Grow Long Hair | Your Scientific Hair Growth Guide

How to Grow Long Hair: a science-based guide to growing long hair & achieving your hair goals

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Ready to get natural long hair? Your friendly neighborhood real life Rapunzel is here to help you on your journey to long hair with some long hair care and hair growth tips. Here's what I do to keep my hair growing and prevent it from breaking. So many of you kept asking me for hair tips -- probably because of my long blonde hair -- so I hope this is helpful for you!


★ Shampoo & pH ►

★ My Hair Routine for Long Hair ►

★ My 11 Haircare Essential Products ►

★ Healthy Hair Isn't What You Think... Hair Science! ►

★ My 18 Long Natural Hair Tips ►

★ Do NOT Follow These Bright Side "Tips" to Make Your Hair Grow Faster ►

★ My Hair Transformation + Hairdresser Q&A ►


1:00 Phases of Hair Growth

2:47 How to Make Your Hair Stay in the Anagen Phase (growth phase) Longer

3:15 Do Hair Vitamins Work?

5:41 Hair Structure

9:00 How Keep Hair from Breaking Off

12:13 20 Quick Tips for Preventing Hair Damage

15:18 Shampoo

16:59 Thoughts to Keep in Mind

This past year we've been busting hair myths with science not just to help me on my natural hair journey, but more importantly, to help you guys on your hair journeys. Whether you want waist-length natural hair, hip-length hair, hair to the floor, or just want to learn about hair and maybe keep yours a little healthier, hope this helps you see how to retain length and reach all your hair goals!


Chemical and Physical Behavior of Human Hair 5th Edition Clarence R. Robbins. You can buy it here: (but it's super expensive!) Dr. Rolanda Wilkerson TEDx Talk

