Crimping A Rainbow High Dolls Hair | Zombiexcorn

  • Posted on 17 September, 2021
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

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Hey, it’s been a minute since we (I) done a hair vid. With good reasoning ofc, but today we are going to be giving daph a good wash n crimp!

Also ig helped vote for the thumbnail…so yuh

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Art by @mukitoons

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#rainbowhigh #makeover #transformation

Hey there welcome back to my channel and, oh my god guys i haven't done this format in like a month. Um, i'm lazy. We know this right, but pretty much. I haven't really just had the time to clean any dolls, but pretty much series three dropped and i have so much dolls now to clean, including winter break. Still. I know guys i'm sorry, but today we're going to be looking at miss daphne from series three, because she's going to be pretty easy and i really just want to crimp her hair, even though it's kind of minimum, but still it was really fun. But i really need to get caught up because we have so many new dolls coming out and i still have a big drawer of thrifted dolls. I need to clean and i still go thrifting and i'm just adding to that pile at this point pretty much but anyways guys enough. Jibber jabber, let's get in to this video. So if you've been living under a rock, daphne was released part of series three that took only nine months to come out, but she has such a pretty new face. Mold and i just love the hair color. They gave her, but i'm not really the biggest fan of her outfit choices. It'S very, very much versace and too much to be exact. So now we're going to take off all of her clothing and it's going to be a very interesting time for you, miss daphne. So, let's just jump into that right, i'm starting off by taking off her god awful earrings. Those will not be returning to her head, but i did notice that they stained her ear. So love that for you, daphne, so taking off her outfit, was a little challenging due to the hands. But we managed - and i am keeping her shirt on for the weird people who get offended by doll, nudity you're welcome but anyways. Let'S move on to the materials we're going to need, so i of course use my handy dandy, pen, olive orange dish, soap um. This really helps get all grease out of doll's hair and i'm also going to be using my suave conditioner. I still haven't run out of this bottle, um we're still going strong. Of course, i got to bring out the rat tooth comb, my detangler, which has seen better days yeah guys, that is all the materials we're going to need to wash our hair. So, let's get into it! So as i was just about to start washing her hair, i got a package from mga with my replacement parts from the house, so purr, so to start we're just going to be using some warm water and i'm submerging her hair. In so it's nice and wet it was at this moment. I noticed she is a mermaid and you can't change my mind. She is no ordinary girl and she's. Just you know: vibing anyways, it's time to wash her hair, even though she has no gel in her hair and on the topic of no gel. I am actually really pleased that rainbow high is actually listening to the fans and not putting that heavy hair product in the doll's hair. So thank you mga, but once you feel like her hair is clean. It'S time to pose for a thumbnail and then you could rinse it out with warm water. As i mentioned, there's no gel in this doll's hair. So me washing. It is kind of pointless, but i'm just weird, with doll hair and i just like to wash it so don't judge me this is a judgment free channel. This is a no hate channel. I mean i get hate anyways, but like this is judgment free, ma'am, anyways. After she is looking a little ratty, it is time to add some moisture into her hair because it really was lacking it. So i'm using a heavy amount of conditioner and i'm just lathering it in her hair type is like really dry. So a lot is needed, but once you're satisfied with the lather it's time to bring out your detangler and we're just gon na brush out her waves. Now this really won't brush out the waves i'm just being sarcastic but like this actually will help define them and make them look less weird, because the factory obviously did not do the waves properly so yeah, if you're, really just wanting her waves to be more uniform. I guess totally just brush them out with some conditioner and they should look really good. At this point i was really happy with how her brush out looked and i actually decided to let the conditioner set in her hair for like 20 minutes, and obviously i didn't do that, because i was kicked out of the bathroom for like 30 minutes me. Getting kicked out of a bathroom, i don't know about that man, but yeah. She just sat there and you know just chilled. I must say, though it was really worth it, because her hair is super soft, but now it's time to rinse out all that conditioner with more warm water and as always, i always separate the part. So i don't lose it because mga dolls, you know so um. It'S very weird for me not to be uploading a hair video. I mean it's been like what a month so um. It was very fun to wash a doll. I think i'm going to be doing georgia next, because i'm very excited to like fix her hair, because it's kind of boxy, so let me know down in the comments which doll you'd