Aging And Curly Hair For Women 50 And Older

This video will look at the special issues women over 50 have with their hair like thinning, graying, and changing texture.

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I used Color WOW Root Cover Up in this video. You can find it at a lot of places. For example:




It lasts a long time. I’ve had mine for years!

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I'M Cynthia the curly baby boomer and this video is aging and curly hair lessons from the baby boomer. If you saw my last video curly hair rescue, I want to thank you very much for viewing it, and I want to tell you a little bit about this. Video this one focuses on an issue specific to women over fifty which are thinning, hair, graying, hair and changing texture at our age. We may have all of these issues, but it's doubtful. We have none of these issues. So if you like, this video make sure you check like and subscribe to be alerted to any upcoming videos I have in the future, I'm 63, and I feel now that I'm older, I have more confidence that I had in the past. I don't put up with BS the way I used to, and I really know what's important now for the bad stuff. Okay, let's face it aging sucks. It does a number on our bodies, it does a number on our face and it does a number on our hair. Let'S start with thinning hair, so we all want to be thinner when we get older, but we don't want to be thinner. On top of our heads and research shows that by the time were, 50 50 to 60 percent of us will be thinner. On top of our heads, I had a discussion with my dermatologists about that and she said that 80 % of the patients that she sees have thinning hair 80 %. That'S really major. There are other places that we lose hair to like our arms and our legs. You may have noticed that you don't shave as often which is good and there are other places that we lose hair too, like you may have noticed your eyebrows. I for one, have lost the tails of my eyebrows and you may think. Okay. Well, you see the tails of my eyebrows well makeup baby, so the hair that we lose on top of her heads will wind up on our chin and upper lip. So my dermatologist also told me that if a woman tells you that that's not the case, that hasn't happened, she's lying hmm. So what's the cause of all this strange phenomenon, it's the loss of estrogen and the loss of estrogen kind of mimic. What happens with men? More hair on the face less hair on the head, but we don't have the same pattern that men have when they lose hair. Women tend to lose hair by losing hair around the hairline and in the part, and an extreme version of that would be called female pattern. Baldness which looks like this, what can you do? First of all, don't freak out it's common to lose about a hundred hairs. A day, and just speaking for myself when I comb my hair in the shower, what remains is what looks a lot like a dead animal, see a big change and maybe due to something else, a medical condition such as the thyroid, abnormality or anemia, or a skin Condition or a vitamin D deficiency, so it might be something worth looking into. Another thing you may want to check with your doctor about is, if you're, a good candidate for minoxidil or Rogaine, which is the same thing, and although you don't need a prescription for that, they can tell you, for example, what strength lotion might be good for. You. There'S some controversy, whether 2 % or 5 % might be good. So minoxidil is something that years ago they were using to treat blood pressure and they found that it was a way that they redrew hair. Quite accidentally. They do use it first initially for men and then for women, but it's something that has to be used on a daily basis for women once a day. But then it has to be used for the rest of your life, but it can regrow hair and up to 80 % of cases, definitely something to check out. Another reason that you could be experienced, hair loss is because of breakage and to understand breakage. You really need to understand something about the structure of hair, so so here we see a picture of the hair shaft and that's the part. That'S protruding. The skin, except ours, is not coming in straight. It'S coming out, curly the outermost layer of that hair. Shaft is going to be the cuticle, and the cuticle looks like overlapping tiles like a tile on a roof, so that is the part, that's susceptible to damage and breakage, and that's the part that we need to protect here are some ways to protect your cuticle. First limit your of drying time and that's with hot tools, including your blow-dryer. So the longer you sit with a really hot blow-dryer or a or are curling iron which we want to over with completely. But that's for another topic, the more you have a chance for damaging your cuticle and damaging your hair and thinning your hair. Second, you want to set your blow-dryer to the lowest possible setting, so the height of your setting, the more chance for damage of the cuticle and the thinner your hair is going to eventually be. The last thing is to give your hair a vacation. So, on those days that you don't have to rush out the door, air dry, your hair or skip the whole drying process completely and put your hair back in a ponytail put it up, do something just to lower your exposure to heat drying tools, comple --! Let'S move on to our next topic going gray, so most people have gray hair sometime in their 40s, not all gray, but starting to get gray. But this is strongly dependent on your genetics. My daughter had a lot of gray hair in her 20s, just like my husband, my son, did to me. I didn't have much gray hair until I hit my late 40s early 50s and my dad had the same kind of pattern. How do you really feel about your gray hair? It really does make a difference, but I can say for people with curly hair. It may not be as obvious, because we don't have that straight part, that a lot of women with straight hair have that you can really see. Is here only see my part, my gray hair tends to grow at the temples. I don't know if you can see it right now, but it's it's growing in right at the hairline, which is where my gray hair tends to grow in and to cover my gray hair in between getting it colored, which I do. I use this product which is kind of like brown eyeshadow, but I'd kind of brush it in my hair, which doesn't last long, but it's what I use and there's a lot of products on the market for that purpose. I'Ll provide a link for the product that I use below. You can check it out, or you can put a comment in to describe which product that you like to use to cover your gray. If you do cover your gray, let's think about not covering our gray. A lot of women don't cover their gray and it's actually kind of a trend right now. So how do you feel about it? Where are you in this whole gray process? Are you ready to go gray? Are you not ready, I'm not quite ready, but I'm not all gray right now, I'd love to hear your comments on the topic. The last topic is changing. Texture and what's happening as your hair is graying, is that the internal structure of your hair is changing. So if you look at your hair follicle what's happening is that the follicle is bleaching from the inside out as your hair is bleaching, your hair is getting thicker, it's getting coarser it's getting more brittle and that's affecting your overall texture. There can also be a buildup of the chemicals that you've used over the years, so, if you've straightened your hair, if you've done color processes, if you've done straightening processes, all of that can have an effect of changing the texture of your hair. Also, if you lighten your hair more than two colors that can have an overall effect of drying your hair it could, it could lead to breakage. It can do a lot of damage. So most stylists recommend that you don't lighten your hair more than two colors lighter than your natural shade. I'Ve also had friends tell me that their hair has just changed over time. So hair that was once sticks straight is now wavy, so it just changes over time from for many people, not everybody, but many people, mine, has not changed at all. How is your hair change? Let me know in the comments now's your chance to share your thoughts with other baby boomers. I'M sure everybody is really anxious to hear what you have to say on these topics in my next video I'm gon na be talking about my curly hair routine. What I actually do, how I do it, what products I use so thanks so much for watching. I really appreciate it and I'll see you next time.

