Low Maintenance Headband Wig Install | Angie Queen Hair

●▬▬▬▬▬ Angie Queen Hair ▬▬▬▬▬●

Hair Details:AngieQueen Curly Wave Headband Wig Human Hair Highlight #4 /27 Remy Full Machine Made Wig: 24 inch

Extra 10 % OFF . coupon code: AQ10

Same hair in the video : https://bit.ly/3wb5Fs9

4x4 deep wavet HD Lace Wig : https://bit.ly/3vPZL0y

#4 /27 Deep Wave Headband Wig : https://bit.ly/3w7XUU0

13X4 Curly Wave Lace Front wig : https://bit.ly/3siCQsM

AngieQueen Bundles and closure :https://bit.ly/3KOMCsV

AngieQueen Headband wig : https://bit.ly/37nCl9p

AngieQueen frontal wig : https://bit.ly/3KU34Z5

AngieQueen HD lace wig : https://bit.ly/3LSvLHa

AngieQueen closure wig : https://bit.ly/3vU5Wkw

AngieQueen bob wig : https://bit.ly/3M68P76

AngieQueen Hair Store :https://bit.ly/3kRZDrf

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What'S up y'all y'all already know we back with another hair video. Today we back with angie queen hair and they sent over a headband wig. This is such a pretty color. This is a pretty honey blonde, color and like in person, it's kind of getting like highlighted, because it's like two tones. It'S like a darker brown and a lighter brown. To give it this honey brown, i mean honey, blonde color is so pretty. Let me take that out. This is so cute and this is 24 inches. That'S the curl pattern, so inside of the wig there's one right to hold it right here, so it doesn't snatch back then there's two on the sides to secure it and one at the bottom, and it also comes with an adjuster just in case just in case. It'S still too big, pull that over and adjust it to your liking. This is the black headband and they also sent two extra headbands first thing. First, i don't put my headband wig on first, i do my baby hair first. So that's what i'm about to do. Getting school with some guys to be y'all, i need some more this guy's to be fighting for his life, all right get in there. So i do swoops one swoop right here, two over here then two on the other side. Oh, i need some more and um as y'all can see. I do got my edges out and don't be shy. You got grown lady hairs because these ain't baby hairs - these are grown. Lady hairs feel free to cut them. I cut my baby hair all the time and honestly cutting your baby hair. I feel like you make your edges grow back a little thicker. I haven't cut mine in a while, as you can see, they did kind of break off from the heat that i put on my hair, but i am going to cut them. Let me just see how they swoop first i'll, probably cut them off camera. I don't know y'all can see my edges right. I always go off of what i see on camera, but before what i see before my eyes, okay, because i feel like the camera - gives the real deal. My edges are given thin on camera because i wear a lot of wigs a lot of breakage up here. So what i'm gon na go in with is my bat baby palette from revolution. Ten dollars that's target. Actually i don't think they have the batman. You might have to order these they're, not in target no more anyway. They have this black. Take my little eyeshadow thing. This is actually my little hairbrush now and just fill it in a little bit because don't nobody want no thin edges and i mean light strokes and go in the way that your baby hair is going. Don'T just like dab it there, because it's going like a black blob. If you do and nobody wants that so yeah go the way your hairline is going just fill it in little trick. You don't need that spray. You don't need to go by nothing else. I know you got a thousand eyeshadow palettes, don't get you a simple black, tap it off and boom? This is a trick. I did this a trick. I started doing after um. A lot of my hair fell out after i had my daughter every time. My edges get there because i always have a thin edge moment. I always do something to mess my hair up, so i always go back to this little trick. My edges on this side aren't as thin, but i'ma still just use the excess to fill it in a little bit. I don't really need to this piece. Keep curling up now. I'M gon na take this little head. Wrap from the bragg collection got a little bleach on it, don't mind that and i'm just i'm gon na just use this to lay my edges and i'm gon na keep this on about 10 minutes. So i'm going to see all in 10 minutes. What i'm gon na do next is go in with some um alcohol and just like wipe my edges, because sometimes sometimes it'd be like guys to be left over. It can leave a sticky residue and just be careful to not wipe off what you filled in just go over it lightly. Usually i'll use a cotton ball, but now i'm just using tissue because i can't find one so yeah. That'S the edges for you! Now i'm gon na do a little little scoop right there. Some i forgot to do that. You better not go out like this. You better not go out like this all right. I couldn't find my uh paper cutting scissors. I mean my baby, my hair cutting scissors. So i'm gon na get my paper cutting scissors and i'm gon na just cut that off because it just looks better. I have real sideburns, but i just like them to be thick like this. Should i cut more yeah, they still curling my hair too curly. This look better when your hair, straight by the way matter of fact i'ma just yeah - oh so i'm gon na take this first clip and i'm gon na clip it right here. That'S really the only one you need to be honest, ooh y'all get into the color get into the color. I look like a lion i fit like, i feel like beyonce. Don'T i look like beyonce, i feel like beyonce. I wish it was like ombre a little bit because you know my baby hair are just so black and you know i feel like. If i go out you gon na tell us a wig, maybe i'll ombre it a little bit. You been like this before. I feel like i'm from the 50s. Am i slow yeah? How do these headbands go? No, it feels slow. I know this is not how it goes. This is cute, but i kind of like the uh, the black cabin, because i'm regular, i kind of want to push it back more, so you can see my scalp so look more natural, okay, i'm really just about to wet the hair. Then i'm using this myell coiling custard, pretty sure i got it from target getting to the thickness of this wig. First of all, y'all see how thick that is all this hair. I love it all right. Let'S see how it look when it's wet, though do y'all. I don't think y'all see this. Do y'all see this look at this pretty color okay, so i fully detangled this one side. This is the shedding i feel like with oh you're, not gon na see it cuz, i'm black behind my little bonnet. That'S the shedding from fully detangling, well finger combing this one side and it is fully detangled too. I ran my hands through this for so long that little bit of shedding for this type of curly hair is amazing to me. Look at this. This is so pretty, oh, my god. Okay, so wet versus dry, and this is a custard. So i really feel like um, it's not going to poop up too much, because coiling custards really keep your hair and then myel also has like a um a product that stretches your hair. So it'll keep it like this. It won't poof up if you're not into like the afro type of look. This is so pretty. This is so pretty. It looks like a pack of scrumptious noodles length check is given 24 inches on the wet side. Of course, the curly the dry side, not gon na give it because shrinkage - okay, y'all, already know i'm gon na, do what i did to this side over here so i'll be back. I had to come back on camera and show y'all the hair and different lighting, because the restroom lighting just wasn't giving like natural lighting. This is giving natural light and i got my um windows open and stuff. So this is the hair about 60 dry and i love this y'all. I wish they sold bundles like this, because this oh this, is it right huh. This is it right here? How do i make them? Sell bundles like this colored and everything of this color is amazing. I love how this color brings out like my real skin tone, because when i record in my room behind this grass wall or in front of the grass wall, i look washed out a lot of the times. But this is given natural. If you watch my story time, do you know what i'm saying like i'll be looking real washed out in my story, time, videos, but this is giving what it needs to get, and i think it's this hair color. I love this. If you wear headband wigs, then you know there's so much you can do with headband wigs. You can even do half up and half down with headband wigs. Oh wait. Did it slip back? Oh no, i didn't slip back. You can do half up and half down with headband wigs, very easy. I have a video showing you how to do it with a headband wig, and i think that this hair it will look so pretty half of half down. I hope you guys see me stand on my fifth house because, i'm short, there's nothing complicated about a headband week. This is definitely one of the ways you just pop on and go when you're on a run, especially this one. All you really have to do is just pop this on and you off the house. That'S it. I love stuff, like that yard. You know i'm the queen of low maintenance, and this is very low, maintenance and quality. This is some good hair. Do y'all see this hair? Let me back up for y'all. I don't think y'all see it and um look when you straighten it. Oh this will look so pretty straight. I should have straightened it if you like this wig definitely check out the description. I'Ll. Have everything about it? Visit angel queen website get your head bandwig. If you like this video, do not forget to give it a thumbs up. Leave me a comment hit that subscribe button and you already know we'll see y'all in the next one. Bye

