Barbie Extra Doll Series 2 Doll With Long Blue Hair

  • Posted on 27 June, 2021
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

Barbie Extra Doll Series 2 Doll with Long Blue Hair.

Barbie Extra #7:

Doll Stands:

All Barbie Extra Dolls:

Welcome to My World! My pronouns are she/her and I am a 53 year old mom who believes no matter how old we get, we never need to grow up! I rule here and it's all about dolls, speaking from the heart about real life and trying to shine some light into the world. I make really long videos becasue I feel like I am hanging out with my friends. So get some snacks and enjoy!

I collect Barbie, Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow High, LOL OMG, Na Na Na Surprise, Disney Princess Dolls and so many more! I love fashion dolls and I believe that dolls are the best toys for people to improve empathy and to explore their creativity!

Look if your kid's gay they're gay, whether you let them play with dolls or not? Okay, just just just a heads up and if they want to play with dolls um, then let them have their happiness. Okay, hey everybody! Welcome back to my world or no matter how old you get, you never need to grow up, and I have got another Barbie extra doll for you today, and this is the one that a lot of people are like super Gaga over, because she has extremely long Hair she's extremely long kind of like purple blue periwinkle-ish hair. She is number six in the collection personally, I'm in love with her pet because I think she's got the coolest looking pet. So far, um look at this little Bruiser here come on uh. So this is her artwork right here, see look at that hair and actually the doll collectors that I follow on Instagram, of which there are many uh they've done really nice things to her hair that I'm probably never going to do now. I am going to put a link down below to where you can get these dolls on Amazon. It will be an affiliate link. So if you use that link I'll get a little bit of money, so I can buy more dolls because there's lots of dolls coming out and it's just a thing um, but they are available they're on shelves in Target I've seen people find her in Target um. I don't know if they're in Walmarts, yet they're like on Amazon and not on Amazon and they're like there and then they're, not there, and then the pricing is anywhere from like 19.99 to 24.99. I can't figure out what's going on online, I don't know how much they are in stores. So if someone could please comment down below if you've purchased one in a store, how much was it um ooh ice, cold, hot tea? It'S not the same as iced coffee. You know, especially because I don't put like sugar or anything in mine, so it's just not the same thing. I cannot wait to rip into this doll because I'm loving this outfit. I like this is one of the first. That'S not true. I mean I really kind of dug this outfit and I definitely loved this outfit um this one. I definitely anytime. We can put Fringe on a jacket on there and then this girl, I thought, was cool. I just wish her clothes under the cool rainbow jacket had been different, but um. Now now this girl, who is part of the new release, go watch the video okay. So these dolls come uh parents, grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cool people that buy dolls for kids. These dolls come with 15 fashion pieces uh, which is basically their clothes and accessories. I don't know why Mattel felt then you'll need to tell us how many pieces of clothing we were getting like. It'S not a surprise toy. Okay. We can see it. You don't need to tell us how many pieces there are. I think it would have been more interesting to point out that they were articulated or something like that um, but whatever they also, the boxes come with these cute little things that I think we could have still maybe stopped doing and put more money into some of The accessories - but these are these - this is me complaining about a bunch of stuff, so I'm going to open her and as I open her we're going to chat because I'm in a chitty chatty mood today in case you haven't noticed from all the videos I'm making Today, uh, which is good, I haven't been in a chitty chatty mood in a while. It'S been really really hot. I don't do well in the heat, but so I you know originally. I was like about Barbie extra and then they grew on me and then I realized uh, especially from comments that you guys made on the barbie extra videos that a lot of you see there's a perforation on the back of this box. That makes you think that that's the way you're supposed to open it and I fall for it every time, but really I can't even so just rip the back