How To Sleek High Pony Tail With Hair Extensions Ft Luxury For Princess

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Frances Rojas

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Hello, ladies and welcome back to the channel, so today's video is going to be a quick one and how I get my extensions into a ponytail right now. This is my hair. I am not wearing any extensions on my ponytail whatsoever. It'S my real hair, but I really wanted to show you an easy way that you couldn't put your extensions up in a ponytail um. If you are like me, like you, always had your hair down, because you didn't find a way to put hair extensions up in a ponytail, because you were afraid for the clips to be showing and you don't have any real friends like. So you give me like girl, you, your extensions showing or anything like that, so you kind of we're a little afraid like me to get your hair up into a ponytail. Well, I have a very easy way that I was searching here in YouTube and I find a couple of other on YouTube. Lures here on YouTube, also kind of using everything technique and I'm just reinforcing it and saying that it actually does work, because I tried it and it definitely works out for me very well so um. I also wanted to share with you guys, since I'm doing this ponytail on how to get my ex to hot how to get your hair extensions into a ponytail. Very sleek long, beautiful, ponytail Luxur for princess came out with their new um lots of a princess ponytail. It is so cute I got it sent over about a week ago and unfortunately I thought that the color that said semi was going to be a perfect match for my hair, but unfortunately it's not I'm actually in the process of sending this one back and trying To get the color of my hair, this is the ponytail, so it kind of makes it easier on you. If you have your scissors and you want to do a ponytail, so if you don't have, if you don't own the ponytail yet, then I'm definitely going to show you how to apply with the hair extension itself. I'M not going to try and applying it with the actual ponytail, because it's not the same color, so it kind of made probably would have like different color colors on my hair, and it will probably look as natural as it would do with the actual color of My hair with the ponytail was the same color. The ponytail is pretty self-explanatory is too two inches long. So it's very long and it's pretty much comes with a clip just like this, and what it is is, if you have your hair up in a ponytail like that, what you do is they're actually going to use that clip and you're going to put it inside. Your ponytail and then this part here you are going to pretty much hide the ponytail pretty much you see just like that and then you're going to keep bringing this around. So you can actually hide everything and obviously it's going to be well put or whatever. But that's pretty much how it works is very easy to apply it. You actually want the ponytail. I highly recommend the ponytail, because it's easier than to actually do what I'm about to do with a hair extensions. So as soon as I received my point O in the jet black color, my hair, I would actually tell you I will actually make a video and show you how I apply the ponytail into my hair. But if you want to do an easier way - and you don't want to do the whole hair extensions up in a ponytail - I recommend going luxury for princes and trying out the ponytail. It is amazing, I can't believe they can like it actually making our life a little bit easier when you're trying to get ready in the morning. So I'm going to jump right in to how I get my hair to from this length to a very beautiful long length. So let's get started, oh here down here down friends, hair down alright, so I'm going to bring you a little bit closer to my face. So we can actually get this the first time around. So what I like to do is I like to bring my hair all to the side, okay, sort of like parted, whatever your wherever is part, and what I like to do is I'd like to make sort of a triangle right in the middle of my head. I want to start from the back and bring it all the weight to the back of my head, so pretty much in the middle. I'M sorry! So something like this - I don't know if you guys can actually see it. You see pretty much something like this all right, so I just I'm trying to look at myself in the viewfinder. I think this I should have thought I should've put a mirror. Let me go get him here, I'll, be back all right. So that's what I'll do I'll just sort of make a small square in the middle of my head, the more hair you leave out in the front the better, because it will cover the wefts of your hair extensions. So something like this - I don't know you guys. Can actually see just a regular square in the middle of yet so yeah all right and you're going to grab a ponytail, I'm rubberband and you're going to rubberband that so you're making just a little tiny rock ponytail in the middle of your head. Okay, so pretty much, this is what it looks like and what I'll use I actually use making a mess. I actually use three webs pretty much for I'm actually going to be very honest with you. I use the three why, but I actually have them clip-on together. So I use two three webs and what I like to do is I like to take this one and apply it on the top, so I start clipping it around the ponytail. Okay. So something like this, so then I like to grab the ponytail and sort of bring it to the front and then one of the two clips I like to clip on, but I'm going to clip them upside upside down. I'M sorry! I'M going to cleave them upside down, just like this on the back of the ponytail very close to the rubberband. So something like this, maybe you guys can actually see it in the camera yeah. Okay, so I know right now looks like oh sorry, that's my little one or my big one. That'S sick! Alright! So something like this alright and to finish off, I like to go in with the other two clip laughs and clip that in the front of the ponytail, just like that, alright, so now for the easiest part cuz pretty much, that's the hardest part it and just Try to clip on all the hair extensions, so I actually don't even use a brush because I don't need to and what I like to do now is now I'm going to bring all my hair to the back and I'm going to make my ponytail just like This so I want to make sure that everything is covered and where did my romaine go? Another rubber band? I usually use three because it's so much hair, one rubberband actually kind of doesn't hold my hair, alright. So here's one all right so two rubber bands, so it actually kind of holds all my hair in place and I didn't usually get that little bump here. But if you want, I really don't mind because it kind of gives me a little volume or whatever. And if you have like little baby hairs like I do. I usually get a small comb and I just kind of spray, a little bit of hairspray and just kind of comb them down, but pretty much. This is what it looks like. We went from that short to all this, so all the tail. Could you guys see it see how long and thick and for looks, and if someone gets close to your on your hair, you should call no clips are actually showing. So I actually love the fact that I was able to conquer a high slick ponytail with my hair extensions. It gives you more volume on the ponytail and definitely use it a lot at length. So if you have the point, if you have the hair extensions at home, you can try. It definitely try it with the hair extensions. But if you're a little you a little like lazy like me, because I just want to grab my hair to ponytail and just go out the door, you can definitely go in selection for princess calm and get their ponytail is so amazing. I can't believe I thought that black brown was gon na, be my color, hello, Francis. This doesn't look like black bra to you, but I'm definitely getting going to return that one and get the other one and as soon as I get the other ones on my hand, I will make a video on how I do it with the actual ponytail. So if you want to get this hair extensions - or you want to get the ponytail just pretty much - click on the link below use the coupon code, Francis um 12 - and you can actually get some discount off your hair extensions. So this was just a quick video with my hair extensions. I hope you guys like it and if you have any other tutorials that you would like to see with your hair extensions. Just let me know in the comments below thank you so much for sticking till the end. Mom, that's all day, b-black precious pearls, and I will see you on my next video bye, bye,

