Pixie Cut Hairstyle Origins | History Of | Racked

Sorry dudes, pixie cuts aren't about you. In this week's episode of Racked series, History Of, we look at the beginnings of the pixie cut.

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Men have a pretty long history of trying to convince women not to cut their hair. It'S just what i want across cultures and throughout history. Women have largely been expected to keep it long, there's even a passage about it in the bible and up until the 1920s short hair was still pretty risque in america, but then something changed and contrary to popular opinion. It wasn't because of flappers. It was women like greenwich village, bohemian, clara tyce, who was basically a turn of the century, instagram influencer in 1908. She was inspired by russian women intellectuals and revolutionaries who were disguising themselves from the police when they emigrated to the u.s. They brought their haircuts with them. There was also the dancer irene castle, who around 1913 popularized the hairstyle. That would be the go-to look for flappers for the next 15 years by 1920, the new york times published a trend piece about how short hair suddenly wasn't just a thing in cool urban circles, but for everyday women and unsurprisingly, some men were not thrilled. Salons would refuse to give bobs and f scott fitzgerald wrote a story called bernice bob's, her hair warning young women that short hair would turn them into total social outcasts. Even vogue was skeptical at first, but that didn't stop women from making the chop. Some went to men's barber shops, some cut their hair themselves and some even conspired with their doctors to diagnose them with falling hair. Just so they'd be able to get a bob. Eventually, the wider world came around which in turn ended up boosting the beauty industry. In 1920 there were just 5 000 hair salons across the us, but by 1924 there were 21 000. It'S no surprise that all this was taking place in the decade in which gender boundaries were starting to be pushed, but the next headline making pixie cut, didn't really come until decades later in 1953's, roman holiday audrey hepburn plays a princess who goes undercover by chopping off. Her long hair and in the film you can see how scandalized the hairstylist is by this here, even more where there there are, you sure, miss another defined woman. With short hair was leslie karen in 1955's, an american in paris. She demanded the studio, let her have short hair based on a style she'd seen back home in france and when her stylist wouldn't do it. She cut her hair herself and reportedly delayed filming for weeks. In 1957, gene sieberg cut her long blonde hair to play the role of medieval feminist icon. Joan of arc then debuted in 1960's breathless the pixie cut that women still bring to their stylist. To this day. The next decade would be major for the modern day pixie. In 1965, vidal sassoon invented the avant-garde, five-point cut and the next year twiggy received the experimental crop that would make her famous when she was just 16.. It was a time when women aspired to look young fun and sporty. Yet the idea of a woman cutting her hair short was still considered a little shocking. Take the scene from 1966's peyton place after mia. Faro'S character cuts her long hair in an act of passion. Do you like it? It takes getting used to. You know what it really means doctor got tired of my long hair simple. This scene is actually a pretty good summary of what happened in real life like leslie, karen farrow actually cut it herself and, according to tv historian, stephen bowie. She did it without the knowledge of the tv, show's writers or producers, forcing them to write an explanation into the series. The press spectacle that followed was disappointingly predictable. Newspapers suggested she cut it off. Despite her then boyfriend frank sinatra, it's irrelevant, but according to pharaoh, he loved it and sure enough. A man was given credit for that famous pixie cut when promoting 1968's rosemary's baby paramount staged a photo shoot where stylist vidal sassoon cut her hair just half an inch months after she'd already cut her own hair for peyton place by the 70s. The world had gotten to know and love short hair on women like goldie hawn, on laughin, liza, minnelli and dorothy hamill, but then in 1999 a short haircut hit a real nerve felicity's haircut in the season 2 premiere is to this day used as a warning for Women thinking about getting a post-breakup cut, even though felicity herself liked it. I think it's a different look kind of like a new me guys are going to hate. It it'd be nice to think that over the past few decades, things have changed today. Nearly every female celebrity gets a pixie cut at one point in her career or another and for the most part, it's no big deal, but in the corners of the internet, where deeply shitty men express their opinions about gender there's. The idea that women with short hair, are not to be trusted or that they're somehow damaged, because if they assume men prefer long hair, then they must be crazy for cutting it off to which women have long responded. Maybe we have better things to do than play up our fertility signifiers to men and it's that idea that above anything else, might be the most threatening thing about a woman with a pixie cut the fact that sorry dudes - it's not about you, you