off just rip it off um. Well, that was useful. A lot of you said, like you, don't like the proportions like the big-headed dolls, a lot of people call them the OMGs and the rainbow highs and you're just kind of not into that, and you like the more Barbie style, doll um, which was surprising uh. I was like, oh okay, so yeah there are people who just don't like. I don't know why. I think everybody likes rainbow high OMG because it feels like it but shocker not everybody does and then there's the people like me who, just like they're like it's a doll I'll take it. You know um and that so that's kind of how I feel about you know dolls, if I like it, I'm buying it so um. So it's really really cool and, I think um. I said this in the other video, but I'm repeating myself in case you didn't see the other video yet that if you have a kid who feels pressured, Maybe by maybe there's some peer pressure um, you know trying to say that dolls aren't cool anymore, but they Still like dolls, you know these are maybe a good option for them, because they're a little edgier right um. Now, if you have a kid who's, a teenager and who still likes dolls and you for some reason, have a problem with this. Stop that um, why? Why is that a problem for you? I don't understand. There is nothing wrong with being a teenager who likes dolls, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. There are people who love dolls, their whole lives like 53 years. You know I'm otherwise a perfectly responsible, mostly capable for the most part. No seriously I mean you know before I got sick and then ended up finding the world of YouTube. I I was, I was a director of operations in Manhattan and like managed 20 million dollar a year budget and collected dolls, so there's no correlation between collecting dolls and you know not not being able to function in society or there being something wrong with you. I mean there are people who collect, and I've said this for years there are people who like to buy. You know multi-thousand dollar handbags. There are people who like to buy very expensive shoes and um. You know at some point it feels to me, and especially I noticed this um in in the area in which I live, that a lot of a lot of young uh girls or people who identify as female. Are they make this change and it feels like it happens overnight, from playing with dolls to suddenly walking around in, like five inch heels in in in in tube dresses, um and everybody's got to carry a Michael Kors bag and, like that girl five minutes ago, was Playing with dolls - and I don't know how often that is their choice - maybe that's just part of their maturation process or how much it's something that they feel like they have to do, because everyone else is doing it, and I wonder how many of those kids would Have preferred to keep their dolls, but then their room gets changed into like a you know, more of a teenage room and they have to put away their dolls, and it just reminds me of like when Andy goes away to college in um in Toy Story, and We all cry like freaking babies, um right or when Bing Bong bites it in um inside out the death of childhood um. So if that's what your your son or daughter wants, then that's fine, that's fine! But if you're pressuring your child to give up dolls or toys or something because you're like well you're too old, for that, please know that there are people older than me who collect dolls and love dolls. Okay, we don't just collect them like, like you know, we don't just suddenly start collecting expensive, porcelain dolls. I collect these dolls and not just because of YouTube. I did it before YouTube. Um, there's nothing wrong with me and there's nothing wrong with your kid, and if you have a child that identifies as male and they like dolls, and you somehow think that by not letting them have dolls, you can keep them from being gay like what like. Do you even understand how anything works so look if your kid's gay they're gay, whether you let them play with dolls or not? Okay, just just just a heads up and if they want to play with dolls um, then let them have their happiness. Okay, because it's still it's still hard to be gay in America - I mean it's, you know it's getting better, but it's still not the easiest thing in the whole world. So if dolls make them happy, let them have the freaking dolls. Okay, so hi um. It is pride month, okay, so here she is out of the box right here. There'S a lot of people who have clicked off they're like this woman's nuts um, or I don't like what she's telling me about parenting. How dare she tell me how to parent? Okay, I love this doll so much. I love