Steph Scopelliti: You should do a tutorial on your make up! absolutely love it in this video! <3

M Zakovyrkina: You are gorgeous!! :) Very helpful video by the way

Jennifer Mouzooni: I have Luxy hair extensions in ombré and also black bellamihair extensions! I have to try this! Thank you boo

Xtina: nice video! you're so gorgeous :)

Noor Al-Dori: Can you please do a video of how you take care of your hair extensions example washing them and styling them?❤️

Cee Soliss: Yay thanks!!

Skadi Birch: That extension ur sending back looks exactly like ur hair

kelsealovesyou14: I wish you would have done a video on how you cut your extensions in the " V "

Ghizlane: I have in real long hair like that

SawggyElise12: How long in cm is the extensions

Neha Vaishnav:

Celina Campos: Hola, cual Es el link de la website para comprar las extensiones? 260g son las de 22 pulgadas?

Lizzy: she doesn't need extensions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kevin15776: Why isn't it called a horsetail??

the seventh sojourner: I met a girl at a club some time ago and we hit it off. Decided to go back to my place for coffee after which she invited me to her place to see her hairstyle portfolio (she was a hairdresser). Got there and she excused herself for about 20 minutes. When she came back, her mid back length hair was actually just over her ears. Her perfectly smooth shin was pocked and full of acne. Her 34dd chest became a 34a. Her full lips now resembled grandpa from The Munsters. The eyelashes and eyebrows were gone. After that, I stopped being impressed with the miracles of makeup and extensions.

lamara kasaeva: You look like nina dobrev

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