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Are you making a DIY hair mask again Yeah and that's why your hair is so long? Isn'T it Hello and welcome to the Queendom., I'm Sarah Ingle - and this is your science-based guide to growing long hair. If you're struggling to find good information out there, it's because a lot of the stuff out there is just trash.. If you, google, `` how to grow long, hair'' you'll get articles from gossip magazines, bloggers with no sources or credentials or companies trying to sell you something. Sources that I used to think were credible, turns out, have skewed, misleading or flat out wrong. Advice.. Most of this guide comes from an 800 page, hair physics and chemistry textbook.. Most of it is not pleasant reading, but i have spent weeks pouring over this every day just to condense this, for you guys into the only science based long hair guide that i have ever seen. So, if you're ready to bust some myths and find out what it really takes to get your hair long, let's get started. in order to understand what can make your hair long, we need to talk a little bit about how hair grows. The four phases of hair growth are anagen, the growing phase catagen the transitioning or shrinking of the follicle phase, telogen the resting phase and oxygen of the shedding phase. The one that you want to remember is the anagen phase that growth phase in order for your hair to be growing, it has to be in this space. Most people's hair on average grows about six inches a year and can grow their hair to be around three feet long, provided that they don't cut it or damage it too. Much fun fact about. That is one of the studies that helped determine that was done at disney world. One myth that i want to bust right now is that you need your hair to grow fast for it to get long. In 1988 there was a woman named Diane Witt and at the time she was listed in the guinness book of world records for having the world's longest hair, the worcester massachusetts resident says she enjoys her hair so much so that it's grown to be the longest. In the world measuring nearly 10 feet, no plans on cutting it right now, we'll take it one step at a time, even though it takes her four hours to dry and her husband has to help her carry it around four years later. They measured it again and it was 12 feet long, even though she had the longest hair. Her hair did not grow any faster than average. What was unique for diane was that her anagen phase that growth phase lasted over 20 years and she also didn't cut it and it didn't break off. One question, you might wonder is: was her hair, healthy, probably not by your hairdresser's standards, but it was healthy enough. Not to break so your two keys to very long hair are making your hair stay in that growth phase as long as possible and keeping your hair from breaking off. That means there are trade-offs. Do you want perfectly healthy hair? Do you want long hair? Do you want to style your hair a lot? Let'S, first talk about how to make your hair stay in the growth phase longer both hair loss when people's hair starts to thin and length of hair are tied to the growth phase. On average, for most people, hair grows for two to six years. It'S completely normal for your hair to shed some that is just part of the psych love hair in adult female caucasians ages, 18 to 35, the hair sheds about 100 hairs a day asian hair sheds about 70 hairs a day and african hair sheds about 60 hairs. A day if you're malnourished, you're not getting all the nutrients, that you need, it's going to mess up your hair growth cycle and you're going to lose hair, which is why hair gummies can kind of make the claims that they do. The vitamins that are in hair. Gummies, typically are things that are shown if you're deficient in them. It can make you lose hair, nothing about. It says it makes your hair grow any faster. Most people are not deficient in the things that are in hair, gummies and most of the stuff. That'S in hair gummies is also in a multivitamin they're, just charging you 10 times as much and putting it in pretty packaging. In my opinion, a lot of hair gummy advertising is shady because it doesn't really do what they're, implying that it does. I even highlighted something in my chemistry and physics of hair textbook that says no vitamins have been proven to make hair grow faster or longer. There are a lot of things about the hair growth cycle that we still don't understand, but we do know that it has a lot to do with hormones. Hormones are so intertwined with your hair growth cycle that pregnant women's hair tend to stay in the growth phase. Longer - and i think that's also why a lot of people have this idea that prenatal vitamins make hair grow and it's not actually the prenatal vitamins. It'S the fact that the hormones that happen during pregnancy make people's hair stay in the growth phase longer the shedding rate. Also, typically goes way up after they have their baby. Their hair tends to shed like crazy, shedding rate also increases with age, especially with men, there's even a little bit of variation with the time of year. An easy way to remember that is: there's more hair fall in the fall. So how do you get your hair to stay in that growth phase longer there are chemicals that we know make the hair growth phase. Last longer, you usually find those in products like rogaine that are meant to stop hair loss. The second you stop it. The product stops working. If you have thinning hair and you stop using it all of that, hair is going to fall out and there's also a lot of good evidence to support laser led therapy. They make little helmets that you can wear. Usually laser led therapy is meant to help people with hair loss, but technically, if it is helping your hair stay in that growth phase longer, it could potentially, when you're, dealing with really long lengths of hair make your hair grow longer than it would otherwise. For most people, it is not the length of your growth phase. That is sabotaging your long hair journey. It'S your hair is breaking off in order to understand how to keep your hair from breaking off. We have to talk a little bit about the structure of your hair you're, going to want to understand the cuticle. The cuticle are like clear scales on the outside of your hair that protect everything on the inside of the hair shaft like shingles on a house they're overlapping, the cuticle is your protection barrier, and the cuticle differs dramatically between different races and hair types. Asian hair typically has the most layers of scales. Caucasian hair has fewer layers, and african hair typically has the fewest layers of cuticle scales. More layers means more protection and the more you open, the cuticle, the more you wear down your protection, so you want to avoid products with high ph levels like bleach and even many shampoos, because they lift open the cuticle scales, leaving the hair extra vulnerable to damage. Another piece of the puzzle is the cross section shape. So if you think of your hair as a big long noodle and you chop it and you look at the this circley part - that's a cross section asian hair tends to be the most perfectly round in a cross section. Then caucasian is still pretty round, but it's a little bit more elliptical and african hair tends to be the most elliptical, because asian hair has the most layers of cuticle and it is the most perfectly round hair shaft. It tends to be more resistant to damage on multiple levels, on from pulling twisting even chemicals, and it also makes it harder to bleach african hair is on the opposite extreme. It has fewer layers of cuticle and because the elliptical shape and the curl pattern. The cuticle scales don't fit together as uniformly, so the hair is much more susceptible to breakage. So if you want to know how strong your hair is, there's a term called tensile strength and it's basically how strong is something when you pull on it and isn't gon na break. So they have machines that basically can pull on hair and see how many times it can pull before the hair snaps with caucasian hair it's about 35 000 times african hairs about 5500 times and for african relaxed hair. It is only 550 times before the hair snaps. Until recently, a lot of the major brands did not have products that properly address the needs of african hair. There is so much to say on this topic, but i think that it warrants its entire own video. All of the studies that i've seen have broken down. Hair into asian caucasian and african, i don't know why those are the only three that tend to be tested. You know your hair best. You can probably figure out which of those three categories your hair is closest to. If you don't feel like you fit into one of those groups, but one of the main things i wanted to take away from this is that different types of hair have different needs. Try not to compare your hair to other people's hair and i would highly recommend that you get hair advice from somebody who understands that your hair has different needs than somebody else's hair. Otherwise they could have been giving you great advice that works for them. That might not work for you and that's one of the dangers of youtube is unless someone is very clearly citing your sources and you're checking that they're actually uh understand how to read and interpret those sources. People could potentially give you bad advice so, depending on what type of hair you have you understand that it can be more or less susceptible to damage, so we're gon na try and hone in on some things that can help. You reduce damage to your hair. The main thing that is breaking