Grwm | Braided Ponytail + Makeup

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How old am i? 21

What do i use to film? Canon m50

What do i use to edit? iMovie

What do i use to edit my thumbnails? Pic Art

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#grwm #makeup #sleekbun #naturalhair #tutorial #howto #chitchat

Hey you guys welcome back to my channel, as you guys can tell by today's title, that stuff, i'm going to be doing another, get ready with me and me doing my hair, because the last one i did y'all actually did like that. So i was like okay. So y'all, like you, ready to meet me, i like them. I do my hair y'all like it when i talk so basically what i'm doing in this video i'm going to be doing a um braided ponytail i had some extra um. I don't ring the hair over. I have some extra braiding hair right here, so i'm going to go ahead and do that if you're out here, playing and running in the background he's total with his toys, i just wish he will stop stop so also in this video. Like last video i was talking about my life and people were hitting me with cars. Not me feels like hitting my car with a car. You know why would i let somebody hit me with a car like yeah but um? So today i'm going to be just answering some little girl talk questions while i get ready. So if y'all want this to be a regular thing, let me know because i would definitely do this if y'all, i think y'all like it, but before we can even do all of that. We got to take this wig off, because i don't have this wig on. For a little minute now, oh, like it's to the point, i've been taking my wig off like this and scratching because do y'all see this like this is. This is what it came to like. I had to take the wig off like this, but i can't take my wig off like that. I have to take it off from the front like a normal person, because i want my edges to still be there. So with that being said, um i bought this stuff from the hair store like a long long time ago, and i i've noticed and take my glasses off. So i can do this. I'Ve noticed that this works so we're going to use this, and i just spray it like this, because i did use good glue and um also this um, i don't know if the video is going to be out about this hair. When this video drops, i really don't know the orders of the videos i just be filming, because i also now i will say this. I filmed a makeup tutorial video, well a makeup, oh, that just squirted everywhere i filmed the um. What is it called a makeup? Soft glam makeup: look that will be up, so i will link that down below so y'all can go watch it so watch that video. If you want to it's up to you, but in this video i'll, do my makeup too. So it really doesn't matter. Oh, this stuff is sliding, and it's like a greasy nasty feeling, but the way the wig come up like it's crazy, like you, ain't got to be here long for your wig to come up. It just come right up, see how it just came up um. I don't know about this, i'm putting the camera, so you guys can see it though um this is the brand. I got it from my local beauty supply store if y'all was wondering but yeah, so i'm fixing to go. Take a shower wash all this off because it is still a little sticky. I just wanted to like come on. Talk, take the wig off because we're trying to hop into a way cuter hairstyle to me, so i'm gon na be back once i'm out the shower. Oh, you guys i'm finally out of the shower um. This is how my hair is looking. I blue, dried, my edges, so i can um actually do a little curl too. I know i'm close up in the camera, i'm looking crusty but um right now, i'm looking for the little thing i made a while ago. That say girl talk because i'll be asking y'all just in case i ever like just know like when i oh yeah. If you follow me, instagram instagram, but i'm just saying like if y'all don't know like i'll ask you to ask me girl, talk questions, and i won't do a video two-way later because like for times like this, you know what i'm saying unless y'all want a dedicated Something like something i got that title because i mean tic: toc literally runs my life if you're not following me on tik tok, follow me on tik tok, because what are you doing but um? Where is this thing at i'm trying to find? I don't lost it. I'M gon na have to pull it up because i don't know what i just did. I finally found it after 30 000 years because i posted it 30 000 years ago, so um, let's get into this hair real quick. So i'm the answering question: i'm doing my hair, i'm going to be using i'm going to try to use my auntie jacket today, even though y'all know i normally use my um. What is it called? Is this even bright all the way? Okay, it's right. I was like something looks a little off today. It'S not right, i think that's bright enough, so um i'm just pulling out the edges that i'm going to be flying real, quick but um. So the first question: well, the first advice girl talk thing is: it says, thoughts on um boyfriends, like in other years, pictures on ig, so we're just gon na say thoughts. How do people? How do girls feel about? How do i feel about boys? Girls pictures? I mean i feel like this is like um. How can i explain it? This is actually a good question, because a lot of girls be insecure, like a dude would like a girl picture, but it is also like you know like why you liking my what picture. I'M right here, but i don't know like my thoughts on it, is that it's instagram, a boy is going to be a boy and it's always going to be a girl out there. It looks pretty good so now. I know that might sound bad, but i'm just saying like you're you're, beautiful, yes, you're, beautiful, everybody's, beautiful, okay, but it's gon na be a girl, instagram who's doing a little more than you, showing a little more skin, showing a little more booty. You know what i'm