How To Remove Body Hair (Full Body Tutorial) | Gq

Esthetician and founder of the Men's Grooming Parlor in Chicago, Matt Leyes, is here to teach us how to remove body hair from all those hard to reach places. From abs to shoulders, Matt shows you the tools and techniques you need to wax, trim, and shave your upper body hair.

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How to Remove Body Hair (Full Body Tutorial) | GQ

Hey gq, my name is matt lays i am an esthetician and the owner of the men's grooming parlor here in chicago today. We'Re going to be talking about various ways to remove a hair on the torso area. Just in time for summer, the human body grows a ton of hair, and it's pretty much up to you. How much that you want to keep and how much you want to get rid of it doesn't have to be an all or nothing situation. You can pretty much just trim down to whatever your comfort level is, and whatever you're doing for this summer so like. Why would we remove our body? Hair first and foremost, is actually just comfort, it's hot, to have a full chest full of hair. Another reason: the more hair you have, the more sweat in your body oils will cling to that hair, which then turns into bo. Another reason people might want to remove their body. Hair is if you've got a ton of chest hair. Your shirt isn't going to really lay very flat you're not going to get that smooth uniform. Look that a t-shirt would give we're going to be covering everything from the pecs. You know the chest abdomen, always just a little bit below the belly button to make sure if you're reaching for something on the high shelf, a little hairline doesn't come out of your pants. There underarms the cap of the shoulder and then the full back as well. There'S a ton of different ways: you can remove the hair from your body. We'Ve got waxing trimming shaving, you can go through and you can decide what you think would work best for you and your skin type with waxing you're going to be the smoothest the longest one of the greatest benefits of waxing. Is that we're removing the hair completely by the root? So it's going to take about two full weeks for that root to even form underneath the skin and then once the hair starts to grow out. It'S just like this baby, soft little fine fuzz. So first thing we're going to do is a thin little layer of sesame oil. Sesame oil is like your skin's own natural oil. This makes sure that the wax floats on top of the skin. What we're going to be using is a hard wax. This kind of goes on almost like silly putty and then it firms up like plastic on the skin. This also grabs hairs that grow in more than one direction. At a time, aka like the chest, gon na get a little edge going here. There we go and that's starting that and last little bit there we go oh and kenneth. Just you know that was the worst strip. Oh, that one hurts the most. So not everyone is a perfect candidate for waxing. If you're, taking some certain medications like accutane different retinae, your skin's gon na be really really sensitive and dry. So much so that if we wax your skin could rip off with the wax. And we don't want that. I would say to know if you're a good candidate for waxing you pretty much want to go, see a professional always best to leave waxing to the professionals, especially if you want it done quickly easily and without a lot of screaming. What we're gon na do. Next is just another thin little layer of that sesame oil and then a nice hot towel that'll remove any last little bit stickiness or residue. This hot towel may feel a little extra toasty aftercare for the chest. Wax the chest is one of the trickiest spots to wax, so it takes a little bit of extra after care. So number one just use dye, free, aroma, free detergent and do a double rinse. Also one of those shower gloves, like a rough textured, shower glove to really get in there scrub up, using almost like an acne face, wash as your body wash the last ingredient. There would be to follow up with a ten skin ten skin's, basically liquid, aspirin or pure salicylic acid you're gon na need all of these steps to ensure a really good result. After waxing a second option for body, hair removal is trimming. You know a lot of my clients come to me. You know with like a big full hairy chest: they're hot they're sweaty, it's getting a lot of bacteria, it's stinky, but they don't really want to be smooth. They don't want to look like they're in a boy band or something you can just trim the hair down. You can just thin it out, so it's not quite so bulky so that your shirt will lay flat. Trimming is probably the fastest quickest easiest and lowest cost. As well tools, you need for trimming number one. Is your trimmers or what are in the industry called edgers. I love the wall peanut. I have used this consistently. I'Ve tried all the new fun gadgets and things, and i always come back to this one. You need a little brush because you need to clean out those trimmers about every two passes if they keep getting gunked up with your hair and you keep going you're, not really cutting anything. So you got to clear out the trimmers about every other strip and then number three. Most importantly, you need some newspaper you're going to want to lay newspaper down so that all your trimming falls onto that. Then you just crumple it up and throw it away when starting to trim the chest. We'Re going to take those wall clippers we're going to use the smallest guard that comes with that you're going to want to trim in the direction the hair grows. So the chest grows in like this then up like this and then down over the pecs and now the stomach grows in like this a lot of my clients, like they say. Oh no, i trimmed my chest once i hated it was so itchy and prickly. So the reason it itches is because when we have that hair shaft, you cut it off here, it's still pretty sharp, and so these sharp little hairs they poke through your t-shirt and so like when you're walking around and your shirt's moving. It'S wiggling each little hair. Like that quick, easy fix, all you do is, after you trim go ahead. Take the hottest shower that you can stand getting like a little exfoliating glove and then scrub scrub scrub really really exfoliate. All the hairs that you just trimmed that heat will soften the hair. The exfoliation will kind of take that blunted edge and kind of dome it. It almost like rounds it off, so it can't poke through the fabric of your clothing, for the back there's a ton of different types of hair and that's gon na kind of depend on how you're gon na remove that like say, you've got really kind of like Fine curly hair, that's gon na, be perfect for waxing, and then i got some other clients where they're gon na have about five or six hairs growing out of each follicle or active breakouts or back knee as people call it