like to see me do next. So at this point i really couldn't tell if i was going to boil wash her hair or not so i just put her in the towel burrito and let her dry for an hour. So i can decide you know. But after an hour or two, her hair looked like this. It was super nice and super soft and if you want, you could stop right at this step, because this is super enjoyable alone, but i'm a rare breed and i like to boil wash my dolls. So i'm gon na see what she looks like with greater hair. I guess so. I'M just placing my towel down and my brand new little pumpkin mug um. Yes, this is the new mug by the way, guys um, it's really iconic and it's really big. We love that and i'm just going to go boil the water in the microwave, because i still refuse to use my little steamer, because it's just not that good and nothing will replace the old red one. But thanks to movie magic. Daphne is now ready to submerge her head in hot water, and the first thing i ever do is set the part line and then i could start dunking the normal hair. I just do this because i don't know i'm weird now, while i was boiling her hair, i was really afraid to do so because i didn't know if her hair was going to react like violet or a maya, because you know that weird hair type they have But her hair actually reacted pretty good, so i think she is boil wash safe guys, so you can do that if you want, but i'm just combing her hair out after each dunk and then once i'm satisfied, i just dunk the whole bowl over her head. You know waterboard style and yes, it's just me being extra once again and i just comb it through one more time there there daphne no need to cry your hair is going to look amazing honey come on so now it's time to bring out my crimper because We'Re going to crimp her part line and i've been so excited to do this um. You guys may know that from the review and before someone says in the comments, isn't that just going to melt your doll's hair? Yes, yes, it will. If you don't, do it correct um, that's what i'm showing you and i'm using this little crimper from bed head. It'S currently sold out on amazon um, but it's really good for doll hair, but basically i'm just going to do both sides of the part line. I don't want to go too crazy with it, because i just want it to be very subtle, and i don't know how this hair is going to react, so you're going to want to use some kind of curl cream or gel. This is just going to help the hair stay in the crimp format. I guess you can say and of course you're going to need your crimper and i'm going to start with a low setting and if i get comfortable, i'm going to move it to medium before i even tested this on daphne i tested this on a omg doll That was, you know thrifted, so i knew that the hair type was suitable, so yeah crimp at your own risk. So first things. First, i'm going to use the pointy end of my rat to comb to section out the part line, and this was a little tedious because she had some extra plugs really really close, but once you've gone on the parliament it's time to comb. It really really smooth - and this is when i'm going to be adding a lot of water um. You don't want to skimp on this. This is like a really important step and then i'm going to add my curl cream, i'm going to add a good amount, because i really want this to stay and also not burn my hair, because this is kind of going to help that, and sometimes i will Just spray more water on top of the curl cream, just so it's really really wet and then comb it through one last time and now it's time to grab our crimper and we're going to start crimping her hair. So i did hold down the crimper for three to four seconds, just to make sure that it held the crimp, and then i followed the pattern all the way down by also holding the strand, so it didn't move. This is why i also recommend doing this on a test doll. Just so you don't mess up your main doll and i was really happy with the result. The hair did hold the crimps very, very well, but yeah be very, very careful. I don't want to hear that you guys maybe burnt your doll's hair. That would make me very sad, but yeah just do this at your own risk and it looks really cool. I'M not going to be brushing it out because that's just going to make it look very 80s and i'm just looking for the crimped vibe on top of her, like wavy straight hair, and at this point i was very happy with my little crimps. So i let her dry overnight and here she is yeah guys here she is she's. Looking very cute, it's very subtle, as i said, but i am very happy with it don't mind the lighting i feel like i said this in every video, but i'm only using the ring light right now and not the soft boxes and the ring light. Combo yeah guys. Let me know in the comments down below what you think of her hair and tell me if this tutorial was helpful, um but yeah. If you're new to my channel hi, my name is jay and i do doll stuff duh and i would love you to join the channel and you know be iconic like everyone else. If this video helped you please leave it a big like and comment or whatever else, you would do to share this kind of video, and i will see you guys in the next one bye for now, not me ending the video without spraying her with perfume, so Guys um, i actually bought cloud today and i'm going to spray it for the first time on a doll such a cute, little bottle, anyways ha there you go daphne. I hope it was all worth it. Okay, bye,