this doll. You have to watch Elvira's video at the doll Circle because she even made the charm necklace. It'S just I don't know if her videos out yet I saw her put her post. Her charm necklace picture, though so this is the hair. This is what everyone wants to see. Okay, so this hair is kind of like more lavender than blue. That'S why I'm saying it's Periwinkle, but look at the length and this sort of beachy wave. It'S not quite crimped, but it's not ringlets. It'S gorgeous. It'S a little stiff, the fibers, but it's beautiful. It'S probably gon na puff out in the humidity, but I don't care and then it's pulled away from her face. So we can see her beautiful face. You guys can all comment. You know what facial mold. This is It's like a pretty standard, facial mold for me, um she's got these kind of pearl hoop earrings. This necklace is everything, though this is a charm necklace, and this is really cute. I'Ve never seen one of these before now I want to make one. I want a charm necklace with a little koala and stars and a rainbow and whatever. This is. What is that I love blue. What does that say? Girl? Oh, it's girls, rule um yeah, so it says girls rule you know, or I love blue whatever you think it says. Okay and then I love the use of fur on this outfit more than I like the way they used fur in the previous two. I feel, like the fur, was kind of overwhelming in the first series. Now we had these like super poofy fur jackets. I love the mixture of fabrics here, where we've got pink, denim pink denim are those, I guess those are Bulldog heads. I think that's what they're supposed to be, but they look like some sort of mutant, Minnie, Mouse or koala, like maybe they're a koala, but then why does she have a bulldog? I don't know, but it's very cute and then underneath that she's got this really cute. So you could take off the jacket if you want - and I will do that for you in a minute and the shorts matching shorts, very cute and then her shoes are, you know, kind of plain but an interesting design. Well, I kind of wish they were a color. She is a tall Barbie, I believe, are you tall? Are you tall? Are you taller than the average Barbie um? It might just be my hair. Okay, I don't know I'll figure it out, um on her hands and she's very Kawaii, which I love. I love look at this now. I don't hate this because first of all, it's got color, it's fun and then she's got like a silver, cuff bracelet and then on this hand, which is completely turned around in a way that should not be. But let's do that anyway, because we can she's got this giant Barbie ring on. She is so cute and then she's got a purse, so she's just eating an ice cream, coneer wearing it on her arm for some reason. But she also comes with this little purse, which again I don't know it's kind of plain, it's better than the clear plastic ones, but it goes with her Pearl theme and then she's got these glasses, which are full glasses. Unlike the previous doll that didn't the glasses did not have arms on them and there you go there. She is with her glasses. I don't like the color. I think they should have been pink comment down below. Should these have been pink? What do you think can't keep them on? I think they should have been pink now. Let me show you Bruiser, that's what I've named him. This is the cutest pet. So far, I have not liked the pets because they really haven't had personality. This pet is dripping with personality now his little knit hat is rubber and it does come off, but it goes right back on. I love his collar. I just love his face. He'S like this Bruiser Bulldog, but he's got this Kawaii knit hat on and he does not look okay with it he's so cute. I don't understand why the other girl's pet was just like a blob like there's, not a lot of. I mean this looks like a good sketch. I mean this looks like something somebody would sketch, but I don't know it doesn't, doesn't really work for me, but he's adorable he's going on a shelf absolutely now. I am going to take the time to remove her jacket. So that you can see what this looks like without the jacket, which means I need to carefully cut a rubber band, which I think is holding the necklace on uh yeah. Okay, so let me work my way around that. Well, it means I'm gon na have to take off the ice cream cone. Okay, let me keep the rubber band, so I can put the ice cream cone back on. If I want to you know, uh yeah maybe not come on come on. I didn't screw up. I love it when I don't screw up um here we go. This is going to be hard to get over her ring um. All right. I'M gon na have to take the ring off too um hard to get all that back on, but I will