you're definitely going to choose something other Than waxing, in that instance, i'll be demonstrating how to wax for the full back and then how to shave your back at home as well. This is a typical hair pattern for back hair. It'S basically coming from the outsides in and then going down, and it kind of has this long downy softness to it. Super super easy to wax. Okay, just gon na do a little bit of sesame oil and then basically we're gon na. Do one good strip down the center, then just knock out each side, after that this is going to be called a soft wax. This is like what you see in tv and movies. This is the one that uses that paper strip, because all this hair is growing in the same direction and just like the chest that one was the worst, so it just gets easier from here on out, i always say: um. The good thing about waxing pain is it's really quick by the time you say your favorite curse. Word, it's pretty much done. What i'm going to be doing next is putting on 10 skin it's going to almost feel like an alcohol-based aftershave, but it dissipates in about five seconds or so as we're looking at tj's skin he's the perfect candidate for waxing, unlike blake he's not the best candidate For waxing, because of that mild breakout, if you wax on top of that, that's gon na exacerbate that and make it a big problem back knee is super common. A lot of people get it. I would recommend that we shave with a blade okay guys so for shaving, the back. The easiest is to have a buddy, do it for you, but we're not all so lucky to have a buddy that wants to shave our back. So there's this invention, real, quick and easy called the back blade. Honestly, it's like a giant razor blade. This can just go straight on your back, and then you pull up this way and then another way to use it is to grab it from the side and to pull out this way. You'Re going to want to do this, if you want a completely smooth. Look probably about once every 10 to 12 days, or so you want there to be enough hair about a quarter of an inch so that the razor has something to grab onto to remove. They do sell replacement blades. But in my experience i have found this blade. Will last you, i don't know about a good 10 shaves or so once you're done shaving for the back you're going to want to exfoliate and the best way to do that after shaving, your back whenever you're drying off with a towel just do a really good Floss, it's mostly going gon na be the shoulders that could get irritable after shaving, so a good floss across the shoulders drop it down. Good floss across the lower back and you're gon na be in a great spot. There. I'Ve got tons of clients they've like shaved. Once and they're like oh man, it broke out like crazy i'll. Never do it again and that's a really quick, easy fix. A couple things you want to keep in mind, use a brand new razor every single time. You shave also it's the prep work. First, you just want to make sure you take a nice hot shower, so that all that hair is nice and softened up when you're, using a razor either on your face or on your body. If you hear that, like noise, like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing against each other, that just means that the blade is going halfway in and then snapping the hair, the rest of the way off. Now you have this jagged irregular edge and that can grow in any weird different direction, usually back into the skin. So if the hair is nice and hot and has some shaving medium it just glides right through you, don't hear anything we'll be going over how to trim for the arms. You know a lot of people will get excessive, forearm hair and around the elbows, and you get a ton of long hairs. You guys know this right at the back of your arm. I always recommend just trimming for the arms versus shaving or waxing there's something that kind of happens when the arms are completely hairless, there's many a clients where, after i've waxed their arms they're like oh yeah dude, you were right, like i feel like a dolphin now So for trimming for the arms, like always, you just want to make sure you follow the direction of the hair growth. So, instead of kind of going up against your arm, think about going over take the clippers nice and gentle over things can get a little tricky right here. So just going straight down here, works best and then just make sure you're getting real good up around the bicep there you're just going to be using the wahl peanut trimmers, with that shortest scar. The 1 8 inch. What trimming down the hair for the arms can do just makes putting on a sunscreen lotion things like that. A lot easier, a lot of guys get a lot of really thick puffy hair right on the forearm. So doing this technique, where you just follow the direction of the hair growth, it just knocks down a lot of that bulk. There i'm going to be showing you how to trim the underarms as well. It'S just a little tricky because the hair grows in a couple different directions. I think trimming's the best only because shaving and waxing the underarms like whenever you're at rest, the underarm folds in on itself, so that skin's all pressed together. It'S like ripe for ingrowns and irritation just because as the hair grows in it's all crunched together and then, when you add to that perspiration, add to that deodorants and antiperspirant. I always just think a nice clean trim is the way to go for underarms. You just want to follow the direction of the hair growth. Half is going to grow up and half is going to grow down so to get a good stretch for the underarm you're going to take your hand, put it in between your back or your shoulder. Blades go half up and then half down this skin's very, very thin and tender. So just be really gentle. You don't want to press too hard a couple passes and that's all you're going to need all right guys. So you just trim the underarms. Underarms can be a little bit tricky because your arms are constantly moving, and so what you're going to want to do is take the hottest shower. You can stand really soften up that hair under there and then use one of these shower gloves to scrub it down. Really really really exfoliate so that it's not prickly spiky or stabbing your underarms there and it's going to be nice and easy and clean to go all right. Gq thanks so much for coming on in today, as you've. Seen with all these tips and techniques, trimming and or shaving yourself at home is really pretty simple and easy all these techniques that i'm talking about, they are prevention and cure. So if you happen to break out just keep up and stay diligent with your exfoliation and with that tense skin thanks so much my name is matt lays here at my shop, the men's grooming parlor located in andersonville in chicago. If you all do want to try out that waxing come on and see me, okay, it's and i'll see you soon.

