10 Tips For Healthy, Short, Relaxed Hair! | Thehairazor

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Hey guys welcome back to my channel Ayana here I um yeah how you guys doing. I just had a brain fart right on camera, but whatever? How are you guys? I am great um. I hope you guys are having a an amazing just life whatever um spring. It'S the weather's great outside just happy. You know all of those things you know yeah, but anyway, let's get to why I'm here today, so I'm here, because I want to talk about healthy hair. I want to talk about how to have healthy short, relaxed, hair um. I know you guys are probably like very would a tutorial that will considering the fact that I really don't have that much hair away and I'm never gon na ask um what about haircuts. So whatever we get into that in this healthy hair discussions yeah, I got a notebook stuff but yeah. So I want to talk to you guys about ten tips. Well, ten tips that I have in order to have healthy short, relaxed hair. One of the biggest questions. I get, and I'm just an answer right now is: is my hair relaxed? Yes ma'am it is. I am relaxed, creamy crack all of that, no natural, nothing um, no knocking anyone with natural hair. I love y'all um. I wish that I couldn't do that uh. With short hair, but the way my texture is set up and how short I want it to be: yes, just not going to work. So, let's put all this rambling and get straight to it number one now one healthy hair from the inside out now one of the biggest questions I get is: how can I get my hair healthy? It'S feeling dry, it's not growing. What'S going on all those types of things, so really, honestly, healthy hair comes from the inside out, meaning your inside body. What is going on up in there? So take your vitamins, not just hair vitamins. Take a good multivitamin. Take a good um, especially plant-based multivitamin. Don'T get into those you know generic crazy stuff, good plant base, multivitamin um seek your doctor out, you know, or let's say, health specialist or whoever, so you can find the exact one that you need. Ah, let's see what else. Oh, I do have some down here. Some of my favorites I do like alive and garden a life. Those are both plant-based, um multivitamins drink a lot of water. Yes, York, a lot of water. I am training myself to drink one gallon of water a day um not just for hair, but for my skin for my nails for my all, inside being whatever you want to call it like. I am training myself to drink water, especially a gallon of water. Every day, water is important for our nutrients water flushes out those toxins. Water does everything that you need it to do so: yeah, a gallon of water a day or half your body weight yeah either. One number two number, two man. I don't like me for this. One do not relax your own hair yep. I said it don't like ya: do not relax your own hair. The reason why I say that is um, especially now. There'S there's two different sides, so there's some safe quickly. Okay, now, the reason why I say do not relax your own hair at home or do not relax your own hair, whatever you know, unless you're a stylist or whatever is because sometimes if you do not have the right knowledge of how to relax your hair, you Can over process your hair, I've seen so many times where people over process their hair or they may like. Let'S say you got short hair and you decide to get braids and you take out the braids and then you decide hey. I need to relax my hair, but you don't realize how much new growth you have, so you probably go to the the room, but you got about this much new growth and you skip all of that. You just go down to the root and now you've got all this spongy hair and then it's straight you try to figure out. What'S going on and then two weeks later you might slap some more relaxed on there trying to get it straighter. But then that's over processing it and all of that so yeah. That'S why I said that's like one little story or some people think that they can color and relax at the same time. Oh, I just put like all these bleach in my hair like well. We could go and then I realized that I need a relaxer and okay, so I mean I should be okay, then I put the relaxer in after they put color like a week ago and yeah they're relaxing relaxing, and then they see the hair coming out and Clumps and you're like what's going on, that's kind of why I say that so, if you want healthy hair, um, try not to relax your hair at home or if you're like. I got you a yachtie, but I technically can't afford it or I prefer to do it myself, get as much knowledge as possible, get as much as much as knowledge is possible. Make sure you're using the right products make sure that you're not like. Sometimes, if you buy relaxer from the beauty supply, you have no idea how long that relaxed within their shelf life look at doing. Do a tester. Okay, we get the Bucks. Do it test to see. This is a box right go like this on the box. If you see dust on that relaxer box or bottle or jar, whatever don't buy it, it's probably been a long time so yeah. I know y'all, probably don't like that, but try not to relax your hair at home, um cuz. You can, like, I said over process. Breakage I've seen it all I'm going to try to help y'all out. So if you continue to see your hair in a bad state, because you're relaxing it at home seek a professional to see how they can get it back to a place that you want it to be number three number three trim, your hair do not be afraid Of the scissors, one of the things that I see when people get a haircut they're like I got my haircut, I got my pixie, I'm good and then, let's see a few weeks, roll around and they're like doing. I got to cut it again or they it's kind of weird to describe or they're like. I don't know why I got ta cut my hair so much or whatever, and if you want to have a healthy, especially look healthy, look good keep up with your cut tight pixie cut, short hair. You have to keep up with your trims um. It keeps the life