Dying My Hair Aqua Blue For 2020!

  • Posted on 31 December, 2019
  • Pixie
  • By Anonymous

Dying my hair aqua blue for 2020! Aaaah! This is another one of those colours that I never thought I would end up doing on my hair. But after dying my hair green my hair faded to a dusty blue colour so I thought it made sense to do a blue hair look next. I am using the colour Aquamarine from Arctic Fox to achieve this colour. :)


Arctic Fox Hair Colour (in Aquamarine): http://shrsl.com/1zqrd

Mixing Bowl: http://shrsl.com/1zqro

Tint Brush: http://shrsl.com/1zqrs

Mini whisk!: http://shrsl.com/1zqrv

(these are affiliate links)


Dying my hair green for the holidays: https://youtu.be/nOh6mFh0KrM

Dying my hair electric coral: https://youtu.be/2IkdEuYdzfQ

How to dye your hair blue: https://youtu.be/FXlYaFtOfdk

How to remove temporary hair dye: https://youtu.be/q7Nwt7aKavU

How to dye your hair pink: https://youtu.be/EOWtYpVeBXU


Instagram: http://bit.ly/IGJannaNiki



Business Inquiries: [email protected]

Hey yeah welcome to another hair dyeing video, so in today's video I'm gon na be dyeing my hair, blue, okay, it's gon na be like an aquamarine blue, so I'm using this color here from arctic fox and it's conveniently called aquamarine and I've already dyed. My hair extensions, so this is what the color looks like my colors. So pretty it's like a true aqua, blue, almost like almost a lot of turquoise II. I think it's such a pretty color and if you didn't already know the color, the Pantone color for 2020 is blue. It'S I think it's like a classic blue. So it's a little bit of a darker blue than this, but I thought you know it's fitting. I want to start the new year fresh with like a fresh new color, and I mean blue is the color of 2020. So it's only fitting and if you didn't already see the video I dyed my hair green for the holidays. So this is what the green faded too. So you can still kind of see some green up here and like a little bit of green in my hair, but it did fade sort of blue the green that I used had blue undertones. So I'm hoping, if I put this blue on top it'll, still look good because I'm putting it on top of sort of similar colors, like they're, all kind of in the same color family, of like the cool tones and the blues and stuff. So I'm hoping this blue will come out. Looking good and it'll match my hair extensions. So now let's go ahead and just get started. Oh my gosh okay, so I just got out of the shower washing this out was aggressive. I was so scared. It was gon na stain everything. I don't know this blue was like really powerful it. I don't know you can't really tell but did stain my nails a little bit. You can kind of see and when I was washing my hair my whole hand turned blue. I thought it was gon na stay in my skin, we're okay, my hands our skin colored, but my scalp. There is like some blue, so a shine shampoo it out, but he has a lot its life and I think it kind of stained my face here at you. I don't know if you can see. Maybe I got that off anyway, I'm gon na, like redo my makeup, put myself back together, I'm gon na let this air dry and I'm hoping that it's gon na be the right color, because now I mean it's white, so it's darker, but I hope it's gon Na blend, with my extensions I'm a little bit, I think it's good, it might be a bit darker. I don't know we'll see so yeah, I'm gon na clean up and I'll be right back. Alright, I am back with some fresh makeup. I feel, like I kind of popped off on this. Look if I do say so myself, I'm trying out something for New Year's leave like this is probably gon na, be my New Year's Eve makeup. Let me know if you guys, like it, you know the blue eyeshadow with the blue hair. Okay, my shower so like I said this color is aggressive. Okay, when I was showering um, I like to detach my shower head. It'S like the removable time and I was washing my hair and that color was spraying on my shower tiles, and I, the grout around the tiles was starting to stained blue, so be careful if you're gon na be using this color. This is powerful. So we got. I had to kind of give that a good scrub. It came out so we're all good, but it was. It was a lot but yeah. What do you think about this color guys? Do you like the blue? I do like this a lot better than the green. I just did I I like the green for the holidays, like it the moment, but it didn't really suit my skin tone like it wasn't it wasn't my favorite, but I do like this a lot better and it pretty much matches my hair extensions. You know how I was kind of worried about that. Okay, you can see. Okay here you go um. My hair is a little bit darker than the hair extensions and I think it's this way for a couple reasons. So my hair extensions - I actually dyed them with the water color method. So if you're not familiar with that method, basically you take a bucket of water, warm water and you pour the hair dye in the water and then you like mix it up and you dip your hair extensions in it, and I think it's actually a really effective Way to dye a lot of hair at once like a lot of hair extensions, all at once. It'S a lot faster than painting them with a tinting brush. You just kind of dunk them in the water, give them a little whatever a little squish. You just dump them in the water and kind of rub them into the pigment and then leave them in the water for a little bit, soak everything up and you're pretty much good the downfall to this, though, is sometimes some of the dye can catch on some Spots more than others, so it can leave you with a little bit of a blotchy. Look if you're, not careful and another tip if you're gon na do the water color method is to whisk the color in with an actual whisk. You know that little whisk I have I use that this time and it worked so much better because before I used to pour the hair dye in and then mix it together with my tint brush and it was, it was breaking up the dye into like little Clumps, but it wasn't really fully immersing it in the water and really blending it all together, but with the whisk it worked perfectly it like really got it in and it was. It was good. It was really good. I almost want to get a like an actual egg whisk just to do the water color method, because my whisk is a little. I almost want to get like a an actual egg beater and you suck for my hair dye. So I might do that. So another thing to remember with the water color method is because you are using water you're sort of diluting the color, which is one reason why my hair so could be a little bit lighter than my hair, and you do have to remember that my hair also Had pigment in it when i was dyeing it so that can alter the color as well, but you actually can't really see the green through it, which i'm really happy about it covered it pretty. Well, so I'm actually really happy with how this is looking. I mean the color on my natural hair is a little a little off, but the rest of my hair is pretty good and it actually does blend with the extensions pretty well I'll stand up a little bit. So you can see these are the extension huh. Here we go. Here'S my 2020 color and I do have a bunch of colors planned this year, so I don't want to spoil it, but yeah just stay tuned, I'm always thinking like six colors ahead yeah. I have so many colors I want to do, but I do eventually want to grow up my natural hair color at some point, I'm not sure on the timeline exactly, but at some point I want to stop dyeing my hair and focus more on dyeing wigs instead And have a little healthy hair journey, you know let my hair grow. So do you want to have healthier hair, so that'll happen at some point. Some point in 2020 stay tuned for that subscribe. If y'all ready give this video a like and I'll, see you guys in my next video, thank you so much for watching bye,