try. I will endeavor to get this all back together, but I do want to show you what she looks like without this jacket, because I think it's very cute and I think it will also show off her hair in a nice way as well. Okay and she's got a choker necklace, which you can see better um. Here we go here. We go there, you go now. You can really see the um, oh she's, so cute. You can really see the necklaces okay. Here we go. So this get your go of your hair. This is what she looks like without the jacket on great and then you can see here. You can really see the choker necklace and then you can really. I think that the charm necklace really shines, and I like that this isn't just a white. You know camisole type shirt that there's a little bow here, so that there is some interest. If you do this with just the top and the and the uh and and and and the shorts without the jacket, I think that is really really cool um. I really really like her um. I think her hair is definitely obviously selling point. I also want to point out to you that one of the things that we have wanted for so long is here. These are actually not just drawn on or painted on. These are little plastic, uh Snappy things here, so we're making progress, people even on the even on the pocket. Is it a functional pocket? No, it's not a functional pocket, we're not quite uh. You know LOL, OMG level yeah, but we're getting there we're getting there and um I'm very excited and by the way everybody who, like loves to tell me that Barbie is dead. Like Barbie's been like, like keeping Mattel a lot. Barbie and Hot Wheels are their two biggest earners and have grown tremendously um. They grew in 2020 of the year that we all like just want to forget and uh, but they even grew. You know in in q1 of this year there's been a lot of growth in the Barbie um in the Barbie business, so Barbie's not going anywhere, and I'm happy about that because I do love me a Barbie. I hope that the Barbie collectors dolls do come back with um, better quality, because that's something that, as somebody who collects the more expensive Barbie collectors dolls that that I've been kind of a little disappointed in lately, and they don't have as many of them uh coming Out as they used to, but I guess they just weren't selling um, and so why make things that don't sell, whereas Barbie fashionistas selling, like hotcakes, so for everybody who says that they're garbage and they're cheap quality and everything don't forget that we as adults, not the Target market um - and it's it's kids and parents who are snatching up the Barbie fashionistas so that they can have a wide variety of dolls in their collection. That um, you know, represent diversity and inclusion and all of those things and I'm trying to get this jacket back on. It'S just not working for me, but I don't want to yank her hands off because I don't think they're those kinds of hands and if I yank her hand off and then it's not that kind of hand, there will be crying all right, we're gon na try. It'S not that kind of handle like stop before you just pull the dang thing off completely. I can't get the jacket back on Mommy, okay, so be prepared for that conversation with your kid when they're trying to get this jacket back on, but maybe they have better manual attacks. So, anyway, she has a jacket and it's really cute and we saw her with it. So what the heck, let's just leave her without it um I love her. I love the the charm. Necklace is just such a cute idea, and I've really never seen it before. So I mean that might be a total Kawaii thing, but I don't know these dolls do not come with stands. These are my Kaiser. Doll stands that I get on Amazon I'll, put a link down below again. If you use that link I'll get a little commission and then I could buy more dolls. Okay, that's how it works there. We go look at her and look at her beautiful hair, she's, really really pretty and look at this cool jacket. Let'S just pretend we managed to get it back on the doll and then Bruiser over here, MVP total MVP. Here I am loving him loving her and I'm really excited about about this line of Barbie extras. I'M waiting for the other ones to come. Please please mailman bring me my other dolls, but until then let me know what you think of them. If you're excited, if you've been able to find them, what are the prices that you're finding out there, because I feel like they're kind of all over the place, and until I see you again real soon uh this Barbie and I say I don't even remotely say That no, no, no ciao! Oh! No! You don't say: ciao, okay, whatever just like goodbye goodbye, I'm out of here. Okay, bye,

