Curly Side Ponytail Hair Tutorial - Alex G (Inspired By Taylor Swift Cover)

Click here to watch the 'I Knew You Were Trouble' music video that inspired this hair tutorial:

If you guys have any questions about this hairstyle please ask in the comment section! I love making these videos for you guys, so give me suggestions on what kind of Beauty Video I should make next!! Thanks for everything guys :)





You what's up people, it's me and I'm here in my bathroom. I'M self talk myself! Do it if you see what's going on here, so let Jillian Michaels training. So I told you guys I was going to do the in hair tutorial. For my, I knew you were trouble video, so if you saw that video there's a link to it, hello people do this. I'Ve never gotten to do this before. Stick your hand up in the air like that and the annotation pops up and that's the hairstyle I'm going to teach you how to do today. What I did that video my hair was longer. My bangs were longer, so it's just a tiny, tiny bit different, but it's really the same concept, and if you can do this, I promise it's really not that hard so yeah. This is the hair tutorial for this hairstyle. It'S what we're going to be doing today. I think we should get started showing up this talking alright and hey people. Okay. So, as you can see, my hair looks like this right now. What I did first was: I took a shower, which I guess you don't have to do, but I just decided to do that because uh my bad, what smell good now, so what you're going to do? If you do happen to take a shower? What I always do I blow-dry my hair upside down like I'm literally flipped upside down and then after it's dry. I stick it up on top of my head just like this and you look ridiculous, but in the end it gives your hair more body. Isn'T that kind of just you know what we want in the end anyway, if you're like me, and you need that extra help for the body leave your hair like this for like at least 30 minutes, if you're in a hurry, just as long as you can So I'm just going to take it out, okay, so this is definitely what it looks like right now, and this is not not going to cut it. Well, okay, cuz! I, what we're gon na do to get this curly look. First is before I put my hair in a ponytail I curl with my Chi. I got this from Ulta. Actually, it's kind of pricey, but I say it's worth it to get this because it lasts you for like a couple years and actually won't murder your hair. This has been my favorite so far, and I turn it on before we started this thing, so it's on. It literally takes like 30 seconds to eat up. It'S super super fast you're also going to need a big brush and then also these guys really come in handy. They help to. You know, make parts in your hair. They help to tease your hair, which is something that you're going to be doing. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to start by parting, my hair, and because I have things and also I'm just kind of a side, I'm a side part come girl. So what we're going to do is we're going to kind of follow where your hair wants to go. So I like this, I like to go over and kind of make like a little triangle and then I kind of go zig zaggy all the way down and then we're just gon na brush. That and obviously like do my hair is like I swear, sometimes the most difficult thing because takes forever and it makes me just hate to be a girl, but that's okay, that mean girl. We have some magical, I'm going to start over here. Unless I don't know why I just do so, what I'm gon na do is start the curl start at the root here and I go down and I curl my curler backwards and just pull down. I like to use straighteners to curl, because my I'm gon na do just as good of a job, if not better than curlers, and then you don't, like you know, buy a curling iron. You just give away these cheese and it'll do both for your hair and basically you're going to do this to my whole left side of my head for the left side. What you're going to do when you're currently hold a strainer like this, when you clamp it go in this way towards yourself. So this way the hair. It feels like it's like flowing out where it's kind of like it's real, pretty at the end. So next I'm just going to go chop my chunk and I'm not going to take that thick of portions of my hair. I'M going to do it the whole time there we go. It'S looking pretty good I'd, say again, not big chunks going out and at the tops here. What you're going to do is you're not going to start to curl your hair too far up you're going to get maybe half way down and then you're going to start to bend the strainer so that it isn't the curls and star way up here, except sometimes Kind of weird so you're just going to make sure you get all your hair, I'm just going to quickly do this! Okay! So basically, I just decided to curl the entire lip top of my head and I'm going to start on the right now, if you bangs, like me, um, if they're kind of shorter, like I would say to here, these are my bangs. Are you have the choice to either curl them or keep them straightened, because mine are kind of short curling them kind of makes it a little too short a little too late, so to keep it looking good? What I'm going to do is I'm