Giving Myself A Pixie Cut || Cutting My Own Hair!!!!

solving life problems and cutting my hair.

backround music written and recorded by me.

purple hair dye i used to get the look- Sparks Purple Passion

Tonight I just duct-taped my phone took the bathroom mirror, so I can see what I'm doing today, I'm gon na get my hair we're just gon na. Oh, I feel so free, oh my god. Oh that was so much fun. Oh, that was way too much fun. Good thing, but I promise it cracks it okay question: is it really just cut off like the tiny bits of my hair? It just feels like it's a nice and like soft. How does that happen? Oh, this is so much fun. We'Re only 1 minute 7 seconds into like my journey and I'm already having a good time these scissors. I don't know how much they are. I mean these were just in my house, your mother, like only three dollars three dollars worth of fine cutting your hair shouldn't, be this much fun, but it is always like got your hair like no, I'm just I'm in front of doing a little trim right now. Just evening out all the mess that I made from yeah, that was fun. Let'S do more, so I'm a little. I don't know if I wouldn't do that already. You look so cute. I like it like this, but I need change in my life so yeah. That was really fast. Why did it take me so long to cut off an inch like to make that decision? Just like so dumb me that long, but so I am gon na go pixie cut today, there's already so much hair on the floor. I'M just gon na give you an idea of how thick my hair is. That was just in the last two minutes. How much was cut off goodbye to that nice? I'M definitely gon na have to sleep in here after, but it feels so weird. It'S like so disgusting to see your hair, not on your head. It'S like. Why does this exist, especially since it's all because, interestingly dry and damaged from dying it so much okay, let's do the thing! So is this: since I'm going very short: oh you have to section it off right or else you're gon na be pretty screwed. So what I'm doing is just like eyebrow and I'm just kind of going straight across, because I saw somebody do that and I think that's pretty legit. I didn't actually see somebody that I feel like that was something for something else, but it might have been this. I don't know I have a lot of energy right now and I don't think that that's the best thing like this wait. I should probably do a middle part right now, just so that it's nice and gluten. So how has your bison statement going comment below? I'M ready to hear about it because my life is just obviously it's kind of a little bit the place, but you know it is how it is. You know that seems pretty good for the first drawing of section yeah. Let'S go with that. Come here. Let'S cut it all off, we're not gon na go to the rustic at first it's fine. I asked my mom for permission, so it's fine, hey mom. Can I cut my hair not today. If you do just look literally this much, but please don't cut it today. Okay, I just cool like that's like hey. What'S up, my name is MIA and I like to cut my own hair. Don'T you love cutting your own ears, it's my favorite thing to do in the world. Okay, I am professional. Obviously I do like doing my own hair, though I think it's a very fun thing to do. It shouldn't be this money. It really should, because it's this fun to do something I'm gon na, do it make a day out of it. I mean, like I'm, a very impulsive person. If you know me personally, you know that I love there is a very impulsive person. This is probably the most impulsive thing. I'Ve done with my hair, because I mean I just kind of picked the procedures and warhorse. You know, aren't you supposed to don't wet your hair first feel like I saw that somewhere cuz. I didn't tell her that I'm gon na get a pixie cut. I just told her I'm gon na then I'm gon na cut my hair. I never told her how it was I was like mom. Can I come in here and she's just like make sure it's like conservative or something but we're limping anyways, so she was like yeah. This is just a bit. I really think that this is only a tiny bit of hair. Why do I have so much energy? This is seriously a problem. This is so much hair. I think this is like the full-blown I went to prom and my significant other was like nah fam, so that they didn't have to pay for the limo. So they don't me, know back there for school, crying and cutting my hair because I'll never find them good thing. I don't have to deal with that kind of drama. Am i right? Kids, I hear my mom talking to her family on the phone and just like. I remember I'll put up some pictures on the screen. If I figure out, how did you get your iMovie, because I only have my movie because of doping Premiere Pro, but um cuz, it costs money, but they forgot exactly where I was going so, oh yeah, so we'd only have one bathroom house, so I just could Do no, I'm just going to say something else. Oh I forgot anyways. Oh yeah I'll put up some pictures on the screen if I can find any but um last year around the end of January hair everywhere. Oh, my goodness, gorgeous look at how she says. I never realized how like dark. That is compared to my ends. I mean I know. Obviously there was some difference there, but I didn't realize how to rest anomalous just go for it. If you want to do something and people tell you not to do it, I mean this isn't gon na hurt anybody and somebody's gon na treat me differently, because I have different hair. That'S their problem, not mine. I saw somebody doing this on YouTube. I don't think it's working. I have that song stuck in my head and I do not know the lyrics. That'S annoying. It'S literally been 10 minutes so long to get that somebody take ours. Welcome to my own, so I'm dry just do whatever I want and call it a hairstyle yeah, my family's gon na think Easter's next Sunday. I look good as a bald person. I mean not as like a completely bald person but like with this much hair of my head, like 11, coming for your Brandi season, one so stranger things coming out on July, 4th that's exciting! That is so exciting because yeah, it's pretty cool, I'm so proud of myself. I'Ve been like making. You know, Pinterest forwards and like looking at videos for the past few days, because you know I can I'm just kind of getting an idea is my way back. Oh, that's because I used to re-open know a lot. Why does itah site look so much different, whatever we'll just go with that? How does it look from the back? What does it look like? I'M excited to see it so good, wait. I have thinning scissors. I can do this go for it, I'm so happy right now, yeah, I'm really yeah. This is my hair, but then it's like I'm sure, go to make a bow. Do you, like my hair, but so time to cut its so you're, not having like purple every, but now I'm really gon na have like a tiny bit of here's that section off the top again, what like more of it and do the same kind of technique That I just so liberated no, I don't care to say about stereotypes, because stereotypes are not good, they are negative things make people feel not good, so we should just throw away all of them yeah and I'm saying about every single stereotype, actually, just so all of The world's problems yeah it's necessary and that's like sick enough for me to run my I wanted to, but we're just goes like this. It'S always I always wanted, because I'm already so invested how much that is. It looks like so much more hair. Then it is like off of my head. You know how much that that's like a few inches. You know it's just like nice, and this is only a tiny bit for some people. That would be like changers sure, they're, not sure to say like this would be a big deal for them. Oh those hair. All over my pants and my shirt in my for, oh, my goodness, look at the actual a while there I was owning out and looking at my phone as a oh. That was not supposed to happen going short or going a crazy color or doing something with your hair or anything really just take a moment. Think number one. Will it make me happy number two? Is it hurting anybody and number three? Can I do this right now and if your answer to those are all positive ones, yeah? Well not am i hurting somebody but make decisions based on your happiness and if it will, if it's gon na hurt people, then why? But if it's something that's like it really doesn't matter it just it doesn't matter. You can literally do anything as long as you have the ability to. Thank you, I'm not explaining this in a way that makes sense to me personally, but I hope that it makes sense to you um, I'm gon na clean all this up take a picture of all of this post it to Instagram put a towel on my head And go downstairs after I drop that you so did you like the present. I gave you we're all freaking out a little bit. That'S a lot of hair. What did you post? But, oh goodness, gracious me just came down the stairs the towel in our head and handed us this with it on his head. Do you want to see it? Okay, I will see you later subscribe.