saying so like you have to just like understand that men are going to be me and they're going to like other people's stuff, but i will say, like my ex: he didn't do that he did not go around liking. Other girls pictures on instagram, because i don't know he just didn't do that. You just have to find a person that is going to respect what you want and respect you, because a lot of these dudes and these nowadays do not respect their girlfriends. They went they just with them, so they can have a girlfriend. So you have to like open your eyes. You know when everybody's talking about red flags and stuff yeah baby pay attention. You got ta pay attention to stuff like that, but i mean i'm not saying. Oh, my god, he like another girl picture break up with him. I'M not saying that y'all look crazy right now, but it's trust the process trust the process, but um yeah, i'm not saying oh break up with him girl. He, like other girls pictures you finna, lose your man. I did not say that i'm saying like um, it's instagram or if it's any other social media site come on now and then, if it's y'all be seeing them instagram baggies on there and all the other stuff. I'D be saying, that'd be cute, but my thoughts on it is that it's gon na happen regardless, but i can't say that cuz, like i said my last ex, he didn't do that. Well, i don't know what he did. Don'T give me the line. I honestly don't know what he was liking, i'm not one of those girls who keep up with tabs like that, like i'm, not insecure, because i feel like that follows behind insecurity. Like oh, my god he's like another girl picture. She looks better than me. Oh, my god, you know stuff like that. I feel like that falls insecure or, like some people be worried about. They do doing that because they'd be cheating on them. You know like now. If i had a boyfriend, he was cheating on me all the time, and i saw him like your picture. I'Ma think oh you're, trying to link with her like you want to go, be with her or something you know, but it really can go either way, but the next one is huh. If you're adjacent to now they say if you're in a long distance relationship. What would you do if i was still on this relationship? What would i do? I personally would not be alone this relationship because i'm not saying i'm a cheater, but i have a short attention span and like it's not gon na work, it's not gon na work. It'S not gon na work because, like i like i, like my dudes in reach, you know like same town, not even yeah, mm-hmm same town because baby you, i don't even want to talk if you like an hour away. No, i don't want to talk to you because you're an hour away doing what hour away. God knows what you know. I don't know what you're doing our way, and i know how i am like i mean i'm not saying i'm a cheater or nothing like that, but i know like i said. I know how i am and uh. If, if the right do ask baby, i'm single because y'all got to think about it, i'll be um, forgetting that, like girls, you want to play that that role like oh, my dude, would never i'm never going to um. Do nothing like that. I mean i will say this: those are gon na be dudes girls, gon na be girls. It was gon na be eva. If that made any damn sense. I don't even know if that made any sense y'all, but what i'm trying to say is like dudes. I will say this right now: a dude could be in a relationship right now. He can be a relationship you guys and if the right girl approach him he's leaving your ass, you is i'm scooting, my trip, so i'm joking, a little more. That looks way better. I don't know why i was like all the way down there, but um yeah, like he's leaving you sis, you're gon na, be left in the dust. So i say why not do the same thing they gon na do like you know like i'm, not because some of these people that people be talking to they're, not for um they're, not what's the word forever, like they're, not they're, just in your life. For that moment, so you just got to deal with it because they just in there for that little moment. Okay, a girl, said what does it mean when a dude wants to get added to your close friends um? I honestly don't know what that means when somebody wants to edit your close friends, i personally do not have a close friends. People be like eva. Add me to your close friends girl. I don't have a damn close friend. I don't have nothing to hide. I feel, like close friends is like people who trying to hide a separate part of their life. If that makes sense like i don't understand that, like i mean i also don't touch me on all social medias on me, i'm not going to make note. First of all, who finna make it? I mean yes, but who who finally got a way to make a um? I mean no disrespect to people who got only. I mean not only fans, what the no disrespect to the people who got um. What'S the things called who got close friends no disrespect to y'all, but i'm not going to go out my way and do all this close friends? I ain't got too high, like my yes i'll, be posting some ripple in my family be on there. But if you don't like it get off my page babes get off of there, but um yeah. I don't have anything to hide, so i feel like that. Close friendship is a waste of time. I'M not gon na sit here and be like. Oh, do you want to be invited? Do you want to be invited because i don't give a like i'm not gon na lie? I don't care, i don't care because i'm gon na hide, i don't have nothing to hide, but what does it mean when i do? What'S the attitude close friends, i don't know, i don't know, i can't y'all be asking me what what dudes be thinking. What dudes this would do is that i have no clue because i'm not a dude, i'm a girl that can maneuver like a dude but other than that i don't be knowing, but oh yeah, so this other hairstyle i was looking. I went in with some of my