My Favorite Go-To Hairstyles For Cnas, Nursing Students & Nurses! (& Suggestions) | Ashley Taylor

I'm sorry that this video may not be the best to some people! It wasn't until I started filming the video that I realized I literally only know 2 hairstyles hahaha please still love me!! I'm sorry but I did want to share what I always do and ways to have fun!

drinking game idea- take a shot every time I say clinical instead of LAB and 'like' ugh why is my brain the way it is!!

If you guys want to see a more in depth french braiding video, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I practiced for the longest time and would love to help others learn to french braid as it is SUCH a helpful hairstyle for getting your hair out of your face for jobs that require it!

I love you guys!

Thank you so much for watching


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Instagram: ashleyyythomas

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rubberbands (300 pack) - I suggest clear for blonde hair if you dont want to see the band as much!!

my favorite hair clips -


$5 OFF for every first pair, code '5free'

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✩ about me ✩

age ⋆ 24

camera ⋆ Canon G7x Mark II

editing software ⋆ Final Cut Pro X

Hi guys, what is up welcome back to my channel, so, as you guys can tell I'm in my scrubs today, these are the ones my mom got me and honestly, I'm so obsessed with them. They'Re so comfortable - and I know you guys can't tell, but they really bring out the green in my eyes but - and I also am freezing so I have this really hot cup of tea. I am at work right now, if you guys can tell if you're new here hi my name is Ashley Taylor, I'm currently a nursing student, and I am in a BSN program. I'Ve had so many questions so just to clarify it's a BSN program and it's 21 months. I will graduate September 20 or September 17 of 2021 and then hopefully after that, I want to figure out me me looking into getting my master's and becoming a nurse practitioner and all that stuff. But that's for in the future - and I don't know how sick of school I'm gon na be by then so my voice is a little quieter than usual right now, because I am working and my babies are not being, which is why I'm able to film right Now but I've had a lot of requests on how I do my hair for, like a lot of you, guys asked on my CNA video like a day in the life of the CNA, like how I did my hair and like hairstyles, that we're good for nurses Or CNAs or nursing students - and I need to do my hair and get it ready for clinical, because we're not allowed to have any of this like what's out right now in our face. So I wanted to make this video now got ta be so quiet. So I brought a few different things to work with me to day so for your CNA stuff um I, for where I worked. They did not have a specific way. We had to wear hair. A lot of see me he's had their hair down and their face. They would have like look ponies and, like things hanging down, I personally had my hair sucked back like 24/7, because you don't know what you're going to be doing and when you're here is going to fall into the wrong spot or if it's gon na tickle. Your face like persons, for example, I had a time where me and my other CNA, who had her bangs out at the time we're changing a brief, which is also a diaper. We have to call him grace in the CNA setting, so we're changing the brief and you know they're on the bed. You raise the bed, but you know you're changing your gloves are dirty. Obviously you have no hands. You don't really want to wipe your shirt, because you don't know what he was gon na be on it. So in hurt it was taking her cheek, and so she, you know, was like trying to like work it up, but she literally can do anything. I can do anything we both have dirty hands dirty gloves. So, like that's one thing that I just like, I cannot imagine like having to touch my face or like having that itch, like you know like when you doing something dirty and then there's like times where, like you know, they have like long hair and it's dangling. I'M a changing, they might be looking down on someone and then your hair is getting in like their food or their throw-up or their poop or like lots of gross things. So, like my best advice is, if you have bangs or anything to get it all. Out of your face um, so that is what I do. I my favorite hairstyle. If you watched my CNA video is abrading it. So I do two long French braids and then I take them the bottom parts out and then I wrap it in like a low bun and secure it with a little rubber band and a pony on top. My new favorite pony tails are these slip ones he like doesn't crease my hair, it doesn't naughty or anything. I haven't even brushed it from when I slept on it, though so, hopefully it's not too early. So I wanted to do my braids first and show you guys how I do them. I'M gon na do that last cuz! That'S how I want to wear my hair for this clinical. That'S my favorite way. I wore that every single day as a CNA, unless I woke up late, then I would just do like a top tight messy, but I'm nodding so bad today, but yeah some of my favorite things to get art. You can get these 300 Michael rubber bands. I got this from Target. I'Ve had this for three years now, when I still have this many left and then inside of it, I have extra like what are they a little stringy looking, I love these ponytails and then the sling or the slip is like my new favorite kind, because this One like does not crease my hair, and I find that it does not get as knotted when I like to earn in messy buns all day and unlike a ton of bobby pins and stuff. So when I had short hair as a CNA, I noticed that, like, if I put too high, like my short hair, would fall out and then like. If I had it too low, my bangs would fall out so bobby pins were a lifesaver. If I didn't have time to put it in braids, the braid is braids are like the best thing ever. If you guys don't know how to braid, I would suggest I went and taught myself by watching, like 100 YouTube videos and just practiced on myself, and I was little so that's what I did. But some of my favorite things to do are like slicking, my hair back and then doing the tight, like I just like wrap my hair around and then just like, wrap it around as much as I can, and I have super super thick heavy hair so like I will put like a rubber band in at first, which I don't want to do right now, because I don't want to like mess up my hair too bad before I have to get it ready for clinicals. I mean for a lab, but I would do that and then I would put my ponytail over it and then, if I had any like things, I would be nervous about flying out. I would just like like either put it back with what you um. So I would just like stick it back with I there sometime of like gel or hairspray, or that's something I would like use my