Mouse: I remember when I was here a year ago. I'm back, but for a different reason.

yuh no: This is no mental breakdown this is a girl who’s being confident to do a new thing and having a great time looks great

Mylène TOLLET: I love how she keeps saying "i do it because it makes me happy" yeah you're damn right you go girl

Julia Wilczewska: she is the spirit animal of everyone during quarantine

Leasagna: Me: *literally centemplates for a week if i should cut my hair* This girl: *CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP* :D

iyana ,: She's scary but at the same time I love her courage and perseverance

Heaven Wilson: I want brad mondo to see this wholesomeness

Oat Sino: “Make sure it’s like conservative.” *”buT We’Re lIbRaLs”*

s0up c4t: “I got permission don’t worry” Mom:”Not today maybe like this much *centimeter* but not today”

Katty bat: Brad Mondo needs to see this I swear he'd be so in love


Charli: She somehow has the most chaotic energy I’ve ever seen but also the most peaceful energy as well.

Kirby’s Thicc Thighs: this video just warms my heart in a way i didn’t think was possible- i lost my cat yesterday, and this video still managed to make my *entire week* so much better. thank you for having such a bright personality

Menesa Penman: If there were more kids like her, the world's problems probably would be solved

Boopydoopy915: To all of you saying she's having a mental breakdown/on drugs, shut the hell up. Don't be jealous because someone is braver than you. Be happy she can do something cool like this. Can't someone do something cool without being called a maniac?