of the hairstyle longer um. Let'S say if you have color, or you know, of course, which you having a relaxer, it's good to trim your hair on a regular basis. I relaxed my hair, probably every five to seven weeks or six to eight weeks, depending on how long or how far I can go, and I also cut my hair, maybe twice between that. I cut the sizing back, maybe every three weeks and the full haircut is every time I get a relaxer, so I'll get a full haircut, maybe every seven to eight weeks and that helps with the life of my haircut um. You know I get a lot of. Compliments on how great my hair looks. All the time is because I keep up with my trims. I keep up with my haircuts because I'm like I want to keep this style looking good, oh my my hair to be healthy, so yeah. I know it might take. Quite a bit - and you know: oh that's another thing. I know a lot of people been asking me about possibly doing a video on trimming. I will not be doing a video on trimming ever mainly because the way I trim my hair, I would not show you because I do trim my hair myself. I do with scissors, I do not do it with clippers, I do it with scissors and it's just for me. It'S a very technical process. It'S taken me quite some time to get familiar with cutting my own hair and it's not something that I would want to show somebody else so, instead of butchering yourself because trust me in my trial and error, I have messed up my haircut. I have so. Instead of me passing that on to somebody else, I would just suggest that you just find you a nice nice hairstylist that can cut your hair. I let me if you're in Atlanta area or if you're in any other area, you can check out the cut life or live v-cut life calm and they have a hairstylist directory that can help you out number four for deep condition, deep condition, deep condition, deep condition. Just because your hair is short does not mean that you do not need to take care of it deep condition it do. Babies, like some, I won't say, a hot oil treatment, but you know some extra TLC deep condition, even though you may not have that much hair on top of your head, we said I would take care of it, so get the right conditioners. If you have color I'll get a color safe conditioner that can help you keep that moisture in your hair, especially with color. It can get dry very quick, especially if you're not taking care of it with being outside in the Sun. All that different sizes up so get a great deep conditioner. If you go to the salon every week at your stylist, hey every few weeks or so, can we do a deep conditioned? I mainly I do a deep conditioned with my clients, especially on their relaxer days. It'S in the relaxer system, so it's like hey we're doing this deep, conditioner um. Let it sit on for a few minutes or they can go under the dryer, all the touched up, um yeah or if you're at home, you can. You know ask your stylist, or you know, look at different reviews online um and see if there's a good, deep conditioner that you can work with. I like joy coat. I, like Oh Shea Moisture, I'm going to do a in-depth video about Shea Moisture and relaxed hair, but Shea Moisture is a really good product, especially for keeping that moisture in so their conditioning products are really good. Missoni mazzani, yes, Missoni, design, essentials, Paul, Mitchell, Paul Mitchell, supercharged conditioner is a staple. It'S one of the best, so write those down and try them out number five do not be afraid of oils, don't be afraid of oils um. I noticed that a lot of people don't put like don't put anything on their hair if they go to the salon they're like I'm, not putting anything on my hair until I go back to the salon, but I'm like you have to put something on your hair. In that week or two weeks that you do not see your stylist or their week or two weeks that you may not shampoo your own hair, so get like a light oil, a light, serum biosilk chi, you can do coconut oil get a light oil light um. You might have to experiment with your hair. Every hair texture is different, so I can tell you the suggestions, but in you know it just depends um and just like you know, this is not every day, maybe two to three times out of the week. If you see your hair, looking a little dull put a little oil in your hand, rub it up and do that yep, what's more than here, don't be poor, just make sure it's not heavy, make sure it's a nice and light oil. Okay, okay, number! Six! Now this one that's number six, this one, I'm a preach to y'all real quick preach to y'all real, quick, open up your Bibles to the book of the hair razor chapter, one verse, one mmm put down the Flatiron put it down. Yes, yes put down a flat iron, yeah curling, your hair, everyday, every single day you curling hair, and you wonder why it's not healthy is dry. It'S breaking. It'S photo on floor and it's not doing what you needed to do. That'S because you're curling, your hair everyday. So put down the flutter, please please, for the sake of your hair in your house, put down the flatter um. The reason why I say that is: let's see when you share me your hair, maybe once a week or every two weeks, you shampoo it. You put your conditioners in it and then another I put oil as your finishing products. You curl it put some more spray on and keep it moving. Then the next day you turn around and you do the same thing. The shampoo you might put some more spray on it, put some oil on it, curl it again next day, next day next day next day. Next thing, if you smell your curly nice smelling like peanut butter - and I know we're here, but that's how it smells to me. That means you burn in your hair, because that product that's sitting on your hair every day and building up and building up and building up, and then you curling your hair over and over again with old product on your hair. It'S just burning slowly, burning that hair out I've seen people's like okay, you know when you get a haircut, it's supposed to be. Let'S see figure my fingers, it's supposed