Perfect Long Layered Haircut With Clippers | New Haircut Tutorial | Use Clippers On Woman'S Hai

  • Posted on 28 December, 2020
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

Perfect Long layered Haircut with Clippers

New Haircut Tutorial - How to Use Clippers on a Woman's Hair

*Giving is hold forever*

# LongLayeredHaircut #HaircutWithClippers #NewHaircut

Um, which i really love, because it's cordless and it has a detachable blades and it has the notches just like your lever on your traditional clipper, your levers, your adjustments. This has little notches so notch not to notch not to notch and the cool part. Is it pops off and then you can put on this detachable texturizing blade, which is so cool because that's going to allow us to texturize, so we're going to be able to use just like your shears, a straight blade and a texturizing blade for the clipper cut. So it just pops right in and comes on, it's really sleek and it's actually really lightweight so um. It has a beautiful little baby partner, the little trimmer there. So it's a nice setup. I really i really do enjoy it so ashji, i'm gon na have her stand up because we're gon na cut her wings. You could tell that her hair is longer than the back of the chair so este. Could you maybe stand here for me perfect? Thank you. I already brushed her out she's clean. We shame uh, we washed her hair with the cleansing shampoo to remove any like build up. You know that us long haired gas will be putting a lot of styling products in and maybe not washing our hair as much, and we really want to get a nice deep clean. So the cleansing shampoo got her extra clean for us, so the next step would be is to get her dry. So she we had her actually kind of air dry to see this natural texture in there it's beautiful hair. What we want to do is maintain the look, we're not trying to recreate a new shape. So sometimes what we want to do is um. What we leave behind is more important than when we take off right, not every haircut. Every time do we have to cut every hair on the head, so one day might be the length the next haircut might be texturizing. The next haircut might be the layering like the silhouette, so we're going to let her hair kind of tell us what we need to do and we're going to do it with clippers, because why not right? Well, really, i'm like we use our shears all the time. So like, let's have another tool like how much more fun would it be to do what we normally do in just a different way. So that's what we're going to do so, our sectioning as we move around the head. What we're going to do is high point of the head. We'Re gon na basically have our body position move around the head. It'S gon na be like um kind of like a radial, almost like a pinwheel. So i'll talk you guys through this. So the first thing we're gon na do is comb. Her hair into natural fall, so check out this guy over here thanks for standing, this is our. What would you call him like the demo yeah like a diagram, so this erica mannequin head from pivot point um, who is also so graciously donating to the covet relief fund? Thank you, pivot point. Um. What we need to do is have everything radiate out from the high point of the head, so we'll know from you know not everyone's head is going to be this perfect right. So when we're working on on sarah, what we're going to do is work with her. The way her hair moves like this is a rough draft like we're not going to carve these lines perfectly. We'Re going to allow her hair to tell us where the line should be by reading her natural thought. Sound good, so that'll be a little clearer as we move on. So let me grab that big mag and i have my straight blade and we're going to take off her length right now. So we'll come over so high point of the head, i'm going to tilt your head back for us, so you can see her hair is already like parting. Naturally, so everything kind of stems on her head a little further back into her crab so that we're just going to take it from there. So i'm going to go from the top of the ear to kind of where that swirl part. So we're join me on this side. Yes, there we go we're gon na grab and put everything in front of the ear. So you see it's not a perfect line, because this hair lives in front of the ear. If we draw this perfect line up, we're gon na actually end up taking this hair out of where it lives and over directing it. So we just want to work with this as a loose diagram, but also do what the hair is telling us to do. So. We'Re kind of reading reading the hair, so we're going to come around, follow this line all the way over to the other side. So again we followed that line over to the other side chin down. For me thanks perfect, so we can actually blouse the hair too, and you can see. There'S lots of minor and major changes in direction. We want to do is take grab the whole hair pop it up. You can see there's a lot of different movement in there. So what we want to do is just find where the hair kind of separates naturally and go from there. You don't want to force this hair. This awesome wavy, like natural, lived in hair into anything. It doesn't want to do right now, we're just we just separated the front from the back now we're going to take the whole back section, we're going to find the center center