Easy Weave Ponytail Tutorial

Thanks for Watching! All you need is black strips, rubber bands, holding spray, 12 or 14 inch straight ponytail, mousse, open and closed hair pins, oil sheen and black hair glue for this hairstyle.

Hey over to my channel, so what you would need is scrunchie ribbons jail, glue, hold this fern washing open our clothes hair. Pins you'll need your flat irons. Let'S tricks fish, you need one cup of bright in here. This is is right here and the color is to 4:30 and you're going to need some straight hair weave and this is used hair and it's still glitter going to bend your ponytail okay, but this right for the heights. Okay. So when you work the ends of your ponytail around, do you get your romance? I also just use 700 penis alright. So now you get your blood strips you, I'm going to put that robe hands or your punch, and so the black strips won't go anywhere. You sure hold its prey all right, then you get your hair, your glue, you just put the glue on your tricks. You you get a piece of here, you're going to wrap around your time to ten, so you want to see no tricks feature hold it spray or spritz. Whatever you prefer wraparound upon the tail, then you get a open or closed ear pain. Okay, so I have my easy breed here: am I ready to be big you're going to braid it all the way down you get to the ease all right. So this is my braid you, so I have my flat iron set on 318°. I don't know if you guys can see that, but what's your father just ponytail all right, so you get your braids. Did you get your hippie? You can be open across it. Doesn'T matter what I'm using open for right now, so you rip wrap it around you all right. So this is the finished. Look all right! So let me let you guys see a closer look of this hairstyle right. The front sides in the back alright, so this hairstyle took me 10 to 15 minutes to do it is very simple and easy, and I hope that you guys will um. Let me know if you guys do this hairstyle, alright, so make sure you like comment and subscribe to my channel. Thank you guys for watching. I really appreciate you guys in Pisa. You

Janay Daniel: I’ve ALWAYS been a fan of a side ponytail!! This is soooo cute Ms.Yvette!! I’m guna do this as soon as I take this quick weave out!! Lol

Gabrielle Sparkles: Your video was literally the only I could find where you are doing the orginal way of adding track hair! All the other videos was the invisible way. Thank thank much !! :)

Denise Griffin: That's beautiful Ms. Yvette

MyLifeMyJourneys: Nice, I'm going to try this. For a neater look you can comb all the hair above the braid going to the side

Divine Godess Life: Wow amazing

Tabitha Mayfield: Now that's how you do a ponytail

Chantá: Ms.Yvette is is cute.

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