How To Detangle Doll Hair // Testing Another Pinterest Pin!

  • Posted on 26 January, 2016
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

Is your hair a hot mess in the morning? Well we can't help you there, but we did find a pin that can detangle your child's doll's hair!! I'd rather throw the doll away before trying to detangle, but this pin says it's super easy. We'll see... 



Fabric Softener




Small wig brush if you have one, or any type of wide tooth plastic brush


Original Pin sent to us:

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Today, I'm confessors we're untangling doll hair. Do your kids doll tears ever look like this. I mean I look like this in the morning. The conditioner we'll take that out. Well, conditioner won't take this out. Unfortunately, and if you start combing it, the hair will just pop right out of the head, so we got a pin from our friend Alison on Facebook, who said all we need is fabric, softener and water. We'Re gon na give it a try. Let'S see if it works all right, so the first thing you're going to do is take your fabric softener and your water you're, going to do 50/50. So we're gon na do like a cap full of the fabric. Softener come here room and nice and wait supposed to be able to start just combing her out she's gon na turn into carrion start killing up. All I got ta get her hair straight girl's got to go on a date man. This don't look so good. I mean, if anything it just seems more typical to me all right. Well, I gave it a real try and she still has a rat's nest, so I'm gon na say, pin busted sorry, I know give her a haircut, maybe get another doll. I don't know. I'M sorry anyway, that's all we have for pin Buster's today, if you guys have pins you'd like us, try email us at bust at investors, or leave a message below and don't forget to subscribe to our Channel. We had fun today, we'll see you guys. Next time you

Angela: I am a straight amateur for fixing dolls but I was taught the first rule of brushing doll hair was to use a fine toothed comb or metal comb....I also never at water to the fabric softener because it will dilute it too much and won't work as well as it should. I'm just starting out and have no credentials but I just thought I'd throw this out there

START NEW2013: I just found this video. I just purchase a doll with very long matted hair. The top of the hair looked great until I opened it up. I followed the instructions using warm water and due to the length, it took me an hour. Once it’s was detangled, I washed it with baby shampoo and conditioner just to remove the smell of my fabric softener. The hair retained its curl and luster. THANKS to all you guys and gals for this info.

Sky Weiler: This method works on certain kinds of doll hair. All hair isn't the same. But this does work well on newer dolls with synthetic hair. The problem here is that you're supposed to use a REAL brush. Those doll brushes are softer than a toothbrush. Crappy busting and horrible research.

ZombieXCorn: boiling water is the trick!

Brooke_VSG 2016: Not being rude but this does work I'm actually doing it right not add water. Straight fabric softener. Let soak for 10-20 minutes and rinse after brushing in small sections from bottom to top

Sam Matterson: I've tried this and it actually works. You usually have to use a spray bottle and use the mixture as a spray though. At least that's what worked for me. Also if you over saturate the hair or do it to many times it will start to feel sort of oily or greasy.

Ana Cab: Look's like you were scared to hold the hair. What you need is a magic hair brush .

Alba Rivera-Peterson: Don't lie to yourself girl, you didn't even try! It does work!

Alicia Branca: It has to be boiling water and you need to use a metal what you'd use on a cat. I've used this and herbal essences pink conditioner to all types of dolls and it works fine.

Sofía González-Martínez: It does work! I almost gave up after watching this video but had already started so I let the doll hair soak for a while (a while!!!) and then used pure softner directly on the doll hair and all the tangles came out! Give it another try!!

Ginger Cameron Ford Crouch: Just like real hair that is tangled work from ends up with a real detangling comb or brush. Soak that hair for about 20 to 30 mins and conditioner will work as well as fabric softener if not better!

Mitzi Levering: Start combing at the bottom and this works beautifully!

PAC93: No.... No... You do it all wrong! You start at the ends then work your way up! That's how you do it.

Harriet & Butter The Beanie Boos: This really helped me with my moana doll

MysticDreamz: Hun as someone with long ass hair ( literally past my butt) it might have actually worked if you combed the hair bottom to top.... just a thought But the fabric softer trick works 100%, maybe give it another go? And this time have a towel since it looked like you were trying not to make a mess lol

Saturnino Perez: I done it alot! it works did it on more then 15 dolls. you start at ends and move your way up in did it on 3 (1995 Jewel mermaid barbie) dolls with hair passed her feet they came out brand new with a paddle brush it worth trying again with patience

Hanadi Yagoub: Your supposed to let the hair stay in the fabric softener and water for about 10-15 minutes and then start combining it with a bigger comb starting from the bottom and working your way up.

LisaTigressHardy: You have to carefully brush the hair out to remove as many knots as possible, then after dipping it into the fabric softener, brush/comb it from the ends towards the roots. I have the same Rainbow Dash doll and I had to fix her hair because she was second hand... her hair was a rat's next like your doll's  , but I didn't use fabric softener. I carefully brushed it out then washed it with baby shampoo, brushing it again while the shampoo was in the hair.