Tisch Tay.: This wig is really cuteee! I’ve never been into headband wigs but I like this one!

Shars thetruth: I was waiting for you to do another 1 of these and I love the color

yamibananas reviews: me estafaron me vendieron una peluca mitad sintetica y mitad cabello humano. ¡Descubrí esto después de teñirlo, todos los pelos sintéticos no murieron y se destacaron a lo grande! Por cierto, me encanta tu canal, gran fan ❤️❤️

Z Watson: Yes Ti, I've been wanting to buy one I just always wondered if the tracks would show. I'm loving the nails did you do them yourself this time or at shop?

Тимофей Ильин: Eres un ídolo KIYOHARAA.Uno siempre en mi corazón,hermosa,amorj,elecciones,culturales.❤️ Son unos de los mejores conciertos.

Allyce Barney: The color is so cute on you❤

kairiin: Love your shirt! That show was hilarious to me and I don’t know why Lol Thanks for the video! Grown lady hairs?? Omg u make me lmao I do be trimming mine at times because they be growing

GeezLouise1000: I love that Daria shirt!

Mrs. Lyrics: Nice color

Aianna: headband wigs and this color is my go to

Ly'Keria Ruise: I do the same thing for my edges except I use mascara then spray the got to be spray

Shani Holt: The wig is cute girl, but where did you get your shirt???! I love Daria!

Hassn Gaon: ERES Ídolo NÚMERO 1. FAMELAA.Uno necesita a alguien como tú para montar el mejor espectáculo del día. fotos, maquetas, videost, música, teatro y acción. PARA_PÚBLICO. .

Gabby Jackson: Grown lady hairs no fr I literally just had to cut mine for my braids

Tink Adams: Ever considered colorful hair? I bet blue or red would look bomb on you. And ctfu: "I feel- wait, **ahem** I feel like Beyonce"

Michelle Jnolewis: ❤❤❤

The Psalm Up: Lol you really did give Beyonce and then you said it and I was like yaaas you do!!

Vanicea Clinton: don’t I look like Beyoncé

AnneshaKennerly: how many inches was your wig

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