your hair is actually you when you're brushing it some of the treatments or heat styling. We do, does make it more fragile and damages the cuticle, but the actual breaking usually happens with brushing and combing. So when you're combing your brushing your hair and if you come to a tangle, go below that tangle and keep brushing your way up until you work out the tangle that way it's going to cause so much less breakage yanking and here's one i'd never heard of Before you are more likely to get split ends with a blunt haircut versus a tapered haircut, there's a term called end peak force, which is basically just how much force is pulling on your hair when you're brushing it end. Peak force is four times higher for blunt haircuts than for tapered haircuts and because of that, the number of split ends increase three times when you're combing your hair. If you have a blunt haircut versus a tapered haircut, combs and brushes with more space between the teeth or bristles lead to fewer and less complex tangles, and it lowers that combing force, so it causes less abrasion and fewer broken hairs. I have learned so much about different types of ways that the hair breaks, different types of split ends, whether wet or dry or comb or brush is better. So i really think we're going gon na need an entirely separate video, just on split ends and hair breakage. But for now i'm just gon na just give you more tips that you can use to keep your hair from breaking a lot of people really curly hair. Will always say: oh, my goodness, i'm not gon na brush my hair because it poops out and it's just a mess. Not only does it often poof out your hair, if you have highly coiled hair combing, it wet actually breaks the hair less than combing it dry, but the opposite is true. If you have wavy to straight hair, if you have way too straight hair, you're more likely to get breakage when your hair is wet, which is so important if you have curly hair highly coiled hair, go to someone who specializes that and understands that, everyone, whether you Have curly hair straight hair, wavy, hair, all of the above or anything in between you need to be using conditioner or detangler when combing and brushing, i think, that's something we all already knew, but here's what really convinced me so for virgin hair. Usually it has a lifespan of 55.2 million brush strokes, which is a lot that exact same hair after conditioning it you're brushing, but that doesn't mean to avoid brushing or combing all together, most of that brushing or combing breakage. That happens is because the hairs are tangled. So it's a little bit of a balance here. You need to brush it enough that you're not letting the hair get too tangled in the first place, but then also just be careful when you are brushing it, because that is when the overwhelming majority of breakage happens. In addition to these, a quick list of things that you can do to avoid breaking your hair, you're - probably familiar with a lot of these already, but these are all ones backed by science. First of all, don't bleach your hair. This is obviously what i don't follow if you really really want long hair, don't bleach it, and because i do bleach my hair, i have to be extra careful with a lot of these other ones to avoid breaking it. Avoid heat styling make sure you're using uv protection, putting your hair into some sort of loose, braid or protective style before bed and a silk bonnet and or pillow case. Also, when you do have those protective hair styles, i recommend switching up either where you secure your hair or switching up the actual hairstyle, so that you're not constantly pulling on your hair in the exact same place, do not use high ph hair products. Also, don't wash your hair every day. Not only is the water breaking bonds in your hair, the actual scrubbing of the hair, does do a lot of damage to it. Even at the top of your head, you are roughing up that cuticle and causing little bits of damage over time use conditioner if you're using shampoo. Personally, i don't use shampoo anymore. I use a product called nu. Wash i've talked about it, a lot in other videos. So i'll link to some of those in the description, but if you are using a shampoo, make sure it's one with a low ph make sure you use a shower filter, especially if you live in an area with very hard water. Make sure you're securing your hair before exercising or before being in the wind, silk or satin hair elastic, avoid pool water. Chlorine is very bad for your hair, be careful with blow drying even with cool air. It'S a great place for people to wind up with tangles and if you're blow drying with a brush. You also definitely need to be careful because brushing is where breaks happen. If you want long healthy hair, do not tease your hair when i saw under a microscope what happens when you tease your hair? It straight up breaks off huge sections of your cuticle one to watch out, for, if you have very coily hair twisting is extra bad you're way more likely to get breakage, definitely avoid chemical, straighteners and relaxing. That is horrible for the health of your hair. Even if it looks pretty and doesn't look frizzy that doesn't necessarily mean that it's healthy, as we showed in that graph, a while back. Relaxing your hair really compromises the strength of your hair. If you really want to go off a deep end, if you can sleep so you're, not moving your hair so much and rubbing your hairs against each other technically, that will help, but it's very difficult to control. What you're doing during your sleep, this one, i know, is gon na be controversial, but avoid diy hair treatments. Unless you really really know what you're doing at least measure the ph and make sure that it's in, like a decent range and even still most of the ingredients on your fridge, are not processed into small enough little bits to actually get into your hair. And do any good, i think a lot of the diy treatments are either a waste of time and you're just making your hair goopy and, in some cases, potentially damaging to it, especially if it involves baking soda. I want to touch on shampoo a little bit more because it's the one thing where i don't really trust a lot of what the beauty industry is throwing at us, especially after reading this textbook. They will flat out say that shampoo tends to be very damaging, especially ones that have a very high ph when companies do research. Usually the number one thing that is prioritized is customer satisfaction which sounds good. They want us to like what we're buying. Weird sprays gets tricky. The number one thing that they've tested makes us feel like our hair, is being cleaned and determines customer satisfaction is lathering. How much does it suds up? How much does it lather when we're shampooing our hair? It makes us feel like we're getting our hair cleaner and the more it lathers the higher the customer satisfaction score is, however, the lathering has nothing to do with cleaning your hair. There was a sentence i highlighted in the textbook that says for pragmatic financial reasons. Insufficient blind tests are generally conducted to determine discernibility, because the bottom line is sales, not objective, understanding it's tricky. If a company makes something and customers try it out and they're like. Oh, i don't like this and they really believe that it's not getting their hair cleaned, but it actually is they're not going to sell any of it, and they'll literally, have people like yelling at them on twitter or on their instagram feed. Be like this stuff. Doesn'T work even if it does i'm just very curious to see the more that this information gets out to people if we start to see more companies doing what customers know might theoretically be better for their hair, even if it doesn't feel as good. All. That being said, long hair isn't everything it is not practical or even emotionally healthy to try and live in such a way that your hair isn't touched. You do not have to do everything on that list. I want you to be informed, so you can make the best decisions for you. Please try not to compare your hair to other people's. We all have different genetic makeup. You just work on your own hair journey and we can all be on a journey together. Whatever our goal is and not comparing our hair to one another, and you know what, if you want long hair, but you still want to style it a lot or do all these things to it. Extensions are always an option for people too. This is just to inform you so that you can make the best decisions for you, not anybody else. You, when we started last year on this journey, to find the best and worst hair advice. I had no idea. I was gon na be diving this much into chemistry, physics and, like learning so much about hair, even just throughout this video future videos that i know that i want to make and dive more into things, split ends and breakage race and hair hair loss and hair Thinning, and also just where to get good beauty info. So if you want to see those remember to subscribe and ring the little bell, so you don't miss those also. I want you guys to tell me in the comments below if your hair could be any length. --, you didn't have to work harder or have to worry about breaking -- any length. How long would you want your hair to be Shout out today to Megan Wescombe, I'm so glad that you find my videos helpful anyway. This is your ultimate guide on how to grow long hair. I hope you geeked out on it as much as i did, and i will see you next time. how's, my hair, look, I dunno.. I can't see my head.. I can't see my head. there's some of my head. there's my mouth. mamamamamam

