Heatless Relaxed Hairstyle + Top 5 Things That Have Helped My Relaxed Hair | Allaboutash

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Heyyy guyss! In today's video I want to talk to y'all about the 5 things that I believe have really heped with the overall health of my #relaxedhair. Also I'll be showing you all how to get this super cute and easy half up alf down heatless hairstyle on relaxed hair. l hope y'all enjoy!♥



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♡ RELAXING MY NATURAL 4A/4B HAIR: https://youtu.be/d995Zdi_u24

♡ WHY I RELAXED MY NATURAL HAIR : https://youtu.be/bgLTJCqEJG0


Hey guys welcome back or welcome to my channel all about ash before we jump today's video make sure you hit that subscribe button and subscribe to my channel in today's video we're just going to be doing this super cute, easy heatless, hairstyle. I'M also going to be telling you guys five things that i believe have really helped with my relaxed hair journey and retaining length and just the overall health of my hair. So if you want to see how i got this hairstyle and know what i believe has really helped with my relaxed hair journey, then just keep on watching. Okay, so we're just going to jump into this video by doing my hair. So this is what my hair currently looks like i relax my hair on saturday today is thursday and i just kept my hair straightened, but for today's video i'm going to do a cute little half up half down that. I showed on my instagram stories. If you guys follow me on instagram, then you saw my story i'll pop it right here, um just a cute little half up half down. I thought it was really cute and simple. So, as i talked to you guys today about the top five things that has helped with my relaxed hair care, i decided that i would also do this cute style just because i don't know it was cute, so yeah, let's just get into it. So when i first did the style, i had a middle part, but since your hair is going to be half up half down, it really doesn't matter. If you have a middle part or not so my hair, all back right now is kind of fine, and i feel like this is also a good hairstyle when your hair is getting a little bit oily because i don't know if you can tell on camera, but The style actually requires no heat at all. I just achieved the bumped ends with some flexi rods. So to achieve this, look i'm just going to be using six. I have to count six purple flexi rods. I, like the purple ones instead of the orange ones, because these are a little bit bigger and i'm not really going for a tight curl, i'm not even really trying to get a curl. I just kind of want my ends to be bumped a little bit. So what i do is i kind of split my hair in the middle and then i take the front section right above my ear so like that, and this is going to be one flexi rod and then the rest of the hair. I just split into two sections and those are the last two flexi rods. So what i do is i just kind of comb through my hair and i grab a little bit of mousse just a little bit, because our hair is straight. I mainly just focus it on the ends, because i really just want the end to have a good hold and curl, and whenever i did this style, i actually put the flexi rods in in the morning and i just kind of kept them in my hair. As i did my makeup, i didn't let it sit overnight or anything, so this can actually be a pretty quick hairstyling process. I'M gon na add a little bit more mousse just coat. My ends a little bit, so i just take the flexi rod and i start at the bottom of my hair and i make sure that i curl my end and then i just make sure that they're wrapped under they're good and then i just start curling. The hair up honestly, it doesn't have to be perfect because this is a half up half down. So if, like little strands are coming out, it doesn't really matter and then i just pinched the other side of the rod up. So this is pretty much what it looks like, so i'm going to go ahead and do my full head of the flexi rods and then i'll come back once that is done. Okay, so my hair looks a little bit crazy right now, but while my flexi rods are setting in we're just going to jump into the five main things that i believe have really helped my relaxed hair and my overall hair health and retaining length. All of that. So we're just going to jump into that right now. So, first on the list, i have deep conditions um. This is kind of embarrassing to admit, but this time being relaxed was kind of the first time ever that i deep conditioned my hair. When i said in my why i relax video that when i was natural, i really didn't take care of my hair. I meant that um, so yeah, deep conditions are kind of new to me in general. I'Ve known about them, i've heard about them, but i haven't actually started doing them and applying them to my routine until this time around being relaxed - and i can just tell that - i don't know it just - makes a big difference and the way that my hair feels The way that it looks its overall health, so yeah, i feel like deep conditions, are a big part of everyone's haircare routine, whether you're, natural or relaxed. I feel like deep conditioning is really going to help your hair. For me personally, i feel like when i deep condition my hair. It just helps to really lock in the moisture that my hair may be lacking just overall kind of refresh it. You know i deep condition. Every week i switch off between a moisturizing, deep condition and a protein deep condition. I just feel like it's kind of like a quick fix like it just gets me right, really quick and i feel good while i'm doing it so definitely deep conditions are high up on the list. This isn't in any order when i was writing down this list. These were just the five first things that came to mind, there's obviously more factors and other things that i do to my hair that helps with this overall health. But these five are the first five