Best Haircut Husband Reaction Ever....

  • Posted on 20 September, 2022
  • Pixie
  • By Anonymous

This was so unplanned and just came together, if you can watch it from beginning to end you will see the build up to the Best Haircut Husband Reaction EVER....

00:00 Start

05:44 Haircut

22:45 Blow Dry

23:29 Finishing Touches

30:51 Husband Reaction

32:52 Outcome

Thank you wow. Thank you. Don'T you love it yeah. I do that's so cool here. We are tell them your name. My name is Laura, Laura, Laura, Laura Matthew and we're going to make a little video for y'all and um you're gon na get a haircut yeah. I sure are kicking out yeah. No, you chose it as soon as you saw this person like that's the one. You are fixated you were fixated and also because your hair color - I just want this - you were so fixated you yeah. You were fixated right off the bat okay so, but to do that haircut, you need a wardrobe. Oh I do yes now. What would this girl wear jobs over there? Let'S go find something: look. We changed her. We found an outfit. We found these earrings. We found these glasses wow, you look like 70s, you look, 70s yeah, that's fun! Um, we're not even gon na try to make it good we're just gon na be like the worst. You know, don't you don't you look great and the way you look right now like the way you look right now like seriously. This needs this. Oh Gorge, it's gon na, be it's gon na be alive. Oh, it's gon na be a Vibe all right, okay and we got and we got beer really bad role playing. Let'S begin now. No, that was that was really bad. Did you guys come together, come and sit down? Hello, hello? How are you so? What are we doing today? Now? That'S you, that's you. You have to explain because you're the you're, the uh, authoritative figure here, what are we doing today? She wants to cut off. She wants to change. No, no, she doesn't want you want it. I want to change. I love the really bad role playing. It'S perfect, terrible, terrible, terrible we're not even trying to make it good anyhow exactly that's my coming up do anything here. Please do I need to check this off. I know exactly because the prescription is so strong, but they yeah, they're cool, that's so much fun and also before we begin. This hair is amazing. The way like the feel of it and everything the thickness and the texture thanks. I grew up myself. I know that is this is absolutely amazing here, so it's gon na be so much fun to cut it and the skateboard kids are next door. You can hear them. Okay, okay, yeah, we'll see what's happening a little bit huh. I actually like the skateboard kids, but you can hear them because it messes with the audio. I got good report with them, so we have a choice: pink stripy or black. It'S a hand, Choice. What what you Laura you're my master, oh you're, the master, pink pink. We go pink, I think it's actually a few shots um. I think it's actually a fuchsia um wow. You can do those skateboards. I know come on over this wash your hair. What do I I come on over? Okay? Okay, you come over yeah yeah this one. Oh yeah come on over. Oh yes, yes, jump on here. Before we begin, we have a problem, there's a skateboarder that is the audio's gon na mess with the Ohio. I think we're gon na have to throw them out. We have to. I was like you're getting haircut, we're gon na cut hair. Did you get distracted? Did you say you're getting a haircut distracted? We'Ve got to get that sorted Miracle once again, yeah anyway we're gon na pump. You way up wow all the way to the top, always with the camera. Up too we're gon na go walking because we pumped your way up you're way off like that's. The important intimidation is like the big pump up you're pumped we're gon na poem. You uh, so this haircut we're gon na. Do this like big on Big Time on camera, because I want to see them then to see the first step. Yes, no yeah, because you can't see this anyway, I'm gon na go we're gon na. Do the assertive like and um. Here we go that YouTubers want to see. I think we're gon na go right. There. Oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah. There you go gone, yeah the slaps, we're going back now, buds nope with the big guns and then we're gon na go in there with the um clean it up guns. Oh, this is nice shape and I'm going to try to warm enough to have my shoulders. Quite in the way we're going to round it up towards the front there now I've done like how I do videos before now. This would be called how I do a bad wedge haircut, because I'm doing the bad version of it, not the good version of it. How do I do the bad version of one of these haircuts, which is the one where you cut it two length all the way around, which has a good look about it, they're, not bad. It'S just different ways of cutting a woodchuck up with your hair. The circle is gon na be so good, though I'm excited a little bit too. Okay, oh, it's so short! I know it's funny. Isn'T that fun? It'S great yeah! I love it. Yeah me too. I'M so excited yeah. Yes, I love that. I love the Ridiculousness of