bobby pins and then, if you are weird with me about your ears, me not too much. I like to pull out like tiny, like the short like fuzz, and just have that, like that I kind of like a military girl with his color in my hair like that. But that is like one of my favorite ways. I do have shorter bangs now, so I find it easier for me to do my braid hairstyle, but um. If you wan na make it cute, you can do like too low space buns. I did those a couple times for some holidays and as a when I was working as a CNA and I would just wrap those around the exact same. I just did the bun and then secure them extremely tightly with my rubberband and then an extra pony and then bobby pins and hairspray and stuff. Oh, I don't need hairspray, but I just acute bobby pins. I don't really like hairspray um and then you can wear your hair in a pony like I find like that. Short girls can easily easily wear their hair to Pony cuz, even when they're looking down their hair short and it doesn't fall forward and still liked it to go and touch your face. Um so like I cannot do ponytails. So honestly, one of my favorite things to do is literally just throw it up in a bun like you're just gon na twist it - and this is another thing that I would rubber band and then funny tail and then bobby, pin also just wrap it around and Then a little bun up there and you can mess with it and make it cute. When I was working out seeing it, I did not care what I looked like as long as it was out of my face um. So that's one. You can also have fun messy buns, I'm not good at messy buns like I find them extremely difficult to act like throw-up, plus my hair, so heavy, and think that it's like hard to like ouch, like maintain, you know uh. For me, this is hard because it will fall out so easily, except my hair will get so happy throughout the day in this, but I mean, if you can work it work. It girl, Oh short, hair. When I had like my really really short hair. I found like doing a half up. Half bun like little samurai messy bun was really helpful, but those are some of my favorites. I don't know I mean literally just wear my hair in a braid, though maybe this wasn't a good idea of a video for me to do, for you guys, sorry, if I'm letting you guys out. Also, I think clips are super helpful, like if I'm ever just like in a rush, not the door I'll put my hair in like a ponytail, where, if I like, have something after work - and I don't like get my hair loose, I will literally just do this And clip it in and then like you have like this cute like hairstyle, I don't know. I always like that. That'S how I it was wearing it like all morning, as you guys saw, I pulled it out. That'S cute! You can also do like really low ponies, but again, like I look like I might steal your car. If, when I wear like low ponies like that or like I'm gon na like run for presidency, like I don't know not my look, but you guys can go for it. I just like having my hair completely pulled out of my face so now that I want to get ready for my class. I take this. Just got my braids and I just start braiding. Okay, so that's one braid! I try and make them super tight, but like I'm already having OCD about this part, because I know I'm here and there's bumps in it, but I like to just braid it down and then I'll do the side. Next and then I'll take this out and let this fall apart and then I'll bring it around drop. It like, where my greet, meets my neck into like a little bun and then it'll look like. I think it's like super cute. I also find that if you have a break really thick coarse long hair like I do um it's not even that long, I'm like Rapunzel open here, but I do find that it helps when I have like crimped hair or slept on hair. So it's not like super clean, usually when I have like super clean hair like right now, it's like super slippery and like falling out of the braid and like not like falling in a place for me. I love crimping, my hair with like a crimper iron. I will I can do video on how I cut my hair too, so you don't look like crazy, poofy um look, but I like to crimp or braid it like with wet hair and fall asleep, and that usually lasts me like three days to like. I just think that it helps my hair stay, put a lot easier and longer than my hair. When it's like not long and clean like this like today, I don't think these braids are going to work. So I'm just going to do my little lobe on and call it a day, because I'm just so kind of you can also like mess with your part too. Like that's my middle part, but sometimes I noticed I've. I put my like the bangs that, like frame my face onto one side, they're easier to maintain cuz, then I can just put them all into one bobby pin, rather than having like two little bobby pins. The cool thing about this bobby-pin bag, too, is that it has a ton of different size of rubber bands. So, like there's like this, like really small one, you guys, I think I'm gon na say that and then it has like way bigger ones. So I like to use this was supposed to be for my braids are not working out, but they have like these bigger ones. So I will use that once that feels secure and tight, I will put my ponytail around it. Just still like have the extra security. This is lab, so I don't need to like these two times, but that is just what it's going to be today, um and then I do. It just need two bobby pin these bangs. I can already feel them falling out, usually takes like one or two bobby pins hear me, because my hair is so freakin thick that he'll really want but yeah. So that is going to be my hair for clinicals today also we're doing skin assessment, and I think we might be doing hair assessment like popping the hair and stuff - I'm not pleasure, but I am vlogging in a week in the life this week. You guys can check that out. I will talk about how my clinicals went and like what I'm doing and everything else like that. But yeah you guys like this video. Please give it a thumbs up and um subscribe. If you want to see more videos - and I so I have better content than this - I just was trying to give someone had this idea and I was like that's a good idea, but then I realized, I just do the same to things like every single day Of my life but yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this video. I love you all and I'll see you in my next one

Brittany Bailey: I’m a CNA now studying to be a nurse and I struggle with hairstyles always! Thank you for this

Sierra LuAnne: I know you arent a cna anymore but you motivated me to get the ball rolling and I'm starting classes on march 6th I'm a part time nanny right now so this is a huge step forward into my nursing future. Would love a story time video about your experiences in your facility! Thanks for the video

bryanna wright: im an EMT and i have a 24 hr shift tomorrow, these hairstyles are sooo cute definitely trying one out tomorrow!!!