Sara Beth Whatley: What helps me with my dolls hair is to just use loreal and brush it out with a brush and then blowdry it and also to use detanhler

Yesenia Lopez Gomez: You have to let it sit for 15-20 min first.

Kay Nelson: forget the doll comb and brush you need a large human comb and you always start at the bottom of the hair while holding the base. rubber tip brush small one works good too it may take some time but it dows work I have used this method for years

Consuelo Galvan: It works.. It says on other videos to start from the bottom and work your way up. Just like on your own hair. Dont add the water only fabric softener

Cinthia Govea: All i used for my Ariel doll was... 1.water PS? Not hot 2. GARNIER Sleek And Shine Conditioner 3.brush and comb My Ariel's hear was not that frizzy so i did not have to use that much conditioner so yeah Hope this works for you

Xaveria Vela: Hey I just did this and our dolls look so much better. I was reading the comments and used undiluted fabric softener and a real brush. So even though the video wasnt as helpful, it led me to the comments which turned out to be gold. lol Thanks!

Silly Bears: Brush from the bottom. It might help.

Nima Henderson: Try fabric softener only it works really well

Dan billyraecyrus: THIS DOES WORK YOU NEED A BIGER BRUSH NOT A TINY ONE! she might need some help on common sense on how to DETANGLE DOLL HAIR or something

janet loforte: That actually works ive done it you just need to leave it for a while and brush from the bottom up

Chelsey Marie: Fabric softener works on dolls hair. I left the dolls hair soaking overnight combing periodically and it worked...

Sweettarts: It works my mom fixed my baby dolls hair like this with a real brush and a real curling iron

ThePerfectKitty 4UTUBE: I retried and this worked perfectly

Hideyoshi: you have to lay the doll on a flat surface and brush her hair from the bottom to the top

Leslie Xaxavier: With doll hair you need to detangle from bottom to top and it's better to soak a little bit then let it kind of dry before starting. It does work I use this trick a lot to refurbish. With her hair I would have washed it with dish soap first then used the softer, let it dry a bit then combed bottom to top.

K Toledo: Well, you did a half arse job. You brushed incorrectly with no elbow greese.

Senpai: The fabric softener can ruin your dolls hair just letting y’all know : )

Brea Craig: she was right you should do 5 or so I can learn what it really takes it out loud as you have to mix it up and put some like soap and wash it out and put dishes and stuff like that and it really helps

Lexi Walker: My mom did it in a spray bottle and it worked ps I did it on my American girl doll

Leticia Briones: U have to brush from tips first then work ur way up to the roots!

The gamerstar57: You’re supposed to let the hair soak for 30 to 40 minutes or something like that

angel Montoya: Also it must be noted that the My Little Pony dolls don't really have the best quality hair

Heaven Hancock: Keep the doll in the bowl for a few minutes and brush the hair and rinse it and her hair shouldn't be tangled any more

Teah Perez: You have to let hair soak for 10 minutes before brushing

Disney Day Dreaming: it does work you need to let it sit a few minutes also don't use those pointless shit brushes they come with or those combs use a metal tooth brush or plastic like padal brush and start from the bottom also give the hair something to rest on so the brush goes through it instead of just pushing it away you hand or the table work fine

Red minotaur: Just soak the doll hair in warm water, than use full fabric softener. Wash with warm water, than use human hair conditioner with human size comb etc.

Victoria Barnett: this video is lies it does work very well in fact I done about 20 barbie dolls today and worked wonders

Jacki King: She started at the top and just made a bigger tangle. You start at the ends and tease out the mats.

♡White dragon♡: 10/10 I used Gain flings! I popped them Onley one and make it full with LIQUID HAND SOAP MILK&HONEY and DAWN soap u didn't used the things u used I used a brush like not a toy one I can't find any but try mine! ♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎

𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐀: I know I am late as heck but this is amazing

R P: i dont know about you, but my 15 yr old barbie's previously matted hair is now gorgeous because of fabric conditioner...soaked it for 3 hours then rinse it with hot water.

Mys Led: INSTANT Satisfaction Need NOT Apply!! Fabric softener on clothes doesn't even work that fast! Let the hair sit in the stuff for at least a minimum of an hour, longer if it's a real kinky party up in there! And just like on real people you comb from the bottom up! Try to comb out a knot like that on your kids head and watch how fast the human body can move ones foot to your face!!

Karen Carnahan: It does work. No you didn't try. Research! Soak for about 20 minutes in very warm fabric softener water mix. Squeeze out. Then take to a FLAT surface. Lay doll down. Hair behind her. Begin CAREFULLY brushing at the ends and work your way up. Soak again! Brush out Again. If you still have tangles, Soak Again! Then carefully wash out fabric softener with baby shampoo. Lay out flat and brush out smooth. If doll has wavy hair, you can reset the original wave/curl by heating up water to the boiling point in the microwave. Dip hair briefly, about 5 seconds. Remove and brush out. You can repeat if necessary. Different hair reacts to different temperatures. You can also roll hair in tiny diy curlers and do the "Boil Wash Perm". Then let dry overnight. Use a soft brush to style as you like. It Does work. Your method was not seriously implemented. It takes patience. I've done this on vintage Barbie dolls (20-50 years old).

