$30 Pixie Cut Salon Inspired✂| Sensationnel Shear Muse Lace Front Wig - Cali

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Brand: Sensationnel Shear Muse

Style Name: CALI



HEAT SAFE: Yes Up to 400F

Material: Premium Fiber

Type: Lace Wig


Link: https://bit.ly/35yI6Oj


Track: Overjoyed

Artist: Lakey Inspired

Download→ https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/o...




+Instagram: Memie Carvel Beauty

+Direct Link: https://www.instagram.com/memiecarvelb...

+Bushiness email: [email protected]



Hey guys, thank you for tuning back to my channel. My name is mimi carville and i'm back at it with another wig review. So today we are reviewing a pixie cut, pixie cut shortcut, so i am finally doing another pixie cut by sensational, sheer muse, and the name that i have is cali, but before we even get into it, if you're new to my channel, welcome hey, how are you How you doing go ahead and click click that subscribe button and that notification bell, so you guys don't miss any more of my uploads in the future. So come join. The m team come to the endgame. We want you over here, okay period, all right so yeah. We are reviewing sensational cali and this is how the stock card look. Oh, my gosh she's super gorgeous. I love this color on the stock card, but i don't have that color um, so i have it in the color neon orange and i've been. I don't think you guys understand. I'Ve been eyeing this color for a long time. I even have an outfit for it like i even have an outfit for that. I want to take pictures for to post it up on my instagram but um yeah. So this neon line is on the stock heart. I think that color is super. Cute like she is gorgeous. This model is killing it with the looks all right. So here is the unit. Oh, she have a lace. I don't even know that. To be honest, i didn't even see that so i even have to cut the leaves off camera, so this is how miss kelly is looking super gorgeous. So pretty. Oh, my gosh like this color is bright and vibrant, but this is so me. I'M loving, like the neon orange auburn color, so um this unit comes with. Let me show you guys the inside of the cap construction, so it comes with like a part on the side. It comes with two combs in the front and one in the back and it adjustable strap. I am loving this color, i didn't even know this unit had a lace, so it does have a lace. So therefore i do have to cut it. I thought this was just like a regular wig. I didn't even see that so i have to cut that. Let me show you guys the color palette. They do have other colors on um the color palette. I don't know if this is catching it on camera. Come on yeah, perfect, all right! You see like this neon orange. It looks like it's a red, but it's not mustard lime. You know they have a few other colors aqua indigo, so they have a few colors. They do have neutral colors, which is a 1b and a one. So if this color is too bright for you don't worry, you can still slay this look with a neutral color, because i know some people may not feel comfortable with colors or may not feel like that. Color might be right for them, but they have other colors that you can try if you're, big and bold they do have 99j as well, which is a more subtle, burgundy-ish color. So um we're gon na go ahead and try her on together and we'll see how she is looking. Let'S see this threw me off so throw me off. Like i didn't know it had a lace period literally i no, it did not have a lace. I thought it didn't, so it really threw me off. I just wanted you guys to see how it looks from the packaging without doing anything to her, as you guys know, um, if you guys watched my previous videos, you know that i always like to mention that when you do get a shortcut unit, you have to Shape it and frame it to your face and to your liking, so this is how this unit is looking off. The back like oh my gosh. She is super freaking gorgeous, so cute all these strings, so freaking cute, like off the bat cute like look at this. Look at this look so pretty like the camera's cutting the top half of my head, but she is super cute. So let me go ahead and style her. Of course, this part will be fast forward, so you guys will see how i style it to my liking and i'll come back and give you guys the pros and cons about this unit, and where did i purchase this unit? So stick around and stay tuned. Hey guys, so i am back, and this is the finished look um. Hopefully you guys did enjoy me styling this look to my liking. I know the color may be bright, guys like whoa. This is too much but, like i said in the beginning, just get a color that fits you and, of course you still have to frame it to your liking and you know frame it to your face. So for me this is how i think i like it. I actually had the hot um hot hot iron uh flat iron, on because i thought i probably needed to bump it a little bit, but actually i didn't need to do anything to this unit. I am liking the outcome of this look. I sprayed a little bit of freeze blast because they have a few flyaways and a little bit of shedding. I'M guessing that's from me cutting the unit or it's probably the color itself, because it had a few shedding um uh quite a bit. I ain't so much like quite a bit of shedding, but it's kind of subsided uh after you know, i stopped playing with her and fixed it to my liking, and i think this look is super gorgeous. Tell me guys what you think down below if you've gotten this far go ahead and give me an orange heart down below that will indicate if you guys are feeling this look and, of course, for me, coming through with these pixie cuts that you guys, you know Been asking for okay, so we're gon na get right into it. So this unit, i purchased this unit off of