3 Ways To Get A Perky Ponytail!

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Hey everyone Kaylee here, so this is what my ponytail looks like on a daily basis. If I don't do anything - and this is what it looks like after I've used the three tricks that I'm going to show you today, I really prefer to have a nice looking ponytail rather than a kind of droopy one. So let's go ahead and talk about some things that you can do to help your ponytail be a little bit more perky than this cuz. This, I think, is just a wee bit sad. So first thing you can do is add in a second hair elastic. What this is going to do is add some tightness to the ponytail, so it takes the slack out of your hair. It also adds some bulk to the holder, so it helps your hair to stick out a little bit further from your head, which gives the illusion of more volume. So you can see here we're already making a difference now this next one is going to require some bobby pins and what you're, basically going to do is use your bobby pin to grab one loop from your hair tie and the further you go out away from Your head, the more volume you're gon na get in the more porkiness you're gon na get then you're just going to rotate the bobby pin until it's up against your head and push down underneath the elastic and that's basically just Bobby pinning the elastic so that'll hold Your hair a little higher it makes it a little bit more perky looking and you can already see the difference that makes compared to the original ponytail and the well with two bands. So, finally, we're gon na finish off with some clip ease. Now I'm using really little ones, but you can really amp up the volume by getting bigger ones as well. If you want to what I do is I separate part of my hair and I just Nestle the clip down and into my hair and then I take another little piece a little further up and I put a second one in there. You don't have to use two. I just really like to bump up the volume and what that does is it adds extra whips to your ponytail. So it makes you look like you have more hair and it creates a nice little curve from your ponytail. So it gives you that kind of nice little arc to shape, and that is it for this tutorial. I hope you guys have enjoyed that and you don't have to use all three. You can just choose one and if you try them be sure to show me on Twitter or Instagram and I'll see you guys in my next video well bye. You

Kayley Melissa: Thanks!! I've loved doing them :D.

liaatreides: Thank you so much for these tips! Really helped me a lot :D i was wondering why my ponytail always looked so droopy i thought it was just my hair and that i just had to live it so im so glad u shared these tips with us! Now my ponytail looks so much better just like the people in films

Kayley Melissa: That's actually just my natural hair texture. I didn't do anything to it other than add some leave in conditioner and hit the roots with a blow dryer.

Shelby Dimel: I love it! I'm always looking for ways to spice up my pony-tail can't wait to try these out! Especially the bobby-pin one I never would have thought to do that! I always teased my hair and then pulled on it and messed with it until it had volume but it always fell by the middle of the day!

Sara Schultz: Hi Kaley! I would love it if you could do some tutorials for the hairstyles worn by the main characters of the television show Mako Mermaids. They always have really beautiful braid based hairstyles (often adorned by cute, tiny shells since they're mermaids) and they remind me of hairstyles that you seem to be good at recreating! I'd love to see you do some of them.

Kayley Melissa: They're usually called jaw clips or claw clips :)

Blue Spray paint: what i like to do is tease my hair in the middle near the base. It adds volume and perkiness! p.s I've really been loving these little quick tip videos you have been making!

Jaime Pech: I have really long hair that usually weighs down my ponytails so I always end up doing a low pony. I will definitely try these tips next time! Thank you!

LadyLynn007: My hair in a ponytail is always small at the elastic and then very voluminous at the end, because I've got thick hair (and a lot of it :p). So I always use the last trick to also have some volume there, which I learned from one of your previous videos :D So, many thanks!

Julia Zimtstern: Yes! Thanks so much! I will definitely try this the next time I put my hair into a ponytail. Keep it up, love you! xo

Łucja Maria: Sooo going to try this right now! I was wondering for way too long what to do to make my ponytail look like this and FINALLY secret revealed! :D Love ya!

Katherine M. Hammons: Love these tips! I have to wear my hair up & away from my face & shoulders for work, so I love these to make my ponytails put together than my everyday loose pony. :)

unicornrocketstars: what a cool little trick!! i'm definitely doing this one!! my ponytail is in desperate need for this!! thanks girlie!! xxx

Doodles: Thanks for the bobby pin tip, it's quite useful. I've been meaning to buy the little clips since you showed it in a previous hair tut, but the bobby seems to work quite well too.

cosmina ina: this is great! so perfect for me..I always have my hair in a ponytail..ant the two elastics and the mini clips are so easy to do! THANKS!

KatjaMunich: That is AWESOME! I have super thick hair that never wants to hold up in a ponytail. You are a life saver right now!!