it and I'm thinking like do we go shorter tonight or do you keep it for a week? I have to go to a barbecue tomorrow, so yeah no totally go um tonight, but we have to do at least one thing. You need at least one public appearance with it. Oh we could go to supermarket. Oh, no, we go to the bar. Have a drink. Come back and cut more because you need at least one public appearance with this haircut, all right, yeah, the The Jug of beer in The Outsiders yeah. Are they called appetizers, appetitis yeah? I love it with appetitors beer and appetitors. Okay, we want beer and hepatitis. Oh yeah, this is the really bad version of this like. Oh, it is the best. Oh yeah. Oh, oh look at that! Oh yeah! This is the best. Oh wow, let's take another section off, shall we wow the real bad version of this? Are you okay? Yeah? No, I'm not gon na cry. You can't cross you off, I'm not going to cry foreign impressed. Am I still waiting for it? Yeah, I'm so pretty you're, so pretty wow you're. So pretty you think I want to marry you that's this. Okay, you walk down the other noise you go here comes the bride with the stupid haircut. I'M like oh yeah. I do. I totally do he'd be like crazy enough to walk down the uh. Why wouldn't that be funny? I'M gon na put out there with the tubers. Wouldn'T that be funny, like you know, when you get married and you're not supposed to see each other in the morning right you're not supposed to see each other right uh. What'S that and when you woke up well you're not supposed to until you walked up like I'm just saying it's one of those things like that: bad luck or whatever so like you're about to marry her, and you know, maybe she's got some kind of elaborate updo Kind of hair when she walks down the aisle with like a wedge haircut instead like one of the haircuts, I'm giving you and you're like wow. What is this? I should send me a message like well. If you're gon na marry me, you got ta deal with my shenanigans, you know what I would do. If I was the groom I'd be like I totally would. I would totally marry you. I would totally say yes yeah, because it's not what you expect. You know yeah, I think I'm a scenario would be hilarious here we go all right, so much fun. Oh my God! It'S okay! Oh! Isn'T that fun! Yeah yeah! You do! I'M gon na have to get the broom out soon. Oh, but I got the I got. The new uh high-tech room, the future, the future is now there, you go foreign snip snacks. Is it French time we love French time? Binge me. I think I want to Fringe you ready for this now. How bad are we going with this Fringe right? Yeah? Oh yeah, absolutely oh yeah! There we go and look it Springs up. That'S the best part it Springs up. I haven't oh, that's terrible! That is terrible. That is so terrible yeah that we love it yeah, the worst, the better yeah. Well, that's that's uh! That'S terrible! We find it hot because yeah the little friend his friends, yes yep, yes, thank you. We'Re going to go to the bar up to this, then we're gon na go back a couple more, the hair marathon on the farm. Don'T you love that light? Oh my God! It reminds me of that. What are they, what is that music? Not musician? No, like a husband and wife jarrow and the wife has like a he got some more seals right now. Oh really yeah stuff, like kind of a half molded French. Looking thing yeah, it's it's right! Bro yeah! Oh my Lord! Yes! I love it me too. It'S so much fun. I was just surprised foreign way back there. Oh yes! Oh you put all that forward. Yeah hell yeah yeah, I love it. I call it. This is so satisfying. This part is so satisfying wow. How fun is that literally just fine, so much fun yeah on this side too. Wait wait, wait, oh tight, nice and tight s. Oh my God! We need it out of your eyes. We need to see your face. Look at that face. Look at that face so pretty out there Friday night in Wellington, skateboard all the games and those were like. I think those were like drunk Bankers, those guys look like drunk Bankers. To me. Really, oh they're, like like drunk Bankers to me yes and we're drinking hair cutting so we're no worse than anyone else. The only one not drinking was those skateboarders they were like. I know because they can't because they can't, because they caught their cats, me too. How are you feeling are uh? I love. I have no emotions exactly five Vibes survives. This is the best best haircut you've ever had in your life mate. We'Re totally going to the pub with this haircut they're coming back and cutting more. Oh, Lord. My name is oh yeah where's your where's, your uh husband. Tonight. He works Fitness in an escape room. Oh so he's working, yeah he's working. He will work until late. Oh where's, the escape room um, it's actually just on what is it Johnson Street or Jackson Street? Let'S go visit him yeah. Let'S go visit him absolutely yeah. No, because we're drinking I got ta see because if he's got um customers, then that's a no. No, but all you got to do is go and walk away, and he was like he'll be like. Is that what she's done