Natural Hairstyles: Watch Me Slay A Synthetic Ponytail Ft. Organique Pony Easy Wrap Around Ponytail


I purchased this pony from the hair store for only $19.99 !




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Hello: what's up you guys welcome back to my channel? If you are new here, hey, my name is soraya. If you are returning welcome back by today's title, you see that i will be doing a ponytail like a natural looking ponytail with beauty supply store, hair, synthetic hair okay. So this is the ponytail here um the curl is super curl 32. I got the color 1b. This is a um, easy wrap around ponytail, so hopefully you guys can see that and it's super easy. I heard like i've never used one of these before, but this is um hope you guys can see, but this is 32 inches and i want to do a high ponytail and then i'm going to like fluff it out to make it look like supernatural. So my pointer probably is going to be around about right here in the middle, because i don't want it super high hanging low. So just something supernatural, because i am going on a trip tonight and i just wanted to do something quick and easy for this trip. Um until i give myself some braids, which i am going to be doing probably next week, um, i'm not sure if i'm going to record it, but if you guys want to see me putting some braids in my hair, please let me know and that ponytail was 19.99 um, so it was super, affordable and yeah. So the first thing that i will be doing is, i will be detangling my hair um, so it could go up into a ponytail. I am not doing all of that flat iron blow drying to make it look. Super straight because i want it to look like natural, i don't want my hair to be straight and then the curl to be. You know different, because it's not a shirt ponytail. So i'm going to go ahead and part my hair in two, because i'm going to be putting my ponytail in two parts just so it is super super sleek down. This is what i'm doing it's not a straight part or anything, i'm just straightening, i'm just combing. It out and yeah okay, so i got these big ponytail holders here, um, i'm just gon na put this half in a ponytail okay. So this is what the bottom looks like. My hair is super natural y'all, so i'm just started out there and i just recently cut it. Oh i didn't recently. I cut it back in um february i had color on my hair and i just cut all of the color off so now my hair is back to its regular color. So in this bottle please excuse the lighting. I know it's off, but this is the spray bottle that you could just get from the beauty supply store um, it's pretty, oh. I think i honestly think i took this for my sister because i use it more to her, but anyway, that's besides the point. So in this bottle i have water and leave-in conditioner and i'm just going to spray. This um get it super saturated and then i am going to comb it out. Just as i recall, i'm so glad we got to link up is just oh guarantee. You won't regret okay, so this is where i kind of want it at and yes, i have to bring this up like. I literally want it in the middle of my head, so i'm gon na start molding, the top. So that's out of the way. Of course, i'm going in with my handy dandy, eco styling gel this is in the um max hold up just as i'm so glad we got to link up just [, __ ]. I need to feel your essence in my presence. Put it or like leave it. Fluffy like this, because, as you guys can see, it's super kinky and yeah, so i'm going to fix these little parts here. Like sticking up, let me take out some baby hairs m. So, let's move on to trying to put the ponytail in this is what it looks like. Hopefully you guys can see, and then this is the part that you wrap around it. So you know, like the tracks, aren't showing well this, so i think i am going to leave it in its natural state, but we're going to see because i think you're gon na be able to see it that much okay. So hopefully you guys can see me this little clip here is gon na go right in there and then i'm going to wrap it around [ __ ] me i'm looking in the mirror so foggy, but i've never seen clearer. I don't really think anyone can save me and honestly, i'm not really sure i want saving i'd like to be my own worst enemy, there's no risk. If you don't try at anything so imma just keep buying everything, see you in the next life have to be a better me. I don't think that my head's all straight got ta flip it and grip it and go and get an x-ray what's wrong with me. I just feel away pushing on my chest. In the squeeze till i suffocate better change. My mindset meditate it's pretty cool that i'm alive and have better days. I can walk see here. I should celebrate think i can change my mind, maybe elevate living life every day late at night, not okay, i'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do i work hard or live in my pace? You'Re, only young one yeah, that's all great, but i also want a teacher where i'm okay living life is doing lots of cocaine. Wait, no he's living with. No shame wait! No! It'S sleeping in on sundays! I guess it's different for each of us and that's okay. Well, i just want to be happy how to get there. Glad that you asked me, i think it's different for everyone. Some of us need work. Others need fun. Some of us need purpose to overcome, but try to do what you love when it's said and done cause there's so many differences in each of us trust your gut. It can show you what you want living life every day, not okay. All i need are some better days. Yeah. All i need are some better days cause all i want and i pray i believe in the better days. So now i'm going to go ahead and do my edges now, i'm going to be using the same gel um, the eco styling gel for my edges, so so so so so they swim in a little bit. Let'S see this side and yeah you guys now this. I feel like this is going to be like my go-to summer style, because i don't want hair on my face all down my neck and you know sticking to me, but this could always be shorting. I could do a low ponytail. I could do a high ponytail. It'S so versatile, and i love that so um. I really like this, and i really think that i'm going to continue using like these uh easy easy ponytails from beauty supply store. Like i said they were only this one. The one that i got was only um. 19.99, so make sure you go to your newest beauty supply store, see if they have it. I'M going to show you guys, i'm going to show you guys what it looks like one more time. Let me flip it this way. So this is what it looks like right here: the organic master mix organic pony pro easy wraparound ponytail super easy, so yeah you guys um, like i said if you like it, if you like this video, if you like, hair content, let me know down in the Description box, let me know down in the comment section below make sure you are liking, make sure you are subscribing and make sure you are sharing my videos with any and everybody. I love you guys so much. Thank you guys so much for 500 followers. Once again, i am so so happy that we are now on the road to 1k. Once we get to 1k, it's up from here, it's up from here. Okay, so thank you guys for watching this video. I love you love! You love you so much and i will see y'all in the next video

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