PinkFluffyUnicorn: I like science- it’s magic that works!

Mary K: One of my best friends: she bleaches her hair every month, does the keratin relaxer every other month, blowdries plus flatirons her hair after every wash. She’s done that for at least 5 years now. And she has the thickest and longest hair I’ve ever seen. Her hair is so thick, many people think she wears extensions. I do literally nothing to my hair and I don’t even have a quarter of her thickness. At some point you just start questioning life...

Raven McCoy: I love how you consider multiple races/ethnic backgrounds when talking about hair! It’s so nice to have my coily hair type included in this scientific perspective I can’t stop watching your videos now!

Cute dinosaur: I'm here because my hair dresser doesn't know what what trim means


Financial Marathon: Me who has been growing my hair for an year, realizing I've been doing everything correctly.

Precious Anomaly: ''6 inches per year'' *has been growing hair out for 10 years and it hasn't even grown 4 inches or 3 inches*

Martina: Me getting a pixie cut first week: I LOVE IT OMG GONNA USE THIS LOOK FOREVER 2nd week: *searching for this video*

Hayley O’Coileains: Hey esthetician here, when I went to my internship at an esthetic surgeon and dermatology practice I learned so much of my education was wrong and incorrect. I was mortified. After this re-education and I started my career with spas and or big names in the beauty industry I was seen as an outlier. Needless to say thank you for diving deep into science when it comes to our bodies and marketing beauty.

leviOsa: “avoid diy hair treatments” are my hair potions I made when I was 7 years old a joke to you?

Dollface 1: Hey girl this is the first time I’ve ever seen one of your videos but I must say I cannot believe anyone would give it a thumbs down LOL! Everything that you said or rather read is absolutely true. I’ve been in the hair industry for about 16 years and your information is extremely accurate thank you for passing on the info to other people who may not have known

jana emm: Me 4 minutes into watching this video: Welp guess I gotta get pregnant ‍♀️

Ronja Sebastian: Hands down THE most informative hair growth video I've ever seen. And that's after watching 500 of them. Thank you, Sarah Will be brushing my hair with 100% more gentleness now. Sending love from Costa Rica

Johan Leppänen: Currently on my journey of growing my hair until it's mid-thigh length. That's my dream length. ☺️ Also tryin to keep it as healthy as possible. I used to dye my hair a whole lot when younger, even into adulthood.

Sierra Hamilton: "The cuticle is your protection barrier" "The more you open your cuticle, the more you wear down your protection" "The actual scrubbing of the hair does do a lot of damage to it" *stops scratching head* lol thank you so much for this video! I have short-long hair (bottom of my rib cage if it's straightened) and have problems with hair loss. This video made me realize the many things I'm doing incorrectly, such as leaving my hair undone before bed, brushing when it's very wet, and a very bad habit of mine: scratching my head at all times of the day.

K A T D: I am 55 years old and I didn’t know a lot of this information. Thank you so much for making this awesome video! I learned sooo much and I will share this information with my daughters who are 22 and 25.

Angel: As professional Hairstylist for 5 years I learned a few things! This was so well made! <3

Karen Netherland: This makes so much sense. I appreciate you taking the time to study all this and reciting it to us in a way we can understand it. Thanks ❣️I would like my hair mid back level however, I would just be happy if it was thicker. I have thyroid issues which thins hair dramatically.

Sophie Bijkerk: FINALLY a video that’s thoroughly researched and explains everything in a good and realistic manner

Linea Victoria: During the summer of 2018 i had hair that barely reached my shoulders. Now, in january 2021 my hair has reached my lower back!! My hair used to be so thin and barely grew before i tried these tips❤️: - Braid your hair into pigtails before sleeping (to avoid breakage) - Take biotin and silica daily (this really kickstarted my hairgrowth, and i dont use it anymore - it truly worked for me!) - Be gentle and PATIENT and your fingers to work through knots and tangles. - Use a good hair oil and leave in conditioners after washing your hair (hair oil also helps to soften tight knots) - Rinse with cold water (i do it in the sink) after shampoo to close cuticles - Use hairties without those metal pieces on them - Spend time finding split ends and cut them off so the split doesn’t split any further and weaken the hair strand - Always try to avoid heat styling and blowdrying - Avoid too much stress and anxiety, as it fucks up your hormones (as mentioned in the video) Hope your hair grows all the way down to your ass. Amen

Laura Torres: As a hispanic girl with semi wavy and semi curly hair... IM SO CONFUSED

Maryam Hassan: I highly appreciate everything you are doing and all the hard work you put in all your videos! Best hair channel ever!