D L: Great video - thank you so much !! My graying experience is similar to yours, graying mainly at the temples - not a huge biggie for me. What IS a biggie is not being able to find a good cut & style for my naturally curly, wiry gray, fine textured, medium thickness hair. I think any haircut away from the sides of my face looks best (pixie) but I want to be able to cut it myself (for the next pandemic) OR (like now) I'm letting it grow out into a longer look, but will put it up in a bun, thinking this is best for the next pandemic. Wearing it long , which I wish I could do, just looks too puffy and makes my full face look fuller or makes it look saggier. Only if big hair were in again. . . please help!

thatgirlsandra: Thanks for your video. I really liked the scientific explanations and images to help understand what's happening with my hair. It was straight as a kid until puberty, and it's been about as curly as yours since. I have the same exact graying pattern as you. I'm 42 and dying it for now. Hopefully someday I can embrace it but not yet! :) Also - I air dry my hair 100% of the time. If people think they have to blow dry, they should try different styling products that have better results from air drying. Experiment.

Robin Taylor: Loved your calm delivery and explanations. I'm almost 71 & fit most all of what you describe! I can see my scalp on the top of my head and have shoulder length hair that's straight and frizzy on top and curly and frizzy on the rest. Its maddening! I do use Tressame dark blonde Root cover up spray available at Amazon, grocery and drugstores. It dries quickly and doesn't rub off. Covers gray beautifully too.

April N.: You look awesome!! I’m not over 50 yet, but almost 50. I’ve noticed that my hair texture is getting finer, but I also have much thinner hair than I used to, but I’ve also had multiple brain surgeries, so have a lot of scars on my scalp, so that’s caused it to thin a lot. I’m also on almost 30 pills a day now because of all my health issues, which also hasn’t helped with my hair thickness, either

Adele Dupuis-Miller: Hi, just found you! I am almost 73 and have fought my curls most of my life. I have decided to just let them be. Now, I have to think about my colour. A few years ago, I tried going with what nature gave me, which is salt and pepper hair that turned out to look just like Christmas tinsel in the natural light. Sounds a lot more festive than it looked. It was ridiculous and I felt silly. So, I am still having my hair coloured although it has changed as I grow older into a more suitable shade. Now, my question is should I try the salt and pepper thing again or would I pretty much have the same experience. Thanks for your opinion and I look forward to seeing more of your videos!

Laura Lewis: I embraced my grey about 15 years ago. Now I struggle with finding the right products for this new texture (I continued to straighten it until about 5 years ago). The quest continues.