to be straight, like you get a haircut like okay, so this is how people their end up. Looking for curling her hair every day, you see how jagged like that yeah. But that's that's what's happening. So I'm put the curling iron down, find other ways that you can preserve your hair style, pin curls. If you got that long school thing pin curl that up um, if you got the like the waves on the side and the curls on the top, takes those curls and Penny's, pin it at night I'll tie the back and sides of your hair up I'll use. A satin pillowcase all those different types of things I have in depth: videos with the satin pillowcase, as well as how to tie your hair up at night, so yeah. There are different ways that you can maintain your hair without curling it every single day. Okay, alright number seven proper at night care which ran into I said that number six, a little bit proper at night care, make sure and use your satin pillowcase use your satin scarf, pin neck hair of all the different type stuff. So six and seven go hand to hand in order to stop using this letter. You got to have some proper at night, hair, satin pillowcase, that's number one staple satin, pillow, cakes pick it up. You can get it online. You can get in your local beauty. Supply store, just click: Google, satin, pillowcase he'll hook, you up number eight. Eight eight eight eight take care of your scalp. This is another super important once something fully important. One open up your Bibles to second, the hair razor chapter, two verse two take care of your scalp. A lot of people suffer with dry scalp, psoriasis eczema. The list goes on and on and on, and they feel as though oh I can just get over cat. Over-The-Counter shampoo or my stylist will take care of it and all of that now, when you are suffering with a severe scalp condition, there's only so much that your stylist can do and there's only so much that a over-the-counter shampoo can do. What may need to happen is you may need to visit the dermatologist, so they can look more in-depth into your scalp and see what's going on, if you can continue to neglect that you can honestly damage your scalp, because it's just it's packing on and it's packing On and you're not taking care of the condition and I've seen instances where people eventually get alopecia and alopecia is hair loss on there different types of alopecia, but yeah you can get alopecia from not taking care of your style. So if you find that you have certain scalp issues as itchy and conditioning conditions and all that, I would really suggest going to a dermatologist see what's going on and go from there, it could be your relaxer, it could be your shampoo, it can be something internal. That'S why I talked about from the inside out, depending on what you eat. It could be a number of things but take care of yourself, because if you don't, you can result in hair loss and it really affects the health of your hair. Number. Nine number nine find the right products that will work with your hair and work for your hair um. I wrote this down, so I got a right. I got a say just because it works for someone else does not mean it works for you all of our hair. Textures are completely different. I suggest different products, different bloggers for just different products, and it might work for them, but sometimes it may not work for you, so it's important to find the right product that will work. Well with your hair. I know some people, you know that I love. I love coconut oil. I don't some people that it doesn't work so well on them and just there kind of just stops it up or might be too heavy, so they may have to find something else that works for their hair tight and their hair texture. So in order to have healthy hair and it not be oily or too dry or whatever the case may be, find the right products that work for you that can be oils, hairspray shampoos conditioners. The list goes on relaxers. You may not be able to use this time to relax them because somebody's using that you may have to use a sensitive scalp or you may have to use something a little stronger or whatever find the right product that works for you. Last but not least, number ten, ten ten ten. This is another important one. Another important one find the style that works for you. Yes, you find a hairstyle that works for you um right now it might be simple. It'S short little pixie. This is what works for me. I'Ve tried the curls y'all saw, I've had tutorials on curls, I've had tutorials, you know with longer bangs and all of that type of stuff. It'S cute and those are the things that could work for me in that time, but I'm at a place where I'm like. I don't want no hair, touching my forehead. I you know trying to work out more um, it's hot, like it's getting hot in Atlanta, and so I I have a style that works for me and it works for my lifestyle. It works for you know what I'm trying to do so, even though the other hair styles may be cute, and you know it just don't know things don't work for me. So what I'm saying is if your lifestyle is a certain way, if you're trying to work out, if you try to do different things in your life, find the style that works better. For you find something that hey, I need to get up and go like. I have no time to be trying to fix my hair every single morning. I want to get up, go put just awesome makeup on run my fingers through my hair and keep it moving. If that's for you, that's for you or if you're like girl, I love this bang, and this was this one works for me and I'm doing this that works for you as well, so um yeah, that's not it um and I feel like all these tips. Really, you know the reason why I said to promote healthy hair because it focuses on your hair and it focuses on what works for you and your lifestyle. So I hope you guys enjoy this video and take these tips and do it in you. Let me know how it works for you um. Thank you guys so much remember to Like comment and subscribe, and I will see you guys in my next video