Jerry J: This was the the best, most concise, informative and factual vid on men’s grooming. Some info I already knew but the rest was helpful! Awesome! Thank you!

ZZ: Apparently removing body hair will make you shredded? Who knew.

G P: I have been removing my body hair for years. This is the best men's specific hair removal video I have ever seen. This guy gave me some tips I haven't even heard of. This was great. If I lived in Chicago I would 100% book an appointment with this guy. Excellent!

M Collins: This is awesomely insightful! Matt's so informative. Loved this!

Yo RAHeem: Who designed us? We have bald spots but a ton of back hair!?!?!

mrbear1302: Wish he had talked about the incessant itching after waxing. I had my back waxed once and the itching during regrowth, was 10,000 times worse than the waxing removal pain.

na me: As a woman with quite a lot of body hair, I found this helpful.

pink skull: As men, we all have too accept that we have more hair on our body’s than our own head.


sunnyari: I've seen people be super sensitive about their armpits and groin area, but once i got the backs of my thighs waxed and it hurt so much i actually teared up a lot, idk why that area of all places hurt so much more? maybe it's because i carry a lot of fat there and the skin is not that tight. but wow, never again

Francisco Vahamonde: Never have I ever had a woman want me to completely remove my chest hair. I've tried. They all say trim, but don't remove. Removing hair on chest, forearms, and legs sucks. It will comeback prickly and uncomfortable, catch on clothes, and most importantly you'll feel like a cactus when your skin touches someone else's skin. Trim, trim, trim don't shave those areas

SuperAloeFresh: “Just in time for summer” they say as summer is literally ending

Zabbidou: "... just in time for summer." Looking at my calender, July 29th.