that i actually thought of so yeah deep conditions was one and i just said it helps with moisturizing my hair really locking it in, and this isn't another category. But it's just like a subcategory of deep conditions, which is protein deep conditions. I mainly started to incorporate a protein deep conditioner into my hair care routine, because i wanted to reduce shedding, and i would say that overall, when i incorporated a protein deep conditioner into my routine, it definitely did help with my hair shedding. But on the other side, my doctor actually told me that my iron levels are low, so i'm actually supposed to be taking iron supplements, which i've been slacking on. So that's like a whole different factor that plays into why my hair sheds. But honestly, i feel, like the protein b conditions really did cut out a lot of my shedding but yeah. I definitely need to up my iron supplements and i wouldn't recommend that to everyone. I just know that personally, my doctor told me that my iron levels are low, so if you guys are thinking about incorporating an iron supplement into your overall health, and all of that i would definitely say check with a doctor or something i'm not just going to Tell someone to take a supplement, but yeah my protein b conditions definitely have helped with my shedding. I feel like at first when i relaxed i was shedding a little bit more than usual, or maybe it just seemed like that, because my hair was actually loose and it wasn't all tight and compacted in my natural hair, but, like i said since i have started Incorporating those protein deep conditions, i have seen a difference in the amount of hair that i shed so overall yeah, deep conditioning, whether it's moisturizing or protein based. It definitely has helped the overall health of my hair, and in the long run you can just see the effects that it has on your hair, whether it's retaining moisture or less, shedding whatever it may be. Okay, so next on the list, i have moisturizing and sealing again. This was something that i did not do when i was natural, so i am kind of new to moisturizing and sealing this time around being relaxed. But i would say that moisturizing and sealing was one of the things that i saw make the biggest difference in my hair early on. So not only can i tell a difference when i first moisturize after a good wash day and i wake up in the morning. I can easily tell that my hair is a lot more moisturized than it was the night before, but i don't know it's just when you do these daily habits in the long run, you really can tell and feel the difference that it has on your hair. So my hair, now i can tell that it's a lot more moisturized, like the way it feels is texture, feels a lot better than it did when i first relaxed my hair wasn't super dry, but you could just tell i needed work looking at it and filling It you could tell that my hair definitely needed some work. I mean it still does. This is still a hair journey, but moisturizing and sealing when you do that every day it is going to make a big difference or not even every day. Every other day, every three days, how often your hair needs you to do it? It definitely does make a big difference now, i'm kind of leaning towards every other day or every three days in the beginning, i was starting off with just every single day. I feel, like i've learned my hair a lot more now, and i can tell that i don't necessarily need to do it every day unless my hair, just for some reason, is super dry and moisturizing and sealing makes a huge difference in your hair guarantee. Also, i would say one of the biggest things that i have noticed with moisturizing and sealing is the health of my ends moisturizing and sealing? If you want to retain length and not have your ends be breaking off? That is going to be one of your biggest friends. I'M not really surprised that my hair wasn't growing so much when i was in high school and my hair was relaxed because my ends were just breaking off. I wasn't caring for them. I was wearing my hair down almost every single day, so my ends were just brushing across my clothes and then, when i went to bed at night, all i kind of did was wrap it and put it in a bonnet, but i was never actually caring. For my ends, so now that i'm moisturizing and sealing the ceiling, i really do focus on my ends. So, of course, i feel like that has helped with my overall hair health and it's actually been able to help me retain length. That'S why i'm seeing my hair actually grow now and i kind of say, girl, quotation marks, because my hair was growing when i was in high school and i was relaxed it's just that my ends were breaking off, so i didn't have any retained length. But now that i'm taking care of my ends, i can actually tell now that my hair is growing, because i am retaining that length and my ends are still there if that makes sense. Okay, so next on the list, i have air drying, so i'm gon na go back to high school again when i was in high school. I think i blow dried my hair every single time i washed it which, when i say these things it honestly sounds crazy. I'M like, why did i do that? I just didn't know anything about hair care and taking care of my hair and now that my hair is relaxed this time around. I don't really feel a need for me to blow dry my hair. Every time i wash it. I honestly really do like my hair when it's air dried and for me it's pretty easy to style and work with, especially when i moisturize it so yeah. I haven't really felt a need to really blow dry, my hair, the only time i really do blow dry. My hair is, if i want to do a specific style, and i just really kind of want to get through it, but 99 of the time i'm air drying my hair and also with me air drying, my hair, so much. I have been able to shy away from heat which just helps because it's less heat damage. Hopefully i don't have any heat damage at