LadyZodiac76: This was a wonderful video! I have always been afraid to have short hair or rock a pixie. But a combination of my Lupus and perming my hair at home made me lose my hair down to bald patches. My dermatologist asked me to stop perming. So I went 5 months with no relaxer. All my hair grew back in. She (the dermatologist) said she would okay me getting a perm again IF I would see a professional. So I did. I have a friend I've known for years who is a licensed stylist. I am so pleased with the results. And thanks to your channel, tips and the fact that you rock a short hair like no other I gave it a try! I feel more sexy, confident and fierce than I have ever felt. I just turned 40 last week and this cut is everything! I still see my dermatologist monthly for my scalp injections and B-12 shot as well as my prescription multi-vitamin. My hair has never been happier! Thank You so much for the great videos!

ShaoShao: Great video. I've been wearing my hair natural for the last 6-7 years and it's time for a change. After watching your tutorials I'm ready for my hair to be short and once again, relaxed. With your videos and advice I know I'm ready to relax my hair and really take care of it. It feels like you have given me the tools to not be afraid of my hair and to love it. Thank you!

Gennashia G.: Girl this video is so old but it so so so helpful and healthy to me. I have a short cut hairstyle now but I just needed the basics & foundation on things. Love your videos. THANK YOUUUU !

Mrs Nakia Johnson: Hi Ayana! OMG, you have really hit the nail on the head with this video. I have been flat ironing my hair everyday and I've been smelling that burnt scent too. Its horrible, but thanks to you, I will no longer flat iron it daily. I also have dry scalp but I'm getting better with the hot oil treatments and keeping it well greased. Thumbs up to you!

Glenda Gonzalez Reyes: After 4 years of growing out my cute, versatile but high maintenance pixie I saw a sincere video from 1 to 10! On the road of a nice pixie people think you have an "obsession" to cut & cut or be so picky with products & NO! My hair look cool long on the top but on the sides & back need a nice trim every week if I want to deal easily with style. Thanks for the advices are ✨✨& btw:Love your make-up,nails shape, shade & of course: the cut.

Val Eva: Love your channel found you through the cutlife channel. Getting a pixie cut June 1st with a partial perm, never had a perm so we'll see how this turn out. Your channel is so informative and the fact this video dropped on my bday I'm really gonna get my pixie cut, but don't know how I want it styled yet

Jenny Hypp: I know this video is super old but I’m about to get my hair relaxed and cut after being natural for 9 years so thank you so much for this! I know you said you relax about every 7 weeks so how often do you wash your hair? Your help is appreciated

flanmaryj: Thanks for doing this video. My hair is natural and I'm really trying to get a good maintenance routine going on a regular basis. In every point you made, I notice something that's really affected my hair and scalp. Coconut oil is really helping my hair and scalp stay healthy. I have very tightly curled, dry hair and eczema. Therefore, my hair is hard to straighten, but very easy to damage, thus, very quick to fall out. The only two tips I need to utilize more are tying my hair up, drinking more water, more regularly taking my vitamins and I need to get some satin pillowcases! Thanks!!