Ella Scarpone: “it’s three dollars woRth oF fUn” lmaooo idk why but i laughed so hard at this

Ethan the Trashman: She has the most chaotic hufflepuff energy that ive ever seen Edit: I know no one likes edits but thanks for all the likes!

maddie h: “Every single hair on my head is loved and accepted”

Trippy Stash: Me: *terrified to even cut off an inch* This girl: *casually uses one hand to cut her hair without stopping* :DDD

rose marie: “make sure it’s conservative” “but we’re liberals” my mom lmao

Flavia Ferlito: When she began to cut with that school scissor and with dry hair I thought I would see another of those hair fail video... and that hair was so awesome... but she did an amazing work cutting by herself in such a condition, it's really cute and fits her perfectly. Chapeau

gc: she is litterally the cutest sweetest person ever like if u love her

wow: her: cutting you hair should be this much fun me:crying over my girl mullet

Hazyla: I honestly like she’s adorable and amazing oh my gosh.

Ava Lloyd: There where ten times in this video where I was like “she’s gonna cut her fingers off.”

Bright Shadow: Omg you’re literally the happiest person I’ve ever heard I love it

harmoney seddon: FINALLY someone who isn’t having a *“mental breakdown”*

aarora wells: why do i actually love this her energy is so funnnnn

CJSPOOKYERA: “Awe it’s so cute and thin let’s cut it off” THAT MADE ME FEEL SOME TYOE OF WAY

strawberry milkshake: Her: so today i'mma cut my hair * .1 second later * SNIP SNIP

Frog_dad666: “I’m gonna do it because it makes me happy” I think me and a lot of people need to learn that lesson

QueenExplosionMurder132: me: watches vid about a girl cutting her hair me: gets surprised by a wholesome vid about increasing self confidence and doing anything that makes you happy me * in tears * nice edit: this gave me the courage to cut my hair, dye it, and give myself bangs, i really love it :))

-ˏˋpiss.antˊˎ-: Normal people cutting their own hair: uHgH I'm kinda neRvOuS.. Her: *oh this is so much fun!*

juanita auelua: I love how mia just goes straight in and starts chopping her hair off she doesn't hesitate she just goes in and gets the job done right from the first cut I was like yes u go girl If ur gonna cut ur hair then just do it like the Nike saying lol

Daniella Ibe: Friend: “*hey just wondering what ur up to, I’ve been watching movies on Netflix, u?*” Me: “*oh nothing just watching people giving themselves pixie cuts*”

natalie sullivan: mia: we’re not gonna go too drastic at first also mia: *cuts of one inch”

Ivy Purcell: Finally someone that doesn’t take 5 minutes to cut off 1 inch

Øri: “ be conservative- ((but we’re liberals-“ *love that lmaooo*

NonewEm: “Make sure it’s conservative” “But we’re liberals”

hairstyles4you YES: I love how she wasn't scared to cut her hair. So confident you go girl

Saba: I love how enthusiastic she is. I’m getting this haircut soon and I am sooo excited!

Baby Girl: Brad Mondo needs to react to this bc this is amazing and I just love your energy ❤️

Summer Skys: She's so confident in herself and happy, I wish I had this kind of energy at her age

petty vxbs: I love how she went in to it so fast, like yass. I love her energy, and how she said "finally free" basically it feels like she was prepared to do this for a while. Period

enorthruptc: Her: talking how her hair is thick Me: the kid school scissors ain’t safe

sugahchrystal: So, I've actually had basically this same hair cut for almost two years now. The short part has been everything from long enough to tuck behind my ear to shaved with clippers. I prefer the shaved, honestly. The long part has been short like to the tops of my ear to right now about chin length (my hair grows FAST, fast enough my stylist is always a little caught off guard at how much it's grown in 6-8 weeks or however long between visits). Back at the beginning of March I went to get it buzzed down because I'd let it grow out a bit over winter (it's warmer lol). My stylist talked me into letting her just trim it and thin it down. I liked it. Little did we know this freaking quarantine would happen. Now I'm getting a mullet. If I had clippers man... Anyway, I really identify with the whole feeling free and liberated you talked about. When I first went this short, I had waist length hair. My entire life, my hair has never been shorter than Midway between shoulders and chin. I've actually always hated it. I don't know why it never occurred to me that I COULD actually cut it all off. I mean... Of course I knew I could, but at the same time I didn't think I actually could. When I got it cut, it was just something that I did. I am not impulsive, but this haircut was super impulsive for me. I thought until I got out of my car when I went to the salon that I was just going for a trim. Something came over me and I just.... did it. Afterwards, I sat in my car and cried. Not because I regretted it, but because I finally, FINALLY felt like me. I felt like I finally found myself and finally felt free and liberated. I will never go back to long hair. I may not keep this exact style but I think I'll have short hair for the rest of my life.

