Testing Out A Ponytail Extension From Zala Hair Extensions! | Chloe Benson

in today's video I try and test out a ponytail hair extension from zala hair extensions! it turned out semi good, but I'll let y'all be the judge of that....


find the hair extension here: https://www.zalacliphairextensions.com...



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▷FAQ’S ▷

⋆ How old are you?: 20

⋆ Where are you from?: Melbourne, Australia.

⋆ What do you film with?: Canon G7X

⋆ What program do you edit with?: Cyberlink Powerdirector 17


I hope you all enjoyed this video; love you all :) xx

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below!

Spread Love & Stay Positive, and I'll see you guys in my next video! xx

Hello, everyone, Scott here and welcome back to my channel and today's video is a very exciting one. I don't know ever the exciting for you, but it is very, very exciting for me, today's video I'm going to be testing out a pony tail extension. Basically, I found a video on YouTube a couple weeks ago from ash cupcakes TV, her name's Ashley, but it's fun. She has short hair like me, a little bit shorter than me, and she made a video on how to rock a fake ponytail with super short hair, and I watched it and I was like oh my god. I need to tricep my birthday, so I picked one up from Missoula and this is what it looks like. I did. Do an unboxing so I'll show that a little bit later our book is obviously so. I didn't match the color to my hair. It'S a little bit light, but my hair is super oily right now, as you can tell it's very greasy, I know you guys hate it, but I'm going to be putting gel in it today. So I thought there's no point of having a shower then having to have another shower to get the gel out. You know I mean it's super oily lifting is, it happens with everyone. Basically, when my hair gets really super oily, which is very quickly, it goes dark, but as soon as a washer, it goes to the light. So soon, as my hair is kind of like fresh out the shower, I'm pretty sure this color will match 100 % better. But I'm still gon na try it out. I'M gon na keep it and try out, because I really want to wear this style for my birthday because it is October currently so happy October. My birthday party is the 26th and my actual birth as a third year. So I wanted to do something for my hair. I want to get actual extensions done, but they cost around $ 400. So this cost me like maybe something dollars. So if I can do this hairstyle, it's gon na be so much cheaper and so much more affordable when I try it out, so I thought I'd. Try it out on a video. So it's more fun for you guys just to see how this works. I thought it'd be fun for me too, because I know that any night is I've, no headaches engines in my life. I'Ve always had a really long hand. Ever since I cut, I didn't really want long hair anyway and then, when I shaved my travel, a long hair, I thought that was everyone that shows their head, though, but imma try as bad way out says you wan na know what happens in this video. Just keep on watching, I did actually unbox his soul instead of footage right now. A few guys got an parcel, I'm really sad. It'S not gon na match my resonance. Oh that looks kind of light. So this is basically what it looks like, but this just as Allah premium, hair extensions, 100 % human remy hey. I saw reviews on my human one and then synthetics of the word. Yeah and people actually shoot the synthetic one. It was really naughty and obviously, if I'm worried by 21st, it's gon na get naughty inside you'll find a bundle of confidence and a hint of glamour. That'S cute box. By the way, this is kind of what it looks like sounds about right, which is right. Oh, that's, okay! I did not expect this on you. What is this so it says: meet the haircare range, specially phone line for hair extensions of Allah, Allah, hey extension, shampoo, hair extension and conditioner and hair extension treatment. So let me just see these first. This is actually really cute, I'm pretty sure you can buy these separately on the website. Okay, I know that was gon na come in a box. Okay, so let's take the actual ponytail out now the back actually tells you how to install some stuff. So it has the clipping extensions of tape in a ponytail. I think I got a 16 inch jugular six inch, no no 12 inch because I'm putting out the base of my neck. Sorry, I didn't really weren't that long, but this is what it looks like. It looks actually not that bad. I think if I, my hair wasn't as oily as is now it'd be okay, so this is the human ponytail 12 inch. This is what color is this. I think it's in cinnamon, I guess at the bottom. It does come with the hair tie and bowling pins on the cable. Also, this is the pony, but at this darkness, so this is what they mean by the seal. So if you tear that off, you can't return it do I just keep it. I think I might keep it. I don't know, oh my god, this week, okay, I think I like the I haven't, had any sentence before my life. Even if is just a fairy tale, so she was really good. This would be at the base of my neck. Like here so obviously have very short hair, I think I might keep this a maybe doesn't match who gives a [ __ ] honestly, she knows everything like that. I'M gon na keep it in this box. That'S really exciting! I might continue on with this video. So if I do kiss here with this video, let's see how it looks in my hair, shall we I'm gon na keep these I'll link what I bought down below anyway, but these are hundred dollars. I'Ve got a discount code, so I got it for ninety, which