The Indian Secret, To Grow Hair At A Rocket Speed And Treat Baldness From The First Week

  • Posted on 09 May, 2021
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

the Indian secret, ️ to grow hair at a rocket speed and treat baldness from the first week


• License:Music for Vlog, Kitchen and Recipes (No Copyright Music)Video Link:



How to grow long, thicken, hair, using bell pepper Today's video is a recipe to stop hair loss, using bell pepper To prepare the recipe, take a bell, pepper and wash it well. The mixture of green bell, pepper with olive oil, helps nourish the hair, follicles and roots and stimulates them to grow in a short time. Grate it on a grater bell: pepper, protects against scalp problems that impair hair growth and affect its size and density.. We add a small cup of olive oil. It is preferable to add extra virgin olive oil without salt. Olive oil is rich in Vitamin E which helps fight hair loss. We put the mixture in hot water and leave it for 15 minutes to heat the oil Olive oil contains nutrients for hair, such as magnesium, zinc, sulfur, calcium, vitamin B. We pour the mixture into a closed glass bottle and store it. Bell. Pepper is useful in getting rid of the problem of hair breakage because it contains a high proportion of vitamin C. This facilitates the absorption of iron in the hair cells. We leave the ingredients to ferment in a tightly closed bottle in a dark place for a whole week. After a week, we filter the mixture to extract the oil. Then we keep the bell pepper oil in a bottle for daily use, How to apply the recipe to hair, Apply this oil to hair and scalp and massage the scalp for 5 minutes. Leave the bell, pepper oil, on your hair for two hours and wrap your hair with a plastic wrap Then wash your hair with water and shampoo Repeat the recipe 3 times a week to get a great result.

Huma Gull: Never heard of green peppers for hair growth before. However freshly ground black peppercorns mixed with beef bone marrow and coconut oil is confirmed remedy to treat baldness , regrow hair and dandruff.

lissy wilson & Olivia wilson: I'm Indian & I have good long hair. I think it's actually genetic. You have to eat right for good hair. My hair oil is a mixture of boiled coconut oil with Avocado oil (coconut oil must be in large quantity), bringaraj extract, gooseberry juice & camphor (it reduces itchiness & give good smell on hair)

Dani garcia: Um pimentão ralado, um copinho de azeite extra-virgem sem sal, misture bem coloque em um vidro, e coloque em um local escuro por uma semana. Após esse período coe e coloque em novamente no vidro. Aplique o óleo no couro cabeludo e massageio por 5 minutos, Coloque uma touca plástica e deixe por 2 horas, lave normalmente com água e shampoo, use três vezes na semana. Boa sorte princesas

Silvana De la vega: Hola. Parese muy buena la receta pero si traducen en castellano mucho mejor. Gracias. Saludos desde Argentina ‍♀️‍♀️

LADY BOOM: Girls, today I will share my 2 secrets of hair restoration at home. I make these masks together, I put one on the roots, the other on the tips. You can use 1 of the 2 masks you like. I just like how both masks work together. Please write which mask you liked the most! Thank you for your support!!! -1) Mix the yolk of one medium egg with 1 teaspoon of honey and a few drops of vitamin A (or a spoonful of any vegetable oil). 2) Mix the yolk of one medium egg with 1 teaspoon of honey and a few drops of vitamin A (or a spoonful of any vegetable oil).

teach iawphniaw: What can we use instead of olive oil?

Nathalia Gomes: Pode guardar a mistura se sobrar depois do uso ?

Ambar I Munoz: I love the simplicity of this recipe. Thanks for the info on the benefits of the ingredients. !!!

Celia Regina: Parece boa receita, mas seria mais interessante , fazer tradução no português. Pode ser?! Obrigada

FRANCiS Lapi: Can I use avocado oil?

Zulekha Aley: Can I use coconut oil instead of olive oil?

Gothpandagirl: How long does it take to make a hair grow longer faster? And how many times in the week could happen? ??

Virginia McDonald: Can I or should I use all these hair products at the same time?? Also you have several recipes that are the same but you use a different pepper in each one? Hatch, hot red pepper and Reg. Green pepper???? LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!!!!!