going to straighten then start over here and kind of go off behind you a little bit, so they have a little baby girl. Of course, whenever I decide to do, tutorials like everything turns out not as good as it usually does. So all the bangs are going to be just like this save a type of a curl to Matt the ends just curling and I would say, just all the top, the very very top short layer, because I have short layers on top of my hair they're. Starting to you know, come together, I'd say, as I go down further into my long layers, I'm going to curl in kind of the same direction so that the curl, so the hair curls in the this way like like this, like going back like that, I don't Know how to describe it any other way from head, so I'm going to do that, basically just so, it goes the opposite ways of the curls on the other side of my head and it's actually a lot easier to do your right side. If you're right-handed, I found gon na be one big bucket of curl, you are gon na love it. I hope, if not don't blame me, blame society. I don't know everyone just likes to blame society for things. Okay. So if I can put a conclusion point on this on the curling situation, because I used to not really know how to curl my hair um when you're on the left side - Oh, what's going on there when you're on the left side of your head, curling you're, Going to curl you're going to go out, think out, thank God and on this side, you're going to think in alright I'm going to carry on with the rest of this head and get back to you guys the two sides actually more like okay, I'm done it Took like now yeah yeah, no, it didn't actually took a little bit longer, but that's okay, it's okay, because in the end, it's just beautiful. What I did on this side was I cool it. As you can see all right, oh and before I forget to tell you a lot of you are probably going to say: oh, like isn't it gon na be smarter to use product in your hair or put some in your hair before user, an iron? Yes, it is um. The only reason why I did it today is because I ran out of it and I don't have. I use Qi, it's a red bottle and it's like. Basically, it protects your hair from this, a hot iron like a flat iron spray. You just spray it literally in your hair right before you're going to use one of these. You don't need to dry. I just like to use this. It'S called healthy, sexy hair and it's soy renewal and it's a nourishing style treatment, and basically I put that I like to put this in my in my hair after take a shower after it's like a little bit damp. I put this just a little bit. My hair - and it really like, keeps the health and stuff so now what we're going to do either you can do this next step and stop if you just want to leave your hair down and curly or you just keep watching to UM we're gon na. Do the hairstyle that I did in, I knew you were trouble and at that time I had longer hair and longer bangs. So what I did was, I actually did curl my bangs and here what I did was. I just took the longer section, the longer part of the bang cuz, it kind of goes in the layer. You know I what I do is I crude that just a little bit just at the ends. All you're going to do is curl it at the ends. It'S really cute when it's in the little ponytail and now onto the teasing, so we're going to get this handy, dandy, brush out E and this you can get anywhere. I got it at Ulta, it's just an Ulta brand. Hey I'm going to start on the left side of my head and I'm going to take the top section right here. Just maybe like this see this and keep your straightener on, because you might have to correct some things at the end. So take like this much see not really. It'S are only too much, not really that thick okay, what you're going to do is you're going to comb from here down. It'S called teasing. Your hair did the sixteen. They did not when we're spray. Oh and we still do it today, ladies and john, i want to do this for my again jess, because she actually does know things about beauty, and I just pretend to and don't worry about, like everything that messes up you were going to fix it later. It'S going to look really terrible at first teeth, not heart, then you're going to take a section. Basically, the entire back part of your hair right up. Just like that see and you're going to do the exact same thing. You'Re going to choose this part down, you're gon na have to really tease it. It'S harder to tease clean hair, because clean hair, just likes to you know, do its own thing like no we're not supposed to be teased, we're supposed to be natural and flow and flat to your head, Alex alright. So now we're gon na get just a moment over here, because my layers are short or we're. I don't really like to tease it as much in order to kind of naturally lifts up, because the layers are short. So I take just room right here: I'm gon na leave this banging part, though no tease this and now that everything's, like you, know, looking like that. What we're going to do is we're going to kind of just comb lightly over the top of your tease. So it doesn't look like you just kind of blending so to speak. I never really know what the back of my head looks like. So I don't actually know what the back looks any