wigtypes.com and it was going for a total of thirty dollars. So you get this look for under thirty dollars. There'S no up charge! No nothing! So all the colors are thirty dollar exact. It is a little bit on the higher end for a shortcut look um, but i'm guessing because it's it had a lace front which caught me off guard um. I think that's probably the reason why, because normally like these shortcut, pixie look, don't really have like lace fronts, it's just like a full wig and you just fix it to your liking, um and i'm guessing the colors too uh that will make it more on the Height and - and it's very sensational so you know to say you know, you know they come out with these looks and pricey looks. Price pricey looks pricey style, but it's worth it, i'm not going for much light to you. It is so worth it. I love it. So much so um. This look is a ear to ear lace with baby hairs um it is a 100 premium fiber and it's be your own muse, because it's by sheer muse they're line um. It'S supposed to give you like a salon, inspired, cut style and color, which i do agree. I'M not going to much lie like this. Look right here is something that i will get my goal and get my hair done. Um, it's giving me like 27 pieces in the back. I will turn around, so you guys can see um. It includes uh. Of course i mentioned baby hair. It is a lightweight unit. It'S not heavy! It'S not dense. I love it. If i would get this color again, which i will i will purchase this color again, not this color this unit again, but probably in the color. Let me see i'm looking at the site right now, i'll probably get it in a 1b or 99j, because it's a little bit more subtle, so i can actually go to work with it, because i can't pull up to my top with this bright ass, color um. It is see it is heat safe and it can take up to uh 400 degrees fahrenheit, which i did have my flat comb platform. You see, i don't even know how to talk, because i am feeling this look. I did have my flat iron here um, but they're saying that cali is supposed to be stylish yet modern shark hut, which is supposed to be vibrant and matches a bold character, which is me i'm the bold character that this wig was looking for, and i slayed This look, it does have a deep side part which elevates um. When you turn your head. I don't know what that mean, but boom you see that you see it boom. You see it. I did add a little bit of powder just to open up the parting space, but i didn't really even need to do that. You can't even see it anyways. So let me go ahead and give you a 360. and it's giving me pixie cut in the back. Look at that, i'm loving it super cute, real cute, real freaking cute, and i had to throw my hoop earrings for this. It'S giving me like. 90S look. 95. I could be your auntie and snatch your man at that and your daddy at that. But this look here, if you guys, are feeling this look, go ahead and give me a thumbs up and give me an orange heart. And of course you know, i'm trying to incorporate a bringing more shortcut looks um. The last video did good, but it didn't do well as i expected. So if you guys really want these shortcuts look, you really have to watch them all the way through and make sure you give me a thumbs up. So i know that you do like these. You know shortcut, pixie, looks and, of course, of course, comment down below and comment your thoughts down below as well um. What i'm trying to do is, i think, i'm gon na incorporate, maybe once a month i'll try to do a pixie look um. I wanted to do it every week, but i'm like you know it's a lot of work. I ain't pretty much a lot of you. Pixie cuts. It'S a lot of work. I dread it they're cute they're bad as hell, but i dread them because of course i got ta style them make it look good. Sometimes you got ta cut them sometime, you got ta bump them and i don't really have the time to be doing. All of that, as you guys seen the last um video that i did um i had, i think, was dora by sensation. I had her for almost a year and i was dreading her and i just kept passing her on when i finally did it. She looked it so good, which i did enjoy doing that look for you guys, so i just want to say thank you guys. Thank you guys for watching, go ahead and comment like and subscribe and share and click that notification bell and don't forget to um follow my instagram, which is maybe carvel beauty. I do have two channels so make sure you follow the one with the beauty and if you are feeling this look make sure you tell me your thoughts down below everything will be down in the description box about this unit, so be sure to check that out And i will see you in the next run. Thank you for watching bye, love. You bye,

HairKittyKitty [CysterWigs]: Love your little pixie cut dance!! She looks SO good on you!! You can seriously pull off a pixie!

Saharamara: This is so Cute for the fall

barretta king: nice pixie cut.looks good on you!

Domonique Chatman: Gurllll you straight “SLAY” #EmphasisOnAllCaps ♥️ this look on you!!!!

It’s Kayki Babe: I love it! You look beautiful!

Johiquelle W.T.: Love it

Treasure Tate: I love it.......yes do more pixie cuts I love short hair

Nizzy Mac: Okaayyy it’s the color for me the part looks natural too! Okaaayyyy

White Dove: Okay, I seem to not have an orange heart emoji on my keyboard, but anyways, this is GORGEOUS!! ♥️

april G: This is cute

- 𝗦𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 -: Color def makes her SPICY

Ariane Coler:

Tinisha Robinson: Is that a burnt Orange it's look bomb on you

CASSANDRA HOWARD: love love love

Kirsa LifeStyle:

Shanbro Blast:

Unapologetically _dope78 Blk: Yes Meme!

Trina Robinson:

Adriance: u lookin spicy

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