back same thing kind of do a little blousing. The hair will split. Naturally, you can see there's like some movement in there, so we're not going to make a perfectly straight line, we're just going to let the hair separate as it wants to separate, oh cool, that a nice little tip yeah. I know nice little surprise all right. So we're gon na uh chin up for me. So what we're gon na do right now is create four sections: that kind of pinwheel off this uh. So this is our fourth section from the back and we're going to keep them together and in their natural falling position same thing on the other side, everything in front of the ear. So this is behind the ear. We got another tattoo there that one's cute they're. So different so come here split you can see it's probably going to be right there. If you can read the top. You can see that this hair wants to live over here, so we're going to let it we're not going to force their hair to do anything. It doesn't want to do okay, so we have nice, four sections and that live in a natural falling position. So what we want to do is just kind of clean up all these ends, so we're going to go in with our big mag and very loosely no tension. I'M going to let her waves be her wave, i'm going to have no zero degrees elevation. So i'm not elevating at all, i'm just going to allow her hair to tell us where to cut it. So let me get this bit of the cake over here yeah. Would you thank you so really, i feel, like you know what needs to come off or could come off, is about this much from each section and we're still gon na have like a slight v victoria wants to know if this can be done, when the hair Is wet as well victoria great question, i would say sure it could be. This is like just an approach that i like to do. Um make it your own, but the reason i'm doing it dry is so i can see and read the hair. I feel like personally when the hair is wet. I can't read it as much so i like that the hair is dry in this instance, because i can actually see what would like to come off um, but it's all up to you and your approach. I think definitely, i think sometimes um the clippers will have an easier time as well on the on the dry hair right um. So that would be i would recommend more on dry hair, but try it on wet and then give us some feedback. You know, like you, guys, got to make this your own okay, so we're going to go in um, really light-handed like you're not going to go in like perfectly straight or anything. So what we want to do is like just kind of notch, this stuff away, just like you would, if you were going in with your shear now you're going in um. If you see cassie, when you come to this side yeah, you can kind of get an angle. What'S cool about this blade is you can see? The blade is, this part is straight, and then you have your little bevel here, so this bevel is gon na come in and you're already getting um like a short to long er. I would say, i'm sorry long to short kind of approach and you can turn and go in and kind of point cut some of this hair off it's just more like um kind of drawing, instead of using your shears. So it's just a different technique to have a little bit more fun with a different tool like i don't want you guys to be afraid of using the clippers in a different way. So, instead of coming in and going straight in and giving that hard edge, you can see that there's already a lot of texture in her hair, so we're just gon na like go with that movement. We'Re just gon na take it down and keep it um in the like the state that it's already in you know. We don't want to create anything right now. That is too hard. We'Re still trying to keep these edges like really soft, which is fun, but you can also go in and create a really hard line. If that's the look you're going for, are you guys cutting hair this way? Now, let us know in the chat box, because i would really like to know how you guys feel about cutting hair with the clippers. Are you afraid are you loving it i feel like? Sometimes we think it's just for fading. So what we're doing, if you notice my body position, is changing at each section who can share why that is cassie? You know why that is uh just to keep all the angles and stuff correctly and you can to keep a natural fall, so i'm moving over. So i can be in alignment with my section. What am i not doing? I'M not elevating, and i'm not over directing right. So i'm really trying to cut this hair where it lives and giving it some texturey bits on the ends got a mix of people who have and haven't been doing it. It seems yeah cool you guys so those that of you that um have experimented like good for you. You know you really do want to there's no wrong way to achieve an outcome. You know there's more than one way and those of you that haven't done it. Yet i just would encourage you to get in there and do so so everything um on the ends look pretty good to me. So what i can do is like rake my hands through and then a little tip would be. Can you put your chin down awesome? Sometimes, when we cut hair, if we elevate it, you'll get some like larry pieces from underneath, so we just want to see if any of that was exposed and if so just go ahead and cut it off so we're going to come in put ourselves turn the Clipper off in between section right make sure you