all, but taking out blow drying your hair definitely cuts out a lot of heat that you may be using in your hair routine. If you can, i would definitely say air dry, i mean i don't really see a need to blow dry, my hair, every single time i wash it, and i want it dry if you have the time. Definitely air dry, your hair, okay and next up on the list. I have my protective styles aka, my everyday bun, so going back to high school again, when i was in high school, my hair was down and straightened almost every single day. My only two hairstyles was it down and straightened or up in a bun. My hair was always straight in no matter what style it was in, but now you guys know i have done a video on it. My everyday hairstyle is just a low protective twisted bun. For me, it's cute for an everyday style. I really don't do too much. I don't really go anywhere um, so a low middle part bun works. For me, it's easy to do. I don't have to use a whole lot of product and i'm taking care of my hair. The style is also, i consider it to be a low manipulation style, because when i go to bed and i wrap my hair, my hair is already in a middle part, and i just tie it down and i put my bonnet on so when i wake up In the morning, i just keep that middle part, and i just put my hair in a low twisted bun. So i'm not really doing too much to maneuver my hair and try to get into a really nice style. And another thing that i like about that hairstyle is that my ends are tucked up and out the way so yeah that hairstyle overall is just a good, simple, everyday, protective hairstyle. Your hair is neat, it's out the way and your ends are protected. Okay and the fifth thing on the list is keeping up with my trims. So again, i'm going to go back to high school and when i was relaxed the first time around, i honestly did not get my hair trimmed that much maybe once or twice out the year. But now you guys know that i get a trim with ever relaxer. So that's about every three months or so, and i i just feel like trims, make all the difference. Cutting off that small amount of hair really just allows your overall hair to flourish and just be healthy. You can instantly tell a difference in your hair when you cut off that dead weight, so yeah this time around, i'm really happy that i'm doing regular trims and i'm actually keeping up with them. Trims are just honestly really important to retaining your length and your overall hair health. If you want your hair to grow and you want to see the growth, you honestly need to trim your hair, but yeah. That'S pretty much it for the list and my five main things that i believe have really helped with my relaxed hair care and the growth of my hair and the way that my hair looks overall. So now that we've gotten through that list, let's go ahead and take these flexi rods down and finish this hairstyle. So i don't know these have been in for maybe 30 minutes. I don't know it hasn't been too too long, but i just need a slight little curl at the end, nothing crazy! This is what we have so far, so that will work just gon na take the rest out okay. So these are the little curls that i got at the end, which i feel like should be fine for this hairstyle, so i'm just going to take the ends and i'm just going to comb them out a little bit. So again, this is just a simple half up half down super easy style, so yeah, i'm just going to take about this much, i kind of like to decide how much i like up how much i like down. Sometimes i like a lot up. Sometimes i like a lot down, but i feel like right now: i'm just going to leave it right about there. I feel like that's enough now, i'm just going to take my brush and i'm going to use a soft side and i'm just going to start brushing everything up. Honestly, it's crazy to me like how easy it is to style your hair when you have a fresh relaxer and your hair is freshly straightened, because if i needed a relaxer right now, if i had a whole bunch of new growth, it would not be so easy. As no product just sweep your hair up like that, just wouldn't work, i would have to put some product, but since my hair is especially relaxed - and it is straightened - i really don't have to add any product to it. So yeah, i'm just really going to make sure i brush all the hairs in the same direction, and i think i want a higher ponytail today, maybe like right here. Okay, so now that i got all the hair up that i want i'm just going to take a hair tie again, this hairstyle doesn't have to be perfect. It'S really kind of an effortless, just cute little half up half down so yeah. Now i'm just going to mess with it a little bit and get it the way that i like it. So i feel like that's good enough um. Now i'm going to do my edges with this hairstyle or just being freshly relaxed and my hair being freshly straightened. I really don't have to do my edges, but i'm just going to do a little bit just the smallest amount, i'm not even going to do anything crazy, i'm literally just going to kind of slick everything back and just make it look really neat. So i'm just going to apply literally the smallest amount of edge control and just kind of slick, my hair up like that. So you just like really nice neat edges, nothing crazy. So before after you can tell, i really didn't do too much, but it's just really. Nice and neat and cute okay guys, so this is pretty much it for this really cute simple heatless hairstyle. I just kind of want to show you guys how i got it. I really do like half up half downs because you get to kind of snatch your face up here, but you still have the link down below so you're kind of getting the best of both worlds but anyways. That is it for this video. If you liked it make sure to give me a thumbs up, comment down below what you thought, any suggestions you have for future videos and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and i'll, see you guys next time you