good, but we're just gon na have to you know we should pasta or something now, there's pieces that got kind of up curled and weird when I was doing it so you're just going to go back and Fix it with this tank, but this is basically what it looks like without the ponytail okay. So now what we're going to a start on our little side? Pone, what I like to call it - and here we go so what you're gon na need for this? It is some hairspray, so really I just decided to get this, which is matrix spraying harlow extra hold. My hair needs an extra heart block whole thing yeah for my hair because it likes fat. So I got this. This stuff is perfect because it actually smells good. It doesn't like leave the white crap in your hair. It'S not too, like. Oh, I like a really hairspray you're here today and you're going to need some bobby pins. Let me tell you, because that's the only way this hair style is going to stay, so I am little I'm trying to say literally so much because the last video I said it like probably 20 million times, so I have five bucket ins here. You don't really need to see if they look like you're a girl. You know to bobby pin. Is I use five, maybe sometimes just depending on how much I need. Sometimes I only four, but my hair is weird around layers. So what you're going to do is you're going to start on the left side again that you're going to kind of pick it up from the bottom and you're going to roll it. You want to roll it in I'm doing there. I hope you can see guys can see under you're going to rule, keep taking it and keep rolling it. So it looks like this from the front you're going to take some hair right over here, bring it down because it always looks much better now. What you're going to do is you're going to bobby, pin it right up here right here: okay, so the first I've been gon na push it up and do it you're going to do this and you're to stick it downwards? The first one was upwards. This one's downwards, you're, going to crisscross it with that bobby pins that stays better okay, you're going to just gather up a bunch of hair and roll it. So it looks rolled on the back like that, and that way it actually stays better. So now you're going to get two bobby pins again and clip it over here. Okay! So now you basically look like this huh, so you're gon na go over here, you're, going to again twist it and you're going to keep it kind of poufy. Here, it's okay! If some of the layers stay out, because it's actually kind of cute that way so you're going to twist it in - and I like to do - is through that color into my hair, and I like it to show like that. Okay, so now you basically, this is where you need your rubber band or your hairband and you're going to tie it. Ah, it up people the Internet, alright. So now I have this cool guy right here. That looks great look just great, so I need this extra bobby, pin and you're asking me do anything with it or just you know, stick it! No. You do not do this going to right over here, because sometimes this can get kind of droopy, especially staying really well for me right now, but sometimes it can get droopy in the bump can just kind so we're going to do is you're going to pin it Up backwards right here, where I'm going to choose to do it, so it looks like this from the side. So now, ladies and gentlemen, you are almost done almost now. You go to the hairspray, see how it kind of comes like this. You got to leave your bangs out, so it's it's really cute, really super cute, actually hairspray. I like to hair straighten out further back. I was just hair spray, honestly, the entire thing, but definitely spray the back yeah. That is what does the trick, and I am - and I would just also hairspray the curls, because those could you know uncurl. Okay, now you can turn off your chi or your. I want it right here: straightener yeah, because you're not what you have your from the back here in from the side. Here it is this the Sun. Yes, it is from the other side. I hope you guys enjoyed that time. We spent together cuz. I I just kind of basically took you on my everyday journey: well, not every day, jury, but my journey for some days. I like to do this a lot actually um. If the curling takes too long, you can do this without it being curling. You can totally skip the curling process, but you still have to straighten your hair, because every girl loves, I'm sure you get out of the shower. You build a dry it and it just you, don't just leave it like and it was like if you can just leave your hair after you just blow dry. It then can you please, because I can't do that. So if you guys want to see more of these kinds of videos, if even if you're a guy - maybe I don't know you like hanging out with girls - you do makeup hair girl things. I don't know it doesn't really matter while you're. Here, it's just cool that you're here. So if you are here, you want to keep seeing these videos, but what I need you to do. One thing you're going to have to subscribe right there there's my annotation third, I did it again, my new beauty channel. I stopped my music channel I'll put right there, haha whoop big one. I love you guys so much and I hope you have a fantastic day, but