Carolyn K: i’m a hairstylist and pretty much everything you said in this video is something that we learned in beauty school !! it makes me so happy to see that you put so much work and research into this video and that you’re not spewing the same things that every hair care brand tells everyone ! always remember that if you’re getting information from a company, they likely are not telling the whole truth because their end goal is SALES, not necessarily actually telling you what is best for your hair ❣️

Jemma Grant: i rlly thought this would be just another "massage for 10 mins a day" kind of video, but this was so informative and so worth watching!! i never really trusted those gummies either..... defo subbing! thank you for taking the time to read that book and help us!! LOVE IT!

Theatrix: Fun fact, you can see end peak force with ribbons! They shed like crazy when you cut them straight across and stay perfect when cut on an angle. Similar to cutting fabric on a bias when sewing :D

awitslivia: “DONT BLEACH YOUR HAIR!” Me watching this to grow out my curtain bangs so I can bleach my 2 front strands:‍

Leslie Stevens: Glad about this video backed by science. You earned a new subscriber!. As a constructive criticism however I must say: About washing your hair everyday. There is no scientific evidence that shampooing everyday causes trouble. You might need to wash your hair everyday because everyone's sebum production is different. Maybe you only need to do it once per week. One thing is to avoid some wrong shampoos, but let us not make a war on them just because once again a company claims to be the new saviour and there is a long trend already trying to blame shampoo about the consequences of poor habits. We never get taught any of the things you mentioned in the video so we cannot expect that such an important thing as cleaning your scalp as much as you need turns to be a negative factor. Actually, once your hair is ready to fall it will fall, you will just notice it more during the washing face, especially if you have long hair. Most men won't have this issue and many of them wash their hair everyday. But anyways best choice is always to consult a professional dermatologist since all cases are different. Hope to see more content on this soon. Cheers.

It's Amy Tarie: Okay I'm glad I took a chance watching this video because it really surprised me to see her include African/ curly-coily hair types and textures and made me really happy to see some form of girls supporting girls by being very informative and as inclusive as she could be with this vid. Thank you so much! It is really appreciated !

Natalia Pérez R.: A couple of years ago my hair was about 28 inches long, and right now I'm taking care of it to get it back that long. ✨ Thank you very much for your video!

Moriel: Thank you for your video! as someone who has indeed googled how to grow long hair, it's really nice to finally have someone who really did research :) I would also be interested in a video on shampoo bars and which is the best for hair growth. I tried using some brands wanting to help the environment and felt that they really ruined my hair

KELLY LENZENDORF: Thank you for this video! So informative and I'm on my way to get a shower head filter. Here are some others I think you should look into: Exercise: increases blood flow to the scalp Viviscal vitamins: I do actually believe these help and are different from other vitamins, most people are deficient in some vitamins. apparently this has been a secret of super models and celebrities for years. Rosemary oil: increases blood flow to the scalp, was shown to work as effectively as Rogaine in a study It's not like these are magic but if done along with what was said in the video, I think they help you grow your hair too! Xx

Maddison Krauss: Your content deserves so much more attention. I can’t wait to watch your channel grow

Marcia Orozco: I usually let my hair grow for a year (grows pretty quick) then get tired of it then cut it shoulder length then regret it then growing it out again... it is a vicious cycle i cant get out of, please someone block Pinterest from my phone

Grow! Growing! Grown?: Binge watching your videos as I am so curious about hair and learning everything. Loving all the information. One point in your video stuck out to me, where you spoke about how those with curly/coily hair should avoid twisting. Can you explain more about this? Cause a lot of us use twists to keep our hair from tangles which from experience (and also implied in your video), can cause breakage. Thank you in advance

Ocean Sea: After many years I learned the true secret: don’t cut it lmao

RandomEarthling: I absolutely love your videos! You do so much proper research with credible sources, even if it takes super long. This shows you truly care to give true information to people. This is the first video I've watched, and I'm definitely subscribing. I hope you grow to have an audience of millions!

Ashley Urbanek: Very nicely done! Exactly what I was looking for! the "science" behind it all! Also, kudos to being a great "YouTube host". I especially hate when people just talk and talk and talk about nonsense. I'm constantly screaming in my head "get to the point!" Lol but you entertained the whole 19 minutes. Impressive! And NO NONSENSE! KEEP IT UP GIRLY! you got something special!

Clare: how to grow long hair: 1. genetics 2. don't cut it

K whatever: I have curly coily hair so my hair goes from being waist-length in the shower to shoulder-length when dry lol. Also Sarah's hair looks wavy, like she should try styling it wavy if she hasn't already.