Joana Palido Joana: Obrigada pela receita

Aparecido Salviano: Alguém fez e deu certo. Resposta em português,obg

milagro Gonzalez siminiel: Gracias por sus remedios

sylvie chatue: Très pertinent et simple à réaliser

Willyans Alexandre: Un pimiento rallado, una taza pequeña de virgen extra sin sal, mezclar bien, colocar en un vaso y colocar en un lugar oscuro durante una semana. Pasado este tiempo, colar y volver a colocar en el vaso. Aplicar el aceite en el cuero cabelludo y masajear durante 5 minutos, poner un gorro de plástico y dejar actuar durante 2 horas, lavar normalmente con agua y champú, utilizar tres veces por semana.

Natalie Fürstová: Thanks! What measure is small cup? And "daily use" means that you wash your hair each day?

Omar Ahmad: ساعود بعد شهر لكي ارى كم عدد محبي الرسول عليه افضل الصلاة واتم التسليم

Chelbia Cristina De Barros Sousa: Pimentao verde ralado Azeite 1 copo americano Banho Maria 15 minutos Armazene 1 semana em 1 vidro fechado Coe .pronto. Deixe agir no cabelo por 2 horas

Ebtihal khaled Makeup Artist: حبيت الوصفه كتير ❤️❤️

Esperanza Lopez: cuales son los dos que se necesitan para aselerar el crecimiento del cabello

Maria Brasil: Alguém fez e deu certo ??? Eu já ouvi dizer que fazer um chá com alecrim e esperar esfriar o chá e em seguida colocar no seu pote de shampoo e na hora de lavar a cabeça , massagear por pelo menos 5 minutos o couro cabeludo e deixar agir por mais 5 minutos para que o alecrim seja bem absorvido pelo couro cabeludo , esse receita é para crescer cabelo mais rápido e para , evitar a queda de cabelo massageie principalmente as áreas onde existe alguma queda de cabelo

معليكم!: فاعله خيير : اني قبل سنتين جربتها كوولش زينه وتخيل تنعم الشعر وتعالج التساقط والتقصف يعني روعه.. بس اني تركتها ورجع شعري يتساقط وهسه حرجعلها.. ادعولي أحقق حلمي

Canny Gogia: This is capsicum. What is the authenticity of this video? Do you have any proven results of this? How does this mixture work on hair, please explain.

Lycia Soares: Por favor traduza para o portugués

essech: i am from india, and i have never ever heard of this mask in any of our diverse state cultures.

estefanie salcedo: disculpa, el aceite de olivo lo puedo remplazar con el de coco... -.-

Edic Zapata: Gracias por la receta la voy a preparar

Assassin 11: Hey, i keep it in for two weeks, does that make any difrents on how it works or is all cool?

Софья Никитина: Я делаю с настойка красного перца: 1 чайная ложка красного перца, 2 чайной ложки оливкого масла. Размешать, нанести на корни волос, одеть шапочку для душа. 30 минут и мыть.

Maria de Lourdes Francisco: Quantas vezes devo usar? Infelizmente não consegui entender muito bem seu idioma. ♥️♥️♥️

NANY_GAMER_YT: Funciona para cabelo olioso?

raja elalaoui: شكرا لك على الوصفات الجيدة وعلى طريقة التقديم المتحضرة

دودو دى انا: Keep trying like this. Thank you very much for your beautiful recipes

Taty Henriquez Riascos: En español por favor!!! Esta receta muy importante conocerla, en español gracias!!

عمراحمد الهالى: علية افضل الصلاة واتم التسليم

Miriam Diaz: Por favor, lo pueden reproducir en español ya que me interesa copiarlo para hacerlo, porque se me cae mucho el cabello. Gracias

Sara Regina Martinez da silva Sara: Vou fazer,com certeza

Ali Nasira: Does it work on nature hair

dezy kisembo: How long does it take to see the results?

Asia Saad: فلفلية مبشورة ..زيت زيتون...نختو ف حمام مائي لمدة ٢٠دقيقة..يحفظ ف زجاجة لمدة اسبوع ف مكان مظلم...نصفيهو ...نضعو لمدة ساعتين ونلفو بكيس وط ونغسلو بموية

Liinda Reis: Que receita maravilhosa vou fazer com certeza

Marleny Santos: Como Alós cuánto días se ven los resultados ??

Тамара Кушнир: Советы,наверное, хорошие. Вот только бы был перевод на русский язык.

andrew mothupi: Wow that was AMAZING KEEP UP YOUR GOOD WORK!!

karinehoareau06: Does someone can confirm this recipe benefits ? Est ce que quelqu'un peut confirmer des bienfaits de cette recette ?


Buffy Motanao: Thanks for sharing your amazing natural remedies

MUSICAL SNEAKERS INC.: Thank you so much for your help today and I appreciate your time!!!