Tomacia Johnson: i love this video it has been very helpful, i was natural but i went back to a relaxer about 8 weeks ago, i still use the same natural products i used before, Shea Moisture products are still a staple, and coconut and jamaican black castor oil on my scalp (very little of that cause its heavy), but i love all you videos

blackmownkey: I would add stop stylist hopping. I have had the same stylist since I was around 15 and I am 43 now. Ppl always comment on how healthy and shiny my hair is/looks, short or long. Once I stopped doing some of the things you mentioned and just left it all up to Paula (after I graduated from college) my hair just too off. Love your channel! #NewSubscriber

Eikiala Clement: Excellent video. Ok getting ready to cut my hair tomorrow and I needed this guide. It was very informative.

Royal 1 CC: I am so glad I saw this. I have been experiencing a lot of breakage and shedding but I think think you gave some great points

Nish Amour: I'm sooooo happy to have found your channel I'm getting my first pixie cut this week after watching a bunch of your videos

Donita Tomlin: Thanks for all the helpful tips. Can't wait for your other videos. Keep them coming please.

KIM Hill: A great video again. Thank you so much for the pin curl tip. That wil definitely be used.

Kisha Bostic: I needed this tutorial, thank you so much !!!!

trizanna atkins: I'm guilty of the flat iron! You spoke to me! I'll definitely put it down!

Andrée Marie: HI! New subscriber, your hair is slayed, LOVE it!!!

RedboneLezbo IDGAF!: I love your hair video's, you help me to Finally Maintain My Natural Hair it's, soft and looks healthy with a sheen to it! I finally Brokeup with my Weaves of 30+ yrs and I'm so fucking happy and more Confident, I'm all NATURAL baby! lol I wear my Short hair like yours and my bangs touch my eyes, I have it layed to the side, by the summer I will Spice it up with a lil color( maybe Purple or Burgundy) by the spring! Gyal You're Beautiful & U Rock!! You're My SHERO!! #SKINTONE ON FLEEK# BTW your nails look yummy like green mm's candy! lol #Healthy Hair..yess#

Rynne Carnivora: do you have a video on how you care for your hair between touch ups cause I figure new growth is more visible the shorter relaxed hair is

Whitney Dennis: great video!!!!! I really enjoyed it, I will be picking up some deep conditioner today ( I do not do that often). I will also be booking my color appointment soon! I finally picked a color, I'll text it to you soon

trizanna atkins: Thanks for the guidance! Really helpful!

Tierra Stark: im so glad i found you ! i been killing my hair ! i learned so much

Jennifer Spears: Excellent video!! Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge!!

lil shortee Greaves: Love your nail thanks for the idea will use for my pedicure. Also you look great and interesting video.

JusBrowzin1: You are AWESOME !! Thank you and keep them coming :-)

Lisette Lindo: Great tips and thank you!!!!

LaToya White: This was very good points very informative I learned a lot!!!

Rhonda Marable: Thank you for the tips and I love your hair.

Jamila Lewis: very informative loved it

staetrue2u: Awesome as always! I need two things: 1 - Is there a name to your particular cut that you're rocking? I know you stylists have special names for special thangs. Lolol. 2-I know that you mentioned that you relax your hair every 5-7 weeks, however, do you apply a partial (back/sides) relaxer in between that time or product that thing until it has no other choice to lay!? One of my tricks is to use QP moisture cream and tying my hair up at night or while I'm getting dressed with a satin scarf but if I'm doin ball that work for nothing please advise (I work out too if that helps). Again - thanks a mil and keep up the fantastic work. God bless!

Alexandra Lacy: What can I use to grow back my thinning edges ? While being relaxed

Aisha Carter: What if you want your hair to grow out, do you still have to trim?

Shuntay Kizzie: thanks for the helpful tips. love your hair

Alyssa Alexandria: when i was relaxed silk wrapped rollers were my !!!! My hair was too short to use the big silk wrapped rollers...so i would buy two and 3 packs of them JUST so I'd have enough rollers lol✋

shawnie shawnie: Your so pretty. Hair and nails on fleek

Sophia Emmanuel: This is great. Girl. Those trims are a must and clients hate hate to trim their hair especially when they have a hair cut.