Skincare&Hairremoval-official: very great video about hair removal

Of Angelic Paragons Virtuous EssencE: I got my back and shoulders waxed once and ended up with cystic folliculitis all over for over a year

Sánchez Boy: So since you recommended not to shave or wax arms, do you also recommend not to shave or wax legs and thighs?

hakan aybaş: amazing video! I really appreciate it! You get my pray bro

Iain Ronald: I wish I had somewhere to shave my back. I'm a big (6'6, 265 athletic) Ukrainian-Canadian guy, well, people call me a bear. I can build up an entire head of hair's worth of back hair in under three weeks. I've called waxing, trimming salons, spas that accept men and the minute I mention my back they all hang up. I shaved my chest as a meme back in 2011, but I liked it so much that I just kept doing it. In my bathroom I have two razors: 1 for my scalp and beard-lines and one for my chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms. I shave my scalp, face, chest and abdomen every three days and my arms, legs and shoulders every two to three weeks.

AG: If someone (not me of course) is _really_ hairy, how can we do a 'gradient' hair removal? I've seen, even actors in movies, have *trimmed* hair on the pecs but then *completely shaved* directly underneath. So it ends up looking like a nice straight line was drawn right under the pecs, and the pecs have nice short 'manhair', while everything under it is 'boy-band smooth'. How do we get that right? Thanks for the very informative video.

Deazy: Yo I love this guy I can't stress it enough

Engelbert Humpindick: The Mangroomar Lithium Max Plus is great for the whole body but for your groin there is nothing better than simple a razor unless you got a lot of stubble then just trim and then go in with the blade. Trimmers are no good for the balls.

David Waterhouse: Great video, please can you tell me, is it true that the hair grows back 'thicker and stronger' after waxing? Thanks

Samuel: what about those creams that removes the hair? i know it works pretty good but can it be dangerous ?

Guy BD: I love the Before/After images, as if I was expecting more hair on the After image

B uppy: Back and shoulders need to have the hair removed. The rest is up for personal debate. Shaving reduces hair regrowth, and while the first time hurts like h***, the second time is *much* kinder.

DynamicGamesYT3: I hate having to manage body hair :(

Centauri The Typical Juicer: Need this for my legs, even other guys tell me my legs too hairy

The Irish Potato: Thanks. I needed this.

Dexter McLaughlin: Where do I get the paper you used for waxing? My wax kit just came with wax and popsicle sticks

eyerishroses: Excellent video. have your partner help you. Also if you're a swimmer, every hair has to come off, for those meets.

Æthelthryth Quezada: I use to shave my forearm and other places when I was a kid just to stretch out my shower time. but I don't really need too, I just just bored in the shower, but boy did I feel like a dolphin!

Jay Webber: Swear all these dudes have like 7 hairs in total. I'd need about 10 of those back razors to make a dent in mine

hello world: Im a fool for going to gym and working out hard all i had to do was to remove my body hairs .

Werewolf Wu: Here's a fun fact: We werewolves have special muscles inside our follicles that enable us to extend and retract our hair at will, thanks to a 16-basepair-mutation on gene LCT-W982 on chromosome pair #8.

joshua: how do i remove the gray hair on my chest permanently?

Sage Mode Kiwi: The way he owns his craft and explain it makes him absurdly attractive to me.

notzameer_the_goat: Body hair is the best thing what happened to me.

sheepnoisebah: why not trim against the grain? seems like you did it with the grain just to make it the less appealing option. I haven't been getting ingrowns.

Daniel: I literally have three chest hairs - and I couldn't be happier ^^

theblackkittie13: This guy was great but please, please, please do not follow the aftercare advice for waxing! That is far too much exfoliation! We do not recommend using scrub mitts like that on your skin, they can cause micro tears that can cause long term damage. Over exfoliation is not good, it can cause irritation and damage the skin in the long run, constantly removing layers of skin and the it's natural lubricants is not a good idea. Also, after you have waxed your skin is a little more sensitive, kind of like when you have mild sunburn so putting anything strong on afterwards would not be a great idea, keep it light with no fragrance, low alcohol content. Salicylic acid is a great way to exfoliate, use it once or twice a week maximum and moisturise regularly (twice a day is the ideal but realistically once a day is great). This helps to keep the skin and hair soft and makes it easier to push through the layers of skin. I am a beauty therapist that has been waxing for over 8 years (all genders), also have have qualifications in skin care as well as anatomy and physiology Have a wonderful day x

Depressino Cappuccino: As a Kurdish dude this will defo come in handy

Avtar Dhillon: Great video thanks

graham greene: 1:47 love how they had him flex his abs for the after pic -

Immy Yousafzai: Thank you SOOOOO much.