emesisxx: I love how you fight for children's rights like a mother lion. ❤️

The Hierophant: My grandmother collected Barbie dolls, I have them displayed high up on a shelf and they're the first thing I see when I walk into my room. I like to think that she's watching over me, and that I am preserving her legacy and adding to it.

Grey: You are everything I want to be when I grow older!

mysadending: I was that kid who played and held onto toys a lot longer than average. Thankfully my parents didn't jump the gun. During the routine visit to my doctor who treats my panic disorder, my mom simply asked the doctor if this type behavior is okay. Given my panic disorder, the age gap between my cousins/family members and I, plus the fact that I did have friends who had similar play, my doctor told them not to worry that I would grow and change at my own rate. (I know all this because my mom actually discussed this with me one day.) I glad they let me be and continued to simply support me. Looking back, I think it allowed me to have better social skills (worked in management for years dealing with both customers and workers) and encouraged creativity (a degree in Fine Arts). Parents don't be to hard on your kids. If you don't know something then reach out and ask the professionals.

Strudel_Reviews: We Stan a business person who loves to collect dolls in this house thank you very much ETA: a fun little tid bit is that dolls and fashion go together like bees and honey so sometimes If someone (like me) has an interest in fashion they may also have an interest in dolls

Jennifer Johnson: When I was 15 I was still playing with my Barbie dolls and my brother told me I was a big baby and no one my age played with dolls anymore. Thankfully, my mother told him it was OK for me to play with dolls whenever I wanted. Oh how I loved my Barbie camper! Thanks mom in heaven. I'm 53 and still playing with my dolls! I love this channel with all my heart! ❤

can be: Mommy you need to start putting the topics you speak on in the title or description because honestly I think they’re just as important as the doll ❤️❤️

Marina The 90s Barbie: Ok but I’m SO excited for this doll!! Love her style and pet obviously! I also love the name you chose, reminds me of Elle Wood’s Bruiser!! And also thank you for the message in the begging... it’s truly important and necessary for people to hear

Rattus Rattus: I’m 23 and just started collecting monster high last year - they’ve brought me so much joy! Love your message, there’s nothing wrong with loving dolls!

BasicallyPeridot: What a way to start a video!!!! I remember my little sapphic self making my Barbies date lol. I had Ken but thought that Barbie and Barbie made a better couple.

Happiest Place: I literally just watched the first 20 seconds and completely got my life!!! ❤. Love you, perfect parenting advice.

sam: speaking from my own experience as having to grow out of dolls, i definitely felt more pressured than anything to get rid or put them away. the pressure came from peers, because by the time i was 12 my classmates were already grown out of them. idk i felt weird abt still liking them. and now at being almost 16 im getting back into monster high :)

Casadi L Dos Santos Sepulveda: I’m a special needs adult and I never grew outta dolls bc I felt like they were a sense of comfort and a relieve of my anxiety so to me dolls are too precious to get rid of

BCDolls: You are SO right about not having age limits on doll collecting! I am sliding closer to 60, and returning to doll collecting after 20 years or so. I was teaching for 32 years, and now I am caring for a 90+ parent. Doll collecting keeps me sane. This Barbie Extra girl came from Amazon yesterday. Got to love her hair! “Bruiser” suits her little dog perfectly! Thanks for your unboxing, and for your honest commentary.

Emelie Lyndra: I remember i was ashamed of liking/playing with dolls after hitting age 10, i would go into toy stores and buy dolls and got so scared when i saw my classmates while going home. I told them it was for my small cousins. I played w dolls until I was 13, then i began collecting them at age 18 when i realized there is no shame in loving dolls. I love how you adress it! People get upset by people who have different interests than themselves. We grow in so many ways and giving up dolls and toys doesnt equal maturity.

E.D. T.: I actually like the outfit on this one. It seems more cohesive and cutesy than the outfits in the last wave.

Ton: I was rushed out of playing with dolls. I was told it was time to grow up and start preparing for college at 8 years old. I’m in college now but the the doll collecting has come back in full force and I couldn’t be happier! :)

Toristory: I was so insecure until you were talking about how teenagers can have dolls I am 18 years old so I'm sort of an adult sort of not and I still have my Barbie dolls and some that I'm buying I've been very embarrassed to tell my friends but my mother supports me and my father and just my other sister is that don't so I was really happy when you mentioned this ☺️

Tammy Gabriel: I'M 54 and still love dolls. All kinds of dolls.

oroontheheels: I love your doll reviews for positive messages and inclusivity! I’m 30 and i collect dolls too. So many people criticised me for that just because it’s “childish”. Many expect me to give up my prized possessions to their kids because “toys are for kids you don’t need them”. Like please why would I spent time and money assembling my collection, choosing only toys I reeeally like, if i didn’t care??

Charlie Jeffrey James: You’re awesome and love these videos. The reviews are great and equally enjoy the hilarious monologues that accompany each session! Happy Pride!

Danilo Contreras Cruz: This is probably one of the best dolls with the Millie facemold imo and the outfit reminds me of the fashion fever line. I definitely played with Barbies up until 7th or 8th grade. I stopped buying any new dolls for a few years but started up again later in high school, like junior or senior year, when I wanted to collect my childhood favorite nrfb.

Melanie Grear: i got her at target for $24.99! tried to price match to the Extras usual online price of $21.99 but it didn’t register bc the target had stocked them before Mattel announced the new ones so they weren’t on the website yet. i found #8 there too for the same price. also i love your tinkerbell mug!