ZombieXCorn: Instagram @zombiexcorn More hair vids:

Maria Navarrete: DANG, she's so frigging gorgeous and you did such an awesome job. Seriously I'm so jealous of your hairstyling technique. You made her look exactly like her picture in her original look. I'm so glad you did a video of her hair makeover. Thank you for sharing

Jac: i washed sheryl’s hair only to give her the same exact hair style but i did give her a 70’s / 80’s blowout and i love it so much washing doll hair is so therapeutic and calming

Cinnamorollin: Daphne is literally the doll I had in mind when I searched "crimp doll hair"... i want that webisode look lol

Jessica: I learned how to watch and style doll hair from your videos ❤️ She's absolutely fabulous love your wavy hair style

Armin Forever: Please wash Sheryl Meyer next! Stunning result on Daphne❤

23joylove: Thank you! Jut got the 24” Amaya Rain and Need to do her hair! This is incredibly helpful ❤️❤️❤️

᛫xXDingus _86Xx᛫: I never realized how pretty Daphne is until I saw her in person at Walmart yesterday.

Ink's Gamekyu: Stunning! I was wondering of how to do this and thought, OF COURSE my guy Jay knows the strat. My doll hair guru!

Kissyface: Please do Georgia next !!! I’ve always wondered is her hair that short or is it just super curly?! thank you

PHĢP HÏŅÏĶĶØ: Eu amei como ela ficou ❤

Turtle Ashlee: I Love how she turned out!

Alyssa 111: Thank u for showing this tutorial I’ve been debating on crimp my winx Aisha Sirenix doll but was afraid of burning it off lol but seeing you doing it made me wanna do with my doll

lea perry-trunnell: She’s very pretty and I love the hair crimped !!!

Gracie Clare: I find it so funny that Americans microwave water to boil it... do you not own kettles over there? either way she looks gorgeous and great video xxx

Giovana de Almeida: As bonecas são lindas ❤

Loriz❤️: She looks amazing

Bubba Casias: Hi. Daphne could use some Q-tips for her ears.

Annie Olson: I’m definitely going to do this to my rainbow high doll and her crunchy hair!

Jamie Doll: In LOVE… YouDID that Jay! I totally wear Cloud too☺️ this video made me happy. (Chefs kiss)

Life with LEGO: omg she looks stunning

Flying Wig: Her hair is giving what is supposed to be gave

MoonRosé: Its beautiful! Good call on not crimping all the hair


Eve Sullivan: He's the brad mondo of dolls love it <3

Zola Mosley: The thumbnail had me do a double take. The video was amazing though. You posted the day after I was looking for rh crimping tutorials

The Queer Sisterz: watching her hair being crimped was so pleasiiing daaaamn!!!

ZombieXCorn: Watch till the end for clear skin

ELC🐢: I love how some is straight and some is crimed very cute

•jellie•: It actually worked and it looks beautiful

Bobby Smith: aw I wanted to see the whole head cramp but I am guessing that would be too risky/dangerous still look so amazing cramp/crimp however you spell it


Miguel Fernandes: eu amei como a boneca ficou♥️✌️

its georgi!! ☻: His editing is beyond perfect

Journeys Toy Adventures: I crimped my Daphne’s hair it looks SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!

Jennifer Reiten: She looks fantastic!

“X-Barber” Derek Canute and Family: You’re so funny I have a shadow, high dolls, and I wanna be like you. You have encouraged me to get a shadow hider. Oh yeah.

courtlyjesterss: She looks so pretty

Jaron Victor: Do Georgia next. I think I’m gonna wash winter break skylar and re curl her hair

A for Aimee L for lily O for Olivia😽😽: love all the hairs!

Minecraft: She's beautiful and my doll turned out good to

Live,life,love🌸: Love it so cute

Iheartreviewingstuff: Yay I’m so happy someone did a video for this I totally will have to try it

Robin Pari: I’ve been WAITINGGGGGG for a Daphne crimping vid

Not_Mizzie: It so helped Thankyou so much!

