Highlight Natural, Curly Hair At Home - Diy Using A Cap!

  • Posted on 12 April, 2021
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

Y'all wanted some natural hair tutorials, so I'm taking you along as I highlight my curls at home...I enlist my husband, the ever agreeable Rob, to DIY it with a cap. I just do it a little differently than our straight-haired friends!


Wet detangling brush: https://amzn.to/327Wb2i

Double row pick: https://amzn.to/3mFVsyF

Tipping cap: https://amzn.to/3g30ofI

(comes with metal crochet hook)

Tints Of Nature Ammonia free Lightening kit: https://amzn.to/3mEcugN

Make an easy scrunchie with us here:


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Love always,

Marcy & Rob

The Handmade Harriells

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Music: "Punky" from Bensound.com (opening title)

All other music from YouTube's free audio library:

Max McFerren "Rollin With The Flow"

Hey everybody, i'm marcy of the handmade heralds, and today i'm coming to you from lasalle du ben y'all have been asking for some hair tutorials. It'S time for me to highlight my hair. I would be remiss if i didn't share that amazing journey with you guys. Let'S go as you can see, i've got my hair all up. In my little pineapple with my scrunchie that we made last week, let's take her out here's what we're working with maybe the last time i did. That was two years ago. So it's a long past time. I maybe took this down too quickly because we got some things to talk about. I find that there are three things you want when you go to the salon, you want a stylist who is going to do a good job. You want a stylist who is a good listener and you want a stylist who's going to charge you a good price. I really only gotten one out of three anytime i've gone to the salon. It cost me about 400 dollars to get my hair highlighted, so i'm gon na do that myself, y'all. Do you, though you want to go to the salon you go to that salon. You have a good time all right. This is what i do to highlight. My hair at home, i'm not saying you'll, get the same results. I just want you to see that maybe it's not as scary as you might think, because of this massive hair and this mass of curls. It really hides any sections that you got a little too rambunctious on much like a printed fabric will hide a wonky seam or a stitch. That'S not totally straight. That'S a little sewing aside from a sewing folks. You'Ve seen many videos on youtube with hair stylists in shock and horror at people using these little highlighting caps, but for my hair it works because there's no way i'm threading through my hair and putting highlights in it's a lion's. The first thing i like to do when i'm highlighting my hair is actually brush it out a little bit it's dry. So i'm going to be very gentle with this, because you don't want to comb out dry curly natural curls because it will wreck your ends. This by the way is my favorite detangling brush i'll, show you that in another video, because that's a whole another, that's a whole nother topic. I'Ve also got my two pick and you can just gently gently comb through the ends. I'M not yanking, i'm not pulling most lightening and highlighting kits will tell you to do this on clean hair. But whenever i've gone to the salon, they've asked me to come in with quote unquote dirty hair, because you know it ain't that dirty just hasn't been washed. In four or five days, you can probably see some of the product coming off. That means the highlighting is going to be gentler on your hair, there's more of a bit of a barrier for it to break through. That'S how i understand it so wendy and lisa right now: okay, she's fluffed out she's parted on the side, which is very, very trendy right now and she's ready for the highlighting cap. So stylish yeah, that's right! You basically just stick your crochet needle in grab. Just a couple of hairs and pull through that's not a whole lot of hair. I'M not pulling a big old chunk through because then you're to have a big old stripe of highlight. There you go, sun chunks are bigger, sun chunks are smaller and that's good because that's going to make it more natural, let's get to pulling she's going to be a big chunk. You can kind of finagle underneath and pull the hair back through the hole. That'S that's more sensible. You can also go back through and pull a little bit more out props to youtubers who do this on a daily basis. It'S actually a little hard to do this with my little viewfinder here. So i'm gon na step off and come back and show y'all the glory of what i'm gon na look like. Isn'T it so sexy in the back here you could jenga up mirrors, so you can actually see what's going on back there or you could call in the other. Half of the handmade heralds, ladies and gentlemen, rob what i need you to do now is take your little tool here. Take your tool out. You know, i don't want to get every big hole. I just want to get a smattering. You know: okay, yeah, a smattering of holes, smattering of holes, you're going to get a smattering of, and you know, you're not pulling out a huge chunk of hair here. You'Re just pulling out. Will that hurt? Well yeah it does. But that's okay. I stuck you with plenty of pins. This is fine, you're, not hurting. Okay, have you got it because holy? Oh, my god? No, that was a nice one baby. Well, it's the same hole still working on that same hole, huh. I am i'm trying to get all the little hairs out what a pain in the butt i'll put it in the hole you do it yeah. Why don't you put it in the hole? I just put it in the hole sweet. You do it and i'm gon na finish it off yeah i'll, put it in the hole - and you finish it off finish yourself off mars, a little clippy clip. Okay, babe! You see that little clippy clip it even matches. I didn't mean to do that, but it does. When you put it in the hole yeah, could you make sure that the tip is facing up? The tip is always facing up hold tip facing up. Let'S see if you did get the tip facing up, because that was so easy babe! Oh, this is good. This is good. We got