10 Unpopular Opinions About Your Hair (Don'T Hate Me For These!) From A Hair Loss/Damage Suffer

My 10 controversial opinions about hair!

Curly Girl? 00:57

Too much Olaplex? 02:37

Middle Parts 03:15

Flat Hair Problems 04:01

Too many products 04:49

We don't know how much to wash our hair 05:33

Prediction: hair height 06:57

Prediction: a hair loss cure 07:35

People want to be told what to do 08:30

Hair routines: Necessary or overrated? 09:58

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0:00 Introduction

0:59 Curly Girl Method looks bad... on wavy hair

2:40 We use way too much Olaplex

3:16 Middle part is gettin' old

4:02 Hair is too flat

5:39 We don't know how much to wash our hair

5:57 deep color

6:58 Hair is going up

7:37 There won't be a cure for hair loss

8:32 People want to be told exactly what to do

9:59 Hair routines are overrated

It'S 11 a.m, as i'm recording this and i'm having my 11 a.m, cappuccino debating on whether i should actually film this and i'm gon na. Do it. Okay, i pride myself on making good decisions, but sometimes i want to shake things up: okay, so what i'm gon na do and why i'm sort of maybe sensing some hesitation for me is that i'm going to talk about 10 unpopular opinions about hair - and this is Not really me, i'm not really one for the salty take, but i'm gon na go into it today, because i'm just i'm feeling like i'm just feeling like letting loose a little bit, let's just hop right into what i think is an unpopular opinion. I'M reading from my phone, because i cannot possibly memorize all of this and i refuse to teleprompt. I don't know if you know this, but a lot of youtubers write their scripts and use a whole teleprompter, and i just cannot get into that life. I want to keep this like a conversation where it's kind of more spontaneous and when i think of things, i want to be able to say them and not feel like. I have to follow the script, although i think things would be a bit more polished if it were a script and maybe a little less erratic. I am william. What can i say? Curly girl looks bad if you don't have a curlier hair texture. The products look heavy and the waves can look undefined and there's no volume at the top of the head. Some people just need to reset. Yes, i wrote that when i was thinking about this - and i think that it is true - i have dabbled in the curly girl world but being a wavy. I think if you have truly curly hair, it can look amazing and does look amazing and definitely looks better than having frizzy sort of curls. I think we can all agree on that, but there's a huge section of wavies out there, where i feel like curly girl, the method and if you don't know what that is, it's just readily available for you to look up. It'S like specific shampoos. You have to use a specific sort of way of washing conditioning, brushing and adding products to your hair. It is just so involved, i feel like a modified curly girl for wavies for wavy. Haired, ladies, is the way to go. A lot of people have a lot of beautiful success if you have wavy, hair and you're making it work for you by all means, i'm sure it's looking great better than the alternative, but i feel like for a lot of wavies the content creators here on youtube Kind of moved away from making content strictly about it, because i feel that they kind of maybe wanted the flexibility to have some different looks. I know i certainly did and the other problem with the curly girl method is. It shows a lot of your scalp. I don't know if you guys are aware of that. That'S great! If you have super dense super curly hair, it will hide that. But if you have just sort of wavy hair - and you don't have a ton of hair, i think that just a lot of scalp shows and kind of can emphasize - maybe not hair loss, but maybe just like less dense hair. That'S my thought. So i feel like it's sort of waning in popularity, and i feel like it doesn't always look great like i said for the reasons here, it doesn't always have enough volume in the top. It kind of can look limp and it sometimes looks bad. A few days later, so i feel like it's just overrated, i guess is how i would sum that up. My other unpopular opinion is that people use too much eloplex shampoo and conditioner and treatments when they do use it, and then they complain that it's too heavy. Well, of course, it is because you're, probably just using a too much in your hands, so just cut down on the amount you use and maybe just like massively cut down on the frequency. I think, if you do that, you will actually find that if you have quite damaged hair, it is actually beneficial just keep it as on the lower side or use it actually. As it says, it does have a description of how to use it on there and just follow the description, because some of the shampoo, the conditioner, are one thing, but the other treatments sometimes are just like a once a week type thing and i think people use Them too frequently, so definitely don't use it more than what they say. My next top take is that the middle part has been around for too long way way too long. Now it has been, i think, maybe a decade. I did a whole video about this, which i hope you find interesting. I really dug into the history um going back to like