Rebecca Gnanam: This was a great video !!! Definately help validate alot of the misinformation and myths out there ! Thank you for thanking the time to research and inform us on all this stuff with actual scientific facts

Tracy-Lynn McCoy: I love science. Ty for all the helpful hair info. If my hair could be any length possible, I'd grow it as long as I possibly could because I like wearing medieval hairstyles at medieval events.

High Road: Thank you! Most reasonable vid I have found for this topic. I would like my hair waist length, which happens sometimes accidentally. Because my hair is wavy and very fine, I am mostly interested in getting it thicker. Additives seem to make it worse, and I have given up on shampoos. From what you are saying here, I mostly need to protect it from damage by wind, sun, and hats! Pony tales were not working well, so going to braids for outdoor work. Thank you again!

Tineru Harlem: Thank you for doing so much research! This video was really informative

a litsa: Wow I'm impressed with the branding, design, and quality of your video. The background and slides look really nice. Plus, the practical science is really interesting. Nicely done!

Lemontations: I'm pretty happy with my hair length, it's almost to my waist, but sometimes I still feel it looks ugly. I know this isn't true as I get compliments frequently, but it's just that my hair won't commit to anything (maybe it represents my personality, I'm very indecisive). It's not wavy, but neither is it straight (like a bisexual... wait). It's not blonde, but neither is it truly red. It's really just this pale blondish brownish redish color that is hard to define but people refer to as simply "red" (um, actually, it's strawberry blonde. Fight me). I could dye my hair but there is just a lot to unpack with that concept when you naturally have an unusual hair color. Sometimes I like my hair color, but most of the time I have a difficult relationship with it... and that's what I'd really like to improve. Not my hair-- my attitude. ...and writing this comment was very cathartic and I feel better about my hair already because I realize we have things in common.

Ranveig Erlingsdotter Hansen: Hi, Girl! You are so good doing this stuff, and you look so great! I'm a woman who turned 62 years old in December, and by that time I had grown my hair for 4 years. I was totally short, like a boy cut, when I decided to let my hair grow. In my teens, twenthies,thirthies, forthies and fifthies I had my hair between my shoulders to my back, just above my bra. I never seem to get it longer, so now I wanted to give it a try. In about 2 years with no trimming, it reached my bra on my back, and the next 2 years it reached my waist. Now I' m 4 years and 3 months in, and now its another 5 cm longer. I trim it very little 3 times a year now. Like 3mm- 1,5 cm. I want it to reach my mid hips, just before my thies, around midway on my butt. That is because I want my braid to reach my upper part of the hips. Its now to my waist when braided. I have very thick hair, and thickness is all the way down, so I love it, and even young people does give me compliments on it. I have natural light blonde hair, so my grey's does not show too much. Every year early spring, I dye it with a tone just one small grade darker, because the sun makes it very White. I do not want to meet another summer with my hair all white already. I use Loreal excellence number 8. And by doing that I get the exact same natural colour I had in my early teens before I ever had any colour added. My daughter say I have to donate my hair, when I die, because it is so soft and thick. May be I will, May be I will tell her to cut it, haha. I want her to take a picture of me first though. The pic on my Page here is from December. Hair was white after a long summer by the sea. But its not like that now. Its more like yours. In about 1 year I might have reached my goal. My hair never gets greasy on my scalp, and I do not clean it more than 1-2 times a week. Now I can not understand why I never let it grow longer when I was young. Makes me irritabel, haha, because I could have looked much more pretty. Well, now I'm a wife, mother and grandmother, so who cares how I look. I just wanna be a grand old Lady with nicer hair than most grannies I know. That is ok enough. God bless you Girl, and you guys whoever reading. Take care! Greetings from Norway.

Pizzablue: Discovered your channel today and I'm binge watching all your videos... I'm definitely subscribing! Love your science backed content, keep going!

Pink skull: I love watching your videos, always informative and easy to understand. I hope to learn a lot from you for years to come. <3

N Boul: As someone with longish natural hair I’m really confused by tip 17. I twist my hair all the time and I keep my hair in twist throughout most of the week, how does it cause damage? Genuinely curious and I loved the video!

Levenyn: Even though I really do think my current hair length suits me quite well I really, really want to try growing it out just for the sake of it. It seems fun, though I may not have good genetics for it. Anyway, I like experimenting and one of the more reliable hair care routines I've discovered is simply saturating it pure coconut out, letting it soak it in and then washing it out. It's super soft, flowy and manageable for a few days after until the next time, but now I'm experimenting with Mane n' Tail. I've heard good things about it for the most part, though it seems like moderation will be the key. It's too drying for normal washing, but it's going to work so well washing out the coconut oil, that's for sure. Anyway, thank you for the information, and I wish you luck on your hair journeys!

E Fu: Love your perspective! So real informative and helpful!

MrWortie: This was legit the best hair video ever. Incredibly informative and honestly changed my view so much. Thank you

Harley D: OMG, I'm SSOOOO THANKFUL for your videos!!! I never knew there was so much behind the health of hair. My hair gets to my bra strap and stops/breaks. I've ALWAYS my hair to be at my waist, but my hair has other plans. I only wash my hair 3x a week and it seems to be A LOT healthier than I washed it every day. I also NEVER use dry shampoos. Thanks to this video I feel I'm doing something right for my hair. Oh, I've also started taking 1 vitamin E daily & drinking alkaline water and WOW... My hair AND skin are improving.