with her hair but he'll see you at the end? See you later on? I think it's better. If he just sees you and you go and walk away and then triggers anxiety right, oh yeah, absolutely what is what has she done? What is she done? You know that kind of scenario, but he comes home tonight. You have a different haircut he's like. Why do you do this to me? Why would you do this to me yeah yeah, exactly because you married me and that's what I do very cute. I think that's the scenario. I think our bad role playing just didn't really work. No, but we love characters exactly. We admitted attempts yeah yeah. I think it's all about the haircut. Oh, this is a great haircut S. I know it's awful. I love it. Oh my God. I love awful. It'S not even awful. It'S actually just great exactly but the other word. We say it's so wrong that it's right, it's so wrong. It'S so loud! It'S so wrong! It'S right! You absolutely love it now. You know what this hair means: some moose, oh yeah, yeah, hmm, oh my God that looks so cute. Yes, you do! Oh my God. Yes, you did sweet that was so funny about this paper. You know people say to me like I used a skateboard too, I'm like like you're doing something new since the 1970s there's nothing new like. Can you reinvent an ollie like even matter of fact? No, I did. I gave my respect, but he's like 17.. How do you be 17 in 2022 until the older generation that you're cool, because your skateboarder, when skateboarding has been going on since the 70s, like like really being 17 and 2022, can't be easy, though? No, it can't be easy in general, they can try to it's identity like oh here I am, let's get around 17 and I hear you but he's not doing anything new come on kid seriously being 17 at any point. I know it's hard anyway, but at least when you were 17 in the 70s yeah skateboarding was new and when it's 20 22 and he's like, I get really tired of people saying I used to skateboard too, of course, you're 17 and 20 22. you're. Not doing anything new, you really know no, but the difference between the way I post them compared to being 17 in 1977. Was those shop Waters came out with a brew ready to hit you. You know they were. They were shop owners back then were mean. I have posted diplomacy, but in this episode, when I was young, there was no diplomacy. They'Re like it was like well, especially regular, a bunch of Italians they're ready to hit you in the back of the head, yeah yeah. It was violent diplomacy, but diplomacy doesn't work anyway. Yeah no need to save at the moment. Oh see, that's the you know. The thing about uh blow dry is see, that's like a bigger Barrel yeah and that's a Peterborough, which means it calls you retire. Do you want like, like ridiculousness like Ridiculousness, tighter you? Can it's ridiculous absolutely, but also once you do this with it? Oh my God. It'S actually not so bad, be not so bad. Once you start to um yeah, I want those dumbass. I love it. Hi hi happy! Yes! So great! Oh! Yes! Oh my God! Yes at this point where you have to like perfect everything, yes yeah, you know like make sure it's. I think, and then I say that the camera. This is the maximum anxiety point of the haircut, because the person that share just wants to go to the chair, but the hairdresser is not letting you go because they start doing stupid. Like this foreign. Let me go now like I went out, but they're like no. No, let me finish this up for you and um. This is like the maximum anxiety moment of the haircut is when they start doing this cracks here. Absolutely and people can become just like going to go. Oh that's true! That'S true! This is like the best worst haircut ever. This is great yep. I love it looks like it is and, as I said to that person before, if anyone tries to, we would be like yeah, but could you and here's the part where it gets even worse because, like you just want out of the chair and then they do? This this is sad, the trimmers and they go in like and you're like. Oh dear God, please click this stuff like please stop and like nope. Let me get that for you. Let me just get that for you and you're like in your brain you're like please stop please stop please stop. Please. Can you stop right now, bro, but uh, but the person? No, let me get that for you yeah. This is this is why he's called retro haircuts because we're reliving like crap from the past yeah, it's fine here. Yes, oh my God, it's so sharp. We love it. Your husband's gon na be like running up here. He says I would be there in 20 minutes. Looking for he's excited to see your new look he's all excited he's like. I can't wait to see it because he knows you got a haircut, but he doesn't know what it is. Yeah he's excited he's gon na come through that door any minute. He just knows. It'S gon na be short yeah he's like he's imagining like some pixie cats, something real, pretty something real real, pretty real, pretty sexy uh, why? Why would you do this, but else you're just like it's so good, though like we'll act like it's like the best haircut