Amber Ruxpin ʕ ᴖᴥᴖ ʔ: Love her, she is my current favorite Extra doll ATM. I did find her at Target for I believe 24:99

Alexandra666: Love, love, LOVE her! That face sculpt is boring for my taste however her amazinggg her and outfit totally makes up for it! She's so beautiful and I can't wait to add her to my collection

Marcos: That opening! Ive never heard a mommy say that so boldly before. As an adult who was gay and played with dolls as a child this statement is 100000% true. Got to let kids be kids and just play how they want.

Kim En: The sound of your jewelry is asmr for me! Also your voice is crisp and I love it :D

Stephen the Jupiterian: I love you! "Look if your kid is gay they're gay. Whether you let them play with dolls or not."

Crunching Bones: I recently started to collect dolls, and I have to say that they're comforting me, especially the big surprise Na Na Na doll I bought since I don't get the feeling from them that I need to be extra cautious.

Thinkpinkdaze: Omg I found mine at Target I kind of screamed I’m an adult collector haha! Love your reviews so so much

Katya Roberts: I was waiting for you to make a review on this doll!!!!! Thank you so helpful!!!!!!

Alyssa Khu: I’m so used to having “big headed” dolls since I love Bratz. So getting nana surprise, lol omg and possibly in the future a rainbow high dolls for me have normal proportions. When I get a Barbie I feel like their heads are so small

Mollie: You're literally my comfort youtuber because im 13 and my family doesnt support me buying dolls and i love watching your videos because i cant buy dolls myself :)

BabyJ1_: Hi Melissa! I just went to target and I saw it retailed for $24.99 love you!!!!!!!!!

KattriellaDoesStuff: I'm so glad you link the doll stands you use. I'm planning a series of custom Sailor Moon dolls soon, and I will need good quality stands to hold them.

Deanie: When she said “ItS a DoLL ilL TAke iT!” I’ve never related more. Could you maybe make a video of your old dolls that you collected when you were a powerful business women and talk more about that experience? Also I haven’t been able to find Barbie Extra number 2 all the other ones are still on Shevardnadze so Idk whats up

Alexander González: I love your videos! You are so passionate when you're talking about any doll, even if you hate it hahahaha

Jay_ofall _Trades: I played with dolls until I was 20 and I loved them. But at 18 i was teased by my friends that said dolls are kids toys. I held onto my childhood because my parents divorced at a point in my life where i was going from teenager into adulthood and I wanted something that made me feel that comfort and safety of being a child. I'm well into my 30s now and i still collect dolls. I started with porcelain then barbies to bratz and now i love them all. PS I made a charm necklace cuz i dont wear bracelets. I loved mine. I need to remake it as it tarnished.

Toy Keyper: Her necklace reminds me of the plastic charm necklaces that were super popular with kids in the 1980s :)

Play with Ethan : Love her! Lovin her hair!

Iheartreviewingstuff: I do like the charms on her necklace but I think I might skip wave 2 for the extra dolls and spend money on the curvy ocean Barbie ♻️ and the playset with the lounge chair

KT: You inspire me to stand up for everyone ✨❤️

J G: 15 "fashion pieces" haah... but how many hologram stars are in that heart I wonder, anyone count them? Joking aside, I really appreciate your message on growing up. This EXTRA line is very tempting to collect (not a fan of the big head dolls), but I'll probably wait to see what the new Monster High look like first.

Anira: Oh noooo I was all for this one, the hair, outfit, everything..until I saw she has a a very standard looking Barbie face If I got any of them it would def be the one with the blonde pigtails and green eyes, she's adorable!

Michelle Lawless: The next pink collection doll looks right out of dynasty…and the new repro Have you seen the new look dolls???