turn your clipper off we're going to come in and then break through make sure we didn't miss anything. And then i can have her sit back down to do the front so go ahead and have a seat cool. So i'm going to pull all the hair to the front and take a look at what we can remove, so everything that lives in the front actually have you turned to the side? You have a guide coming from behind the ear right, here's our guide! You see it, it's like nice and clean there. We'Re gon na i'm gon na take this front of the ear is not included, and the comb really loosely, if you guys have noticed, i'm not actually using a comb yet for this length right, i'm letting everything be real natural, i'm going to come in and i'm Just going to take what i want from these edges cool now i should. Can you look all the way to the to the right perfect, so i have a guide from behind the ear here. It is nice and clean grab. Everything great great, great break, whatever needs to be cut, will show itself i'm using just the corner of the teeth here and i'm going in and i'm cutting. If i need some straightness, i could go in there, but i like to then point cut. So it's some softer edgier bits. Would this be a technique you would use on curly hair? You know that's a great question. I think. As long as the curly hair, the ends need friends. So as long as you don't like shatter the ends of the curly hair and make them like distressed and fuzzy, i think if you could go in straight with the clipper, they can cut the entire curl, like you'd, almost have to curl by curl cut it. That way, yeah i'm like looking at cassie as an amazing head of curly hair. Can you show shorts? Do you mind? Okay, all right, here's cass? What i could do is grab curl by curl cut, so i would grab her curl, i'm not gon na. Do it cast, i promise, but i would like clip just exactly where that s comes into play. So i would just clip that whole thing off and i would do it in a in a manner that left the ends of her hair, um compacted and together. So you're cutting the whole curl versus with straight hair when you're point cutting in the hair is more getting more movement on there and for curly hair that ends up like getting frizzy and fuzzy. You know. So what you want to do is make nice hard cuts in those curls or in a way that you're cutting with the curl so that way the curl stays intact. So great question awesome. Okay, so next move is everything that's around her face. We'Re going to do! Last, so what we're going to do is take these same four sections and cut our layering. So what we're going to do is come around. Have our body position in line with the section we're putting i'm going to be behind my section again find your split here's. My section really loose guys this is a condensed organic cutting. So it's not going to be super precise and a gazillion sections. This is made to be flowy and loose, so we're going to come in. I'Ve got my wide teeth and my palm i'm going to elevate the hair elevate, the hair 90 degrees straight from vertical, so straight from the top. So my hair strands are parallel with the walls of the room. Okay and what we're going to do is a radial section, so there's four sections in the back: our fingers are going to point towards, like the high point of the head. The middle section reason being is because i want to have shorter layers, and i want to go to my longer length. I'Ve already established my length. Here'S my guide, okay, so what i want to do is come in with the clippers and knock off as much as length as i want. I'M a big fan of measuring twice and cutting once right. Anybody that does like, i don't know, carpentry or anything knows what i'm talking about. You want to measure twice cut once so. What we're going to do is see her length and then see where we want the layering to kind of begin. I think we can lose. You know this is a good amount here, she's shaking her head yeah even more like i don't know, even more cool, so we're going to start with about this much because you can always take more off right. We can't put it back on so we've uh established that this could be our guide, so what we can do is literally go in and create a guide. Okay, here's our guy and our next guy is in has already been established, see our guide there and here's. Our guide at this is our length, and here is our guide. So what we're gon na do is keep our fingers real loose, get some low tension here, low tension in the hair strand, good tension on our finger position, because we want to be able to take that clipper and remove some of that hair. So we're going to go in i'm going to keep i'm actually going to drop her down in the chair. Thank you make it easier for me and then got my clipper on turn it like a pencil. Did you see that move there? Didn'T i missed it? Do it again so grab your clipper turn it on, and then you need to just rotate it. So you can go up the hair strand, so what we're going to do instead of going in and having like this big hard line, i'm going to come up! Here'S my guide, here's my guide, i'm going to cut under my fingers instead of over my fingers. Well, the line was still there, but what that does is gives you a little bit more length and doesn't have such a hard hard line. So the edges will be a little softer, so we have a diffused look