is ten old off. It'S still it's a discount. You know so I tried this bad boy out, but I have a bunch of glue and hairspray and boy pins and everything. So I'm going to try my best with this. Are you done before my life? So if I do stuff up, I can always try again, but I'm gon na. Do it. I'M gon na take the extension out. That would be main priority. You know, I don't know if you can see well in the camera. Look a little darker in the camera there does in real life, which is kind of good, because when I film for my birthday and take photos, it won't look weird. But this is the warranty seal, so I'm gon na actually take this off because I'm not gon na return. I am gon na keep it. You know, try and get this off now. Oh, my goodness Bob! I don't want to ruin it. You know for it. Yes, okay, good warranty seal is off hello, so this is actually what the ponytail looks like love that I'm pretty sure it's velcroed. What? Oh, I'm pretty sure my dad is outside doing the lawn Suzy. I put the water on so hopefully you don't hear that you're, probably well though, but at the back here is a little strand of hair. I'M pretty sure this is gon na wrap around the actual thing, so I'm gon na actually already start doing the gelling and stuff I'm gon na go by the video, because I've watched like a thousand times she parts her hair. Now I'm gon na stick to a side part just because I think it looks a little bit more sophisticated. Yes, I'm just gon na part it to the way I like it. I, like kind of a deep part, that's what we're gon na get today. I look crazy good so early. I left it worthy for this video. So don't judge okay, so you're gon na have to ignore the sand background daddy's using the sprinkler, and I need it from this video so like mmm, so my hair looks kind of raggedy right now, but I'm going to gel it back now I haven't gelled my Hair and a hot minute, I think, the other time I job my hair is my cousin's birthday in March, and that was like slicked back. I do have a couple of gels I can use. I do have they got to be glued from when I had my wigs - and this is how a strong by do have like a cheap alternative. This is the squats coughs. I enjoy this an extra strong number four. I think I'm gon na use this one today. Just because, oh my god, can I open it? Oh my god, you've got ta, be [. __ ] me. Okay, so probably be using this one that if I can't get it open, I have to hairsprays. I'Ve got to be glued hairspray and then also just a cheaper version. Hello also just cheaper version from Aldi, so I'm gon na try my best. I boy pins little hair elastics and everything like that. So I'm gon na probably gel my hair down. Somehow I don't even know how cuz I can't get this open, but I got ta. I got ta cut it or I got ta clean that man, that's disgusting, so I'm just gon na use this brush, I'm gon na probably gon na eat new one from came out after this, because meat covered in gel we're just gon na gel it down. To my liking, now this gel does have a really strong hold, but it just depends like if I want it to be even stronger to use the got to be glued one, so just depends how I'm feeling you know this is kind of how it's gon na Look except this is all gon na be in the back, but like it's gon na look, obviously a bit weird cuz once I'd like to don't have any makeup on I'm looking Tyler weird, but I feel like it's gon na be okay. So much get all the hair flat and at the back of my head, because that's what I'm gon na obviously put the ponytail. That'S a lot of gel [ __ ]. So this is basically what the front of my hair is gon na look like very sophisticated. I know mmm so obviously the but it's gon na be really hot. Show you the back, is obviously disgusting, so I'm gon na get a little bit of a hair elastic. They usually break on me. So, let's see if it actually works on one. So I'm going to actually try and get a good angle on this. Don'T I'm just gon na work this the back of my hair. There is obviously some stray hairs, so I'm gon na gel the [ __ ] out of this little sophisticated hair, look and pray that it stays in place. You know know why I'm kind of loving this look already. It'S not gon na be the best, because I don't really want to use that maestro. But if I do it for my actual birthday, then I'm gon na have to cake my head in jail, and I know that I just don't really wan na. Do it right now, you know, so I think this is what is happening right now. So this is the front, and this is the back and they're gon na get a little ponytail now gon na unravel it. For you guys, I have actually unraveled it myself. Now. I'M pretty sure this is velcro. This is basically what it looks like. So this is obviously where everything's I mean there is a clip. So this will go on the top of my point and then I will basically a Velcro it all together, like so like this, and then I will wrap this around and Boop in this okay. I'M gon na show you this at my house into work. So no daylight is okay. So how many is this little clip and I'm gon na put that in the payette? Oh, I just made that's what it's looking like. You can't see anything, but what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na kinda wrap it around as tight as I can. So. Obviously, it's not gon na be as tight, because I have like no ponytail there. You know, and this little piece I'm gon na wrap around the velcro. Then I'm gon na get all upin Jesus. This is actually really tiring. I'M gon na pin it at the base. Oh, I can feel that that didn't work so now this is all coming loose. I didn't wrap it properly, but I'll probably try it again, but