R Smith: My mum has curly hair. It would have had a goldilocks curl pattern when she was younger (like my little sister), but she was always shamed for it by her abusive mother. So, she would always brush it a lot, it gets frizzy, then she ties it away. Now she's in her 50s she still refuses to style it beyond putting a pea sized amount of frizzease and tying it back (top knot on top, then a ponytail, and lots of clips and combs) so that no hair slicks out. If she even leaves out the front she'll pick at it and call it frizzy, when it's really just a curl trying to get body. She's permed it (in the 80s), won't try curlers as her mother used them, thinks straightening looks 'weird' on her, and basically wants straight hair flat to her head (although she'd probably complain if she had that to). It took me years to convince her to use baby shampoo to not strip her hair, she's FAR away from putting on a hair mask. How do I convince her to take pride in her hair and look after it.

Linda Russ: My hair is mostly white on the sides, AND the white hair is Straight! The rest of my hair is still somewhat brunette, and semi- curly. It’s falling out a lot. So I’m looking for ideas and advice! Thanks for your insight.

Christine D: I just urned 69 and have fought my curls since my teens, during the pandemic my husband saw I was always blowing it out, using flat irons, and he said why don’t you wear your hair natural, I thought it would look hideous but to my surprise, I love it, it looks shiny, and healthy, and it took me a day to get used to it. My husband told me he loved my curls, and to wear it as God intended me to... I feel,liberated, and the best thing is I have no more frizz... as far as gray, I will never go gray, the color adds body to my hair and improves the texture, until,it’s time to go back and get color again I just subscribed, great content

Rebecca Matteson: My hair used to be alot thicker and curlier. Its lost alot of curl but the texture is still the same. Very fine. I'm 53 and mostly grey now.

Nancy Hoskins: Appreciate this video. I have my hair low lighted. It grows out with such a tell tale line of demarcation. My hair is fine, I was hoping for coarser hair with more body as it turned gray.

Jill Peacock: Medications along with having cancer years ago, then pancreatitis destroyed my hair... Then age. I'm happy it grows pretty good. Hey, it could be worse. I try to take care of mine. Should get a silk or satin pillowcase. It's better and easier on your hair. Boy, this lady hits all our subjects we all don't like. Grey hairs sometimes are coarser and just stand right up. Oh goody. Right? I'm 71 , maybe 50-60% grey. I could be wrong. But I'm natural. It's all about the stupid hormones. I have to shave my upper lip chin jaw line and underneath. Ugh... Waxing I found leaves bumps. It's supposed to stop hair from growing as much and as coarse. NOT ME. So now I'm in blood thinners. I shave. Use hydrogen peroxide to close the pores. Don't want to smell like a guy. I use Barbasol and Shock razor. If I'm in a hurry to leave, or company coming. Rush on and use my electric shaver. Skin is thinner on cheeks and hands. I've been using Neutragena Hydro Boost extra dry gel cream. After washing your face . Use cool water to rinse. Pat dry but leave it damp. Take a peak size drop of hydro boost and just lightly massage in face neck under eyes and upper chest. Leaves a nice slickery feel. Wait a bit. Then put your moisturizer on. Ceramides are very good for our skin. CeraVe purple night cream is what I'm going to buy next. They're eye cream in that skinny tube. Definitely works too reduce swelling or puffy eyes and bags. Allergies and sinus cause these. If my face feels dry later.. I'll give it a little spray must I bought years ago at the Body Shop. It was a pink bottle had Vitamin E in it. As far as skin repair.. I like Vaseline Advanced Repair. It works on body, hands, everywhere. And it's cheap. Leave the skin damp, then rub it in. Dr Dray on YouTube Dermatologist, says you can use it on your face. But I don't. She said the Neutragena Hydro Boost extra dry gel cream.. gave excellent results fast. I personally noticed a difference after the first use . I use it at bedtime. Always wear sunblock out side. I have also used Collagen powder. You mix it in your coffee or whatever. But take vitamin C and Hyluronic Acid with it. You WILL see results. Within two weeks. Hair does grow. All over. It helps joints as well. Hair skin and nails. Bone broth is good too... Gelatine. .. What you can afford or make your own bone broth. It's good for you and your immune system. Make sure to use cartilage also. That's your collagen (natural). There's also a lady on YouTube that does facercize. Look at her before and after s. It works. Exercises for hooded eyes. Wayne Goss is great with makeup. On YouTube. There's ways to disguise out droopy eyelids. Do a few exercises, walking etc. And most importantly... Love yourself and have self confidence. I think these are important things for us, as we age. If you're having a hard time this year. Don't give up. I thought I was ready for the nursing home last year. They say COPD doesn't go away. Hmmmm I believe God blest me. It's a long story. But, last year I had to buy a booster seat for the toilet. Bad knees and hips. Plus back AFib asthma high blood pressure. This year. .I can breathe. I bought a couple breathing tools on Amazon. I bought a pulmonology book. Tells about eating healthy, what to avoid, but importantly breathing exercises that help. Dr Gho on YouTube has great exercises too. Also used Himalayan salt breathing respirator. It cuts down time for allergies... Colds too they say. But it helped my lungs. My COPD is gone, I can get on and off the toilet on my own, and I walk most of the time without my cane. For joints the best collagen is Great Lakes Bone Collagen. That really helped mine the most. I've tried a lot of them. Cause I've taken it for a couple years or more. Biotin liquid used orally does work tremendous. But, I read too much can cause heart attacks, it can affect blood test results. I did notice that after I stopped it. My AFib has not been bothering me anymore. Hope I've helped someone. God Bless