on that uh line and the layering that we just created so pinwheeling out to my next section section behind take part of the section as a guide. So now i'll have a guide at the bottom, at the top and in front can't exactly get lost that way right so we'll come in comb. Comb comb comb very loosely elevate up. I want this hair strand the hair, my parting, to be parallel with the walls, meaning it is going completely vertical. Okay, there's no corner of the room, i'm totally in alignment with a vertical parting. Can you see yours might get right there? So here's your guide, guys, if you don't see it, look for it. Take a smaller section, got ta, find your guide guide guide guy grab my clipper this little uh, this guy too it's on! It'S like the best thing. That'S ever happened to me behind the chair. Uh lip we're going to come in i'm going to loosely let go! There'S my guy cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut. What you notice is that my hands didn't move. The hair fell out. I didn't move, i didn't cut my hands out, you know how sometimes we do that with the razor we're like cutting one section and then the next thing you know you're like way over here, so you want to still stay. You want to lock it in and then let the hair kind of fall into your clipper. Do you have any questions so far feeling good i'm ready to move on to the next section, so we're going to come from behind. So what you notice on the left side of her head is i'm behind the section my fingers are always pointing in once. I come around to the right side of her head. I'M my fingers still need to be pointing in so i was behind the section now, i'm almost in front of the section cool, so my guide is in the back. Let me spin around yes um. I think i'll have you on this side, cass cool, so my guy from the back is that better yeah cool my guide from the back again a really really loose section. How many people do we got in the room there? Cass, 36, 96. Okay, who's. The first person - that's going to tell me what my next step is: i'm going to comb comb comb. Where am i elevating to come on guys? Where am i elevating to all the way up? Parallel with what the walls of this room comb comb elevation is 90 degrees vertical. What am i looking for? Looking for that guy, you guys see it. Oh there. She is we're gon na go in turn on our clipper. Get some loose tension. Keep my finger position! Locked in i'm going to slide up and i'm going to allow this clipper to cut the hair comb comb comb, comb comb moving on to our last section in the back, so this is just literally four sections that we've taken so far to cut this. The layers in so elevate elevate elevate where we're going to elevate two all the way up, 90 degrees straight up from the head. Our section is going to be parallel with the walls of this room, meaning my comb is vertical. This section is completely vertical. It is um completely parallel with the wall of the room. The way we check ourselves, the reason i'm saying this is because sometimes we get to chatting and then our elevation is like more pointing diagonal and what that's going to do is create inconsistency with the layering. If our elevation is the same in every section, we're going to get consistent, layering consistency in your positioning is going to be consistency in the outcome of how things fall. So we're going to go in. Do we see our guide see our guide back there cass. You do isn't that great right around there cool, so we're gon na do loose tension turn on our clipper. Raise it up, allow our fingers the hair to cut into the clipper. So let's go in. Take a look we're going to check our work guys. You know how we're going to check our work. We'Re going to condense, cut we're going to take two sides: we're going to go in, keep that front fit out of there we're going to go in and check and clean up anything we might have missed. So you guys can see what we missed going to get it off cool. That'S one! Go in and grab the other side same elevation up up up up hong. This is a lot of hair to handle, but you know what it's not that bad! Once you uh get comfortable with condensed cutting you want to comb from one side, comb from the other, get a really nice like loose grip on there, and then that actually looks pretty good but we'll clean up a little bit. So i want to pop off um my attachment and start using that all in one blade that texture blade. So you want to look see what we created here. So we should have a nice layered straight line in the silhouette, meaning her hair isn't going to bubble out and it's not going to scoop in because we use that straight 90 degrees straight up, sectioning, okay. So our next move, like i said, sometimes it's going to be what you leave behind, is going to be just as important as what you cut off the knifing in her fringe is like super cute. She came in looking that way. I don't need to like reinvent the wheel or mess with something that, if it's not work, don't fix it type of situation like. I think it looks great so we're gon na leave it popping on my all, in one blade, we're going to give some deep texture in there and we're going to go in and surface clipper wherever we need to see a little bit of movement. Let'S see where we see where we need to see some movement, so i'm going to pop