Hazel Behning: My grandmother was one of the first women to sport the new pixie cut of the 50's. She went to the salon the day of her wedding and asked for the cut. The stylist didn't know what it was, and my grandmother didn't have a magazine cut out to show her, so she said "It's short, like a boy's, and parted on the side." What she ended up getting was a full on boy's cut too short to even pin her veil to. During this, my grandfather was donating blood. So you had a beautiful bride and groom, one nearly passing out, and one struggling to keep her veil on, in the basement of their church because the chapel was under renovation. She wore a ballerina hemline on her dress since the basement floor was too dirty to let her dress slide along the floor. Over 60 years later, three daughters, and six grandkids later, they're still happily married, and my grandmother still sports that hairstyle.

Death By Stereo: Getting a pixie cut is the best decision I’ve made with my hair. People telling me to grow my hair out makes me cut it even shorter!

Mandi S: I shaved my head on New Year’s Eve mainly to just give it a restart after two decades of dying it. I don’t know how many women have said “oh my husband/boyfriend would flip out if I did that!” To which I respond “sounds like you need a new husband/boyfriend”. When I decided I was going to do it my husband just said “Want me to help with the back?”

seanthomasdowd: short haired women look stronger and more confident, maybe this frightens certain kinds of men

RA Falzarano: I think everyone should cut their hair off at least once in their life. It’s a good experience (:

Sarah Weiler: My boyfriend loved my pixie cut and he loves my long hair too, because he loves me. It’s my hair I’m gonna do what I want with it.

Isabel Johnson: I'm a professional hair stylist, and I've been growing my hair out for donation for four years. I'm finally ready to cut it short again, and this video just boosted my excitement!

Naomi Zuniga: When I was 14 everyone would tell me not to cut my hair into a pixie cut cause no one would like it and I would look like a boy. So you know what I did...... I cut it all off the next day. Never felt more beautiful.

Amy Iverson: I got a pixie a couple months ago--- 2 weeks after I started dating my current boyfriend. I'm sad to say it still takes guts to do the cut in 2018, but it worked out well for me :) I've never felt more confident. If you want something for yourself, don't be afraid to get it! The people who really matter in your life will stick around, regardless of your hair. PS: pixie cuts scare away boys, not men :P

Cultdaddy666: Man oh man , I got my first pixie cut in December and it was amazing and empowering. Before I got the cut my hair was extremely damaged and always hard to manage. It was a dyed ,fried, curly tangled mess that weighted on my shoulders like a pound of the heaviest cotton candy you'd ever seen.The moment after getting my haircut i couldn't stop smiling it was awesome. When i got home and showed it off to my family, my dad and brother were dissapointed but my mother loved it. Every girl i showed at school thought is suited my personality and face way more than my old hair, but almost each guy that saw it thought it was a regretful decision. safe to say idgaf what the guys think, i got a trim again on Saturday ;^ )

Ailín Canosa: This video is fantastic. I actually took a picture of Jean Seaberg to my stylist when getting mine. She was thrilled to do it but one would not believe how many people (both men and women) try to make women feel "sexually damaged" for cutting their hair. Since when hair determines our sexuality?!

Nipzche: this actually makes me want to go get a pixie cut

hasna CHr: hahaa ' sorry dude its not about youuuuuu ' looooove it

Silvina Montenegro: My grandma was really sick when i cut my hair in a pixie style..... and despite she also couldn't see very well I made her touch my head to notice the length of my hair. She was the only one that told me without doubt that it must look amazing in me and that she liked it! She was the first of all to say i was beautiful with it. After that i never fear any kind of hair cut again! Is just hair,it grows and should makes you happy with yourself! Sorry if I made some mistakes,i do speak Spanish in my country.