Lindsay Sarria: Your videos are always so incredibly helpful!! You're fabulous :)

Rtista724: Wonderful! I always have saggy ponytails because my hair is so heavy, this is genius!

Carissa Nanagas: I love this video because, it's short, easy to do, and clear. In addition, there are not too many "complicated" or "expensive" products that we have to buy or even order online. Super thanks. =)

Lea K.: The quick tips you' ve been doing recently are great <3

Plosive: I'm so excited to try these! My hair is super thick and heavy so if I can stand to have my ponytail above the nape of my neck it gets super droopy :( Thanks so much!

JarofArts: I never thought there are tricks to make a ponytail look perfect so thanks for this video

Danielle Thompson: Love, Love, Love this video bc I wear ponytails often! Thank you :). Can you show how to do a bump sometime when you get a chance? Thank you!!

Andeker Y. F.: i gotta say...i have been searching for this for long long times....my pony tail is exactly like that...that's why i dont do pony tail when i go out, now i can solve it and do it whenever i want to!!! thank you so much <3 love you!!!

Ana Costa: so simple but helpful! thanks !! :)

Meriem ER-RAMI: I've always had this problem with my ponytails that I gave up wearing them, now you gave me hope :D Thanks a lot :D

yo_fit jamie22: I really like the second hair tie and the clip method.. I tried them and they work really well (:

Brenna L: For your next video can you please do cute and easy hairstyles for picture day?

CrownJules: My favorite method is to section off a rectangular portion off the top of the hair. Make a normal sauce ponytail with bottom section. Tease top half if you feel like. Drape top section over bottom section ponytail and tie with a second elastic. Bam! Non droopy but natural looking ponytail.

Moriah M: i really like how u show the before and after pictures so we can see how much it really helps

hollywoodbacklot: You look so perfect! Thanks for the tips!!

Allee2012: Love these tricks! Definitely trying these out. Thanks :)

LindseyLand22: Awesome tips! These are super helpful! :)

jeninegrey: Absolutely LOVED these ideas! Thanks! :)

Samantha G.: This is so useful !! Love it

peppapig: Instead of using two hair ties, I've found that using one thicker hair tie works well too!

allthingsbeauty162506: Please so a hair care routine! Your hair is perfect! x

Teresa Payne: So clever! Thanks for the tips. Just say no to droopy ponytails!!!!!! =D

Brooke Williams: these are actually some really good tips! I dont like wearing my hair in a ponytail when i go out for the reasons you mentioned, so i 'll have to try those to give a myself a cuter ponytail

züleyha ceylan: this is very nice cause I love making my ponytail higher but I wasnt very succesfull about it,actually I prefer my ponytail with second day curls it looks lovely,I am sure now it gonna look lovelier :)

Kountry Gurl: Ya. Droopy ponytails are no fun and because I have super long heavy hair I haven't been able to find a way to make them perky. :-) This looks like the perfect solution.

jms465: Great tips! Thank you xx

thisistas: OMG thank you! i needed this. my pony tails are so bad. they're practically laying on the back of my neck.

miadorkking: Loved it! Thank you! :)

chuiyich: those are really great tips, help me a lot, thanks, xx

Kiran Bains: That is the most useful video I have watched in ages.....thank you.

Maya Dise: Love it! The details that make a difference :D

Elion: for the second one, i do that, and it does work. but the bobby pin hurts my scalp, after a while. am i doing it wrong? how do you prevent that?

Amalie Poulsen: Wauw, i love these tips! I dont wear ponytail other than in P.E, but I will deffintly try this the next time!

jellybeans7854: can you do hair styles for people with short hair please :)

jodiepinkable: was literally just fighting my hair to do this and then gave up, THANK YOU

Claralaraballerinabear: I used to be the same. But basically what I did was I let it get oily for a day and washed it a day later then I normally would. Did the same a few days later. My hair gradually got used to the amount of shampooing it was getting. I'm not sure if this works for all hair but you should really try it. From what I heard, the more you strip away your hairs natural oils, the more it tries to produce more oils which is what makes it appear greasy.

Mary Chin: I love your quick tip vids and braids

Lynn Levy: The first tip is my favorite :) I don't really use clips & bobby pins.

ilkim y: love your tips! :)

Kristin Briley: I love the use of the clips instead of back combing.

nsbhater: Excellent!! Thx for sharing! :)

KrissyPine: Super helpful!

annabelleceleste: Love your makeup in this(:

Chloe Lee: Thanks for the helpful tips!