her up up up up. I do that a lot guys, i repeat, repeat repeat, and it keeps me like on track like cool, so it does seem like it could be. A little weighty in this mid section here these ends look good, but you know, if you take anything out of the middle section, you're still going to affect the ends. Okay, so you have to be mindful of that. We can't remove too much because it's going to affect the end, so i actually really like the amount of texture, that's already in her hair. We don't want to over texturize. So, for the sake of doing what's right for her hair, i'm just going to texturize this one tiny section that seems like it could be a little heavy just so you can see how this all in one blade works bust out a mannequin head practice with this Guy super fun and easy turn it on it's. Just like your um texturizing shears. So you can go in find where you want to see so in her wavy hair, you can kind of see the c shapes, so i would go into the c shapes and surface cut. So it's that easy. So you just go in surface cut that off and remove some of the bulk. So her ends look really great to me. I don't see a need to go in with this all in one blade, so i'm not going to do it. You know, like i said it's, not it's! What we leave behind that's going to make this great cool, so we're going to go in and take a look from the front. So we need to take a look at this front section and see how everything is flowing. So we're going to release everything in the front on both sides, so we can go in clean up anything that we see extra. But i really like everything. That'S in the front. I think these pieces are separate from her fringe, so her fringe sectioning. What you do take the corner of her eye rock that up to her to her uh part, you can see that that is where her fringe is laying on both sides. So we have everything in front of the ear separated from her fringe section. So on the diagram looks like so french section corner of the eyes, put that up and you're gon na rock to the high point of the head and then you'll have the right and left section of the fringe. That'S what we already have created. That'S the part. I like so that's the part i'm going to leave if you like it, leave it. So that is super cute already. Sg is a hairdresser. You cut them yourself, didn't you yeah, they look good every other week. So really i'm really enjoying right. Now i'm just going to like look and see if i go back in that same position, i'm going to go in. Let me grab a bit from the section behind and see if this what this needs. So i think we could actually take that off. It'S going to keep everything real, clean and fall around. We have um, i think we're getting a delivery. Hopefully it's our wall order. Let me look. No sorry. I don't know where logan parlor is it for logan parlor uh. I think you need to knock on that door. All right. I was hoping that was like our wall order or uh, something something nice. Oh it wasn't even rough. Sorry about that guys. That was a big bang. I know he scared me just like not gon na knock down the door, all right, so i mean this is like every day in the salon, right, whatever you got, ta go with what go with the flow. So again i can't reach this because it's her hair, so well so one thing you do bump her all the way down get her all the way down. So you're, comfortable, she's, already comfortable right, uncomfortable yeah, seriously go go, go, go, go we're going to come in! There'S our guide and we are going to take that off straight blades oops. I can't change out my blade. Yeah you've got the texturizer on still pop that off pop that on grab that section again really loose last two sections and then we're gon na finish her. You guys, what do you think we should put in our mirror to finish it? So if you guys know the 1919 line, what do you guys think we should use? What? What do we want our hair to do? We want the texture to really pop. We probably want something lightweight, so it moves all right. Fingers pointing down elevation is completely vertical straight out from her head. I'M going to come in come up, keep the same finger position. My teeth are pointing up and cutting letting that hair fall into the clipper comb. Tying the front into the back: let's do the other side, so you have to practice getting your comb and your clipper in your hands. At the same time, it might feel kind of strange like it first did when you were doing it with your shears, but you'll get used to it promise so come in again. My fingers are always pointing in so i always know where to stand as long as my fingers point down. So if i'm behind your section they're pointing down, if i'm in front it's gon na, be weird to do that, you know so a little tip for you. So up up up up up coming in now my guide is behind me. I can see it grab something from the other side too. Well, there's my guy perfect grab grub grab up up up cup cup cup cool. So, let's go in see what we created. I really like her fringe. Like we said it's totally perfect, let's go in cassie. Can you take a little step?

kuki_java: Amazing work

Mina Mina: Thks

a + p : 31:23 scared myself too

Julie Hoffman-Halliburton: Doesnt look anything like the pic on the thumbnail.

Carmen Silva: No se olle ella hablando

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