a little action going. That'S right! You missed holes up here! Well, okay, you know help me out here, i'm helping you out. Would you be a pal? This is where we're at now folks he's climbed up on top of the edge of the tub to get a bird's eye view. No, i have to stop doing this. Oh no! You made your excuse. Yes, if we're on to the next steps in your excuse, i love you that was so easy. You know definitely do this because uh this is easy. There'S no tension, you're, definitely not gon na hurt anybody doing it. This is what strengthens a marriage. Okay, you can go now. Okay, thanks. The people are happy to see you, though they didn't see you last week. Oh they didn't. No! You missed scrunchies. I missed scrunchies. Now we're going to mix up our highlighting solution. It takes a minute to get all that hair pulled through your cap and you don't want your highlighting solution just sitting around while you're doing that, i'm using the tints of nature, hair lightening kit. The first time that i used this kit. I decided that because my hair is coarser and natural and thicker and a bit harder to color, that i should put the plastic bonnet on that they provide and then heat up that plastic bonnet. Don'T do that that actually made my hair smoke be sensible. This kit is ammonia, free, it does have hydrogen peroxide. So, of course, read the ingredients and decide if it's right for you and you can see on the side of the box here. It shows you what your results are going to look like. So i'm between these two, so these should be my results. I'M going to leave it on for the recommended amount of time and no longer and i'm going to keep checking it after i've applied it just to be sure, i'm not seeing any smoke or any damage, and this doesn't turn into some viral youtube. Video because i lightened all my hair off my head - we're going to mix all three of these products. Okay, so we've got all three products mixed together. At this point, there is no metal in my hair, no bobby pins you're, not going to throw your metal crochet hook back in there and i'm not going to get all the way on to the cap. That'S going to leak down into the the roots into the scalp and give you more lightening than you want, so i'm just going to nicely and gently just like i was applying gel to my hair. Put some of that on my gloves and just start pulling it through i'm starting with the top front section of my hair, because that's where i want the most highlighting? Because if you think about the sun, you know it would be beating down. On top of my head before it would be beating down under these layers all right, so i've got that section done going to gently twist it and just let it sit on top right there. Then i'm going to move to the next section of hair. So you see, i did get some of the hair underneath the cap. That'S okay. Hopefully i'm not jinxing myself and this isn't going to turn into you know gorilla glue, part two, but i'm not going to finish the butt because i don't know what it would be. This is going to pop the cap on this is to give the hair a little extra heat. This is where, when i first did this, i thought extra heat. I know how to do that. Let me stick my blow dryer up in there. Don'T do that. I like to also go through these longer ends and just use up the rest of the color that i have. I keep calling it color. It'S not color by just pulling it through an end curl here and there and of course, as this is the last thing i'm doing, and the lightener has already been on the rest of my hair, the front, probably for about a good 10 minutes. This part is not going to lighten up as much i even scrunch a little bit through at the end telling you i'm a little reckless with my hair. At this point i might need a cocktail, but i'm going to let this marinate for 30 minutes. I am going to carefully lift the bonnet up every now and then just to be sure the hair is doing its thing and not um coming off or anything like that. But i'll see you back here for washing it out. Okay, what i'm gon na do next, and i am not that youtuber that's gon na get in the shower for you and film myself, showering and waste all that water. I'M going to rinse this out with warm water with this protective cap still on then take the protective cap off and shampoo it and condition it with the provided sachets. This is what it looks like pretty much dry she's, not fluffed up. Yet i like to fluff her up a lot more than this, but i wanted you guys to be able to see the curls and the difference in the root compared to the ends, and you can see where i did have some old sun-kissed action going on. It'S lightened up even more and here's the back. I don't know how rob did, but maybe we can get him in here and and see: hey rob, hey, hey, hey! So what do you think it sounds pretty good. Do you think it's gon na be? No, i think it's no. I do. I think it's pretty cool you closer to me. I'M trying to get you in front of here he's just fighting me the whole time. How are you going to hurt me? Maybe he could do just a little more, maybe yeah in the back. So well, you know what honestly no okay, but here's what can happen next, if you don't feel you have enough highlights what you can do. Is you can pull up from this section? Maybe have a friend paint highlights in without using the cap, it's a much gentler process. It'S a kinder gentler process. Yeah. I don't know why you love to stand behind me and make me king kong. Is that better? I think your hair looks great peace out. Everybody emphasis on peace, oh by the way, i'm gon na do a lot more hair tutorials. When we get back to new york, where we actually have more space weirdly in our bathroom, if you feel really nice, maybe i'll do some hair tutorials as well. He really knows how to keep this keep. This dome domey hit me up in the comments with what you want to see on hair and on sewing and on coffee, coffee, yep, yeah, all kinds of things, all right, everybody all right bye. I have a solution for this hand: cramp you're, not a pro hitting the holes like. I am lock it off, rub some dirt on