Ollie: "Guys are gonna hate it." Yeah but the ladies love it ;)

Claire ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ: Random dude: don’t cut ur hair! It will make guys not want to date you! Me: uh, yeah i sure hope it does.

laczkaeszter: I went to the hairdresser yesterday and I asked for a pixie cut. I usually had short bob in the past few years, ear- or chin lenght, and I always wanted to try pixie. Finally! It was a bit scary that my hair isn't around my face, but I feel so free, or I don't know. I feel almost like a new person.

Cosima Juliane Butterstein: Every time I cut my long hair, random guys feel the need to tell that they actually prefer long hair. Dude, nobody asked, but thx for the info...anyways, on the other side I get so many compliments from girls like 'yass sis, looks amazing' or 'this is so cool'. Thank you girls ❤️

edward woodaqrd: good to see you giving the history of the reveard pixie cut the cut that gives confidence to women world wide ed

Taley: I buzzed my head four months ago & it’s at the looks-like-I-got-an-intentional-pixie-cut stage. I feel so Audrey every day, I love it.

D Col: I was always lauded for my long curly locks. One day I decided to go short (I did it myself). My son, who was 15 at the time, said "mom, you look like a model." I've been going shorter and shorter through the years (shaved even). I'll never go back to long hair, it's so liberating to rock the pixie. And, what do men think?? Hmm, not once did that enter my thoughts. It's truly irrelevant. On a side note: I just remembered my mom (RIP) had very long flowing hair when she was young, she was known for her locks. When she became a mom, she chopped it off (my dad hated it).. and kept it short for the rest of her life.

Andy Dawn: Pixie cuts also have benefits: long hair gets heavy sometimes and hurts necks, and gets hot in the summer unless it’s put up and having a pixie cut eliminates all that

Carmela Toro: I looooved having a pixie, had it for 2 years. It really worked like a charm as a douchebag repellent and it attracts the attention of the most wonderful guys. <3

Iridescent Aurora: My junior year of high school, I had to get my hair cut into a shoulder length bob to get rid of frizzly damage from dyeing it. A couple weeks later, I started dating one of the guys in my vocational class. This kinda stuff didn’t come up right away, but he eventually came to reveal that he viewed women with short haircuts to be, and I quote: “disgusting.” So naturally, I point out that my own hair wasn’t long at the time, to which he responded that shoulder-length was the maximum amount of shortness that he was willing to accept. And so, long story short, I only ever ended up dating him for about 9 or so months. (There were many other issues worse than the hair thing)

Kaleigh M: Whenever I cut my hair i got so many people wanting to know why I did it. I just did. I have always felt the most like myself with short hair

Savannah Ames: I got my pixie cut when I was 15 which was about 7 years ago and have never regretted it. It was never scary or nerve racking at all, I just found a cute short cut and went to the salon. Ive had people tell me they think I’d look better with long hair but I don’t care! I get way more compliments than negative comments and feel way more confident with my short hair.

Very original and funny name: Last week I got a pixie cut and tbh I feel so much more feminine than when I had long hair

MOTHER SPIDERS: My mom was telling me that if I cut my very long hair into a pixie no one would ask to propose to me "like I give a f*#k" the Day After i did it someone actually asked my mom if he could come to propose to me .. it was a good feeling to prove someone is wrong. *Old fashioned sh**#t*

Annelies van Overbeek: Women in the Regency era (right after the French Revolution) actually already sported pixie haircuts! It was riské and high fashion, but actually more common than you'd think!

oh heyy: I got a pixie last week and it sure feels good and makes me feel powerfull. Best decision I've made.

Tim McLaughlin: Literally one of my favorite cuts to do for any of my clients and I wish everyone saw that any style done is just art on which we get to show, the style we choose has nothing to do with gender but with our emotion that we connect with inside ourselves so that we can show off this beauty we imagine and then portray as any cut is art, we wear it as a canvass for ourselves and our own freedom.

