2021 Pulled Out Braids (Short Or Long Hair)

Hi all!! Hope you enjoyed this weeks tutorial. My gorgeous model Georgia has https://instagram.com/duskthelabel_?ig... over on Instagram so go check it out!

I used https://instagram.com/sexyhair?igshid=... Spray Clay to add grip and texture to the hair.

See you next time for more hair inspiration ❤️ Beth ❤️

Hi everyone, it's Beth from SweetHearts Hair and welcome back to another tutorial, no Baylee. Today, she's chilling today, she's done her fair share of videos over lockdown.. I have a new model. Georgia and i'll put it all in the description, but Georgia has actually got a gorgeous jewellery company called Dusk, the Label. It's on Instagram, so please go and take a look at that.. Now, i'm doing a style. Today, i've done a similar one about four or five years ago, but this is like the updated 2021 version it's softer, but it's still edgy and you're using elastics, so you don't actually have to braid. So let's get started.. So i'm just taking out some sections of the front, so i want this style to be kind of like edgy, but i'm just softening it up by just leaving these bits out. So i'll just pin these out the way. So basically, these in braids are going to sit either side here now i've done it before when i've literally just taken my comb and created that severe part line, but today we're going to try something different and that's zigzagging the comb down and what that's going to Do is really soften that part line, so you don't see any scalp, so i'm just taking my comb all the way down the back of the head. So we're just zigzagging that down and you see how it's just going to soften that part line up. There'S the center of george's neck there, so just keep going down until i meet that finger like so., So this works great on shorter, even shorter than george's or long hair. That'S the beauty of this style! You really can do it on any length hair, so you're just going to place one side into a ponytail and we'll deal with that one in a minute, so you're going to need lots of elastics guys. Now people always ask me where i get my elastics from. If i can just grab that bag a sec Georgia, so i just literally get them from eBay and they are the really really fine ones. They'Ve got great elasticity if you're concerned that they're going to snap just double up on them now we're going to be creating lots and lots of little ponytails. So wherever your ponytail sits is where the braid will sit. So if you want the braid to sit further down, you'll, do your ponytails further down. If you want your braid to sit nice and high on the head, you'll bring the ponytails higher now the first bit of hair that i'm gon na. Take i'm not gon na put into an elastic and that's where the softness comes into this style. More so than the last time i did it so you'll. Just literally take this piece of hair and pin that out of the way., So nice and small sections you can take bigger chunks of hair, but i really love this style to have little baby sections of hair. I just think it looks so pretty so in the first ponytail goes, i'm just going to pop that out my way and you're just going to go straight down the hair doing the same thing, little ponytails, all the way down. I have used La La's prep tool before i did this style just to give a little bit of volume to the hair, make it easier to manage. I will put the link in the description for you, so if you can see a little bit of indentation to the hair, that's what it is. It'S like a micro crimper., So i'm just going to pin this bit the other side now just to keep it out of the way we'll do that in a minute and then what i want you to do is exactly the same on the other side.. So what i'm going to do now guys is use some um spray clay. Sexy hair, give the hair a little bit of grip, and i'm just going to soften the hair. That'S going into these ponytails just to make it a little bit less severe! So i'll do that, just by taking my fingers and just pulling away from the elastic do the same with these centre pieces here. So we're gon na take this first section of hair guys and what we're gon na do is divide it into three and then the underneath ponytail is gon na go into two and come up the strands. It sounds very complicated, but, it's just repeat repeat repeat all the way down so once you've got it. You'Ve got it so divide into three and i'll try and do it.. So you can actually see so. You'Ve got your three strands. You then come underneath here and get your little ponytail and divide it into two like so so three strands on top like that, and then we're going to take one side of the split ponytail up and through so it's in between those two there and then we're Going to take the other side of the split ponytail and it comes up and through there, so that is what you've done now these two pieces are going to come up and out of your way and you're just going to pin them for a second, so you've Got these three sections and all you're going to do is combine them all together with the next ponytail down and pop an elastic in, and we are literally going to just repeat that process all the way down, and please somebody tell me how many times i've said Literally in this video i'm trying to get out the habit guys, but it's not it's not easy. I just keep saying it. It'S such a bad habit right, okay, release these down now you've got to pretend that this ponytail here these two pieces, rather are your top section. Okay, now i know they're in two at the minute, but you've got to pretend they're in three, so you've got to split it in three, so i usually borrow a little bit and bottle a little bit so now i've got three again yeah you come to the Next, ponytail down, you divide it into two that comes up and that comes up so again, you've gone through those three sections. This then comes up and out your way and then these three sections get all joined together and added into the next ponytail down. So it's basically top ponytail into three sections: the underneath ponytail into two and your two sections come up and through that sort of fork through there and then you pin those out the way and then you do it exactly the same again. So you've created the first bit of braid and i know you're, probably thinking what the hell that's so much work, but trust me this style. How long did it stay in for georgia three days three days last time? I did it for us, so it's so worth it so one last time i'm just going to ask george to tilt, so we can really see it and then i'm just going to power down the hair, then so i'm dividing this into three. So i've got my three sections: one two three come into the underneath ponytail breaking it into two. My middle section of the three pieces is going to come through those bits, they're going to come up and out the way, and these get joined together with the next ponytail down. I am just going to start teasing out these little sections as well guys. So as i go i'll, do that and i'll probably do a little bit at the end as well, and you kind of decide how big you want this braid to go because it's held in with elastic. You can go for it. So i've just got to the bottom here guys doing that same process. So what i want you to do is just take this now as far down as the hair will allow. Obviously, georgia has got shorter hair, so it becomes a little bit fiddly and then obviously, we've got new ponytail to add it into so i'm just connecting these three up if it becomes too difficult at this point, just do a little braid or anything just to sort Of get the hair as long as possible because we're going to do like little pinned buns at the end and again i'll just give these a little bit of a pull. You have to be careful because obviously there's going to be bits popping out at that point, but don't worry too much because we can just pin those in at the end and then we're going to do the same on the other side so again guys you're. Taking that top piece of hair breaking it into three next ponytail down be careful, it is just one there. We go next ponytail down you're breaking that into two, so your middle section kind of goes between those two underneath, like so pin that out the way grabbing. Your three sections of hair and adding them into the next ponytail down but i'll, be in so next guys, i'm just going to go in and decide now how much teasing i want to do. I want to make sure that the front's looking kind of soft any bits that i feel i can't really spray i'll just get a little grip. Pin it in you won't even see them and then you'll just grab hold of these little sort of end bits here and just kind of decide which way round you want to pin them. Do you want to pin them that way, or this way i think i'm going to go this way again. Don'T worry about these sort of bits, sticking out taking a little grip and they stay really really well, because there's like lots of elastic in there as well same on the other side, i'm just going to kind of twizzle that in just at the top here and Then i'm just going to take my straightening irons from styler pro and just put a bend guys, don't put a curl so that by that i mean just clamping down turning and just allowing that hair to just kind of glide down. It just gives that really nice sort of bit of a kink to the hair, but not a curl. So that's the style done. It does take a little bit of time with all the elastics, but i think it's worth it because i think it just looks mint. So i'm going to do a little spin for you, so thanks so much for watching guys and don't forget to have a look in the description for all the details on george's, jewelry business. It'S beautiful, honestly and i'll see you next week for another video bye.