Malu Witte: Her hair looks so good

Riley LeFevre: Yass queen she is so beautiful you did amazing I wish you did my hair because I want a sunny doll and when I am older I want to be like you

Antonia Henry: She looks beautiful

♡miss aesthetic♡: These are so satisfying lol

GoreSins: Ngl I low key want to see how the Halloween collection is going to look

S ortiz-martinez: You made my dolls so pretty

Jet_Set_Mama: Love it

Luis Fco Martinez Marin: Bueno yo soy una niña no ablo ingles bueno solo un poquititititito pero si le entiendo al video y yo siempre beo tus videos y amo tus muñecas que tienes y siempre quiero tener una de esas perooooooo no se donde las benden pero con tu video me conformo jajaja

Vanessa Ivonne✿ ♡: Everyone love her

Dog lover’s: You are the best designer you are so good at making dolls good

Carrie Vanburen: You are my doll hair guru!

My-Randa Bigelow: New subscriber and new to dolls even though I play with dolls my whole life I'm 33 and I'm starting my own adult doll collection I have gotten some thrifted first gen monster high just wondering what you suggest for rerouting their hair what kind of hair type I know one I'm going to do natural cuz I have my own hair that I have saved but what do you suggest I want to be able to use hot tools on my dolls and dye their hair

dollxuni: I feel like the newer ones are better because of how they did the face it’s so elegant but no hate to the ogs

Jac: she looks GORGEOUS omg

I Luve everything 🪷🌺 :p: I love those dolls I have almost all of them because I got the one with all the dolls on my birthday

Amanda o: I think you did a amazing job

ButtSmack ASMR: Can we get a link to your detangler brush or a good alternative?

*aubreyy*: I love it ✔️

♡kocho shinobu♡: The only thing I probably like now is how he has a new background and it's a Christmas theme❤️❤️❤️❤️(I'm in love with his background

Brent Reimer: I’ve always wanted this doll

PLAYMO-Sachen: Hello that's great, very nice , thank you

Nikki Hamilton: Yes great idea for daphne doll

Felicia Allen: Love it so much

Jessica Zhang: Love it

KennadieHot!💅💅: Gorgeous!!!!

aaliyahandherfam: Omg I love your voice it sounds like a baddie

Jessica Nicole: wow that looks pretty

Ava and her best friend playing: I love your vids these vids are so fun toooo watch

Lillian Bolton: Can you do Vanessa tempo’s hair she is my favorite rainbow high doll can you please do it

LUVLALS: I love it

Alicia Cabrera: You did a great job and her hair is so long like so long he is so gorgeous I can never make is gonna long to put her gorgeous than mine and that looks really soft

random_aesthetics_allison: You know, her shirt also needed some time to dry ✋

He Hong: I am so jealous she’s so gorgeous I just am to scared of doing it

Emillee Curneal: Love it

Anu Kumar: “I was Better at Walmart” made me choke of laughing


PHĢP HÏŅÏĶĶØ: show my little pony on your channel please ❤❤❤

Melissa Chacon: I would recommend you look for fast hair growth fortified shampoo.

Antonia Dowell: This is awesome and amazing

Mosept Yagami: I’ve always been scared to brush a dolls hair. The hair can’t grow back!!

Naruto 4k: I love it

julianna peters: love the hair

Jess Malone: I love my Rainbow high dolls

robloxwithjojo_: It looks good

Juliana Licciardi: i always thought it was called a rat tail comb :o

Leigh Hardy: I think you should cut skylar's hair because I think it would look quite good if it was medium

Kids Morgun: Soo cool , i love it ! Where you get the first shampo , i mean your first

Courtney Spencer: You. Are so. Amazing. ❤️

- vivi !! -: I love washing the dolls hairs

Autumn ⍟: Luckily the ones I’ve seen so far / I’ve known so far have their hair tide up when u suddenly buy them, Maybe some just don’t rlly come like that depends,

Eduardo Ruiz: Hi jayyyy wjen you do figure this out can you make a video of how to crimp your dolls hairs without a crimper bc I might get her for Christmas and i want to crimp her hair but I don't got a crimper :( And what would you suggest if you didn't have any sort of curl cream cause I also don't got that

Puffy Liu: After I boiled washed my doll hair. All the curl is gone so be careful wheb you do this.

Abigail Szakalski: omg I love it

Beauty& Wellness: Were do you get the doll from???

DeluxxEdits: I’m not crimping my hair anymore it almost made me faint :(

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