style factor gel, and this is what it's looking like right, quick, it's looking like this and i'm gon na tie her down real soon, so i can get these edges looking right because they looking a little someone said: how can You tell if your crush likes, you um. I will say that i don't know. I have no clue like i'm the type of person. If y'all don't know, i'm a libra. I would flirt. I'M not just have a flow with anybody, but i would talk to you and have you thinking that it's gon na be something and it's not, but that's just me like i'm just a flirtatious person like i don't know why, but i just am like i would. I could literally get on the phone talk to somebody for it like for them that day, they would think they just a special thing in the world. Next they come. I will not talk to you like i don't understand, but how do you know if chris likes you? I would say that like he'll get nervous around you, i guess, oh god, damn he will get nervous around you. He'Ll want to be around you more. He gon na tell his friends and all that stuff. I guess i don't know what grade you insist if you even integrate. I don't know i'm going with this right here to make this look very sleek and good and meat, but i honestly don't know you guys. I'M not gon na be like didn't. You thought to ask me for advice, and you ain't. You said i don't know so. Every question: okay, um, i'm gon na go in with this and just tie this part right here down. While i get into my edges, because i'm ready to get into my makeup um, what's the next one, how do you ignore people who talk about your body? I mean i'm not. This is a good one because, like y'all realize i'm skinny everybody know. Oh, is it supposed to do that? Why is it doing that everybody i'm not going to tie it down? Actually, i'm not going to tie it down. Everybody knows i'm skinny so like in school. I was way skinnier like i was a stick for real. I'M still a stick now, but i i don't know like i feel like it'd, be jealousy like. I love you, i'm what i'm gon na say: don't get mad, don't get mad if you're a person who's sensitive, you might will just click off now, because i'm speaking for like skinny people, because i'm skinny, i i like i said i can't speak on being big Or how people feel being big, because i was never big. I can only speak about me being skinny and how i got treated for being skinny. I got the do you eat, but i'ma say this. It was always bigger people talking about me. You know it was always bigger people, it was never a skinny other skinny girl unless it was something like girl shut, the up too. What the you talking about. Do you eat like, but you know it was always bigger people and, like i started to realize people are jealous, people will be jealous of the littlest things like i was in high school. I don't. I didn't understand why half of people didn't like me like? I don't talk to you, i don't know you. What do you want? Oh you, mad cause, i'm cute, oh copy, that okay anyways, i just didn't understand like oh, oh, oh, oh, i'm over here doing too much hold on but yeah. I didn't understand why people didn't like me like i don't i don't understand. Like i mean i did have attitude sometimes, but it's school, who the want to be here. Why the are you talking to me but back to what she was saying, because i don't totally left field with this um. She said i feel like. I would just not hang around those people personally because, even though, like i've always been the type to brush stuff off, but i will say this - i can brush something off, but i would still think about it like later on. Like people will say something about me or can say something about me, i won't be mad right right then i'm i don't know how i'm gon na do these edges, but we're trying to figure this out. I won't be like sad right then, but sometimes like i'll think about it still be in the back of my head. You know what i'm saying: i'm the person that would brush it off, but it was still being back in my head like when i get home or like damn uh people think i'm skinny. How do i gain weight? How do i do this? How do i do that when reality um, you should just love your body for the way it is like you're gon na have to grow to love yourself for the way you are especially with all this take to take, not not technology. All this social media and everybody with their bbls and like is there any real bodies left like what the i mean, i'm not body, i'm not bitching. If you have a video, because you know like girl, i'm glad you got that coin because get your bbl, but me personally like i would not first of all where the i'm gon na put a bbo. I ain't got no stomach. I ain't got no ass, so i'm gon na look like a walking tooth out here, looking crazy, so i don't know i feel like. I will say this, though the beauty standards change every year every so many years. The beauty standards change do not get wrapped up in this, and then people be like. Oh that's not in style anymore, because you got ta think about it. New years change like stuff stuff gon na be come back in style. Stuff'S gon na go out of style. Like you know what i'm saying like stuff like that, y'all realize how the 2000 stuff came back in style and nobody and then you know it just came back in style. I don't know where, like you know, stuff like that baby fat is trying to make it like that style. I love to be sad, so i don't care, but i need to come back and style because maybe i'll cop, every babysat thing there is because, like growing up like in my kid pictures, baby fat, that's all i wore baby fat, okay, baby fat and, like all The other brands that were popping back when i was a kid but yeah, that's what i'm saying just love yourself. The way you are don't care about what they say. It'S gon na be hard not to care, but you just have to learn