How To Grow Out A Pixie Cut Fast - Tips And Tricks ‍♀️ *All My Secrets*

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How to grow your pixie cut faster and longer? I have always wanted thick, shinny, healthy mermaid hair. These are the tips I've used in the past to grow out my pixie cut gracefully in 6 months. This video covers how to start growing out your pixie cut, the best products to use when growing out your pixie cut and all my best tips and tricks for growing out your pixie cut fast. I also hive you guys some tips on how to avoid and correct hair loss! I hope you enjoy =)

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Hi friends! My name is Sarah :) I am a 23 year old actress, casting assistant, certified yoga teacher and fashion lover. I am passionate about all things self love, beauty, fashion and lifestyle! let me know your video requests! don't forget to subscribe and be kind :)

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p.s i love you and you got this.

#pixiecut #howtogrowoutapixiecut #fasthairgrowthtips

From about this length to my collarbones in about a year, i'm looking into my crystal ball and i'm seeing the lovely person watching this video and they recently got a pixie cut, say four months ago, maybe even five months ago, and they loved it. They loved wearing their hoop earrings. They loved the way it felt in the shower they loved, taking five minutes in the morning to do their hair instead of five hours to do their hair. But, alas, the time has come to go it out and become a mermaid. Once again, you are done living your fairy princess phase and now it's time to move on, welcome pilgrim. You have found the right video for you, hey friends, it's sarah welcome to or back to my channel. Thank you so much for clicking on this video. In today's video. I am going to be sharing with you, my growing out your pixie cut tips and tricks the practices that i've picked up over the past 10 years of going back and forth from pixie length to shoulder length hair how to make it more graceful. How to make it less painful and just less cringy overall, before we jump into the video, don't forget to like comment and subscribe. Follow me on instagram, which is linked down below everything else that you need to know about me is link down below as well. My merch, my filming equipment, my discount codes, all the products mentioned in this video will be linked down below and let's get started all right. Friends, like i mentioned, i have been going back and forth from pixie cut to about shoulder length, hair for the past 10 years. Emma watson did it and then i just i couldn't stop so here we are, i got a pixie cut back in. I think it was may i will link that video right here and now it has come time to go. It out tip number one. You want to give yourself the best starting point possible, there's so many different kinds of pixies mine's, pretty even right now, but some people have undercuts or shaved sides or shaped lines or the whole thing shaped or it's platinum blonde or it's pink or it's blue or It'S all these awesome different variations. If you want to focus on growth, that's gon na have to, i think, take priority over other things, maybe style for the time being so say you have one side shaved. One side is not shaved. You'Re gon na have to shave that other side to get it to grow out evenly. If it's bleach blonde - and you normally have my colored hair - maybe consider dying it a color that is lower maintenance and lower damage to your hair. It'S going to make the grow out process, be a lot smoother and not so choppy as well as leave your hair. A little healthier tip number two is to clean up your products. I recommend staying away from silicones and sulfates. I just think they do more harm than good. I will link some articles down below if you're curious. As to what i mean, i just feel like they, the sulfates just are too stripping for the hair and the silicones provide too much buildup, which can only be removed with sulfate. So i think it's just a vicious cycle. I would recommend ditching those and just going for plain and simple products, there's so many options and i will link some of my favorites down below okay. This one might be not controversial, but there might be a lot of different opinions on this. So, like i mentioned, i've been growing my hair up for about the past 10 years and i've done it where i try to go six months without a haircut and the last time i grew my hair out, which was my most successful, run yet uh and it Was the fastest i've ever done it? I grew it from about this length to my collarbones in about a year which was pretty insane and what i changed there is. I got haircuts every single month. I found this to be beneficial because it really really helps take care of that really awkward, moldy situation. That tends to happen a lot while you're growing out a pixie cut. Now, if you want to look at miley, cyrus and you're digging the mullet grow it out to a mullet and rock that a mullet. I can't deal with it on myself, so i go every month to get my hair trimmed as well as maintain some sort of shape, just make sure you're communicating to your hair. So i am growing my hair out so cut off, maybe like a fourth of an inch, get it thinned out a little bit whatever you need to get you through those times. I feel like in the past i've just let it grow for six months and tried to make it work, and then i just get so frustrated and cut it off. So i would recommend doing everything you can to make it look the best you can with whatever length you have. Okay. Speaking of wanting to cut off all your hair again because of frustration, i would recommend making a pinterest board with some things to look forward to so your goal length. So for me, i've always wanted like mermaid length, belly button, length, hair and i've never gotten there, because every time i grow up my hair, i can do it um till about my collarbones. Keep it there for a little bit and then i'm like yeah. I miss a pixie, so then i do that and then i have to spend it another year growing it out. But this is my goal this time i know i said it in my curly hair video, but, alas, it got the best of me again so make a pinterest board with your goal: length, hair, but not only that make a princess board that has the in-between stages As well because you're gon na the cool thing about getting a pixie cut, is you're gon na get every single hairstyle ever meaning you're gon na have a chin length. Bob you're gon na have a ear length. Bob you're gon na have a little bob here. You'Re gon na have something here and here and here and here and there's so many options and different fun, hairstyles and looks and vibes you can get when you're growing out your pixie cut. So i would definitely recommend finding the vibes you like. So when you get to that length, you can ask for what you want, and so you can still have fun with it. This is another tip that i wish someone had told me earlier, as it begins to grow out even in the beginning stages, i'm going to really encourage you to keep switching things up in terms of your part and how you style it, because i have run into The situation where i create hair loss for myself, because i would always wear my hair half up half down like when it was right here. I would do half up half down to try to make it like a little cute, but i would do that every day and the top layer eventually just like, broke off and stopped growing, try to wear it forward, try to wear it to the side and then The other side and then a headband and then a hat and then a different headband. Maybe you can braid it eventually. Maybe you can do half up pop down. Maybe do little space buns, there's so many options, but i would definitely recommend switching it up. If you want me to make a video on all different hairstyles sugarhunter pixie, let me know down below another tip that i think is not talked about. A whole lot is instead of taking biotin, i'm gon na recommend you take protein powder. Obviously, i'm not a nutritionist or a doctor, but i have heard, and i've experienced that biotin can make people who are acne prone break out a lot, and we don't want that. Last time i grow out my pixie cut, which is again the most successful time. I was taking protein powder, so i attribute some of that excess to protein powder. I am vegetarian um, so i still do eat dairy, but i try to be as plant-based as possible. This is the protein powder that i get over and over again i try a bunch of different ones and i always come back to it. This is the kos organic plant, protein uh in the flavor, vanilla, shake it's really good. I will link it down below. You. Can get it off amazon? Your hair is made up of protein, so might as well assist it with a protein powder. You know also, i feel like when i have protein powders. I always want to use them in smoothies and smoothies contain fruit and vegetables, so it just the whole. You got to keep your body healthy to make your hair luscious. You know, so this will be linked down below check it out. Okay, instead of using a normal towel, use a t-shirt to dry your hair and instead of doing the like twisty the twisty turban kind of situation. Maybe just towel dry, your hair, if it's long enough or i just pull my hair back and tie it like behind me just so it doesn't tangle it and cause any more roughness than it needs to so. The next tip i have is to exfoliate your scalp, especially if you have a lot of buildup or if you're like me, and you surf a lot, a lot of nasty can get stuck in your scalp. So what i do to exfoliate is, i have this aveda exfoliating brush and you can kind of see the bristles are like rounded and you can just really get in there and also after i surf and maybe like once a week. If i didn't surf that week, i used this pacifica rosemary detox, scalp scrub. It looks like this and then inside it looks like this. Yes, it smells really good. I don't necessarily know if i'll buy it again, but i think it works and yeah. If you have any other favorite hair, scalp scrubs comment them down below, but this is the one i have for now. I, like all my products to be vegan and cruelty free. So this is a good option. If you fall into that boat as well, alrighty, pretty common tip, would be oil treatments and hair masks. I don't know if i've showed you this hair mask before so i thought it was worth mentioning. This is the aveda botanical repair intensive straightening strengthening mask this? Is the light version? I got the really big bottle because i'm obsessed with it, i do this about once a week, especially after i do my exfoliation. I will exfoliate shampoo. Do this and then condition. I also do sometimes like this oil treatment, which i'll link the video for that up here. The recipes in that video so make sure you watch these two tips have to do with sleep sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase, again kind of the same concept with the t-shirt idea. You want to be as gentle as possible and then do not sleep with your hair wet it's just it's so much more fragile and for anything like me, you toss and turn throughout the night. So you definitely don't want to create more tension than it needs to be on your hair, and if your hair is long enough, maybe wear it in a protective style. If you have to wear it to bed what alright friends, that's going to be it for today's video, i hope you found these tips helpful. Your body is your vessel and you're, not your body. I know it can be so frustrating to not feel like you look like how you should look and i've struggled with that recently, but you're so much more than your body and your hair will grow have fun with it. You have the opportunity to try all these different hairstyles have fun with it. Don'T be too hard on yourself if you like this video make sure you like it comment and subscribe, follow me on instagram check out all these products that i will link down below as well as my merch, and i will see you in the next video that Was a weird kiss, and that sounds weird bye, all right friends, you stay until the end of the video. You know what that means: a virtual hug, if you wan na vote, you bring it in love. Your didn't mean to burp in your face, but bring it i'll see you in the next one. You