early christianity of this middle part with long hair. It has been around a long time and i'm not saying it's been popular since then. Necessarily, but i feel like it's time to move back to the side parts that give you more volume stuff like that, the middle part, while easy, you know you just part it in the middle and don't worry about it. Kind of thing has been around so long that i feel like it kind of everybody thinks that they can wear it, but i think some people would actually suit a side part better. So that is my hot take on the middle part. I still wear it sometimes, but i feel like it's it's time for something new. My next hot take kind of has to do with the middle part of it all it has to do with it really flat straightened hair. It looks bad on most people, just gon na put it out there. Most people look good with a little bit of volume in their hair. I'M not saying it has to be teased up, i'm not saying it has to be up out and huge or the higher. The hair, the closer to god, no, i just mean a little bit, i feel, like the very very flat ironed hair was sort of huge in the 90s. So if you didn't know that you'll know that now and it kind of never really left, but it is just not as softening and flattering as higher hair was even in the 70s. I just didn't feel like that extremely flat. Hair really was super super flattering to everybody: it suits models, of course, but anything suits models. I think for us, average jane's, a little bit of volume, is actually overall a better look more flattering and will look good in pictures. You know 10 years down. The line have you ever noticed that people that have the best looking hair when you ask them about the what they do to their hair, they have they use so few things you're like what how's that even possible. That'S my next point. I think that the more things that you put on your hair, the more things you do to your hair, the more things you put on your hair, oftentimes, the worse it looks, the more products you layer on the more different things, you're just constantly frantically trying the Worse, your hair actually looks oftentimes, it's the people with the simplest routines whose hair looks the best. So there are many reasons for this: i'm not going to like rag on people for doing this, because i certainly do it too. You know i test products here, so i'm guilty person number one, but i think there really is something to be said for keeping it simple and sort of building from there, just with the minimum amount necessary of product of different things that you're doing um. I really do think that less is more when it comes to hair and it comes to hair care. I don't think you should wash your hair every day, and i know that that is a popular thing to do and i don't think you should wash your hair once a week. I know that that is also another popular thing to do. I think you should wash your hair as much as you want to wash your hair as much as feels right and you feel is a good balance for you, and we know that you can wash your hair every day. There'S nothing wrong with doing that per se. Almost maybe not the best, if you have a really dense color or something like that, and there are probably a lot of other reasons why you shouldn't watch every wash every day, but for a lot of us, it's totally suitable to do that. I say this from having learned it from dermatologists here on youtube and you can wash your hair once a week too. If that's, what is best for you, some people have really really dry hair and they just don't need to wash any more frequently than that. But the bottom line is you don't have to, i think, go buy whatever anybody says. I personally think it's great to wash your hair, especially as a hair loss suffer every couple days every two to three days. If you wash your hair every week, i mean there's different reasons why you should wash it more frequently talk to your dermatologist about it. But one of the things, just one of the elements is that you'll lose a lot of hair in that one time a week and that can be very distressing for people. So i think sometimes, if you keep more on top of it and you're washing. Maybe if you're using rogaine, minoxidil or different kinds of products, hair fibers, you want to keep maybe more on top of keeping the scalp fresh, maybe once a week is not going to cut it for you. But again you got to do what works for you. So i think that any hard and fast rule that other people try and put on you, but how often you should wash your hair is just it's just maybe wrong. Unless you're getting like a doctor or medical advice on it, you got ta, do what works for you, so my next unpopular opinion is that i think hair is gon na go high. I think that that's where we're going, i'm not talking necessarily mary antoinette two feet tall in the air with wires and stuff like that, but i think it's going to go higher than we've seen in a long time, and i just feel the reason for that is Because we've been flat for so long, almost since the 70s we had the 70s, then we had the puffy 80s with the big poofy hair and all that and then we went back to flat again. I think, ultimately, though, we're going to swing back to higher hairstyles and maybe top knots higher, just just more