Rosangela Nc: Que legal tudo que eu preciso. Vou fazer esse e o de abóbora

ahmd jmal: الوصفه مره حلوه

Tatiana Bjorn: Спасибо большое за это служение!


Елена Гожих: У меня тоже начались проблемы с волосами и сказали, что надо навести порядок в кишечнике, а потом делать маски для волос.

Britney Cheillis: Does it work on virgin hair for dark women?

محمد حلم: في ميزان حسناتكي

Geisa Escobar gonzalez: Me encantan los remedios caseros son fabulosos

Nayeli Medina: ¿no se pone feo al estar guardado tanto tiempo?

Fathya Abushouk: يا له من وصفه سهله و سريعه التحضير اللهم اجعلنا منهم


Cабирова Тоня: Спасибо за рецепт

Sokphear Em: Great video! Beautiful hair too! But just wanted to let everyone no that rice water can help too. And wether any one believes in god or not,or has alopecia or not,wouldn't it be cool to try these videos just to see it might work? Like when someone says theve tried everything and nothing works but what if the ONE video u DONT try would've worked but u gave up and quit trying things,so you'd never know cuz you didn't try it.

Joey Summer: Can I use Coconut oil instead of the Olive oil?

Alejandra Granda: Genial muchas gracias !!!!

tharini K: Can we also use coconut oil instead.. Plz tell me anyone

Zulmira Jimenez B: Gracias por la información

Elizabet Cristina: Increible Tengo que hacerlo para saber el resultado Se me cae el cabello Gracias

Birdie Plays: Letting everyone know, I've done this for a week. It didn't do jack shit except make my hair extremely oily and when washed out i smelled like a Spanish bodega all day. Not worth it. -- update again, my sister has tried this around the same time as me, she however didn't stop after a week like I did. No growth, just overly oily and she did it every few days. Same results as myself, bodega smell. (For anyone hating on my comment, idc about what you say if it is hateful and negative :) grow up)

Adriano Mendes: Gostei dica boa

Olga Life is Life: Обычное масло острого перца в домашних условиях( мацерат или инфуз)

Manahil Mno22: انا ممتحنه ادعولي احصل نسبه ٩٦٪ دعوه أربعين شخص مستجابه ❤️

Lucineide Alves: Adorei vou fazer

Thando Mthombeni: Is it a must to use olive oil for this mixture

Andre Morgan: How fast this treatment take to work

No Copyright Music: Hello friend nice video! Thanks for using a song from my channel, if you need other songs you can safely use them because they are all copyright free, just mention the link in the description of your video as you just did. Keep following me ❤️

Sam & Friends YT: Does it have to be refrigerated?

ضحی ناصر: بالإضافة إلى زيت جوز الهند الذي يستعملونه بعد كل حمام ...ليس بكثرة إنما مسحة خفيفة على الشعر

Esther Sawi: It's nice,I get to do it for my hair.

Χρήστος Κ.: This works even if you don't have any hair on your head?

miroslava palma: Buenísimo ya lo hice y enamorada de el

Валентина Елизарова: Очень интересно, и просто, попробую. Спасибо.

Dina Silva: Obrigada pela dica

Azoo Mohammedi: وصفة مضمونة شكرا

Sanam Hussain: Hello dear kindly tell me how to remove unwanted hair permanently

cosmira Santana: Será que funciona mesmo kkkkk

Reshni Mani: Lovely hair wish my hair grows fast like that

shirley lydiya: I have never heard of applying bell pepper for hair being an Indian, it's new. Have used bell pepper for noodles n fried rice

Udayakanthi Amarathunga: Thanks a lot akki

A I: Going to try it. Thank you

Fatima Tir: شكرا لك أختي على الوصفة يمكن نعوض زيت الزيتون بزيت الذرة العادية

edielda neves: meu cabelo era muito pequeno mas depois que fiz essa receita meu cabelo está quase no pe

Shakirah Isa: Green Paper, olive oil put it in hot water for 15minutes live it for one week and then separate it put it for 15min

Jiya Khan: Can we use small and the spicy one chilli or pepper

dirlei xavier duarte: Devia ter mostrado qd aplicou nós cabelos

Kiran Pushkarna: Can we take the bigger round green peppers

adolfo urbina: Thanks for your help

Latifa Haraki: Se puede poner al pelo recien echa la poción no

Santa Mora: Expliquen bien en español por favor

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