanran He: You give me hope! My hair is as long and as thick, I thought it is impossible to curl my hair

Kelly Lin: You are so gorgeous! More makeup tutorials please :)

holistichabits: Thanks! my shortest length was about past my shoulders, and one thing I loved was how wavy and voluminous my hair was!! but now that it's longer it's super heavy and hangs more straight :( But I still rather have long hair! hehe

Amanda Landaverde: This is wonderful! I just subscribed and I noticed that your skin looks flawless! Could you possibly do a video on skincare? :)

Hass An: You're gorgeous! Thanks for the tutorial :)

holistichabits: it was at my shortest length, which was underneath my shoulders! And for reference it is now a bit past my belly button. so it grew quite a bit! it varies for everyone i think. don't let the 3 years scare you, because my hair felt long after around a year or two. but I just mean it took three years since I started actually concentrating on making it long xoxo

Vivian Chen: Your hair is so beautiful just like the rest of you!! Stay gold! Comment if you hey the reference How long do the curls stay in?

lisa: your hair looks amazing and so pretty! thx so much for this video

Taylor Ashley: these curls are gorgeous!

Keely Nguyen: Love it! Do the curls last all day or do you still have to add hairspray? If you use any product like a hair spray I would love to know what kind you use!

Jules London: This is great! Love your videos! I randomly found your videos today when looking at natural mascara videos..(odd!) and I've been slowly ditching heat on my hair for awhile now.. but was afraid to say goodbye to my curling iron. I have a love-hate relationship with it, because I burn myself a lot.. so I am going to try this! I have one question though! What brand Argan oil do you recommend? I am having a hard time finding it.. and it's surprisingly expensive!

Stephanie: I have to try this! Thank you!! My hair are soooo messed up right now. I am trying to be more gentle with them because I dye them every 3 months for the past 15 years and now... omg... they are angry at me ahah! No more heat or bad products in my hair for now on! :D

IceRose13M: You can also use socks or plastic bendy straws the same way, and just tie the ends together once.  They're still reusable and are cheaper than rollers. :)

PrettyGirlNikka: What an amazing video!!!!!! I Loved the tutorial :0) Thanks!

XOLorena: You're literally the prettiest girl i have ever seen.

bieberswag1o6: Wow I love those curls! They look so pretty on you, I wish I could have long hair like you

Karsyn Smith: I have to say what everyone is thinking. You're stunningly beautiful! Your eyes are very pretty, as well as your hair's color and length. You're practically a model!!!

Alexis Campbell: So simple! I love it. Btw you're gorgeousss

Beauty Girliez: The curls are so pretty!! My hair is shorter so when I curl it it looks really short

Jennifer A: I've tried these before and they slid out of my superfine, medium length hair.  Any thoughts on using them with finely textured hair?

stardustonmyheart: I subscribed today. Love all your videos!!! You are proof that organic stuff can be cool too!

holistichabits: yes, very easy! :P Thanks for watching xo

Lexi Riesenberg: Your hair looks gorgeous. Please do a makeup tutorial showing how you use your natural and organic products - your eye makeup looked amazing in that video!

Emiliya R.: I love your videos you're so beautiful and such a big inspiration for me, thank you :)

Tina: Stunning curly hair!

LG: Yay. That was so easy. Loved it

Irma Ledesma: my hair is being curled by flexi rods right now and its amazing they curl a lot better than braids and faster than braids

Tara Rose: I love that you smile as you are rolling your hair up. Very lovely curls!

holistichabits: You are so very welcome! :) I'm glad you are liking the videos and trying the tips! Your hair will be healthy in no time. Thanks so much for commenting!

Dakiniwoman: Thanks so much... this is a great video... and gave me confidence to curl my own hair...

Nat G: Your hair is absolutely beautiful! You're perfection! <3

lizmorcs3223: Cute video. Will be trying this. Just stopped using any heat on my hair so this is a healthy alternative for me to style. Thanks for the idea.