SereBear13: Can't wait to try this out! Thanks for being amazing, I'm such a huge fan! Love the music and your tutorials :)

Fabiola J: Thank you sooo much for this tutorial, Alex! I'm gonna try it this weekend : )

Sunshine96: oh my god! I was hoping you would do a tutorial on this hairstyle! I love it so much~! You're amazing Alex!!! Keep doing beauty videos i love them and help out heaps with other girls struggling to find good products! Much love from Australia!

KassyLights: Your tutorials are amazing! It's nice to see a beauty person without super long hair(:

Daniela Gomez Cx: I'm a huge fan now! & I finally know how to correctly curl my hair with a straightner. She is amazing!

Lara Westhoff: I love your beauty channel! :) Please do more videos like this :)

Angela G: You are so gorgeous! Love this tutorial!

Abby Capps: Wow! I can learn to do something girly! Thank you Alex for the tutorials! :)

midgely98: You are a life saver!! I had been searching for curling tips for an hour and then came on here and your tips worked!!! Thank you

andrea valle: omg! Now I can do my daily hair with this! Thank you. I also have the "sexy curl" Shampoo and conditioner :)

TooManyDemonNinjas: My hair weirdly looks better left down after I've blow dried it than left down on any other day. Nice tutorial!

Samantha Hindes: Thank you for teaching me how to curl my hair with a straightener! I used a curling iron on my hair yday for like the first time in years and burned my neck... ouch. lol. Love my straightener :)

roselia dominguez: I love your hair tutorial video !!! So enjoyable !!

dancingThePasion: You're so gorgeous. Love the video(: look forward to seeing more.

HeyitsHeenuhJoy: Yeahh, most of the time I blow dry my hair and just leave it.. Haha you can definitely be me ^_^ LOVE this tutorial! Cannot wait to try it!

Daryl Denise: 3:05 WOW That made my heart beat faster! and yes every girl is magical! btw love your music <3

Jay1228: TOTALLY trying this on my hair this weekend!!

JasCreamberry: Well I once tried that and I always burn my fingers when I try to curl my hair like you do in the video. Do you might have tips for me? Oh and I'd love to see more hair tutorials I bet you have some really lovely hairstyles (;

Andy van der Straeten: Holy cow didn't know doing your hair will take soooo long and is sooo much work. But it's worth every minute. You look gorgeous =) Just watched the whole thing to see you in close up <3

April Egwu: THANK YOU SOO MUCH! I can now do this!

June: i'm gonna try it !! you are so beautiful <3

maijaao: i looooooooove your hair in 'mean' <3 have you done those curls also with straighning? so beautiful :)

Daniela〈3: U should do an updated everyday makeup tutorial pleaseee:)

Jenna Vandepoele: Keep doing this! I Love It !!

Trysta Portschy: Can you do my hair like this for me? Lol. I lie you alex! You have to do more of these!!!

Faith Williams: your hair is so pretty before you even styled it omg i wish i had your hair

Arianne Laroche: very beautiful :D and no i just brush my hair after a shower (no blow dryer) and it looks great :P

v: yup new favorite beauty guru! you're so natural and not all scripted out... i like that.

Hannah Rosen: I'm the same way I only curl my hair with a straightener :) love you Alex!

Valerie Ramos: i love it im gunna do it everyday now

Victoria Tabusso: Funny, pretty, she is perfect, i love her videos !

Franny: I can actually leave my hair the way it is after blow drying :)

nemany: Love ur hair! You have a great personality!

Amber Ashby: I can get out of the shower, pick through my hair while it it still freshly wet and then just throw so sculpting foam in it and let it air dry and it looks like I just freshly curled it ! (:

Shawna Campbell: i love your video. That you dont use like technical terms which can kind of get confusing when the "beauty gurus" do it. Also you make me laugh, "we will just have to wish upon a star or something" thats awesome. Anyways your awesome, make more videos like this!

alexxthe04: you're so pretty and I love your videos so much <3 (:

Briana Marie: Okay, I just became a huge fan. She's so much fun!

helle rossen: omg i love you! your just as cute and funny and amazing as jenna marbles! haha role modell !!! continue doing what you love, and ill always watch it! LOVE YOU ALEX

Tiara Cinte: Ahmigawd. Your hair is pretty and so is your singing!

cassiec2010: I don't blow dry my hair, but I let it air dry in my sleep...'cause that's how I roll. Anyway, I usually don't have to do anything to it for it to look good. If it's to frizzy, I'll wet it down a little. My hair is a wavy/curly mix.

Anaiya Leah: ur hair looks really good and i love ur eye lashes xxxxxx :)


Cynthia Kumari: Cool hairstyle, gonna try it out ;-)

Cerys'xo: I can just get out the shower or whatever and I don't need to straighten or whatever my hair, it's naturally dead straight!!!!! <3 loved the video, ur sooo funneh:D

xxMerledh: I love your hair! wednesday I'm goin to cut my hair just like your hair! love from Holland ! xoxo

TheCapitaineCarnage: You look wonderful with your hair normal :-o I think I'm in love :-o

swtd12eams: Hi Alex, please do a tutorial on your eyeliner. Thanks.

janeane017: This video is just so happy! haha and i actually let my hair air dry, and just put some product so that it doesnt frizz up :)

Chantie: I actually never blow dry my hair haha. I usually take a show before I got to bed and then let it dry over night. sometimes when I wake up and have some time left I straighten my hair but it actually doesn't matter if it's curly or not because when I comb it, it kinda straightens itself lol kinda weird I know.

Julie L: alright, thanks! it looks great!

Viraj Acharya: u look beautiful dear ! with or without the curls !

Claire Duval: Girl you're awesome!

Sarah Carranza: Alex I love you soo much!!! You're hilarious!!!!!

Tina Rudolph: please do a bedtime routine!!