ever so hot, that's so good! Oh, it's so good! We'Re here totally matches this out. My favorite thing to do with me and we're at the Finish yeah, maybe maybe I would say a lot about the um. Yes, let's see, I love that me too iconic, I'm gon na overdo it I'm gon na, like overdo it yeah. Oh wait! There'S still some there's still a little bit of both there, so I'm gon na make this really painful. That'S fine yeah! You know make it painful for you and don't move yeah all right yeah. Yes, how are you feeling very good cool now? I'M gon na go way over the top of this one too. Yes, we love it, I'm just giving it a throw bag. Oh yeah, we want coffee yeah, it's not there's not enough hairspray. Until it's like hacking up, oh, was that enough. Hairspray no needs a little more of the French, oh yeah, oh yeah, who needs oh yeah. Oh my God, we've given me, but I I feel a little bit, but you feel it even more. Oh, my God um terrible terrible! You are free, you're! Not done yet because I have to show that handy work. You know the pride I'm proud of my part of my work and thank you isn't that pretty so, don't you love it? I do it's giving it too. It is very. It doesn't look like a weird wig or something like it. Just looks like it's it's surreal. The best way I would describe this haircut is surreal. Now come over here, bad role, playing because you're, the one who's paying for the haircut yeah yeah. Remember don't forget to end user yeah is this? Is this good? Is this? What you're asking for doesn't meet your expectations? It does does it yeah yeah, okay, cool yeah, cool yeah, you're, happy yeah, yeah, cool yeah yeah, we're gon na spin the chair, so they can see you love um! That'S fine! There'S! No phones in 1978! Oh that's true! But there's a couple things going on now. So I'm gon na go back in there without the key, interesting um. There'S one. Let'S get it what's up, there's just so much here! No because she's, like a freaking, uh freaking picture with this head of hair, there's just so much, she will never go bald exactly. It'S like I've lost some hair. I still have too much hair, that's so great yay. I can leave this on when your husband shows up like look. I got a new look he's like uh videos off the cameras off because we're gon na play some music yeah uh, but we're gon na get a reaction, video on your husband, yeah, so sorry Matthew. Yes, that's me Matthew, Matthew, nice to meet you Matthew. Oh, you can take your mask off because we've got beer drinkings and would you like up there? Oh you got a mustache. Would you like a haircut yeah sure cool? Would you like a beer? I'M all right? Okay, that's fine! So your wife got a makeover! You don't say, are you ready for this? I don't know. I guess you are yeah. No, I'm not gon na put back here. Okay here she is camera's on you make over. Yes, oh I love you what a husband all right. So you know stranger things. Yeah yeah, oh, I tore this okay, so is this what you've been wearing to like? Stop all the hair? Getting on you? No! This is none of this. This is the makeover. Oh, we went shopping and everything be us at the barbecue tomorrow. I don't think I have anything that goes with me. Oh, this is called unconditional love for friends. This is gorgeous good to meet. You Matthew, nice, to meet you nice to meet you yeah yeah, that's beyond the reaction like they were actually gon na, be like whoa. You'Re done no love. This is love, but you know what else about it want to know. Um. The hair doesn't matter because more of her features are pumping and that's how much you love her right, yeah, exactly your earrings. Now, yes, I might just. I chose the earrings now he stole this, you stole them hey. Would you like some hair yeah? Oh, my thank you, keep keep we all say, keys and she's. Like I love the front, I know he wants it back on not necessarily gone just more layered exactly I still quite like it just thin. It out yeah not like perfectly symmetrical exactly yeah, because we're gon na break it up with this scissors with the teeth. This is a lovely, lovely thing, because now I'm like wow, I like cheers. I like these little bits at the front me too: that's what happens when you spend time with it and um. Let'S do the uh striking cave this time, oh yeah, because we're gon na mix it up. We like mixing it up and also yeah. If you notice she's out of wardrobe, oh yeah, yeah yeah yeah, it's a modern day back to modern day, yeah yeah, oh yeah. We love stranger things yeah, so we're gon na keep this haircut for the most part, which is going to bring up the Pinterest wow. This hair is amazing, so, by the way on this channel, you're gon na get free haircuts for probably about next year or two. What? Because your good night there with the terms and conditions your hairspray for a long time? Okay, because they don't do things like things like this to people and even hanging you're supported to come back, I mean this is what I wanted anyway. I know you you actually came in today. You bought the haircut yeah. They