Mariam: Informational and funny!! I've recently gotten a pixie cut after having my hair finally pass my lower back. I'm appreciating that I can grow it back as healthily as possible, but I miss the length!! Both you and your hair are beautiful! Thank you for a great video and I've subscribed.

girlwith'emcurls: Being a science student, I appreciate you for all those efforts you did to understand those topics. It is literally the best video on hair growth on the internet.♥️✨

missanne290: My doctor recommended swimming for my back problems, and I would wet hair before going into the pool, cover hair with conditioner, place a lycra cap over my hair, and then a rubber cap over that. When I got out of the pool my hair was better conditioned than when I went in. You then immediately rinse your hair, wash it once and reapply conditioner.

TMT: This stuff never gets old. Love your content!! Thank You!

Travis Jones: Damn you're setup is so professional and the editing pulls you in, great production

Toni: Super thankful for the work you put into this, I love that you try to get the best answers for us.

Corrigan Davidson: I love the visuals and that you cite your sources. You're a breathe of fresh air!

Floricel Mendez: The length I want my hair is below my breast. And wow that info at the end about lathering got me so surprised. I have been some of the people to feel that if it doesnt latter it doesnt clean well. However, due to your ongoing studies on this area I trust what your saying. And I would love to see you make a shampoo line. You are literally citing sources. Explaining things so clearly and I see potential in this are. Keep it up!!! Great informative video!!

Carlie Flowers: I didn't really notice excessive shedding after I had my baby but I am nursing and I haven't had a regular period since. It's been almost 5 months. So maybe it's because my hormones haven't changed enough to shift back. I did notice a difference in my hair when I was pregnant in the length, strength, shine etc. It is really nice. My hair problems started at puberty so hormones makes a lot of sense. Wish I had cut my hair while pregnant to see if I could measure growth and get rid of dead ends but covid kinda prevented that

Turtle face: Thank you this video was SO helpful, the only hair guide based in science, fact and reliable sources that I've ever seen

Samkelisiwe Ngubo: Girl I'm black but I'm a new subbie because you tell nothing but the truth and you didn't disrespect our African hair on your content. Much love and respect

Rose A: Also stress is not good for hair growth. Haha I’m screwed ‍♀️

Melina: You earned a new sub! Thank you for taking all this time to do research!

Samii Cat: Refreshingly honest, informative and supportive video. Thank you for sharing, Sarah!

Tabitha: For 6 years, I've been stuck in the cycle of growing out my hair for 1.5 years, and then getting bored or stressed or impatient and just cutting it all off, loving it, then deeply regretting it a couple months later. I love super short hair, and super long hair on me. Super long hair takes 3.5 years. Super short hair takes 3.5 minutes lol. But I'm not gonna fail this time, it's high time for super long hair again, it feels the most 'me'. I WILL come back here in 3.5 years to say I've actually done it this time. Thanks for the guide!

ally knight: how to grow long hair: 1. spend ten years growing it out

Carlie Flowers: Her: Hormones play a major role My hair: *Le puberty ruins it. Years later, pregnancy "fixes" it* Me: ️️

Pamela D: Interesting video, super informative, great hair tips. Excellent job Sarah!

Cabbage Patch Soap: As someone who has long hair and makes soap, this video really resonates with me. I wanted to respond to your comment about lather. People absolutely believe that lather means clean, it has nothing to do with getting clean, like you said. Soapmakers often have to add extra products to their handmade soap to give it a better lather, otherwise people won't buy it. Store-bought soap is full of detergents and chemicals to make it lather, which isn't healthy for skin let alone hair.

Hamssatou Maiga: Something really amazing I learned: Do Not Compare Your Hair to Anybody Else’s Hair. Thank you so much ❤️ I truly needed to hear that

pumpkin pixie !!: Okay but can we just appreciate that Sarah spent THREE WHOLE WEEKS JUST READING AND TRYING TO CONDENSE THIS INFORMATION JUST FOR US?!?!?!?! That is more effort than I can put into anything <3

Hank & The Piebald Chart: Interested over there being any scientific literature about which protective style is least damaging. Twist, braid, wraps, bonnets, ect?

N Mali: Very first comment EVER on youtube! Loving this video! It is very informative and I like the fact that there is proper research behind your claims! Well done!

ese: This video is so refreshing to watch because you actually show research to back you up. I shaved my head about a year ago and I’m growing it back, but a lot of the information on YouTube can be confusing, contradictory, or just misleading

timestamp lover: Never underestimate the difference that the quality of your water can make. I used to have like awful ends and straw-like hair and the top of my head was always dry and itchy, because the water in our region is soo bad. But then I started washing my hair separately with lime-free water and it made such a big difference! No splitt-ends (almost :)) anymore, shiny hair, my scalp got so much better even my back acne pretty much vanished. Sure it is a great hassle but believe me, it's worth it. Especially when you're generally struggling with thin hair through hormones.