Potato Lord: Her: im going to cut my hair *cuts hair Me:dang she did that fast

Alani Ninjacruz: I just like how fun she is like whos life is that happy.

Thandie Dawn: it's cute that every once in a while she gets distracted and forgets what she was talking about, such a sweetheart

Mellogy: I want you to know you gave me the last push I needed to cut my own hair after debating for like a week and IT WAS JUST AS FUN AS YOU MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IT IS. I FELT AMAZING AND HAD MORE FUN THAN I'VE HAD IN YEARS. Thank you SO much for this video and your incredibly positive chaotic energy, you're great

Rylan Hill: I actually love the energy. This is exactly how I act when I’m alone. You seem like a very genuine person and someone I would vibe with heavily....that being said... subscribe

Jeanette Kirby: Her mom: why is she taking so long Her : snip snip snip

Erza Evina: I love how your hair still looks beautiful while in the process of messy cutting. thing I can't do and just mess everything up. Geez

Hailey Chapman: “I really like the pixie cut idea.... actually I really like it like this.. but I need change in my life” haha amazing

i’m allergic to cats: I love how it turned out! I admire your confidence and how comfortable you are with cutting your hair, its really inspiring

Alyssa Scott: I love your message. You can literally do anything. :) It makes all the sense in the world to me. I'm trying to write a book with some of these themes in it even! Bout to chop off all my hair. Thanks for the inspiration

Sally: Every other hair cutting video: Hesitating for 20 minutes Her: Cuts a handfull of hair in the first 10 seconds

Rachel: Me: *pays $170 for a haircut and the hairdresser still effs up* Mia: *CHOP CHOP SNIP CHOP* And she looks so bloody fabulous!!

Kylie R.: I LOVE her energy!! So inspiring!! Other people who make "cutting my hair" videos take so long to cut even just the tiniest bit of hair, and it's really hard to get inspired to cut my hair, but your energy makes me wanna do it.. I'm cutting my hair now

Tindra Nordén: I love her energy!! she makes me so happy!! I wanna be free like her, real cool gal

Rose F: Omg I love this so much. It made me feel a lot better about wanting to cut off all my hair. I was contemplating it and now I think I'm going to actually do. Also she looks so good! Though the way she was just chopping made me nervous that she was going to cut her scalp open.

Yugi Tsukasa: Mom: "Don't cut your hair, let it grow!!" Her: "This is *SO MUCH FUN* "

screams musically: Oh girl I love your energy this reminds me of the time when I wAs 3 I was in possession of craft scissors and I ruined my hair yes. This is akazing your making me want to dye my hair again even though I vowed to wait until I get it back to cool-toned bc I dyed it pink a lot and now it’s warm And you loook sooooo awesome with a pixie cut ouo

Priscilla Brown: You go girl!!! Love your energy !!!! Your mom is proud I'm sure! You have such a positive outlook and you're just a doll!! I subscribed and can't wait to see the outcome!! Stay positive!!!♥️♥️

Tiffany H: Love this!OMG I love how it turned out! So cute! It's so satisfying to cut your own hair! I did the same thing when I did my side shave, and about to just shave the other side and the back to get rid of all the hair.

Crafty Jackie: I'm so glad you put in your moms reaction that was so cute! Glad you had a great time and the new hair looks great on you

kennlee Partain: the positivity you brought behind all of this, the haircut, the video in itself.. it literally made me so happy just watching it. thank you. you keep doing you and keep shining love! xoxo.

Jules Farrell: i actually love your energy, it is amazing how you look at things. Your positivity is inspiring. Never change... you are amazing x

KnappBristol: Her: these are trimming scissors Also her: stabs her hair Me: oop...