Refeletse Mafisa: 1. Routine deep conditioning 2. Protein deep conditioning 3. Moisturising and sealing 4. Air drying >>> less heat >>>Protective styling 5. Keeping up with trims Thank you Tash!! Will definitely be putting these into practice ❤️

Christie Rose: Your hair is becoming more and more beautiful.

HrhSophia TheFirst: Air drying is a game changer, I haven't used heat in years and I am retaining length really well. Oh and stretching my relaxer, started at 3 months now at 6 months.

Raegina Gant: I agree on cutting out blow drying as much as possible. Especially when you’re relaxed or get any chemical straightening treatment. I get Brazilian blowouts and it makes my hair so smooth that I rarely blow dry. Trims really are life changing! Have you ever tried olaplex? It’s pricey but it helps keep my hair strong and healthy despite my blowouts. I love it and the difference is amazing.

12kourtneyy: Thanks for giving me the kick in the butt I needed to get back to deep conditioning. I just honestly hate having to get in the shower multiple times because of my hair But I’m not loving the way my hairs been feeling as looking and I think that’s what’s messing me up. Your hair looks stunning!

Princess Johnson: Curls set really quickly in 30 minutes, flexi rods have always been hard for me to sleep in but I may try this when I relax my hair in a few days. Your voice is so calming I could just fall asleep listening. PS your hair is looking beautiful.

Dr. Janet: Lovely. Really into flexi rods currently. Its a simple way to get heatless curls without causing any damage

Kalisha J: Definitely a super cute hairstyle, it looks good on you!!

Nicole Davis: You’re so pretty! Love the hairstyle ❤️

SANO: You make me want to relax my hair

Legend Sewell: Hey ash love from Jamaica❤️... would love it if you could do a wash day routine for us‼️

Angelica Mendes: Such a beauty

Audrianna Beregszaszi: What do you use to moisturize and seal? It doesn’t make your hair stiff?

Top5 Glamour: your hair is so beautiful o my god

Jess Coleman: I’m ngl your relaxer video is one of the reasons I relaxed my hair

seneca jones: Love the intro

C: I love your edge control brush. Where is it from?

Gabbi N.: I want to relax my hair but could you use pure BAQ henna in it. Have you tried?

Janelle Cole: I wish you’d list some products that you use

Dressed in Modesty: Your so beautiful

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