structured, more built up almost 60, like beehives, beehive type hairdos. I feel like that's where we're gon na go next. Okay, i'm gon na read this one from my list here on my phone um. The cure for hair loss is at odds with the billion dollar hair industry, so i suspect it won't really get funded. A lot of people say like how is it that we're able to achieve all these amazing things? I mean: we've had a mrna vaccine right like that, just sort of came out of the blue. It'S. How are we able to achieve these amazing things, and we cannot figure out pattern: hair loss for men and women? Maybe the pharmaceutical companies will fund that, but i don't think the answer is going to come necessarily from the hair care industry, because it's at odds with what they do and i'm not a conspiracist or anything like that. I just feel like, as long as i can keep marketing products for us to sort of prevent, thinning or make your hair look better. It just isn't really a lot of incentive really to cure this, but i hope that we do see a cure for it, because i know for it because i know it's just so um distressing to everybody. But do i think that we'll see a cure for hair loss in the next 10 years? I i don't i don't i really don't. I wish that we did, but i'm just not confident that that will happen. My other unpopular opinion here is that people want to be told exactly what to do, and it's not right. Okay. What do i mean by that? Someone asked me to send them the exact pictures of what i used, and this was just like an instagram they're like hi. Can you show me the exact pictures of exactly what you use well? First of all, i found that kind of strange and kind of rude. Like you don't know me at all, no, i know how are you just like send me photos right now of all the things that you use and it's like. Okay, i didn't end up doing that. I was like yes, sir. I don't have time to do that. It'S straight up, i'm happy to answer questions if you have them, but that's a little bit. I don't know people sometimes are not the most polite when it comes to how they frame things on instagram and i'm not normally prickly. I'M not i'm gon na prickly about this necessarily, but i was just like: oh okay, that's a new one. Nothing will take the place of doing the sweat, equity and testing out different things, and you've got to kind of do it and figure it out on your own. I know we all want the simple solution and we want to watch tick, tock things and we want. Oh, i want exact that that exact thing, but everybody's individual and their chemistry of their hair body, oil levels, sebum levels, dryness, hair, texture, porosity - are all so different that we're all each on our own journey here and it can take time and you do have to Do the work of trying things out yourself? I can certainly help by giving you my honest opinions about things, but exactly what i do works for me and it may not work for you. This is tough news, but i do want to deliver it, and that is that you just have to do the work yourself of figuring it out, and it does take time, and i know that nobody wants to hear that, but kind of is how it is. My last and popular opinion is that hair routines don't really mean that much. I think we're all looking for this holy grail of the perfect hair routine. I know i am i've devoted an entire youtube channel to it pretty much. Here'S the crazy thing, though, as soon as you think you have it figured out, it seems to like the rug seems to get ripped out from under you and things change and all of a sudden what was working for. You doesn't work for you anymore. It is very hard to find a shampoo, conditioner combination. That'S gon na work for you for your entire life, because so many things can change. So many things do change, so keep an open mind, stay flexible, don't get too caught up on other people's routines and how you're going to like emulate them and get the exact perfect hair, because unless you have their exact hair, which is highly unlikely, it's going to Be a little different for you and you'll find with even them. Sometimes a product even gets from reformulated, and you just can't use it anymore, because it's not working the way that it did, for instance, olaplex got recently reformulated. I don't know if you know about the whole plex scandal, they had an ingredient that was banned in the eu um and it caused sort of a bit of an uproar about it. They are now reformulating fine. The scent of a lipoplex is pretty overbearing. Anyway, maybe they will like lessen it. I don't know that olaplex reformulated is going to be the same as old olaplex. I have no idea so there you go. You can just pick like your perfect routine work so hard at doing it, and then things change anyway. So best to keep an open mind, always keep learning, always keep experimenting. You know when things are not working for you all right. Those are my hot takes hope that you had fun with these and that they weren't too too salty or rude. Definitely not trying to hit that note, but wanted to just talk about some stuff that i kind of don't voice that often so that was kind of fun. For me thanks. So much for joining me here be sure to give a like. If you enjoyed this and consider subscribing we'll see you on the next video

