Braid Hair Tutorial For Straight Hair || How To Get Natural Beach Waves Overnight.

Braid Hair Tutorial For Straight Hair || How To Get Natural Beach Waves Overnight.

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Liv Kristina Channel is updated with a new video. This video is

About Braid Hair Tutorial For Straight Hair.

Today’s video is on this wavy heatless hairstyle! I love doing these so I can avoid further damaging my hair and this is such an easy and quick one to do!  

Today I'm going to show you how to achieve this pretty 'Sleep-in braid Beachy Wave' hair tutorial and how to maintain the style for up to some days using some of my favourite products!

This can be a completely heatless hairstyle, - you can braid at the top of your head instead. This will help to create more waves. 

Hair braiding is all about creating a natural-looking texture. Before you ask—no, braiding isn’t bad for your hair, as long as you handle your strands with care. Of course, the perfect method to braiding hair is dependent on your hair type.

Thanks for watching the video.Hope you enjoyed the whole video. How to braid straight hair to make it curly. Share your experience in the comment section.


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IC Hair Polisher Serum + Shine Spray

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#wavy hair


#beach waves

# Liv Kristina





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Evening guys, let's start with prepping the hair you're gon na, want to prep it a little bit, maybe run your favorite serums through it um, you know, do whatever else. You'D normally do before bed, preferably as well you're going to want to do this method on hair. That is i'd, say, maybe 80 to 90 percent dry, so pretty much the top of my hair, so my roots are completely dry and then it's just for the most part through the ends that take a little while longer to dry thoroughly. All you're going to need are four of these little see-through bands and um. I think if we clip it with bobby pins, just because i feel like that's the most easily accessible most of you guys will have bobby pins or some kind of clips that you can use, or you can just sleep with them down it's entirely up to you. Basically, what we're gon na do and what i always do whenever my hair is wet in the early stages of drying even or semi-dry, like my hair is at the moment. Well, my hair is pretty much uh 90 right at the moment. I will get my brush and i'll do this to kind of smooth away any flyaway roots, but i never brush my hair when it's wet. I never take my brush and drag it through the ends when it's wet. No, no. I literally brush like this much and if you notice that you have flyaways frizz at your root, i do that just to tame that portion of my hair so that when it dries, it isn't fly away and frizzy, but you can also use. I believe it's called uh john frieda frizzy's, it's like a cream and you can pop some of that on as well. That'S really good, so i do recommend that okay, we're just gon na prep our hair. So i'm going to run a little bit of my favorite serum, just through my hair and um. If you find that your hair really is unmanageable when it's wet and you just can't get through it, try just breaking it. Apart with your fingers, my hair generally generally tends to get naughtier down the bottom like down here. It will get quite a bit naughtier, so i like to have serum there or concentrate more serum. There then we'll take some of our shine spray mist i'll be looking over here, just because there's a mirror, and that is generally how i prep my hair anyway. This is pretty much all of the products that i use for my hair care routine. If you guys watch my channel on a regular basis, you'll know that already and now what we're gon na do - and you can do two braids. If you like, plug this plait this and leave it there call it a day, go to bed sweet dreams, but no we're gon na be doing four at three. Can you guys do this by the way without moving this finger a day? I can't do it on this side anyway. Side note we're gon na be doing four today. So take your two sections and if you want, if you think you'll find it easier feel free to tie one section away, you want it to be relatively the same thickness. But if it's not it's not really the end of the world. So if i just time this bit and then it's not going to get in our way and then all we're going to do you guys put your fingers, you see what i'm doing with my fingers, poke it through your hair. That will separate it into three strands and then plastic, i'm going to start with the bit, that's closest and they can be as loose or you can make them tighter. It'S entirely up to you and we're basically just going to continue to do this with all of our sections of hair, so essentially we're going to be left with four plaits all along our hair. If you find that you're getting down the bottom and there's not enough hair to spare, grab your hair, where it is you're almost like stopping the plait here and then you're just going to basically carry it on as three separate ones and start again without losing what You'Ve already done, there is gon na, be a slight kink, you're gon na notice, where you've had to do that. But sometimes you just run out of hair or it starts getting too thin, especially when you get down the bottom. So that's just a good little tip of how to keep it quite cohesive, all the way down. Then you want to try and get it as low to the ground as possible to the ground, to the end of your hair as much as you possibly can, and then you can just secure it tie it with one of these and the reason i recommend using The invisible ones it's because they're really thin um they're, not you know it's not like a big bulky. Hairband like this, for example, that's gon na be sticking into your side at night or the back of your neck and it's easier to pin as well when there's less bulk, okay cool. So your first layer, your first plait, is just gon na look like this and it's a normal plant. It'S a normal braid and now we're gon na repeat the same on this side, and i obviously have some shorter layers for my tragic home haircut. So just take that into account when you're separating your hair - and we are just going to continue this process all the way down. You are, if you've got layers you're, naturally going to have some that poke out. Probably gon na have to do the same method on this bit of hair, because you can see that this strand is way thinner than this so spray it out. It can be a bit finicky, especially if you don't quite get the hang of it first time, but you will just keep trying it. The hair movements will still will soon feel natural because heatless curls really mainly or waves, even beach waves. Whatever you want to call this, they mainly just require time to set, so you don't even necessarily have to do it on hair, that's wet! You could do it on hair, that's dry as well, so you're going to be left with something that looks like this. Basically, all we've