Joe Bare: I'm 13 and I cut my hair to a pixie cut some weeks ago - I was and still am super happy with the result! It looks nice and I love the feeling. But I was really nervous for peoples reactions in school, eventhough pretty much everyone said how cool I was and stuff. Some ignorant boys laughed at me and asked me what i've done in a stupid way, and small boys (strangers) aged 8-9 sometimes talks to me in the hallway, saking wether i'm a boy, why I cut my hair like a boy and so on. It doesn't touch me, but it's sad that we live in a society, where i'm asked that type of questions by strangers.

Finding Beauty In the Little Things: My husband LOVES my short hair!!! I get tons of compliments and people asking to take a picture of my hair cut to give to their stylists. It has made me feel sexy and more confident. One of the best decisions I've ever made

Atheria PsychicGal: This is fabulous! I've had short hair numerous times and actually feel MORE confident with short hair. When you can't hide behind hair, it forces confidence. And, why should women care what men want?!

Rachael Thomson: https://youtu.be/WPjOU73BZOY?t=44 That's not Irene Castle. That's Josephene Baker. She's incredibly important for both general style in the 20s, but more specifically for Black style in the 20s, and it's important to get the details right.

Aishwariya Sweety: I've been going back and forth about if I want to get a pixie cut. But seeing this video has made the decision easier and reminded me why I wanted pixie cut in the first place

Kate H: I think it's b/s when people try and say that men won't like short hair. I've had my hair short multiple times in pixie cuts and I've never had a problem with men‍♀️ the guys I've known have always been cool about it and liked me for me, not for my hair.

Sarah Ferguson: This is a great little history lesson. I just did a big chop. 11 inches. I didn't get an actual pixie cut but it's the shortest it's been in 20 years. I did it for myself and i've never felt more liberated. Best decision i've made in a long time. Rock on all you strong, beautiful short haired women!

sweet_lilly_arts: When a friend asked what my husband said about my hair it made me laugh. He never complained about what I do with my hair. I know it's all about personality. I hated looking exactly the same for years. My grandmother was my inspiration. I remember as a little girl to look up at that sophisticated woman and think to myself that I was going to have short hair when I got older. I love it!

Meghan Kilgrow: I got a lot of sexist comments when I got a pixie cut. That said I had more positive than negative reactions to it and one guy even told me I wore it better than many other women he’d seen with the cut. I’d say give it a try if anyone’s thinking about it.

key_v: "Guys are gonna hate it." Why should I give a flying f***?

StarlingofAzerath: I like my pixie but am always hunting for the "perfect" cut. One that suits me and my face. Probably why i have failed to grow it out for 4 years

AMAVII: “guys won’t want to date you” jokes on you, i’m a lesbian!

Em S: I buzzed my hair off a year ago and haven't looked back besides letting the top grow out a bit. I simply just got tired of the maintenance, it cuts my getting ready for the day in half. I've never felt more like myself and more confident in my life.

tes the mess: this video series is fantastic! just hearing the history of womens lives in the modern world is so interesting and unique to me.

autumn grace: when I was in the 5th grade, my mom had a friend that had cut all her hair into a pixie cut. I wanted to get a pixie cut so bad, but since my hair was long, I had to cut it in a bob first so that way my hair wouldn't be in shock and so that way it would be an in between adjustment to short hair. After my bob and I grew it out a little bit (which didnt take long), I had set an appointment for a haircut on Saturday. i told all of my friends, and they were telling me in front of my face that i was lying and I would never do it and they just kind of shrugged it off. On Monday when I came back with my brand new hair, I stepped out of the car and since it was elementary school we had kids opening the doors for us and making sure we got in the school safely, and one of the girls i knew saw me and her jaw dropped and everyone was SO shocked that I cut my hair off. I've kept it like that ever since and I'm a sophmore (about to be junior) in high school.

Lady Bubbles: I loved this!! Thank you for taking the time to make this!!!