Carol Aderholt: I cut my hair off to a short pixie now I'm growing it back out .I miss my longer hair.

Paige B: In two days, it will be a year since I got my a pixie cut. I can't lie, I have absolutely loved having short hair, but I am so glad it's growing back out. :) Your hair is absolutely gorgeous. <3

kristenjanell: So helpful, thank you! I got a pixie on Friday. I cut off my super long hair during a stressful situation and am regretting it.

Felicia Abernethy-Lloyd: I love this look on you. I’m having a blast with my curly pixie, but this video is so helpful.

✨ spiritual baddie✨: Wish you luck sarah also Tbh you look great with both hair length

Madzy LaMonica: ive been sooooo scared to try a pixie cut but i feel like i can after this video haha cuz i know it’ll be okay

eva fogliatti: Ive been growing my hair out since february! I cut my hair from boob length to an almost shaved head because my hair was thinner and more damaged than usual. My hair is jaw length now but with a lot of weird layers. Maybe it’s gonna be a bob within 3 months☺️

Molly Grace: I just discovered you through your curly hair video where you were talking about wanting hair to your booty so the timing of this is funny! It’s awesome you’re so open with your hair journey

Lissan Hugo-Main: Perfect timing. I'm deciding tomorrow if I'm cutting back into pixie or growing out.

whichoneishikaru: my hair has grown from your hair to past my hair in a month but I just want it to grow even faster

★UℝคℝคҜค★: i get my hair cut often and recently wanted to grow it to a bob but i dyed my hair black and purple a month ago and i dont know if it will allow my hair to grow fast anymore. :(

Nicole Urbach: Starting the journey again. Only looking to get to a shorter bob. The good news is I don't really care about the awkward moments along the way!

Emily W: Your intro made me happy:)

🍄Tach The Chat Goblin🍄: Commenting to boost engagement!

Rylan Pryle: I want to shave my head again but idk if i should


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