Lurker: This is the ONLY video I've found that actually looks at hair science in depth. Usually people say one or two things backed by 'science' to make their video sound legit, but you FILLED this video with facts and information (and even put a link to buy the book)! I especially liked the bit about how acidity in shampoo is very dangerous, I've heard the talk on sulfates, but very few people have said much about pH. Thank you for the education you gifted me!

Crystal Theodoris: Thank you for this video! Love how informative it is, for different hair types

Songs of Susannah: I haven't cut or trimmed my hair in over 20 years, it was last cut in 1987 and trimmed only twice since 1993 (in 1996 and 2001). It is elbow length. It only gets longer when I am on a ketogenic diet (I have been off and on since 1998). I assume it's a nutritional thing. I'd love to hear any explanation you can come up with for why it only grows when I am in ketosis. My only hint: I have low ferritin and get slightly anemic if I don't eat meat at least once every other day. However, I eat the same amount of meat either way, so it isn't merely more iron in my diet.

YouToo: Do you have any information on the role of iodine in hair growth (such as it's role in balancing the hormones)?

wymaw: Wow I never knew about the end peak force but that makes so much sense! I cut my hair into one even shoulder length layer maybe 2 years ago when I wanted to cut off all my dead ends and start trying to grow my hair out. But it makes sense why no matter how much I treat my hair, my ends always get damaged and start to split at a certain length and then I have to keep cutting the dead ends off. Its like it won’t grow past a certain length without it starting to look stringy. It’s probably my hair cut! Time to switch up to a layered one and see if that makes a difference.

Vanessa Okenyeka: As a former hairdresser I can say she really did her homework

Vee Roxz: Subscribed! I have the kinkiest coiliest hair and wasn't even gonna watch because I thought you'd only talk about your hair type and the advice wouldn't apply to me. I watched out of curiosity just to see what other people do. Boy was I wrong! Thank you for making such well researched content and talking about a variety of hair types with scientific evidence, not anecdotal 'Proof'. You're awesome and you're gorgeous!

Raluca Porumbacu: Good job! Best hair growth video I ever saw. Binged the whole thing. It captured my attention instantly.

Sarah Daines: Wow I wish I found you when I was 15, I have kinda been on the right track for the past year but your knowledge is insane!! thank you so much

E.L.A: Absolutely love the use of credentials here - subscribed instantly and learned so much!!! Thank you, you deserve the world :)

J M: This was amazing! Thank you for all the research

Francisca Peña: I loved your video, very informative and I didn't know that feeling clean hair is not the same as having clean hair! thank you!! Also, Native American hair (from the Americas) is pretty similar to Asian hair... And "Latinx hair" can practically a mix of all types of hair because we are a mix (the best of all worlds) so maybe that's why there are studies with 3 types of hair

Ankita Minhas: I’ve had my hair over 3 feet (and growing) and that was the longest Ive ever had. Cut them off. Kinda regret it but I also like the fresh cut on myself. But I’m looking to grow them out again. Ive always had fast- ish growing hair. I guess the Indian genes. I dunno how long it’s gonna take to grow out now with the same thickness as before. Thanks for this video!

Cynthia ChilcotinCowgirl: Thank you so much for the information. I want to make my own hair wash/shampoo/conditioner. What ingredients do you think are best for keeping the cuticle closed and hair healthy?

pumpkin pixie !!: I love the reminder to not compare your hair to others, and to take in all that information for when looking at products and doing stuff to your hair, but not to follow it strictly because that could very much negatively impact your wellbeing. And if I could have my hair any length, I'd definitely want to have it Rapunzel's length. And if I could cut it short and magically grow it straight away again, that would be perfect. Oh, and I'd love to be able to dye it any colour without damaging it, too. Then I wouldn't need to buy wigs XD

Michelle Whetstone: I have curly hair, and I’ve always thought it was better to brush it wet, even though I was always told that’s less healthy, so thank you for validating me!!

Shadow M Weatherholt: This video was amazing, I love you for doing this!! Thank you!

Ch Dh: I would loooooove to see a video about how to work on your hair’s tensile strength and elasticity !

Jasmine C.: I absolutely LOVED this video. Thank you SO much!

HeadBandit: I liked that you made that distinction between combing wet vs dry for straight/wavy and curly/coily hair. I was always confused about which way was better and I’d read about one being better and then next time it’s the other being better

Ammy Hideyoshi: I guess the one person that might help you a bit it your childhood-teenage years with your hair type are your parents, since your own hair most probably has many characteristics in common with at least one of them. Mine is a lot like my father's, very thick and wavy. If I took care of it like my mother does (very straight, thin strands, has to be washed a lot so it doesn't become too heavy) it would probably start breaking apart. My hair loves being well oiled, and I've always avoided shapoos and heat like the plague. Very hard in the 2000's, when having long straight hair was sort of a fad among teenagers. Peer pressure is such an ugly thing. Know what works and looks best on you and stick to it.

PerpetuallySunnyRainy: So I've been wondering why my hair has grown so much so quickly and after seeing the hair growth promoters, I know why. I take a birth control that has both estrogen and progesterone in it. When I think about it, my hair length really took off around the time I started taking that birth control. The hormones in the birth control are keeping my hair in the growth phase. Wow I learn something new everyday!

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