Faby_: girl: "Guys are gonna hate it." me: well you are wrong, there are guys who like it

JA S: i just got a pixie and i found this looking for styling videos. i love it and so does my husband. i think i remember hearing that David Lynch was quoted saying he LOVED any womans hair style where you could see their neck. not all men like long hair... some do, some dont. However we should be doing our hair according to what we like.

Ronald Chapman: It's an adaptation of the Eton Crop, in the late twenties, in imitation of English Public Schoolboys, not Yale or Harvard, Not everything originates in America. Actually, it probably started far earlier, in Ancient Egypt, or in the 18th century, when hygene was more primitive and wigs were worn, or as a revolt against the old order, after the French Revolution. Men, like women, are divided about it. Many love it. Fitzgerald used it as a symbol of the modern impetuous rebelliousness of youth to defy convention. 'Bernice' is a tale of sibling rivalry and revenge. The hairdressing industry encourage it as it requires costant, expensive maintainence. Children have almost always had short hair and it can make women look much younger. It can well be about 'impressing' 'dudes', aswell as peer groups: standing out from the crowd. Asserting individuality and bravery, a less permanent version of getting a tatoo. It's a fascinating, complex subject, not open to easy and simple interpretation.

Karla Muñoz: I just chop my hair off a few days ago after about 5 years of trying to let my hair grow... and I LOVE IT! makes my eyes pop, my face looks younger and fresh, I feel like myself. It's not for everyone but life is too short, be daring.

DomBarber: Love your video, the research and work involved in producing this interesting pixie cut style

Emily Wigley: I got a pixie cut after watching this. My hair was down to my butt and then chopped it all off.

C-light: Loved this! ❤️❤️❤️ Especially the end. It summarized my sentiments to a tee.

Star's Life : I love my pixie cut! I grew my previous pixie cut out for 3 years. I got my hair cut yesterday and my pixie is back!

Dancing Scorpio: On me, my hair is very fine, not thin but when long it looks thin because there isn't a lot of thickness to the strands, so I chopped it all off into a side bang pixie deal and it looks so much thicker! I feel like that would be more attractive considering the overall appearance. Healthy hair is one of the most attractive things to anyone, so this is my way of boosting my confidence and style. Showers are so much quicker and shampooing feels so good on my scalp :)

MissJazzDaFunk: As a woman with a pixie cut myself, I feel more feminine and cute and dainty with it. My parents keep telling me to grow it out again, but my husband loves it. I just love the cut cuz I feel like it’s more me. Pixie gal. ❤️☺️

Auspicious: Got a pixie cut recently, at first I was quite upset because i thought it doesn't suit me. But watching this video makes me feel better. I'm breaking my own stereotypes of what is besutiful, and i'm glad to join the club of ladies who break the mould.

Nathalie J: Nervous abt donating my hair today!! This helped a bit thanks :))

Claudia Rose: Given how many changes society has gone through, it baffles me that there are still so many people who have this close minded view that pixie cuts make a girl look masculine or ugly. I think pixie cuts are the cutest thing ever!

Beth Peterson: I always like my hair short. Most recently I had my hair cut shortest ever and I love it. Short hair is easy to take care of, too.

JoanKSX: I never knew pixie is a taboo in worldwide male world especially in the west while in Malaysia among the local Chinese community the girls are to keep their hair the longest at the collar length only for students in Chinese vernacular schools (not all Malaysian Chinese vernacular schools but most of the schools do impose this weird rules which I never thought it's weird outside the world of Malaysian Chinese vernacular school XD ) like 'Wow, where did you get your haircut? Your hairdresser is brilliant! I'm going tomorrow!' XD And even after high schools, the working Chinese female adults are like 'I wear what I want' all the time and you got to see some of the marvellous creations of some mad respect artistic hairdressers' artworks if you're lucky enough to walk pass and see one yourself in person! I could remember Kenneth Siu (Hong Kong hairdresser based in Australia) and Sanja Carica Karasman (based in Croatia) and their works are awesome and you get wows!