Tasha Allen: You have to start from the ends not the scalp... Try it again doing it that way

Pandora & Friends: When the comments are more insightful than the video I have a doll that's been sat on a shelf for the past decade and I want to revamp her look for a set piece I have a human brush I'm just lacking the fabric softener, one person said she had the wrong kind of fabric softener; there can be a wrong kind?

samuel Gallardo: Human hair conditioner works as well as that

Christopher Collins Jr.: comb from the bottom to the top

jpopluvr1000: if you brushed the heir properly it would have worked... common sense. start from the bottom and work your way u. you need a bigger brush, most likely human sized. you'd need to lay her flat on the table and start brushing, start from the bottom and working your way up

Ronnie Richmond: You have to have it on a flat surface and start at the ends. Try not to half ass it next time.

Coryn is the Bestt: I can't believe it it really work for my doll's hair really nappy

Pam Teater: You should always start brushing wet and or tangled hair from the bottom and work your way up! I agree with some of the other comments, you act like you’re afraid of the brush. Seriously try this again and use a real comb or hairbrush, start at the ends of the hair and work your way up to the scalp. The myth isn’t false you just didn’t do it correctly!

Gacha _Girl: Ur supposed to make it stay in the softener for 30 mins or even a day Depends on how much hair And by the way dont add water You did not try

Christopher Campollo: can you use conditioner then fixed it

Tate McKinney: lmao it works she was just doing it wrong. I do it for my little brother's dolls all the time.

Victoria Howard: She looked at it and said Oh Shit , I'm not wasting my time brushing this hair ..

MomsCanGame: You did it wrong. I almost didn’t try after watching this video. I followed the actual instructions, soaked it with the softener and warm water and then rinsed with really hot water. Used the RIGHT brush and it’s like new.

111 111: I love it now I can untangle doll hair.

Bruce Coulda: Start at the bottom and work your way up. You're just causing more tangles starting at the head


Nathan Tisdale: You should of used boiling water and only a drop of fabric conditioner

Spencer Raymond: You should start from the bottom of the hair

DuhitzLizzy_ lombardo: use dish soap and hair conditioner

tara hankura: When brushing doll hair brush from the ends up other wise the not will get bigger

Joeh Chevres: does it work for real hair

Alea Aurora: This does work, she just didn't do it right. If you want to try this, then I suggest that you search for a tutorial on how to boil wash doll hair or how to fix doll hair on YouTube.

Mariyah Andrews: That worked supprisally

Tammy Brantley: You start and the bottom and work up. You should never comb the know together you made it worse. It’s not busted.

Anzuu: You have to let it soak it up and sit

Emme Cooper: It works for me

skigzi: Your hair is pretty

areiana シ: brush the hair properly next time and it will work

brinaroze: Good to know. My daughter has a doll with major rat's nest hair! I won't waste my time. She doesn't care anyway. lol

Queenkk109 123: Tip :Okay re do her hair

Teresa Nascimento: You have to leave it for a least couple hours ...

melon: Why does she look so awkward and uncomfortable? This method actually works if you spend the time to heat up the water and use a large brush to brush it out from bottom to top. Fabric softener isnt gonna just magically detangle her hair by itself use common sense smh.

HouseTargaryen: 10/10 for effort lol

Samsarapr: I have that same rainbow dash doll!!!!!!!

nvm.: My 3 harmonixs dolls from Winx club. ITS SO BAD I AM TRYING MY BESTTT I’ve done the top layer with a hella lot of work

poshcat28: You didn’t even try. And secondly, you need to detangle the hair from the ends going up. Thirdly, you need to lay her down on a dry towel before you start brushing, that way you’re able to work on the matted hair more efficiently.

Cassandra Kistler: You’re supposed to start combing at the bottom and work your way up. doesn’t everyone know that?

Ally: bummer! I was really hoping it would work. thank you for trying it though!

Simple life tee-shirt creator: Should of used boiling hot water

t: Exactly I tried that one as well and it didn’t work i thought it was just me tho

chloé mae: you have to let it sit

Alia: Omg I was watching you when I was kid

Vanessa Marquez: Well you did it wrong need hot water and a good brush in these steps

karina muhammad: brush the doll hair next put a water on her hair put a condicioner and waite 2 or 3 houwers after when you done whash it out with normal water brush it out again and put your doll in the hot water realy hot water and livit there 30s and take out and 30s if you beter haire so take out abd brushit and when you brush your doll haire livit on a window or table

Pjay: Not being rude either but conditioner or fabric softener works wonders. And the right tools. And you really got to get right in there and actually "work" on getting the tangles out. And not just being really dainty about it. You weren't even trying.

Robynn: "i gave it a real try" lmao do your research

kaysanimations official: try boiling water. maybe it will help you.-_-

Ethan Butler-Paige: Well maybe all you “smart people “should give her helpful comments instead of ridiculing her for her mistakes just tell her how she could do better

Princess Black: We don't have fabric softener in our household ;-;

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