Xi Yi: Did you put a sesame oil on the body before you wax?

Æthelthryth Quezada: Can I use the trim hot water/ scrub glove down their in the lady area?

Zay220: You’re forgetting 1 important section to trim/shave

1822138: Could you guys do a tutorial on applying makeup? Asking for a friend...

jellyjay: waxing : the most painful way to become more beautiful lol (and it's expensive)

September Dudewowbro: You might think I'm psycho buuut I rip out all my unwanted hair, arm pits, chest legs arms. I tweeze my beard bc its the cleanest and most effective way. It's like waxing without wax. No skin irritation and I don't have to "shave" again for like two weeks.

Christoffer: didnt know removing body hair also comes with the side effect of removing the person and replacing them

Andrew Keener: I'm going to try to keep this classy. I'm wondering about hair below the belt for guys.

Christine Star: Why not take a shower instead of cleaning off the hair? It's more hygienic

Abdurraheem Rafiq: Needed this

BrandonsKR3W A: 3:15 anybody know what brand or where to get those shower gloves??

MJL: Is there a way to transfer body hair to head?

WFO: A+ Thank you!

J Smith: I am blind, how can I trim the hair on my back, not shave it clean because that would be too difficult, in general kind of looking for a beard trimmer type thing that I could use on my back.

Dean James: The only thing I disagree with is what he said about not waxing the underarms... because your skin folds? What? Women are doing it all the time so it's really not that big of an issue.

Gilbert CJ TV Hey: Wow nice Details and professional ❣️❣️

Giorgi Keratishvili: what about laser removal?

BETA β: Any recommendation for the thighs?

DeathGames: Id like to know how to get rid of back acne so I can get waxed there

MJL: How can we permanently remove body hair?

Samuel: what about hair on the neck? am i the only one having this issue? (front neck)

A A: Needed for my chest

B.F.A.M: where can you get that waxing putty

WERK.: Who tf out here shaving their back with a gas station window wipe?

·: Waxing seems so painful. I couldn't do it

KingTray: Is waxing better than sugaring?

Salweezy: What about laser hair removal

Cesar Peluso: Plot twist: he neither shaves or waxes himself.

Rananjay Singh: GQ be posting anything nowadays lmao

Conner G: i got a dad bod there no way ill look better removing my chest hair lol

InheritorXofXFate: just laser it bro, who's got the energy to keep with up

Matthew Bryan: AHH yes, the torso aka the full human body lol

Tazzero _: As a pakistani dude this video will come in handy

Fabio Assis: How to remove body hair?! JUST DON’T. DO NOT. There u have it. ‍♂️

Brandon Brando: lol “FULL BODY” only shows how to groom top half

Dawngliana Pachuau: Helpful with the arm.

Tahir: I can't even grow body hair bruh

ROHIT: Most right tutorial

Kanyin’s Tv: Quick reminder that God will never put weight on your shoulders that He knows you can’t handle with Him. Whatever your going through just be patient and see why God made you wait. It may be hard but it’s all worth it

Craig Merkey: Wow he is great! Can he teach me math ?

Isah Mohammed: His abs got bigger after shaving

Absar. Kahn.: One of the most non fine looking thumbnails GQ has ever used.

Cyn P: What wax was used here?

Heart Less: Good video you might be share the link of these product where to get?

Jose Hernandez: Why am I watching this? Have virtually no body hair lol

boredandviolent: came here to learn to shave my butt.. didnt learn a thing :/

SuperArm111: Chest is the most painful

Griff: I really want to wax but have mild backne, how do I get rid of it?

DDomino Geronimo: Or don’t remove it

Zesty: Body hair looks mature and manly though

NARMER _: Okay...but why did the guy suddenly get ripped

sandaglad: What is this weird obsession nowadays with "grooming" & removing body hair? If you have really unsightly gorilla hair all over your shoulders and back, I can see it, but naturally hairy legs, chests, arms & pubes look great & very masculine. Oh well...

Rohit Bhatti: Body hair is back in

Ekene Njoku: You should make a video about ball sack hair removal

Syn: Then why are the two guys in the thumbnails utterly different body types? If only I knew that the way to a ripped body was simply to remove all my body hair

Ethan Trung Anh Tran: wait, i always thought sesame oil is only for cooking????

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