Katie: The end of 2019 is the second anniversary of me finally cutting my hair off. And I still love it!

Lindus A.: I think short hair can look very feminine. It depends on the style and the color. Many female celebrities had shorter hair and it never looked masculine, quite the contrary. Think of people like Audrey Hepburn, Monroe suited shorter, blonde hair and looked very feminine with her hairstyle. It depends on the style, cut and color. If you use very harsh, dark colors that does not suit you it might end up looking a bit masculine. So it all depends, it can look very feminine or a bit masculine.

beauty: I had a pixie cut for 2 years and i got so many sexist comments from boys, it was ridiculous. Even a male teacher was salty about it and it really messed up my self esteem. Girls/Women on the other hand LOVED IT! I had many of them approach me and declare how much they fancied my hair hehe.

Nina B: I have had a pixie cut since 2003. And I haven't heard a single negative comment about it. As a teen, I was often bullied, used to hide behind my long hair. Then I got a pixie cut - and immediately, I got lots of compliments and they haven't stopped since. Boys would ask me out, I suddenly had social life...I'm just saying, quite often, those negative cliches just aren't true. Once you find your unique look, and you love it, there WILL be others who love it, too.

jujuyanyan: I dyed my hair pink for the summer, and my school doesn't allow unnatural colors. I'm getting a pixie cut real soon because I don't want to dye it and I want all the damaged hair out anyways. This video made me even more excited to get one.

Marci Leiva: it took me years to finally cut my hair, I got a super short pixie and I'm thinking I should of done this long time ago, it feels great ..and my husband loves it

Jordan Wheeler: i shaved my head around 8 months ago and just got my first haircut since then today and i have a 60s style pixie cut i love it

Stephanie Nunes: this video is absolutely amazing! congratulations

Haley Swanson: Awesome. I say the same exact thing about my long hair: it's only for me it isn't about what I think guys would like!

Alexandra Duduia: I got the same haircut as Audrey in "Roman holiday" and I LOVE IT.

nouveau courteduree: Ok, so I've had short hair my entire life (either a pixie cut, or a bob, it almost never was longer than my jawline or barely so), and two years ago I decided to let it grow for 4 reasons : - I love to style hair, and I got frustrated that I couldn't style my own hair. - People kept asking me why I had short hair, and telling me that I should let it grow (especially men). I just have short hair because I've always had short hair and it suits me ! I'm lazy and it's really practical. I feel like no one questions long hair. - People assumed that I was a lesbian, there even was a rumor at some point that I was in a relationship with a friend of mine, and when you're trying to get with a boy such rumors do not help ! - I was mistaken for a boy. This was pretty rare but, since I'm flat-chested, don't wear make up and almost never wear skirts or dresses, it happened several times...

Seven Figure Boy: As a gay cis-gender male I find this video offensive to my straight counterparts. It accuses men of preventing women to make their own choice on getting the chop! She continues to provide examples where the men ask the women, not force them by any means. From my prospective as a born again gay man I hear many women telling me about their hair and the concern of judgment from other women, not from men. No one anywhere has ever said “if you cut your hair I am calling the police!” So please keep it clear and stop giving up your power by blaming things on others.

magduska piterkova: i constantlly change my hair and at one point i had a twiggy hairstile and it wos funky and i liked it ..even some of my men-friend ,who didnt like idea of my short hair, said i look so good in that hair :) so go and try it girls!

Shay Slayer: I cut off my hair in 6th grade, my mom hated it and said I looked like a boy. I was proud of it though. My current boyfriend- who I’ve known since middle school- said it gave him a reason to talk to me. He said I looked tough.