how to like block them out because them them hoes them. Okay, hopefully they don't demonize me for cussing, but oh well how to talk to a boy. If you know he is feeling you. I mean i feel like if you know he like you, you got this in the bag like it's, the dudes that you be trying to talk to, and you don't know if they like you. If you know he, like you says you got this in the bag bag, big birkin, you got it in the back, see it's like it's easy to talk to a guy that you know like you like. That'S not the hard part. The hard part is out here. Guessing, if a like you like, do he like me, or should i just my my business, but i'm not a person that approaches people? I don't like to do that. I like to my my business. I don't like weird confrontation. I don't like feeling weird. I don't like i don't know because, like i know, i'm cute and pretty sometimes but um. These edges is not getting supposed to gain, but sometimes i just like to say to myself cause dudes. I intimidate a lot of oh. I got ta, stop saying that word. A little little i intimidate a lot of dudes out here. You know and i just feel like they don't be wanting to talk to you because they'd be nervous and scared. Like i mean, if you see a girl on her stuff out here, she got her her emotion like she out here doing her thing: apartment car, nice, car that not on rickety car, but i'm just saying like in general, nice car she got stuff going she's taking Care of herself all that stuff i mean i would be a little scared too. I mean, if i was somebody who didn't have my stuff together. I'D be scared to talk to somebody who got stuff going on a little bit because, like what do i have to bring to the table now, some dudes they don't give a freak it'd, be the dudes i'll be like. Now you knew better. You thought you could pull me, you knew you knew better, and you still brought your ass over here now. Is that that's some good confidence? That'S some confidence. I want right there, like i know i can't beat only girl like comment down below it'd, be the dudes who you you know they know like baby. Are you okay? You know you cannot pull this, but i mean i love the confidence you know like sometimes i'd be really sad, because i'd be looking at the dudes they'd be trying to talk to me and i just be like god. Am i ugly like? I don't know, but you know i don't know, i mean it also. Maybe dudes who's used to getting turned down. Probably so they don't be tripping they'd be like well charge it to the games. Another l, but me personally, someone said how do you deal with insecurity? Stopping you from being your full potential. Now i will say um i use i mean i know like if you watching me like you can watch me for a long. I don't know how to slam. I just haven't. I just have a lot of insecurities. I have to have insecurities now like i want to get a nose job. I want to get my lips done, it's stuff that i want to do, but it's not stopping me from being who i you know it's not stopping me from being who i want to be or not like that, but, like i always wasn't as confident. I feel like you got to be confident. Confident is the key to everything like i'm. Sometimes i'll, be confident people be saying bro, your cocky is, you know, like some people, be saying that i'm cocky, i'm not cocky, i'm just confident. You know, but i mean sometimes i'll, be saying stuff and it do be coming off as this right here and she knows she already in the bag of chips, but you know i don't know what's wrong with these edges. What'S going on with these edges, what's going on with these edges, i might have to do my edges off camera because um, i don't know, what's going on with them, and it's not looking too good for me, so i'm gon na um come back and i'm gon Na finish, talking about uh the insecurities you guys have, i'm back don't be mad, but i went ahead and did my ponytail. I had to do my ponytail to see how i was gon na. Do my edges. I don't know why i had to do that. I went ahead and did my eyebrows too. What i use for my eyebrows is um. Where is it? I use this um pencil from julia's place, brow gel juvia's place and i use concealer fenty beauty and that's all i use my brows. So, let's get into the rest of my makeup, so basically i'm just gon na answer a different question, because i've been going for a little minute kind of work. On my edges, i don't know what i was talking about before i left. So what i'm going to talk about now is how to get over a boy. Someone said how to get over a boy. So basically i'm going in with some um eyeshadow just a little bit to like make it pop not too much but um. Basically, how to get over boy right um! My tips, i was how to get over boy, is to actually find yourself because, if you're a person who always in relationships and never single and like every time, you break up you're going to relationship you're, not going to be happy by yourself me. Personally. I'Ve learned to be happy by myself. I don't need a relationship, i don't want a relationship like it's crazy. It is crazy. It'S like i'm a i'm going to with my fenty beauty. This is like a this. Is not a matte finish or a full face. It'S not it's a full face, but this foundation is just it's like a natural look. Basically, it's not a glam like how this is full coverage. This is what i use in the summer. You know because it's warm where i live, it's not cold. For some reason. I don't know why but yeah so we're gon na go with this. Oh that's way too much oops, but um yeah. You need to find yourself like you got ta find what you like to do like um. Now don't get me wrong when you break up with somebody, it's gon na become tough in the beginning, but once you figure out like hey, i don't need him. Because are you missing? I'M not gon na cap, y'all all y'all be missing and y'all when y'all be