Alex Gaboury: Wow this is gorgeous!

Jennifer Defoor: I need a clone of this woman in my bathroom. Everyday she would do my hair in all her BEAUTIFUL styles. I’m so in love with all her looks. Yet I can barely do basic braid

Wendi O: This looks absolutely amazing, but I can’t imagine leaving my hair up like that for 3 days. I can barely stand having my hair pulled up or back for more than 2 hours.

Peggy Allen: I like when you say “literally”. You don’t need to change a thing. The style is beautiful as always. So glad you did another short hair one!!!

Erin Stricklin: I completely adore the style! Thanks for sharing a look that works on shorter hair, Beth!

Trish Pipkins: This is so cool. I don't know if I have the patience or arm strength to do it on myself.

Linda Rasmussen: It look sooooo good!!! It's gonna be a really difficult one to on my self though

Nickell Francis: Thank you beth for the stream love the braid it so pretty

Darcie Merriweather: This braid is simply fabulous. I love this I love that back non-part

Katarína Mečiarová: Absolutly gorgeous i love your videos so much!! (watching you from Slovakia ) I already tried so many of your hairstyles on my long hair and people always ask me who did that for me

Dempsey Neal: I love it that you say literally :-) and the hairstyles you create are amazing, thank you for sharing x

Heather Bennett: Oh, I love this. Definitely going to give it a try. Thanks so much.