Hollis Jo: I like how people ask " wEll woulDnT yOu CarE iF You're BoYfRiEnD hAd LONg HaiR?" . Like seriously? We care that much about our partners hair that we would break up with them or be mad at them for doing a non permanent thing to their body? We might not always prefer a haircut on a person, but it's insane and quiet toxic of someone to care that much about your partner chopping their hair off or letting it grow out. ITS HAIR, AND ITS THEIR DECISIONS!

perfect blue: love this video!!! it's pretty and informative!! thank u

Froggie Flynn: I’ve had short hair since I was in middle school and I recently got a pixie cut! Love it

Anna Tecson: I got a pixie cut 4 years ago when we visited the Philippines, and my husband cried when he saw me after. LOL But he got over it. He knew I liked it (and he knew I was dying in the 40 degree heat).

Petit Chou: I'm cutting my hair into a pixie cut for charity soon and this has boosted my confidence!

Aleksandra Grąbkowska: I love pixie cuts, but unfortunately my hair type doesn't tolerate short lengths. :/ I have thick, wavy and coarse hair so for me it was impossible to style it properly (and it was even worse to style it at the bob and lob stages). Unfortunately it's 100% true that curly/wavy and coarse hair needs some length...

Marie P: My history teacher said that the short hair trend started at the time of WW1, when women had to work instead of men and having long hair could be dangerous when working in a factory for example, so they cut their hair to avoid getting it stuck in a machine.

Tessa Crawford: interesting that i find this video while i'm thinking of cutting my shorter than shoulder length layered bob into either an undercut or a pixie. either way, i'm doing it because summer sucks! lol

VidaxTheDragonMage: I'm 10 times more interested in a girl if she chops off her hair, they dont blend in and that makes her even hotter.

Mako Furiosa: I’m getting a pixie cut in the next couple of months and I’m so excited for it, but also thinking like Jesus what if I hate it

Emma Spicer: This inspired me to get a pixie cut. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christina Spiridou: I love pixies, but they look good only on certain people with certain features. If you are a girl with a pixie, rock it ❤

Belle Claire: Though I think the barber in Roman holiday didn’t want to cut her hair because it was long and beautiful - He got excited afterwards about how it looked and really got into it so, ‍♀️. Also, these women are all so badass. Cutting it off as an act of defiance, really makes me proud to cut off my own hair.

Fernando Matos: It's interesting. Even doe were in 2018, some things are still reallly taboo in our society. Things like hair lenghts for example. Basically, most women feel insecure about cutting their hair short and, most men feel insecure about growing their hair out. Guys, it's just hair! And this comes from a 14 year old.

Scott Watrous: I'm a straight dude who has grown his hair out, and women choosing the pixie short hair path is A++ in my book. Go ahead and cut it, do what you wanna do, long hair is a PITA and pixie cuts look as amazing as anything else, maybe even moreso. Society made a mistake thinking it wasn't a great option for women.

Madina Molchanova: I remember my mom would get hysterical that I refuse to grow my hair out. She proclaimed that no man would ever marry me with short hair like mine. Fast forward to 2 years, I am married and we met and started dating when I had super short hair.

TheSuri26: Had my short haircut about a week ago. Pixie bob...I just love it Best decision ever

Laurie-Anne Brodeur: My boyfriend told me he didn't like short hair until he saw me cut mine. Now he's begging me to do a pixie I just know I'll always have his support, whatever I do with my hair

shhhh: My parents hid my clippers from me. So I cut my hair myself and sent the family group chat a photo of my hair in the sink and the clippers that I spent an hour looking for. Nothing they could do

Zhara Ireland: If boys are getting scared of you because of your pixie, then maybe you don't want to be attracting their attention anyway. A good partner will love you no matter what and it's your hair.

Max Mayfield: I swear pixie cuts literally make you so much more confident

Wide Awake: I wasn't allowed to cut my hair, and to this day every time I get a short haircut, my dad's angry at me. But I got my short hair, so who cares

JoanKSX: Yea, I love pixies <3 just because I always fed up with my past shoulder length hair and it's totally none of the males' business XD

Busy Bee x: Actually, my hair experience: - Very fine hair that gets greasy by dinner time - so soft clips fall out - try to style it, it drops - when I make it neat and tidy, in one minute I have fly aways and it's a mess. Gets a pixie cut: Reaction: Men loved it Women.... Was the negative side.

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