Amber Burbo: (I’m a CNA) a friend of mine left her hair down one day and wiped her hair off her neck without thinking about it as we were changing someone one day and their was BM on her gloves she went home but I was like that’s what ya get for keepi it down ‍♀️

Jen77: I work in a long term care home and totally agree with putting your hair and your bangs up. I always have a bun and a headband for my bangs because some dementia patients will grab your hair and yank really hard.

Kali Springer: Just found your channel and I love it! I’m in nursing school and a CNA too ✨

Bella Mitchell: Make a video on your favorite scrubs to wear!!!

Samantha Kennedy: headed to work in an hour as a CNA! Definitely gotta try these :)

Happy CG: My go to is French braid! Cause it keeps the hair out of my face but still looks pretty and professional

Sarah Jackson: I loved this video!! It gave me some ideas on how to wear my hair for nursing school and my job I work in a nursing building.

Destiny Williams: Im a NA and I start at the hospital soon so this helps me so much!!!

Josefine's Wardrobe: love hair clips! I don't work as a nurse, but really do not like having my hair down!

Hanna Myers: Thank you! This was super helpful

Ava: I am actually dressing up as a nurse today for school!

Average Ana Vlogs: Me wishing I had your hair for 13 minutes straight lol

D Fry: I'm taking a CNA course now had first real clinical yesterday I was a bit excited but at the same time felt like I was unprepared any advice clinical is Saturday 7-3:30 I got checked off for bed making and showering but I'm a little nervous about moving the patient it just looks a bit rough as far as turning them but I know how important it is to move them. Sorry for the life story any advice is appreciated.

Leandra Rodriguez: I start nursing school this week. My hair is down to my waist and was wondering what I would do with my hair ! lol Its a guidelines for our dress code. Didn't think Id actually find a video haha Where is your watch from ?

KayJhoselin: Cute simple hairstyles, u look so pretty

Natalie Prado: It’s also easy when your hair texture is straight and smooth like yours! Lol I don’t have time to straighten my hair before I put it all up in the morning

Maa Haa: can u do a makeup tuto for this look ?

Vero M: Omg the part about the ears!! I have THICK sideburns and am so insecure about them so whenever I feel my ears out I feel like everyone's looking at me sideburns

Keller Roberts: How does anyone just braid that easily. I literally can not

Ari Torrence: So basically do my hair like I do for the military

Emina Cemal: just what i needed!!! ❤️

Calliope: *casually* "So you never know when you're going to get your hair in vomit or poop or blood" *five seconds later* "Woah, bug. Ew"

Alex Houser: What self tanner do you use? It looks so natural!

Alexandra: The green/olive scrubs are the cutest !

Mckenzie C: 0515, waiting on my carpool buddy to get here for medsurg clinical.. completely ready besides hair.... so perfect for me right now woo (plus it’s keeping me awake)

Cat Cizmas: This may sound dumb but what is the difference between a rubber band and a ponytail?

Courtney Douglass: Can you do a haircare routine video shampoo conditioner etc how you grew out your hair

MaeEllen Megginson: where are your favorite hair ties from?? always looking for new ones to try!

Victoria Cortez: I would like to see how you crimp your hair!

Keila MGarcia: You had me dying with I might steal your car

Nurse David: Your so cute haha, yes you do not want your hair falling in your face when you cleaning someone up

M M: Thank youuuu

MoonShine :3: I'm nervous . Why ? Because next week I will have to begin my clinicals and I struggle Everytime trying to something with my FREAKING hair. :(((

Jacqueline Lara: Where did you get your glasses love them?

Emily Cothran: Where is your “J” necklace from? I love it!!!

natalie belle: You are so, so pretty

One Love45: That's why I double and triple glove

Ggabriellaa00: where are your glasses from?!

Amanda Larsen: "Like I might steal your car" HAHA

Brie: <3

paige k: Where do you get those hair ties?

Mary Beth Jones: Where’d you get the cute glasses girl?

Jillian Hiatt: You might steal a car or run for president with the same hairstyle.

Megan Hess: Link these scrubs!!

Emily Rice: what scrubs are u wearing here??

Nicole Reed: Did you do a French braid or a Dutch braid? We didn't get to see it cuz it was at the back and you didn't turn around and then you took it out

Megan McLaughlin: So just a bun...

Flippydippinhippie 1020: You Graduate on my 20th birthday

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