Laydee Hershee: I really agree with you about the middle part. I've practiced, it made me look like a sad dog with wet saggy ears. I also agree that fuller hair looks better on most people. When I experienced hair loss last fall, I researched like crazy. It felt GREAT finding out what works for me. As for my hair care routine, it works for me and it empowers me over my hair loss/hair regrowth journey. Thanks for this video....I love that it's not scripted and is real, not fake...thanks!!

Carol C: Helen--we are so on the same page! The curly girl thing usually looks pretty blah. Took me FOREVER to learn not to use too many products--thing is, I was always using thickening products to make up for the lack of density. Rogaine solved that so now I just use a couple of tried and true products while blow-drying. I am 60+ and Rogaine worked wonders. 16 months in and lots of new growth! Olaplax is okay if used sparingly and infrequently--you hit the mark with that one. Don't even get me started with the flat middle part. Can it GET any more boring? I personally like a bit of a roughened cuticle--it gives me body and volume. By the WAY--your hair looks stunning colored and trimmed! It appears smooth with much more density. I suggested before, and I know you would love it--voluminous and smooth, never heavy Briogeo Be Gentle Be Kind Hair Mask. I always have lots of shiny bounce when I use it.

Kathy Weston: I recently discovered that you’re right in point about using less product. I have started using less product on my whole head and keeping it just to the ends so it lies smooth. It’s looking just as good.

Beth Gribbon: Love your videos. I am dealing with COVID hair loss. I found for me, just using shampoo and a little conditioner is best. I'm using Bondi Boost, so far I like it. Can't wait for my shedding to stop

Pen4tenn: I look awful with flat hair, I am 60, I do not want the puffy news anchor hair, or the steel magnolias helmut head. I have straight fine, thin hair, I suffer with hair loss but thanks for your encouraging videos I tried the rogaine type products and my hair is much better. Trying to find my style at 60!

Dionne Shaw: Yep. So true. As soon as you have it figured out with anything, it changes.

Jennifer Ann Fox: I will agree on the one about finding a hair loss remedy because hair loss products are generating way too much money for corporations and companies now. I worked in the medical field 30 years and never quite understood why we couldn't have better treatments for that and cancer. That said, I'm on my 5th month of Rogaine and find it very effective. Have alot of regrowth now. I really don't know the hype about Olaplex. My hair stylist (previous) thought it was great and when it first came out several years ago she used it on my fine hair after a color. I have wavy hair if I encourage it. I found my hair totally flat for days after she used it and asked her not use it again. She is not my hairstylist anymore x 2 years actually. The last straw was when she put me under heat to hurry a color treatment and proceeded to tell me she was driving to town to go to the bank while I waited with permanent color on my hair. Blisters later she never understood how scary that was. She also told me I was too young to go gray and if I stopped coloring my hair I would have to wear it supershort. I stopped coloring my hair 6 months ago and love the gray coming in now and my new hair dresser is nothing but supportive. I'm 58.

Diana Washington: ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor 1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10 Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos desde pantalla,, se que estuvo Sorprendente .

Isabel Sanchez: ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor 1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10 Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos desde pantalla,, se que estuvo Sorprendente .

Heather ofScots: Your hair looks so good !

Zahrah Hoosain: Your skin looks beautiful

Lourdes Leonard: Hi Helen, happy Saturday!

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