were pretty used to do this. It'S just sad and you're, like oh hell, yeah, so I don't so you recruited uh into the channel, which means you get three haircuts for a long time. Yeah yeah and I did that for all the other models who come on the channel, because we do do ridiculous things because that's the whole point of retro haircuts yeah to do ridiculous things, because it's fun, it's fun and um. I support them. After all of them, keep getting free, hair for and there's two two situations with that, even because they love it and they want to keep it or because they did, they tried it and it was fun, but they want to grow their hair back. I support both initiatives and I was at this point I would say more than half keep it or do more adventurous things. I would say one-third. Try. It fun grow back. I said more than half or like that was fun, but what else could I do so? I say we're at that uh scenario. I feel that too exactly the only thing with this channel that is unfortunate is that I can't play music because you know if I could play music. You know what you know, what I would think right now: yeah and then people at home have you know they can they can they could do it? I would be like foreign, so, if you're watching this video - and you want to hear a song at the moment, all you do. Is you Google search Rush In the Mood play it now, because that's the song in my head? That'S the song in my head at the moment and the countdown that do hey baby. It'S a god of the way. I feel like that song put it on here, put it on your sneakers right now go for it. You won't regret it nope nope! Now, as I'm fixing your hair, I should be spinning here yeah. Well, I'm not texting it. It'S like it was already Arts so really what's going on, I'm damaging the arm because it was perfect, you got ta, destroy the art, no I'm destroying the yard. It'S like you know when you get married and then you wreck the dress. Oh yeah, I'm already married now. So let's write the dress, the haircut was perfect, but I'm softening it shouldn't be softening. No. I appreciate it and he's correct because he he liked it. He did like it yeah he still likes it. His love, for you is unconditionally. That'S true. Yeah he's a good husband, but honestly, you know what you can see. What'S my vacancy, what's going on your new cat? No, I can't the softening of it is good. Softening of his head, I believe it yeah you're right alive, yeah, it's true um. I forgot about that. I avoided like the play. That'S Mozart, even though I'm drinking there at the moment. I avoid beervana like the play, because it says I'm not disagreeing. I'M cutting hair and drinking the beer and having fun that's just douchebaggery, yeah yeah. I want you to drink some money, brother brother, my brother. This is why I gave him the stairs. I was all like I'll play. Oh no, no you've got this. It was a little bit much trendy kind of just like badged in yeah. I was like he was just like I'm coming in I'm coming again, I'm gon na. Do it good it's good to know that this is still still missing him. How do I still have knots in this true, the I'm excited? Is it feeling better, as I thin it out a little better yeah, so you're more out of the back, though yeah? I don't. I know you don't enjoy like you want me to like just cut that off like yeah, I feel like I just I just so. You want like Clippers up the bottom of the hairline yeah. Do that seriously? Can we do it next week or do we do today hold on? Let me think about it for a second, because I'm team next week doing this for the sheriff, because I softened it the team next week, the team next week. Next week I mean the Matthews are in concert - oh my God team next week next week next week, all righty next week before you barbecue, you don't need help styling here, because bestie. This is good too. Would you like me to thin it out more in the back a little bit more yeah? I think it's great. I just have to see people tomorrow, they're gon na love it yeah. What are they going to do? I'M gon na I'm gon na take the back shorter okay. As long as long as I can. I can you you do me. My nice tidy boycott next week, oh next week, yes for sure yeah, but you need this for a week. Okay and the Matthews are in agreement and Laura too yeah. I'M pleased with that yeah jokes on you. I hardly leave the house. Oh you know what you'll be fine you're worth thinking it you're, always thinking it forgot to mention all the social calls you guys. Oh, my God, literally arranging right awesome. No, I do actually like this hairstyle. I did too. I'M just also very excited about getting, but you see what's coming off the back, I am taking big chunks out today, yeah yeah, because I'm making this so that's bearable. For you good yeah, I was just very excited about the hairstyle that I like had pictures of my brain and I'm just like next week. Next week next week is cool one Jasmine Laura just like a little bit more like you know, sculpted in the back. I actually like now that I've got this. I'M