Diane Pothier: Hi Marcy. I would give anything to have the amount of hair you have lol. My hair is very thin. Years ago a friend who was a hairdresser, always had me pull her hair through the cap before she highlighted it. She had thick hair and wore it up it bothered her to see all dark underneath so she would buy two packages of color and the following week she would brush her hair forward, then put the cap on and pull through the back and underneath hair. It worked very well. Just a tip. Thanks Diane. Keep your antics coming.

Nancy Ring: I have baby-fine, stick/straight hair and I thoroughly enjoyed this video!! (Really missed Rob last week!) Love you two!❤️

deemdee816: The end result is beautiful! The pair of you, I love your dynamic & I love you!❤

Keri Luiz: Love it! And yay Rob! My husband is also a good sport about helping me apply color, but it's the semi permanent purple that he has to deal with. My mom did hair for about 50 years until she had to retire a few years ago, and she used the frosting cap on my head many times when my hair was still naturally blonde... it's darkened to this boring mousy-brown now. She could get some great sun streaking going. Occasionally some of the chemicals would "leak" through one of the holes in the cap, which would result in a "Murphy" as she called it, but generally it had great results on my head. She also did the foil packet technique, which can be very time consuming and something I sure as heck wouldn't want to try on my head.

small footprint: "Walk it off, rub some dirt on it!"... made me laugh at all the times my dad said that when I was little and skinned a knee, etc. Your hairs look great. Nice that you can do it at home and get such good results. Beautiful curls.

24dwrb: Omg! That came out beautiful! I’m going to try this on my daughters hair. ☺️ you guys are so adorable ❤️❤️❤️Aloha ❣️

Kiki: YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS!The natural curls are a girls dream.. You are amazing! And Rob is sooo good for helping out. I'm a cosmetologist by trade, and am so happy that you explained everything to your audience ❤.

Karen Barton: Absolutely love your hair! I used to spend big bucks getting my hair permed. The only time it came close to looking like your curls, my Mom Toni’d my hair and ran out of neutralizer 1/2 way thru. A red head with an Afro! We couldn’t get the comb thru the hair. Needles to say, at 14, she didn’t perm my hair again. Such fun memories. Thank you to you and Rob for the laughs and the memories. I love you two!

Chris: oooh, beautiful job on the hair! love the curls! looking forward to rob's tutorial too!