Charoletta77: At 15:00 that is how my hair is doing I have to change my whole routine I'm surprise my hair is not worse than what it is.

salonnefia: My is short and relaxed...and I want to grow my hair out....what should I do to maintain my relax hair?

Ann Grant: your eye makeup is beautiful

Tracy Kayima: I really like your make up, thank you for the tips

meka: love this video great information

Adernn Nider: If you can get your water through vegetables and fruits it's super good for u opposed to 'plain water'.

W D: Great Video. Thank you very much.

Charoletta77: Put down the flat iron thank you I need that cause my hair is breaking bad especially in the middle center I needed this video thank you so much I'm going to follow every step .

Lisa White: Thank you so helpful

Forever Apryl: please do a video on working out with short hair!!!!!!

Ken K.: I just LOOOOVE your haircut!! I wish I could pull that haircut off..lol

CHRISTINE MICKELL: Any styles for a short cut with damaged edges. They're growing back but slowly

D jeff: need a video on how you achived that blue tint ....thanks!

Tanya Sherwood: Hey you are beautiful and I love your hair and I love your videos thanks for this

Hair 'n' Things: I'm a certified creamy crackhead!!! I needs my relaxer!!!

S.K. P.: great video. Could you please give details on your eyeshadow

Antonia Strachan: Morning, does hair mousse dry out hair and how can i moisturize my relaxed short hair and what are good products for it?

rholanda tucker: I’m new to short hair and relaxer. How do I maintain finger waves in the back

Elethica Garrett: so if a person do relax they hair day and color the next, what can they use to stop or slow down the shedding

Denise Hunter: Thank you for "preaching it" ...Thank you...

Bianka .B: Omg I love you! And you’re so freaking beautiful

Tasha Williams: Got my pixie cut yesterday. Glad I found u

Jhanell Wray: I have recently been using coconut oil in my hair as a moisturizer, however it smells like its burnt and its bothering my sinuses, just like when you use it to cook with. I need help!!!

Lisha The Fashionista: Love your eyeshadow

Tablespoon: What relaxer does she use? I'm new :P

Gemini_Mutha: I'm about to relax my natural hair and it will be 11 years since I had a perm. I have a two year old son it's very hard with 4c hair to maintain now I just don't have the time and people try to over charge me just for braids. An I don't want to have a buzz cut anymore, I can care less about length I just want healthy hair.

Louanne McIntosh: Love Your Beautiful haircut .

lamon williams: Girl not dust on the box instant subscribe ✔️

Vanessa King: Hi hi Miss HairRazor good night what can be used at home to remove hair glue

NaturallyMiaJade: "Put down the flatiron!" lol tell them girl

Kelsey and Gabrielle: where did you get your charm bracelets from?

Brittney Bailey: Hi what if u have split ends on short hair

scotchbonnett1940: do you cut your own hair? or do you have someone who cuts your hair? because your hair is always on point

Destiny Jones: How do you get away with hair color and youre relaxing?

chally payne: That was Great knowledge and information how do I get an appointment with you

A. Jassy: ur mackup so cute,,,, u got a nice flow love ur style.

The Life of Hair Jenny: So when u set under the dryer should it be on low cool are how warm

Be Inspired: Thanks!

Changeisgood Imworthit: Im new to the Atlanta area definitely need a stylist

Sandra Brown: ty your videos are nice, liviv in the virglin islands my pixie is hard to keep up, i have to go a barber and hair styles to achive the rigth cut.

Nic Will: I really hate when y'all waste time in the beginning due to the 20 second rule. We're all aware of it and it's so annoying and unnecessary

Roxanne Sylvester: Hi good day is biotin a good supplement to take

lil shortee Greaves: Those nails omg

AS SEEN BY SB: lol at the flat iron that is so my issue ughhhj

sweet spank: What's is the brand an name of that color

Charoletta77: I wish you were Michigan

vibez missi: I’m in the Atlanta area I need to find a stylist. I live in tucker

Francisca Fleurilus: where are you located??

Helena Lind: I'm white and have blond straight hair and I have no idea about what she is talking about what is relaxing..

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