*insert username here*: Thank you so much for sharing these tricks I have very fine and little hair!!! Greetings from Singapore!!

Hurdle Girl: KAILEY! I NEED YOUR HELP!! I'm going to a Zombie dance in a couple of days and I really need you to do a video on your awesome makeup from the Halloween Zombie / Dead / Witch Hair tutorial. PLEASE!!

jlammetje: The little clips from the last step simply slide out of my hair during the day :( and before they slide out, they're showing because my hair will fall around them instead of over them. Any tips?

Nastya Angel: love it <3

TheMspilot: please do a demo on how did you prep u r hair before u made u r ponytail.. it looks really neat..

Marina Pascua: PLEASE!!, can you make a tutorial of how you shave your eyebrows?I love them and want to give mine the same design!! From Spain! :D xo!

Nail Polish Babe: I love these style of videos!! :DD

Olga Lucía Domínguez: Please please do a make up tutorial!

Малика Гаджикурбанова: It was a very beautiful hairstyle. These are the people who can ... you just hope and learns.. well Done...... Happy for you.)

Black Mamba: Great tips thank you!

Alyssa C: Love this!!

chemicalveils: I've had this problem my whole life, oh my god I think I love you, thank you so much.

Livi170: this is great! thank you

Sanskriti: this may sound weird if you want to keep your hair cleaner for longer you basically just need to wash it less then it will give your body more time to make the oils so your hair will stay cleaner for longer. i suggest getting a good dry shampoo that'll help you :)

Yoda Da Pug: So cute.. Love the tip

Bellalisaable: how often do you need to wash your hair? mine gets oily after two days and i was wondering if theirs any way to make it cleaner for longer

kam2490: Love these :)

Natalie S: So useful:)

Valeria Revill: I love your hair tips. Grettings from Mexico

blackcoff: OMG wonderful trick!! thank you loadssss

ninjaGlamour: genius. i am trying these today!

Reem Abdulhussein: You are really creative!

Sonali Singh: Can you please do a video for people with short hair....I could really use your help

Luckiusmalfoy: Could your tutorials be any more amazing?

Lablueann: Smart tutorial :)

Marlyn Diaz: Can you do one so the hair under the hair tie looks bigger. Like as if you actually have more hair without having to tease it. Idk if you understand me but basically I just want to know a way to make it look like a thicker ponytail. Please I'm a 15 year old girl who is loosing a lot of hair and I need to find a way to make my ponytails not look so thin and ugly!

Blue Spray paint: Could you please do some videos of hair styles that you can do in 5 minutes when your in a rush? Iknow you have some older ivdeos with those hairstyles, b=ut there all updos,so i think some down dos would be nice! thanks in advanced if you do end up doning it.

jasochoa94: I love this trick im glad I found your channel its great ♥♡ :D !

Anything But Average: How did you get your hair to become a bit thicker. I've been watching your videos for....i don't even know how long..forever? lol and I've noticed that over the past 6 months or so, your hair has increased in volume and your ponytail is thicker (even without your methods). I was just wondering if there is anything special you did.

Uscrazygirls20: Please do a video on what camera and editor u use !!! And makeup collection xxx love ur videos

Chloe'_Love: I don't care for the way the second one hangs, you can tell something is holding it and it doesn't look natural. I liked 1 and 3 and thought they were good tips. For me i have pretty thick hair but the higher i set my pony tail this simply makes it look perky with nothing else done to it. Depending on how old my pony tail holders are option 1 might be a good choice, my hair breaks down ponytail holders fast just because it is thick.

Kristina R.: But what if you have a "nice" ponitail and want a "dropy" one because you think it looks prettier?

katieD: I have the same brush!!

joystixxify: i don't know of any product that keeps your hair from getting oily. i have the same problem because i have very oily skin so after one day my roots look pretty gross. don't wash your hair every day because that strips your hair of its natural oils and only makes the problem worse. i wash my hair every second day (i really cant go longer without) and use dry shampoo for the days in between to absorb the oil. i use Batiste which is great. Garnier dry shampoo didn't do anything on my hair.

Irina: Great ideas!!

overlee: A second hair elastic? I need 4-5 to just have a regular ponytail in the first place :)

Cathy: Besides dry shampoo? It also helps to just not wash it as often, because (believe it or not) overwashing it actually stimulates the scalp to produce more oil... Vicious cycle, right?

7ThisIsNotMyRealName: Cool! I like last tip the best.

Katie Knarr: She's amazing and beautiful too!

fluffyblush: Please do another makeup tutorial

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