Jordan Hogg: Here from brand mondo to check out the colour you did after.

Cathryn Myer: I would absolutely love if you also showed your hair reveals without the extensions! I think it could give a better idea of the color :)

Katholeen Love it: I really appreciate your thorough application job!!!! The blue looks nice. I feel like you could do any color and it would look good!

Cliff: Yes Jana!!! the blue eyeshadow looks so good!

RoxieWorld: This is gorgeous!. I have this color hair right now and I get so many compliments both from males and females. Love it

T S: New subscriber here!! Found you from Brad Mondo, love your videos and your vibe!! keep it up girl!! also, I actually loved the green on you!!!! Also where do you get your extensions?

stacy Mclauchlan: I love arctic fox that colour is so pretty too!

seadeejay: I dyed my hair blue and my shower looked like a murder scene... blue instead of red of course. It got EVERYWHERE

Natalie G: I had the same issue with the staining of this color. Use comet if you ever have staining on tiles and such. It helped me remove it.

Dancing in Circles: I'm obsessed with this colour!

tamzin: omg i was about to buy this dye! just worried it won’t come out of my blonde hair!

Joifully Natural: So pretty!! I’m here from Brad Mondo!

Suzanne Forret: I can't help but feel this is all too cold toned for your complexion? The green suited your skin tone better. You seem to have quite yellow undertones so I think warmer tones would compliment u.?

Divine Wrath: Try putting the dye in a bowl, use that little whisk to mix in little bits of water to thin it out. Once its combined enough, mix it into the bucket of water.

Bob Marley: Just a tip for your growing channel, never put the reveal in the thumbnail. There’s no reason to watch then

Lee Lu: Guy Tang has some great blue and aqua shades. One is ocean reign.

SeaDubya: Also from Brad. I like this a lot better. I just also hate green hair.

Smilesremember2Smile: How long did it take for your hair to fade to the point in the video?

Renee Ortiz: Just came from Brad Mondo's channel, hiiiiiiiii

Shereynia: The green faded really faaaast wow

Jensunami: love iiitt

samler pill: Use purple shampoo

audrey ‘: ooo

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