Adie 480: I'm 71. What I miss most is that instead of curls I now have wirey frizz. I feel like my hair Always looks messy. I can't find a gel stiff enough to hold up in humidity (yet look natural). I'm happy ti have found you!

Ginger Williams: hair turns back to frizzy after hours in hair rollers. what to do?

esgravois: Thanks for doing this!

Sana Garibaldi: I’m 63 and I am not lying…I do not have hair on my chin or my upper lip. I never have had hair there. I have never had a lot of hair on my body either. I am part scottish and part mexican. I have smooth, barely blemished skin. I have some age spots, hardly any wrinkles but I DO have jowls. I hate jowls. I gray in slivers all over my head with one gray stripe on the right side of my head similar to Cruela Devil. My hair is wavy in some places, curly in others, and coily on the bottom around the back of my neck. My hair seems thinner at the crown of my head although when I put in my hair products, it appears very thick. I have been coloring my hair since I was in my early 20’s and during that time when my hair wouldn’t do what I wanted it to do, I would get piggyback perms to make it curly all over but in the same type of curl. Nowadays, I just wish I could get it to curl again. Some days its really curly and other days its really wavy. I’m at the point where I just put it in a bun and done!

Nan P: You don’t look your age!! You look great!

Lina Kツ: Aging sucks but think of the alternative... Lol!

Judith Farringer: I could use some help. Just turned 69 2 days ago. Been on6 plus meds for years. My hair is damaged because I’ve been dying it for52 years. And it’s auburn. But really gray. Husband doesn’t like gray and 4 years younger. Help please

Leanne S: My hair is basically Mrs. Claus white at the roots and I'm letting it grow in. Should I get it cut really short or just rock the two toned look. Dyed brown at the bottom and white at the roots? Whats your take on going really short (like two inches long everywhere) It a big step and I'm conflicted.

Carmelina Subervi: Nice video! Glad I found you.

Chris A: My hair was straight & long for years. As soon as I hit menopause it has become curly, grows slower & really turning white. I'm 55 & not ready for white hair. So I still dye it. I've stopped washing my hair with shampoo & started using cowash. I wash with shampoo once every 2 weeks. My hair has never been better. Shampoo strips your hairs of your natural oils & makes it very dry. I wish I found out about this years ago. It's a gentle way of handling your hair as it transitions, hydrates it & keeps the moisture inside the hair shaft not allowing it to dry out become brittle & shrink. All the while acclimating your scalp to not have to wash every day with less oily hair in the future. A huge win win for me who has still oily skin & hair.

Bennie Maine: You are the only one who answer me. Most are young women, no offense there please believe me. I myself am 62 pushing 63. A few years ago I started to let my hair grow out. Manley because they kept cutting it shorter. I started to let it grow I went to a different stylist. The new one looked at my hair and said do you want me to cut it we’re it was broke. “I said no.” I started to wear a satin slumber cap. I am cut my own hair last night. I also started to do deep conditioner at least twice a month. I also take bp meds. I was so excited when I found you. I could find anyone.

Ruth's Place Christian Women's Ministry: my hair was straight till i hit menapuse now its super curly lol

PLUME 1: How do you sleep with your curls so as not to put stress on an aging scalp and roots? Thx!

SueRosalie: haha so true about facial hair

Lori Donahoo: I thought your video was either how to style, maintain curly hair for mature women. Disappointed with this video. You do not look 64 and have beautiful skin. You have no wrinkles. Great for you.

Bennie Maine: What about C paps machine.

Donna Campbell: Hello from Ontario Canada.

Tanya Macmaster: Test

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