Yassuhh: Yes, please do an updated healthy hair video! :)

Kayla: your hair is so pretty! I just put flexi rods in my hair, but i just twisted the hair around instead of wrapping it all the way up. I'm going to try it the way you did next time because it was hard to keep the ends from popping out.

Aarya Dayanand: I just got flexi rods today and I hope my first try comes out like this omw it's beautiful!

P. A.: your hair is so gorgeous! did you fully lighten your hair with the honey or did you use other products?

Mary Waters: I was just amazed with the outcome! I enjoy watching your videos :D

Allison Victoria: this is awesome, your hair is so gorgeous!

sophia scaccia: Just bought some off amazon for $5.07 and free shipping! I got the orange ones thank you so much for this video!

Thrive: What a beautiful effect! I need to get some flexi rods!

SingForHisGlory: You look soo beautiful with curly hair!!! ♥♥♥ ☺

Linnie Murdoch: I love it! Definitely getting them.

Lindsay Leigh: Love you!! Ps After watching your kombucha video i have been making it successfully for a few weeks now!! Thank you so much <3

ewypk: I have no idea how I came across your videos, but I'm so glad I did! All of your videos are so lovely and inspiring, I watch them at the end of my work day to calm me down/ put me in a better mood hehe :) I love your jewelry in all your videos, and I'm wondering where you got the green dress at the end of this one? Maybe you could do a video showing your jewelry/clothing, you seem to have beautiful style! Xo

holistichabits: Yes, I will be working on one soon!!

jessica dudley: I really really love your curls they are so beautiful.

E T: Beautiful curls and great tutorial! Thanks for posting :) The curls really suit you. What kind/brand of Flexi rods are these? The Amazon link doesn't work. I'd love to know, thanks!

holistichabits: that's awesome! Heatless is the best :) Thanks for watching

Noushin pnz: That's an amazing way!!! Thanks so much!!

Mandy4578: I don't use heat on my hair either- your hair looks gorgeous by the way!

lemonhoneyicedtea: Please do a morning & nighttime skin regime video!! :) thumbs up so she can see!! Pretty please :) you are awesome!!

Sarah Rose: Hey Sarah!! I simply love your hair!! I remember having problems with these roller things. They wouldn't hold my hair for some reason. I guess mine were too small -.-

holistichabits: Hi! This is such a sweet comment :) It's so awesome to hear that my videos can help calm you/put you in a better mood! I actually have a video planned where i am going to show my gemstone jewelry collection, so I will definitely get that done soon for you! xoxo

holistichabits: Yep, I just shower and let it air dry! I don't like the feeling of product in my hair. I sometimes put a bit of oil into the ends once it's dried though :)

Brown Eyes: Your result was beautiful. I'm buying some flexi rods. Right now I wear my hair wavy, but I am ready for some curls. :^]

Ashley Morganic: They came out awesome! Def going to have to get myself some of these

Subbox Junkie: Wow that looks so pretty ! I want those rods.

K. G.: Thank you for all your wonderful videos :) They are very helpful! I was wondering if you have one about eye brows, and if not... if you could make one ? I really like yours and always mess mine up a bit.

holistichabits: yes definitely get some! hope they turn out :)

gingerglitter4ever: do you have any tips for keeping your hair detangled? My hair is long and curly and i find having it down a real struggle because it knots up in my neck all the time... thank you!! x

Mata Hari: I soooo want curls like that!

holistichabits: Yeah! They work well with my hair! xoxo

Ana Carolina Oliveira: how does it feel to wake up, look at yourself in the mirror and see someone so beautiful looking back at you? You are stunning, your beauty comes from ! I watch all your videos and I looove your them, they are so helpful! Greetings from Brazil!

Patrik Stjerne: you are now my new biggest beauty inspiration! love you

fallingwinter28: OMG I love your straight hair! Can you do a video on straight hair(no heat)?

Bonbon Leo: nice curls, your hair is really beautiful and healthy-looking

Alison Postma: So beautiful! :D

Kelly Hudson: How long do the curls stay in for?

Skaidra: Currently trying to sleep with flexi rods in my hair...hopefully my hair will turn out like yours in the morning!! Great video!!

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