Julie Gray: Hi Beth can you please do a side bun tutorial that’s suitable for me as a mother of the bride? I’m hopefully flying to Tuscany in August to see my beautiful daughter get married and I need to do my own hair for the big day. I’m wearing a very large fascinator too that’s more like a large hat. Just a little inspiration will be really appreciated. Thank you, Julie X


Ellen Nesbit: This reminds me of the dragon braid that I have been trying to do this seems much easier. Edit: do u add the braid pieces to the pony tail, like take the elastic out and remake the pony or just add another elastic to both??

Rebeca Aidee Torres Chacon: Hermoso peinado!!!

filippina13: Speechless. Love this so much!!

Kristi Gibson-Cormier: Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!

Carmen Grace B: love this! do you need to do all the ponytails first as I don’t want too many elastics in my thin hair. could I do the ponytails as I go along so I don’t double the elastics or will this not work??

Meadow Lane: Looks beautiful!

Duyen family-cuộc sống Malaysia: Your braiding instructions are very detailed thanks

Tanya Fleetham: When you explain it, it does sound confusing... But thank you for showing how to a few times. Makes more sense.

Donna Okoniewski: Beautiful do and Beautiful model. Thank you for sharing. xo

monika yadav: I will definitely try this on my long hair.

Ia Lor: Love it!!!

Fashion Designing: Nice beautiful

Haley McAninch: Love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair Science 101: This is an awesome idea!! My hair is just below my bum - classic Length - and I do battle to get it in styles lol. Did a video on my Channel with heatless Straw Curls please do heatless curls I absolutely love the idea! ❤️

Osama Khan: There is no words for her talent

Leah Westrum: Beautiful!!!!

A: This is so cool!! Thank You!!!

kairiin: Wow love this!

Judith Herrera: Lindos peinados hermosa saludos desde DURANGO

Terri's YouTube: That's beautiful but I could never do it on myself

시은튜브: Wow~very pretty

ruby Tejero: Muy hermoso gracias

Natasha Vyner: So beautiful

Creative Cheers of Fashion Laura Flohr: Love the look! But don’t really understand bothering making all these ponytails. Why not just Dutch braid? Think that is a lot easier and saves lots of time.

BlackRider156: Could you do styles for extremely long hair? I have waist long hair and absolutely love it, but it's always too long for the styles I like and I don't know what to do with it :( (Cutting is NOT an option)

Preslava Minkova: I love that!!!!

Erza Scarlet: it's awesome!

Kristane Hendricks: What do you use to crimp the hair like that?

Devon T: How would you finish this for hair that’s roughly to mid back?

Charlotte Hancock: love this

Alexandra Leon: Hermosimo peinado saludos des d colombia

TheGoldenGirl Moumi: Hello Sweetheart I love all your hairstyles.. I have hip length hair please post some hairdos that I can do with my long unmanageable hair

Martina K.: Super schön !!!!!

val1420: Creo que con paciencia y practica podria hacerlo, pero en alguien màs, para mi misma solo me veo llorando.

Barby Guerrero: Incredible

Bella one: Oh the agony of taking this down!

Guadalupe Castruita: Oh hell nah! A hair style supposed to be easy and quick!

Vikku's Fan Girl ❤: First view First like & First comment ❤ Wow it's awesome I just love it

Asma A: Wow Amazing

glow wills: Hair magician!

Prabhakar Tripurari: Please tell me which straightner are you using

Alice grace: So cute

Sunil Kalita danch: Nice video ❤️

Jenna James: Love it xc

Heba ALI:

Jennifer Gierok GuyRock: Wow..shes is gorgeous


Mari-Aton Jalkanen: WOW! Are you the one who cracked the Enigma codes?

Monika Myslek:

Roha Ali: Always ur hair style is very good but this style I can't understand

Erlan 79: Wow very fretty ❤❤

Kelly Gibson: Pretty

Ayah Mae Perez: Nice

Anu: its too hard to do

Azul Abril Velazco F.: Very prety

kanika Johnson: faux braids

Lila Lynn: 3rd ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Raghda Saad: Ur vedio tooo long

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