Zena Morgan: I love how excited you get about having the dolls

KArie Doll: I really enjoyed this vid, you are so down to earth. If they make more extra dolls curvy, then I might get into to the extra dolls. For right now, I'm not really sold because while I like their movements, I can't stand to see the visual separations in their limbs. I like the fashionistas because of their realistic body forms, and lots of them come in curvy (but of course their movements are limited).

rainbowpanda: I love your videos so much!! I don't collect dolls, and I haven't even liked dolls that much, when I started to watch your videos a few months ago but you're such an inspiration that I just need to watch your videos. Also, I'm autistic, and really like Disney and everything cute and now I like dolls as well.

tinyobscurities: I don't even collect play line dolls, but I soooo love watching your videos for your fun, spunky personality. I really admire your honesty when it comes to dolls you like and you don't and that mention your links are affiliate links in regards to amazon(many youtubers don't disclose that.) Your laughs always make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside, I can tell you are a genuine collector with a huge heart. Also, I love your little side tangents, I hope this doesn't come off weird, but it almost feels like I'm just hanging out with a friend who is talking to me about their day and showing off their doll. "Tiny mutant mouse" cracked me up!!!

Martina Buttmann: You where speaking truth and nothing but truth about the childhood!!!! Love you!!!! Not only for your videos but also for how you see life

Beverly Frederick: On March 14, 2022, it was $22.99 at Target. Love Her Periwinkle Hair ♥️

Mariano Alexander Jung: Nobel Prize for this words!!! Simple true. Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for this! ;*

Andrei Benedict Mendiola: these dolls cost around $45 here which is quite steep but she's so cute! wish her hair was a different quality though

Zanthxs: Thank You for your Wise Words. I wasn't permitted dolls and my mom was lawyer's secretary for Mattel at California headquarters. My sister was flooded with Barbies, related toys, accessories and others. I was allowed Hot Wheels. Now I have over a few hundred Barbie line dolls and counting. I love them and they have names! Oh yeah, I'm 63 and a man. Peace and Many Thanks! And super cool pet Bulldog! Gotta get him! Her for the hair!

MissK: My mom told me I was too old for dolls at 12. And then my dad sold them at a garage sale without my permission. Now I feel like I'm reclaiming something that was stolen from me.

Brenden: what you said about collecting dolls is so true! i don’t see why it’s seen as socially acceptable to collect other things such as action figures, funko, etc yet dolls are taboo for some reason? it’s never made sense to me. i have always loved dolls, and i gave them up for many years. now that i make my own money, i immediately began recollecting!

Victimred: I am 47, and had my first Barbie when I was 6.I still love and collect dolls now

Charlie Malvern Vintage Dolls: So excited by the Extra dolls!

Jae Kacz: Ok I will be honest, I have not been on the the barbie extra train but if i were to buy one it would probably be her since she is gorgeous!!

Izzy: I’m 21 and collect Rainbow High dolls and Chanel handbags

Sarah Gumball: I remember in school I loved dolls & then I changed. Schools and none of my friends liked dolls so I instantly “stopped” ten years after that I rekindle my love for dolls. Bought the ones I had growing up and have been growing my collection ! I love your channel. Thank you for being you.

Tab Cola: It's weird because for collecting i love anything, and my fashion/aesthetic tastes lend toward Rainbow High, Monster High, Bratz more than anything BUT for repaints i LOVE Barbie Fashionistas?? My art style drawing is closer to the slim face though

Charlie Caturnip: I still played with dolls and mostly petshops in middle school with my friend until we were like 12 or 13 until we got the wii and we were super into just dance so we naturally got into this instead of toys. But I'm 23 and I still love toys especially blind toys and I would even love to design my own. But everytime I speak just about playing animal crossing to my mom or grandma they're like "oh you're such a baby you live in your own world" spoiler alert I'm neuro neurodivergent so I live in my own world regarding if I like "baby" stuff or not. My cousin is 16 and she had such a short toy playing period like by 12 or 13 she had musically and spend all the times with her friend on her phone. Now shes 16 and party drinking so yeah you can say she grew too fast

jeremy brown: I love your rants. You really have the best understanding on life.