done is braided two bits: two sections of our hair and we're gon na repeat that on this side too, i'm just gon na do it off camera, because it's quicker and these lights are making me feel ill. So i'll be right back, okay, so you're gon na be left with something that looks or should look something that looks like this. So all we've done is just sprayed our hair into four separate sections and that's it so now we you can you might find this comfortable to sleep in or so. If we grab the two at the back, you can literally just get some bobby pins and pin them like this. I'M gon na use these hair grips just because they're uh thicker than bobby pins. For me, personally, you know they're fine to sleep in because you're not going to be sleeping on the top part of your head. Naturally, if you've got bobby pins by all means, use bobby pins, you're just going to need to use a few more of them and i'd recommend kind of doing them in a cross so that they kind of double up on themselves and secure the plait in place. There you go you're going to want to go to bed now, i'm going to want to go to bed now, because i'm tired - and we all know that i'm an old woman at heart, so um, i'm gon na, do my nighttime routine go to bed and then I will show you guys the results in the morning. Bye, hey guys. This next part is cursed. Also, i'm aware that i deep throat my straws, it's because i don't want to stain my teeth and it's a running joke among my friends that i deep throw my straws anyway, this footage corrupted, which is why i'm doing a voice over in this next part and I'Ll go into that slightly more detail, but here i'm basically telling you guys to scrap the bit that i told you about popping your hair up in bobby pins or clips. And if you don't already have one of these head wraps, then i strongly suggest investing in one because they're extremely useful, especially for when you do heatless, hair or, if you're interested in heatless, hair and you'd quite like to incorporate it sort of full time into your Hair care, routine, they're so much easier to sleep in they go on a lot easier, slightly finicky, but you will get the hand movement down eventually, but they just secure it. They secure all of the braids all of the plaits um, any type of braid or plait. Really and they're just so much more comfortable to sleep in in my opinion, and they stay put so this portion is just me kind of showing you how to do that um, i would have been talking about it had i have had sound so basically, i will Tell you what happened. I had to film the rest of the clips here that you're, seeing now on my iphone, which is why the quality is slightly poorer and the quality would have been better. But then i also had to do a screen recording from the video that i filmed on my iphone because it just would not import into imovie. So somehow, after importing it into my photos and then screen recording it, the quality is kind of tipped even further. So, apologies, i don't know what happened i filmed on my iphone because my camera was having a technical issues of its own. Oh by the way here i am taking my plaits out if you uh, if you hadn't noticed which you would have done anyway. So i filmed on my iphone because my camera was having its own issues and then, when i tried to import the footage into imovie to start with it, just wouldn't let me now. Normally i will just airdrop my files. I don't know if the total length of this video, it was about 16 minutes and obviously then you cut it down to maybe about three um. You know i don't know if that was just too long or too much of a larger file to be able to airdrop, but basically my iphone wouldn't recognize my imac, so i couldn't airdrop anything and then because that wouldn't happen, i thought. Okay, no problem. Let me just import it into imovie and for some weird reason: it just wouldn't upload correctly. Every time it would display it would just be a black file and um like a blank file, but the the image itself would be black. So, just basically saying that you need to try and redownload it from the original source which it just wouldn't. Let me do. I have no idea why so then i had to import it into my photos, app um and then perform a screen recording from quicktime. I believe it's called so it's been a warning. It'S been a morning for definite, but here i am just kind of showing you the finished product. I would recommend not don't brush your hair out. You guys just run your fingers through it. If you can um, you might want to brush out the ends slightly if they're a bit - i don't know if they're not to your liking and maybe smooth away any flyaways that you get at the top of your hair. So you can certainly do that, but don't brush through the actual waves themselves, because it's just going to go frizzy and that's basically all i was saying in this video, so you haven't missed much, don't worry! You did miss bo, though, unfortunately, when i was screen recording my screensaver came on because i was downstairs making some porridge and the screen went blank, so that was the bit that had blown it apologies, but anyway you guys um. Hopefully you enjoyed this video. I know it's probably not the best, but i have made a vow to remain consistent, so you're, just gon na have to deal with it, i'm afraid anyway um. I hope you guys have a much better morning afternoon or evening wherever you are - and i would most definitely see you in my next video next week - take care guys bye. Oh no, i said bye too early. Okay, bye,

Soni Fashion Trends: Thank you for the video. My daughter has very long thick hair and we are always trying to find different braid techniques to get curls in her hair without using heat. I would love to see videos on balms and other hair braiding techniques. We love your videos.

Lesley Elder: Beautiful hair it always looks so healthy

Jazmin 💗: Started doing this after watching this video I love how my hair turns out. Perfect waves every time I brush it all out spray a protein treatment and oil my ends before braiding it.

Sadie & P.: OH my gosh.. First off, loving the long video, your voice and presence is so relaxing and grounding! I just love it. Secondly, I KNEW I had less hair then you, but I literally have half as much as you do! I can get this look with only two braids if you know what I mean.. Lol

Nicole Elizabeth: I always get happy to see you’ve posted a new video. I hope you’ve been doing well!

Kandi Bokros: I'm always doing this I usually do more braids, but it's such a nice style for moms who's mornings are busy. One less step in my routine, and super voluminous wavy/curly hair, always getting compliments also if you have very fine hair, using a sea salt texture spray helps so much.

Mountains ;): Your voice is so satisfying i love your voice and your hair is beautiful ❤️

Analise Martinez: I love her hair color ❤

creepy-kitty: This is the best way to protect and also style your hair. P.s what the weird tapping noise about?

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