breaking up is that company. All you need to do is find somebody. That'S you can find someone. That'S gon na that you can talk to that, can give you company damn. Was it hair in my makeup brush because it's hair attached to my face now but um you just have to find somebody who's gon na give you that company or what i learned to do or what i've started doing. I would watch like tv shows like well they're, not tv shows, i'm not going to print like they're, not tv shows, there's stuff, that's on youtube that i be watching. That'S like animated horror stories and they're really good like if you type in more on youtube, like he has a lot of good ones. I forgot it's another name, it's another person who do animated cartoons. What is this this map? It'S like fur, i don't know, i'm finna, i'm have to clean my makeup brushes because stuff is falling out of them and i'm like baby. What is that? What is that? You know what i'm saying but um yeah, just certain type of stuff. You have to find stuff that you like what i will say you gon na definitely find yourself if you break up like after a breakup, and you not happening, and you just like. How can i explain it? You gon na find yourself if you just be single for a little bit, because i don't know why people make it seem like it's such a bad thing to be single me. Personally, i love being single because it's cheap and it's free. I don't got ta split. My money with nobody, i ain't, got to buy nobody, nothing. I just focus on myself like y'all, who is this and i'm not answering that i don't know who that is calling baby. Don'T call this phone number anyways. But you know i don't know people everybody's different. That'S what i will say but how to get over her boyfriend. I don't know i did it to me. It'S not that hard. I just move on. The best thing, i will say, is probably to move on move on with your life. Don'T dwell it because dwelling on is not going to fix nothing you're just going to be sad, and i don't want to hang out around not saying beaches. Okay, you can't be my friend all said so um next um tip someone said how to send signals to a boy that you just want to be friends, but they white. They might want something more. I'M gon na tell you this, you can't. There are no signals to send to a boy that know he want to have sex with you. Oh i don't know if i can't say something youtube i don't know, but um. It'S no sign that you can send him a step. Stop talking to him or you can just tell him like hey, i don't look at you like that. I just want to be your friend but y'all. I'Ve tried to do stuff like that, with people i'll be like: okay, bro, um, you're, weird, i don't say you weird, but i don't look at you like that. We would never be that. So stop! Stop like dudes, weird like you. They don't know that you don't like them like that and they'll try to call you babe and bae and stuff, and i'm like bro what what are you doing nasty? I don't look at you like that: bro you're, not no you're, not my babe. My edges are starting to do what they want to do up here. You know like you, that is disgusting to me, especially when you look at somebody as a friend and y'all y'all discuss that y'all was gon na, be friends, and he just like pushing the trying to push the relationship on you, like i ain't really with that, i Don'T like that, that's a turn off to me like you would never be with my friend again. If you do some weird stuff like that, because sir i don't like you but um yeah, i think that's that's majority of the questions. Someone said how to gain confidence. I talked about that earlier. You know, gaining confidence, don't come overnight. I'M not gon na kept youtube gave my confidence before i started youtube um. I would i'm not gon na say i wasn't confident um toto. What are you doing? Sit down? Um youtube, like i said, youtube gave my confidence when you see all those comments and people are saying: oh she's, pretty or she's beautiful, or you know just those the little stuff that you'll be saying about me like, oh, my god, she's, so pretty or like you Know i mean it's more stuff people be saying too. They help gain my confidence but majority. My confidence. The majority came from youtube. I'M not even gon na sit up here and a lot of y'all. The majority came from youtube um, all of it actually because, like i will say this, i was a person like when i went to school. Nobody liked me it's weird like it's so weird. Like i said when i went to school, my body was really nobody really likes me like that. I don't know. I don't know why, because i didn't really do that to nobody like you know, okay, so these are the lashes that i have i'm not doing. My makeup yet, but i think i'm gon na go in with the curl three. This is what they look like, got them from the hair store and then these are the others, but i think i'm gon na go on with these today. So i'm just trying to see what these don't look like, so my makeup is basically done. I'M just going to do the remaining race off camera for my lashes, and so i can come back against this video out with my clothes on, because those are really all the questions that y'all really ask most of them just repetitive, but um yeah, i'm going to Finish my makeup, we'll finish my lashes makeup, bronzer um, all that stuff and i'm gon na come back. This is the final result and all that stuff. This is how it looks. I these lashes are so cute. I would definitely recommend to buy they're really cute on me. I freaking love them, but um. You guys have made it to the end of this video. I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys enjoyed this video. Give this video a big thumbs up if you're new to my channel, make sure you guys great subscribe with it down below, and i will see you guys in my next video and i love you guys. Bye