Unknown Person: i love how she didn’t hesitate for five minutes and just got straight to it! ik this was a while ago but you look amazing!

Bella Soyfer: I like how you're so different from all the other girls cutting their hair on YouTube, most of them are so scared to just cut off a tiny piece and you just go for it and don't obsses over small pieces . Anyway I love the final look

Kiera Koala: I love how she’s just winging it! I’ve never met/heard of anyone who’s like her!

Brittney Hettinger: She's like me when I don't take my ADHD medication and honestly I'm living for it. She is so positive it's amazing

Peace Earth Angel 1111: You’re the closest real person I’ve ever seen that cuts hair like Edward Scissorhands!! ✂️ But so much better!! I freaken love your energy!! Don’t stop being you xo

Michelle Elks: It turned out really cute. I'm having a really hard time with my own hair. I've been thinking about shaving mine and just starting all over and letting it grow back out.

lawliet: she seems like that one friend whos super nice and encourages you to embrace your weird side. and im loving it

Barb Keen: If I or the rest of the world knew it only took cutting our own hair to solve life problems, I know I would have done a long time ago! You are far ahead of your chronological age than I was! Great job and keep being your happy,cool, talented self and don't let ANYONE try to change you cause you're what we need in this world! Have a great day!!

Ava Blackwell: I love her message she is spreading!!♥️

disco dolly: It does give a very liberating feeling, same with getting a tattoo. Very therapeutic. I love your energy!♡

fooolsun: I loved this. It genuinely made me smile and giggle through the whole video, this is so chaotic and positive at the same time.

Havanna S: Finally someone who just cuts and isn’t afraid and doesn’t talk forever!! you have such a great personality I loved this video!

Megan Grace: I literally didn't trust my mom to cut off an inch of my hair during quarantine, and freaked out. She is the exact opposite of me, and this is literally the best haircut video I have ever seen.

NonewEm: Thank you so much for this; I needed some moral support for me to cut my own hair by myself (I already had a pixie but I sorta hated the style.) Also this video is pure chaotic energy and I love it

annie franks: Ahhh, honey I hope you’re ok...I always loved changing my look when I was younger, which meant my hair was often the victim of my ‘bright ideas’! ‍♀️

Jessica Martins: omg this made me so happy, she's so excited and happy, just going for it, I LOVE IT <3

FangirlForShips: Mom: don’t cut you’re hair more than the length of a thumb Her: I’m gonna cut “a pile of hair” off

Cleo Cole: I was watching DIY hair cut videos and remembered watching this so long ago. I remembered how happy you were so I decided to watch it again. Your happiness is contagious, you have the best energy

Delonat: I’ve been wanting to get a pixie cut desperately for the past two weeks or so but I really wanted to be sure if that’s what I want. After seeing your positive reaction to just cutting it all off I’ve made up my mind and I’m so ready to get it done. Thank you for the awesome video!!

April Driggers: You go girl! Do what makes you happy, don't let what other people think or say influence your decisions. I love this!

Devony Whiting: You're such an inspiration, good for you! I also just cut my hair but it's taking forever and a day because I am not quite as bold but you're video definitely helped!!

Karolyn Love: I love your energy and your "just go for it" attitude!! You are just too sweet!! You actually did a pretty good job for just grabbing and cutting! You remind me of my granddaughter who also had that same energy at your age and is now 24 and a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and is still full of that energy!!

Risa Bee: Your mom's reaction is the absolute best. Seems like a cool mom. And you're so fun and awesome for just going for it!

Ella Hoffman: You're beautiful! I LOVE the pixie cut! And, you're right, do what makes you happy, not what people want you to do.

Carl: I love it. That's honestly how I've always wanted my hair to look☺

Lily Batch: I don't know if this cured my depression or gave me anxiety.

Nbila MCGOVERN: "That's so cute, LET'S CUT IT OFF"

Flawless. niyah: I like how confident she is I'm subscribing ‍♀️

ChloPipUnicorn !: This is crazy.. you have the guts to do that I love it I’m following you on Instagram and now on YouTube... makes me wanna cut my hair now !

I hate homework: I love that you're smiling the whole time, I got such happy vibes this whole video. ☺️

Lu Tate: “Mom, can I cut my hair?” “Just make sure it’s conservative.” “BUT WE’RE LIBERALS.” That sent me.

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