Liliana Lindley: iLove her she's SO crazy and makes may daay ! <3 Its sweet how she talks hecka long and makes her laugh by herself :) She makes me love myself for being a woman ! (: LOL

jhorddy cifuentes: Gorgeous!!!!!!

Nitaino Lugo: Its your eyes, your eyes is what attracts my attention lol youre really beautiful and i love your music :)

unixcorp90: OMG!! You are so beautiful! And you know what I just started following you!

hazzabazzatunic: She is literally perfect...

Jessica Haaland: O M G Love That Hair Style You Are Like My Idol You Are The Reason I Am Not Giving Up On Singing .<3

flipthetop11: thank you:) love it -3

jenn: So this is what you would look like with black hair! You should dye it black one day :D It looks good :)

ElsV9: Can you do a fishtail braid tutorial, please ???

Julie: Thanks for the reply :) I usually shower in the morning so I will try your tip this weekend!

AssiieJj: O my gosh! We do the same thing lol! With the blow dry and the ponytail on your head!

roselia dominguez: Do a tutorial on side fishtail Baird !!!!!!!!!(:

Kayyy Kayyy: Ahh you always make me laugh. You''re funny and pretty. Love you .

Ferlin Pinto: omg when you let go of ur hair you look sopretty and pretty every time too! :)

Naysha Brielle: Your so random, and funny. You are like perfect. (No ones perfect, i know) I watch all of Ur videos. Thank you to make my internet time AWESOME!

Katelyn Rauch: I LOVE your music but you r also freakin BEAUTIFUL too

wakeamy: Do you have tips for curling the back of your head? My back curls never turn out as good as my front sides.

Kylee Sniffen: There was nothing popping up and I love that hair tutorial I'm gonna try it lol love it

MikaylaK: Love this. Your awesome. The end:)

Brooke Wortley: what color do you suggest to dye the underside of my hair if it's dirty blonde?

IMakeBoringVideos: i don't even want to learn how to do the hair, i just enjoy watching. :) Alex G entertainment

baroc00: so i was just watching some motorcycle videos in the middle of the night and idk how did i get here, i usually dont watch this kind of videos but i realize ive been watching her videos for the whole time! i dont care about the hair tutorial you're beauty is so stunning i like your eyes :) im subscribe now lmaooo

Hasyir Ibrahim: I'm a guy. I came here because Alex is one gorgeous human being.

Jessica Rahel: I leave my hair alone even after just getting out of the shower without blow drying but it's probably because I don't care much about my hair haha

Corey Fahy: Haha watched it :O you are straight up stunning :D love from the uk girl

Faith Wright: I look up to u so much!! Ur amazing!

Jessica Ruiz: i can only blow dry it. I would switch with you anytime.! your amazing.!!<3

babesters6: Smokey eye tutorial :)

Jenny Parkins: lol you're hilarious. :) fun to watch. and you're beautiful!

heyitscarly k: after i shower i don't even blow dry my hair so it turns out to be curly on the inside kind of straight on the outside idk but i find it pretty

live long: you have an amazing personality

yareli ruiz: hello alex im a big fan and youre really pretty and you have a beutiful voice

Reet Jetwani: hey alex can you do the hair tutorial for the hairstyle u made in 'I want crazy'.

Angela Martinez: I did it thankkk you !

Danny Garfield: Is it weird that I have very little interest in hair tutorials, but I still watched this entire video quite happily? I think I was "stolen by your eyes" :D. Sorry that was awful.. haha

Bianca Becker: Bet you're the only person on youtube who doesn't use expensive brands! Makes you very likeable :)

TheAwesomeSimon: I'm watching this videos just cuz ur soooooo pretty ♥

Hannah Chisum: What products do you use in your hair on a regular basis?

Karina Castaneda: I love your hair color ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Bonni3rox: You're so gorgeous!!

Jasmin: you are awesome. I love the way you talk to yourself :D

EmCav8: What do u suggest to tell a hair stylist if I want color in my hair in the same place as u? Is it just a few sections in the underneath hair? I love it!,

Amulya Ananth: Omg ur soo pretty!! Love ur voicee!! :D

Kamfshrai: oh, guys (like me ;) are not here, because we want to do any "hair-girl-things" but rather because you are so beautiful and fetching :) tell us "the world is flat and 3 is more than 5" ... we wouldn't doubt, because we wouldn't think about it. We are distracted by your prettiness!

Sheila J: what kinda hairspray do you use? i also have the issue where my curls like to fall out

Desirae Rivas: Omg your soooo beautiful!! :)

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