How To Cut Bangs On A Synthetic Wig

  • Posted on 21 November, 2019
  • Pixie
  • By Anonymous


Hey beauties! Today's video i will be showing you guys how to cut the perfect bangs on a stiff synthetic wig, so enjoy. Don't forget to subscribe!

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Instagram-@ Jar.ree.ugh


19 years old

Hello beauties and welcome back to my channel joy creates hope you guys we don't well, because I'm doing fantastic, but today's video I'll be showing you guys how to cut things on a synthetic wig, and I bet you guys are looking at me like girl. That is impossible. I know do that. But little do you guys know, but before you get into this video make sure you guys have subscribed to my channel press that bill. So you don't miss any videos. Give this video a fat thumbs up and comment down below, but let's go ahead and jump right into it. Okay, so this is of the week and I'm going to show you guys know what week this is. This is the wig from my it's penny, wise and makeup tutorial for Halloween, and it is also from a makeup tutorial, but um oh and some pictures, so you guys can see but yeah I have um, went on ahead and flat ironing. I didn't wash it or anything if I do have to wash it, it will definitely be like after I, you know, cut the bangs and everything so that way, I don't know for sure. If I have to really wash it and of course I will be trimming it to make it look more like a bob wait, because, as you can see, you like this week is definitely uneven, like all of this needs to be chopped off, but again like the Ends are very frizzy like, but other than that this is flat enough for me. So do this video, so I've already sprayed my hair. That way, my hair won't be so drying step so be easier for me to put this on. So I'm just gon na go ahead and pop this week trying to get it in the middle as much as possible. So that way it won't be orchid. It'S no more like a perfect week, at least not me. I make sure that I redo this, so I know exactly how I want my bangs to be cuz really. I did it off my head first to see if I was able to do it this. That is well. So I think those are good enough bangs. So I'm just going to take that rubber band back that I had on it, but first I'm going to come to it. Make sure all of the strands are straight because I don't want to cut it and then it end up with your weird. So that's how that's looking it's a make sure that I got the bangs right so that way I can mold them. I'M gon na brush it this out. The way now I'm going to take the rubber Vineyards - and I'm just gon na put it about right here, because this is probably where I'm going to cut so now I have a little bit of water and then I also have my blow-dryer. That way, I can mold the hair and semantics something's gon na plug this up. So I'm going to spray this just a little bit at the cut, and I feel like that's good enough take this hair is in my way, okay - and I don't know if, after spraying you, but I'm gon na just go a little bit on the bottom wan Na rub it together and then wan na get my blows right here and I'll make sure that means this cuz usually really loud. So I am finished loading the hair. Hopefully I did it enough so now I'm going to get my scissors and I'm going to be cutting as close as possible above the rubberband. Hey you guys. So that's the hair. Let me see the veins with like, so they probably just need to be cut. Just a little bit more that way they can be one of us ain't even and now I'm going to be taking my flat iron and I'm going to just curl bit. Okay, so of course I definitely should cut the hair some more because that is definitely too long, so we're gon na I'm gon na cut this, and I'm going to show you guys. The end result: okay, y'all. So that is what the bangs are looking like, and I really like them they're. So cute look at that that is so cute. Oh my gosh! This is so long since I've had bangs. Last time I had bangs, I was in the middle school, so it's kind of weird, but at the same time I love them. Tell me what you guys think down below how I did and I'm also going to go ahead and stop this weight off camera. So you guys can see the end results. The whole the whole whole picture this week is definitely bummed and I'm just want to finish it. However, I want it to look, so I would get back with you guys. You guys look at the week oMG. This thing is so cute I feel like. I did a really good job, but you guys, let me down below how I did ohh is so cute. I can't wait somewhere this week somewhere. This is cute with you guys, look at this way, girl bomb, so bomb yeah. You guys felt like this. I think I did a really good job for my first time ever, transforming a wig and this a B, but you guys, let me know down below what you think till then this is the end of this video, so you guys enjoyed it. If you are new here, go ahead and subscribe to my channel and watch my last video, so mister hourly Billy, it's down below comment like share this video and I'll see on my next one. Oh bye,

Prettygirlchaz: #notificationgang

JackieNaturals: Hey Jaria, you look really pretty and your top is super cute. You did a great job cutting the bangs and styling the wig. I have seen a similar method but I like how detailed you were. Hi Mazel :) That was definitely long after the first cut but the second was perfect and looked great styled. Really pretty and FW.

BlossomTology 101: I loveee it !!! I personally would make the bangs shorter on me but it looks superb on you ! Thanks for sharing sis

Emily Claire Filice: OMG YOU LOOK SO CUTE IN THAT WIG! ❤️❤️ I love the color and cut, great video and look! I would love to see a makeup look that went with it

MAT-Backwards: This video was so helpful because I never tried to make bangs on a synthetic wig ☺️.

Rebecca Riddle: looks amazing hun x

Pretty Molly: Glad you did this because I need to know I’m horrible at cutting thanks for the upload

Tabitha Marie: Yaaaassss Queen this is beautiful! I love the color too

IT’S MELISHA: You was feeling yourself in a good way!! It’s looks cute on you it looks like completely different wig with the bangs!

Raye Keyes TV: Love it! Love the color too

Gracie Wandyte: Wow you made it work. Perfect

Merrily Mari: Wow it looks so professional

Mommy & Kimberly's Adventures: Wow it looks amazing sis I love the color as well woohoo ") u look beautiful sis ") blessings sis

Shawna Badd: Omg yesss... I thought it was about to look crazy but no boo you did ya thang...

DiamondsCurls&Pearls: Did you make the shirt!! It’s soo cute ❤️. I see Mazel made an appearance lol. You did good ❤️

Danni Bee: Your dog wants his 5 minutes ...The bangs made this look pretty color...New Subbie boo ❤️

Nakamura Sisters: Nice color!

LifeWithJaz: Whewww chileee, you are gorgeous this hair sis come thruuuu with the bangs you look like a little Barbie you should wear bangs more often

Sandera Gregory: Your doggo is so cute! So is the hair LOL

Gracie Wandyte: Wow so that is the same wig? How did you make it curl? You are so cute, love your necklace

Double J: Well aren't you cute. I will be doing this as soon as i get my baby.

Latifah Gordeeva: I've had a HELL of a time. Why do they make the bang so long on these units? You have to ha a freakishly large forehead!

Millicent T. Wilson: Nice try

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