Carine: Nice ! Thank you for sharing this! I would love to know how you maintain your curls throughout the week and what your favorite wash day products are (co wash, no poo, low poo, no sulfates, fully loaded with silicones, and so on and so forth)

A Colón: Love y’all so much! Thank you for taking time out to bless us with your love.

gracie osornio: Marcy you are so beautiful! Love to see you guys together, this was so hilarious! This reminded me of all the "haircuts" I gave my husband during this pandemic, but in my marriage someone always ended up crying (me), because I wish I could do a better job. He just always wears a cap now, AND we are STILL married and going strong too! Also, do you do any kind of home hair hacks?? Example: Egg yolk hairmasks, Mayonaise treatments, tomato juicing, apple cider vinegar? thank you for making me laugh!

Yvonne J-H: Loved your hair before, love it after! Great job to you both and it was very interesting to watch and funny, too!

Twixy No: I used to dye my own hair but since moving to my own condo with a questionable finishing job on my tub, I have gone to my hair person. He has a colorist who is fantastic. When I used to do my own it was too dark and my hair was looking like a wig hat. I gave up dip manicures to get hair color instead. Since Covid, I had given up the color and was going natural but seeing you with your hair in the cap holes made me think that yes, I will try again. Meanwhile, your hair came out fantastic.

Ana Cunningham: Thank you so much for sharing! watching you two makes me smile every time I watch your videos!

RosaCanis Alba: That little clip you used to hold back the front of the hair in the cap is the size I use to twist ALL of my hair up!

Traci Perdue: I love y’all’s videos!!! I absolutely love your hair it’s so beautiful!!! Have a great day!!!

Ketia Perkins formally Davis: Love how your hair turned out!!! ♥️♥️

Christine G: Love, love, LOVE your hair!!! It's beautiful

Ellen Kucera: Love y'all! This just inspired me to take care of my haircolor TODAY!

Dina Schulz: I do so love the two of you! Everything gets put on hold as soon as I find a new video. Marcy, you always leave me grinning back at you! I would watch you and Rob do (almost) anything!

Aaron Bruce: It looks very pretty, you did a great job. And your very gorgeous too Marcy ☮️

Noël S: That cap is so Mod! I wondered how that worked, I was always afraid I’d mess it up somehow. Thanks for the fun Marcy!

Breaking Point: You have amazing curly hair! I would love to learn about textured hair and the care you have to take to treat and style it! when I was in highschool I used to curl my hair almost every day for school with curling my hair, still do lol. cant wait for more tutorials!.❤️

AJ: You are stunning. Such a genius idea. I'm here for the sewing and also hair videos.!

Maggie Silva: So I was searching for highlight ideas and your hair came to mind. Then, behold!, this video

Loukalicious: gorgeous!!! love those curls

AMF: I LOVE that your husband was willing to do this with you ♥️♥️♥️. What a good sport

Susan Beltran: Marcy your hair is beautiful...the curls are amazing. This video took me back in time I remember my mom having a cap similar to the one you had and she would do her hair pulling and it was painful . Thank you for bringing joy to my day! I look forward to your videos. Shout out to your lovely assistant

Fab Data: Stunning highlights You and your hubby are great together - your conversation made me laugh

Ellen Peffer: I had my hubs due my hair recently. So now I'm really a blue haired little old lady. Now to put some deep blue low lights! You two are so fun!

Mary Fletcher: I love your hair!, it’s gorgeous!

Daxxydog: Tell Rob practice makes perfect! My hubby has done this for me for years! Did you retouch your roots first? I do add a little heat with the blow dryer to speed it up a bit, but I do it on warm and not hot, and only from the outside of the plastic cap so it won’t dry the product out.

Andrea_Hall1976: Just gorgeous!!!

Caroline Woffard: Your hair looks gorgeous

Steve Zytveld: Your hair looks So good. Well done, you two. I have natural irregular curling hair. So any time I booked a date with a salon I would ask if they had anyone who specialized in natural curly hair. And it would, every single time, turn out they would only know how to handle permed hair. Let's just say the results for my high-school and university photos were not... ideal. Especially that time I decided to try highlights... not my best look. Meh. I've been cutting my own and Mister Husbands hair for around 15 years. And my hair has been in locks for about 4 years. As much as I miss the scalp massage, my perfectly good fabric budget money will never again cross paths with a salon cash register ever again. - Cathy (&, accidently, Steve), Ottawa/Bytown

Ashley Moore: Beautiful!