ForeverCryssy: LOVE your content! You’re doing amazing

Éclair fair Life: It’s like we on ft tgther ur vids are always comforting and funny ilyy girly

Star Taylor: Yes make this a regular thingggg I learn so much from your videos and they really be making my days ❤️

Adjahran Rolle: This video was funny , so entertaining I would love to see more. Love it ❤

Dana-Marie Henry: Eva brush tip: add hot or warm water with dish soap in a container and soak your brushes, edge brushes and combs in the bucket and all the gunk/ hair gel residue will melt off

Dana-Marie Henry: Eva hair is growing i remember when she starting her hair growth journey i love it

riri _ that girl: Definitely need these to be a regular on here

Life With Jayla : Love your videos!! Thanks for inspiring me to do youtube!!

Dollx Tv: Your videos just keep coming

Neishmarr Mckenzie: I love these videos ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Rebecca Graham: eva this video cracked me up love u girl

Christy Jackson: I love your videos

shawanda strickland: ‍♀️

Jordan Taylor: OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED ------------------------------------------------------⏯Cliklink----------------------------------------------------------THE NEW VIDEOS SEX ⓉⓊⒷⒺⓈⒺⓍ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY 18+ PHOTOS HE RE私のヌードセックス トップAVビデオに参加する ❤️ ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . !❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした $ #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、W #かならりやばかったですね! ! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)#やっぱり人参最高%! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾W#再編ありがとうです!#いたもん(#笑)在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品`.

Olivia Williams: Girl I need your bedroom set, where is it from ❤️❤️

Nails by milah: Heyyyyy Eva ❤️‍

Princess Blessing: Hey Eva ❤️

Stormy Cayy: Girllll your so funny

DOUBLEtrouble Lifestyle: Todo in the back tho

Éclair fair Life: LMFAO todo inna background

Phi nique: Tattoo and piercings tour?

Amelia Williams: Bestie

ISA LADRU: first time this early

Tianna Tomlinson: Hey

Shania Tinto: Hiiiiiiii

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