actually quite like feeling the front, though the front is very cool so like this is this was a really nice experiment that has kind of helped me decide. Oh my God, it's so much so good so good! I do appreciate you putting it. Oh no. I attended a lot of time a lot I should have um joined them on the channel. No, but um. No, they kind of feel like yeah. So I agree with this one now they're gon na leave the comments like you shouldn't have been dead. You shouldn't have touched. It wasn't your decision to play good and then a little bit, I'm a little bit heartbroken. Yeah yeah, that's the one I want, but the person in the chair had to request and we we respect the person to check. Now. That'S absolutely true with this channel. I love your comments, but you have to respect the person in the chair and their choices with their hair and you'll have opinions too, and I appreciate that, but the ultimate is the person in the chair, in their opinion, outweighs your comments, the reality of it. Okay, so you know the difference. I have yep and me I support the person in the chair over. I support the viewers. I love the viewers, but the person that shares number one priority. Yes, yeah apart from that one time you experiment and do a live haircut and the audiences we talked about that, but my account every time I try to like do a live stream also, I think, because of our internet connection in this space here it doesn't connect. Now people are like: why don't you do a live haircut? It doesn't connect, because this is flying to New Zealand. Come on we're not we know our infrastructure is not the best. We know we. We live in holes. You know in the fields yeah yeah exactly exactly yeah we're a bunch of public, but but why is your live stream like we're Hobbits, we have round doors. What did you want from us right? My internet access goes so close, but you're not saying. Oh my God. Not really, but it feels that way: yeah, oh God, isn't that funny yeah for real yeah love that thing love that stuff. Don'T you love these scissors they're cool? Are they amazing and the way it feels and then, as I cut, and then you feel your hair after it? Oh my God like isn't this haircut feeling better it does it's still the same haircut but softening it hell yeah! Oh my God. That'S so fun like when we're passing this side, foreign, it's like it's this! This Barbara shares built like a bottle ship. It'S like a battleship yeah. Yes, yes, we're gon na! Do that! We'Re gon na do the anxiety moment again: well, not really Disney anymore, but we're gon na. Do it anyway, just for the tubers like. Can you just stop cutting my hair already, because my anxiety is Max. I just want to go fun. We love them. We love it. It almost looks like brownies, it's been weird. Do you want to keep this for a week yeah? I can do that yeah exactly yeah, because we're all on team keep exactly yay again the same for the jacket team. Keep team keep team, kids gorgeous fun. Let me let me see that what okay, oh, that is good! You can keep that for a week now for the chippers at home, watching She's coming back next week and we're gon na go yeah. I think there's gon na be Clippers and things going on, but not till next week, unless she loves it, unless I oh, maybe like like next week, she's like maybe next month, but we're on team Keith yeah like keep it as long as you want, sounds good. Come back anytime, YouTubers are a patient, though they're running away, yeah cool, sweet, bye, tubers cool Dolores yeah. I had

haircut experience: You absolutely killed it! (that's a compliment btw ) She had the perfect hair for this style and love how she's going to rock it in public! I honestly don't know where on earth you find these models but they are the best haha. This was one of the most satisfying haircuts, possibly the most satisfying one of yours on this channel, especially cutting off that long hair in front to short bangs! Great video all round 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

haircut experience: Looking forward to part 2 of this when you mentioned clippers Hopefully not all over but a buzzed pixie would look amazing on her

Kaia Kakós: Oh My God, the husband is so cute!! Loved his reaction!!

ShelleyHeatherFlippinFingerCromackRidler 💟💟: I liked the finished style Matthew. She looks great. Totally different than with long hair.

Joe White: Love the final look!

Buns & matchsticks: You are the true wizard with the scissors

herbert schenker: nice haircut , with her hair color , this would have made an awesome dry haircut makeover. Another suggestion , Matthew plse try and use a light colored t shirt , the hair that you lift to cut disappears in the dark t shirt you tend to wear . Thnx for the rear view ,

Jesse Evangelista: What a awesome different looks very chic and stylish

Lalla70: wooooow is fantastic

James Beverly: the last girl gets haircut too ? :D

rose quartz : what city is this?

Nancy Vargas: Don't Quit your day job

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