Joleen Phillips: I didn't know you highlighted your hair! Awesome job btw!!

Jenni Dumlao: You did a great job I think bc you are so full of creativity plus a super helpful hubs:)

Ava Johnson: I don't know if you are much of a plushie kind of person, but if you are I would love to see you make your own! Great Video & your hair looks AMAZING!!!

Rita McKenna: Gorgeous!

Nancy Steiner: You have beautiful hair and are very brave! Love the excellent results and think of the $$ you saved! ❤️

Lizy Rodriguez: I love you guys. Too funny. You are the best and those curls are amazing.

Francesca a: Gorgeous! And you two crack me up with the cute double entendres

E_Barger: This was just the lunch break entertainment that I needed!

Mary T: You are so brave! It looks fabulous, dahlin´!

So Very Jo: OMG this took me back to college. My friend did this to me and I ended up with blond hair and brown highlights. lol I'm going go try this tho. Such a great idea! I don't want to pay to get it done because I'm home and no one will see it so why spend the money.

Jaylynn St Julian: Beautiful Marcy! Love your curls and looking forward to your hair process video. In the mean time can you share with us what hair products do you use.

Pat S: My husband used to do this for me too.

Angela Batterman: I'm a closet hairdresser myself I do this for my daughter and my granddaughters.

World Gurl: Yeeeeesssssss.........Thank you!!!!.... I bought one of these caps years ago....now I am going to use it.....Gonna look cute this summer in spite of COVID....

natural nicky: You two are so cute. Love how your hair turned out. Do your curls frizz up over time!

Geoffry the Buttler: It looks GORGEOUS!!! I'm a white girl so I don't need these tips, but still, wonderful to watch!

Christine Clarke: My daughter has hair very similar to yours. Do you recommend the detangling brush?

UndershirtSandwich: Marcy, you have the most beautiful hair I've ever seen. ❤

OLI D: Great video. Your hair is so lovely. How do you get that gorgeous definition??? I have a very cheap version of this same brush and I really need another one because my son ate the teeth off it. What's the brand?

xyummii: Too funny! Gonna show this to my hubby he is gonna die

Kirinda Marie: You are so beautiful your hair is gorgeous

Melissa Goad: Yes!!! My hubby needs bare scalp help.

Mōl Not Mole: That turned out awesome, and hilarious

Angela Batterman: Looks absolutely great, now does it give your hair more body when you do this.

Pat S: Could you please show us how you get those gorgeous curls?

Unique Whimsy: Wow you are brave!! I’d be so scared of that cap with such thick hair. But maybe your scalp isn’t too sensitive.

korelle dines: Any reason you chose a side parting under the cap?

Mary T: Used to be a natural redhead...a few years ago, now. I’m okay with my white hair most of the time, but every so often I wonder what I would look like with some green or blue highlights like the younguns’ do.

rhea: Can you tell us where to get that comb that spreads apart? Thanks. you guys.

Deborah Penner: Want to hear about how your husband keeps up the done. My husband is considering going all bald

Gramma Marshmallow: I love you two!

Unique Whimsy: You are so beautiful

Dorshay J: I LOVE them...finish yourself off Marc...lol

Lisa Hodges: Oh wow! Beautiful! Marcie your head is beautiful too! Lovely, lovely couple. Birdy

Meagan Alexander: You all are the cutest couple!!!

Bruce: need another one your singing videos please - jazzy stuff

Hortencia Ornelas: Have you ever had lavender coffee? I think it’s tasty

Amanda Carr: I need hair tutorials!!! Asap

Lordy Lordy: Great video,,your hilarious!ouch

Miriam Gladen: It's beautiful but soooo much work

creating1_c1999: I have a crush on your hair!!!

Fairoa: Luv the dirty jokes y’all gave out lmao

RachelLynn Creates: Hehehehehe... does he have problems finding the hole often or just once in awhile? Bwahahaha.

Jezebel von Tex: that's a sexy cap if I've ever seen a sexy cap. I know you are a married woman, but "How are YOU doing???"

Connie Smith: Hi. Hello. Howdy. I used to do this.

Marijuana Meditations: The innuendos thoooo

Chandler Green: 400??

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