Nathan Tisdale: Yeah I only like dolls that have somewhat normal proportions. Barbie is the ultimate doll in my opinion. Mattel need to get the quality of the 90’s back but I believe it will happen to an extent. You seem lovely by the way

April Blose: Oh my gosh I love your tea cup (tink is my favorite Disney character ever)

FS Ken: Love all the dolls from wave 1. Wave 2... not so much.

Low key: Omg i love you so much. Thank you for always speaking up about LGBTQ+ and being gay is okay <3

Dark_diva_queen: I love your Doll collection you are the coolest lady on earth

Sónia Almeirante: Hello dear, I just love your channel, and yes I agree with you, I have the same age you have and love all kind of dolls.I don't find any problem with that , but sometimes people do not understand.....So thank you so much for your words. Best regards from Portugal and keep the good work you do.

Ric Cee: I think there's a big difference between playing with dolls and collecting dolls

Lys: Oof, yeah those teenage years were a mess. I like to call the ages of 13-17 simply a break from collecting lol.

Lunasera: I had a huge Barbie-Collecrion as a child but what really hurt was getting rid of my My little Ponies. I had a collections of 30 from the second generation (early 2000s) and a few from the first Gen. Nowadays there's no way of getting them again without spending ridiculous amounts of money. My Barbies were in pristine condition and now as I restarted collecting dolls I really miss having all those accessoires and stuff. I decided to never tell my future children they are too old for anything.

Holcee: Obsessed with ur channel!!!! Love this video, you are so lovely

Jay_ofall _Trades: 'Its a doll? I'll take it' i need that in a meme right now lol

April Tubby: My daughter absolutely loves the barbie or the Disney princess dolls. For some reason the larger head dolls have not visually appealed to her

Tiana Nesbitt: I saw her when I bought the other doll in your videos! She is so very!

Gianna Gabrielle Oria: I have a that doll too i like her style and everything❤️

Reshiram Lodke: The aggressive support at the beginning of the video brings me joy

Alexandre Spina: Those packages are hard to open, I remember trining to open my dolls and I ended up with hurt fingers

Danielle blakeman: I got a barbie extra in Target and it was 24.97$ :)

Sable Leen: Yas empriel queen. I love dolls and im 28 going on 29 and still love them thank you thank you i needed to see and HEAR THAT

Giesla Zech: 24.99 at target and scalpers have lost their mind on Amazon

Louisa Coote: Children nowadays, especially girls/children who identify as female, seem to grow up way too fast! All the adverts, media and social platforms put a ton of pressure/heavily influence these females to have to live up to unrealistic beauty standards and to be into things that are not appropriate for their age. Even about 10 years ago, I used to see 15-16 year-olds who looked/acted like they were 10 years older! Collecting dolls should be no more unusual than collecting coins, stamps, vintage cars, fancy handbags or shoes!

Liz Zy: I so so so LOVE your videos!

Katiebell: I love blue!

Gabriel Tupas: I'm a grown adult man. 30 years old. I'm proud of collecting Barbie! I love this Barbie EXTRA doll!!!

Amethyst: Im actually quite impressed with mattel actually making quality dolls but the Millie sculpt thats a no for me

FlowerSarah: Yes I obsessed with doll and I 10 years old but my dad says im to big for playing doll and your right I watch your Videos every day

Marty Howell: I love ur glasses in this. Where did u get them.

Slytherin Ginger Witch: I am one of those who doesn't like RH or OMG dolls, but I like MH, EAH and quite a few others. I only like and collect the ones I like but I don't get annoyed at those who like the dolls I don't like, as you know, each to their own. No one should stop you from collecting what you want and making you happy.

Daniel França: I am the kind of person that LOVE Barbie, I’m not really into the other type os dolls, specially the ones with big heads hahaha I love monster high too, ever after high kind like it too, but Barbie is the one for me

DecoraAngel: The intro is fabulous

Erodadolls: I think the sunglasses sould have been yellow or maybe light orange :)

Ennis Foster: Love you Mommy and love your son so much and I love your channel for many years and still do


Tiamarie Collins: I believe it's the Mackie face mold I think!!

??: Found them at target for $24.99

Sara Chamberland: Love

Candy Toy Twins: ❤️Barbie!!

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