I'll show you what it looks like this is what it looks like again. I did not wrap it properly. The tube is not being properly so I didn't work, so I'm gon na actually take it out and try again, it's gon na be hard getting used to it depending I have to get this gel down properly. This is gon na be so irritating, but, like I feel like it's just gon na be a lot easier. If I do it a couple times around, I guess this is actually getting a little bit annoying just because I guess I haven't done it before but like I don't think this gel is very good, but I'm gon na have to keep trying this just to understand It mumbles, I'm not sure it again. I'M not gon na turn around Rex you're, just gon na do it myself, so I'm gon na put spin flip right in the top okay. It feels good, I guess see, how do we do it to the clips or to come out? How does the clip not stay in? How does the clip save other people, but not me this clip is the devil. It'S not gon na work. It'S not gon na work guys. I think it feels a bit more secure, [, __ ], it's just gon na, come out. Let'S try and do a timer, so I can set it back on my head. Oh, you can tell where, like my hair, is gel down like thank you, so I'm gon na have you like get a really good, but I think it's okay. I really know it's test. You know eyes guys, so I don't know how I feel about this, because the holes of my head is now falling apart, like the job isn't really extra strong hold whatever like. You can see right here that I've got a pin. This so doesn't fall back. I don't know what to do like nothing's going right, my birthday right now like I find something really really cool and then it's just not working. You know mm a bit confused now that looks cute like that, but I don't know I don't know how to do this. That'S my humor really stressed because I don't know I just just making me stressed the gel is not working. I guess I just have to try it over and over again and then decide you know, but that is near this video guys. I don't know how this is gon na turn out. I'M not saying the hair extension is bad, like Sylar is so good. It'S just the fact that I don't hired or properly so I need to keep trying, especially on short hair, there's very limited amount of videos for hair extensions for short hair people that call short hair short hair is like up to their shoulders but short hair. To me is what I have no hate on this company and their claims are actually really good. I just don't know how to put it in my hair properly, I'm just gon na sort of that. I guess I don't know, but this is in this video. I hope you guys enjoyed me trying to play around with a hair extension, ponytail extension and whatever you want to call it like. I think it looks cute like this and if I do this for like photos, it's gon na look really cute because I'm wearing I can off the shoulder dress. So it's gon na look really good in photos. If I can do it properly, I don't look crazy, but I try my best with this. So how do you enjoyed it, and hopefully you enjoyed my pain, oh yeah, so this has been an update after I finished filming this video. I just reapplied. It is that the right word, I think so I just reapply it to my head and I use the hair tie that actually comes in the pack and it's more secure than it was using the little hair elastics I already originally had. If you do have as a locks and chains - and it has the ponytail hair tie thing whatever you want to call, it definitely use that because it works like charm. I just have to wrap it a bit more, but I think I've got hold of it. I guess I just have to fix the gel cuz, my hair hates gel islands in a photo that my dad took of me in the Sun with it I had to cover the velcro up a bit more, but besides that, it's pretty good. I'M not gon na lie, I actually like it. I really do. I just have to fix the gel, but this is secure, like this ain't moving anytime soon. Yes, my little bit of an update, I just wanted to tell you guys that allows you in this video. I hope you guys enjoyed if you did get a thumbs up. It'S very different, but I hope you guys enjoy this video. If you did, I can get a thumbs up for me if you want to hear. Please describe make two days really Monday and Thursday. All my social meanings and all of Zola's extensions I just put on my head - will be down below and she mostly always I'm gon na, spread, love and say, positive and I'll. See you guys in my next one bye run.

Murder Mystery Haunted History: Hey girly! I live by dry shampoo or my hair would be oily half way through the day. I have dark brown hair so I use the dark brown Batiste but they have light brown and regular also. It's a life saver. Also I think if you put your pony up a bit higher you'll have more hair in for a snug fit and smoother look.

Addy Drayton: You have to put your natural ponytail a little higher to the back of your head and use a sturdy hair tie. When you do that you get all your natural hair to stay in the one neatly and the extension has more room to wrap around

princessleigh94: I’m so excited to see your birthday! You’ve been working so hard on it. I used to do extensions all the time in hair school I used to love it.

Katie B: In a month or two it will go perfectly with your hair. You need a few more inches to make a tight ponytail. There is nothing for it to grab onto to. Your hair isn’t long enough for a tight pony and you need that to clip it in and wrap the extra hair around it. Hope you do a update on this.

Adriana: Try not to use the clip and just use bobby pins around the base of the pony to help secure it ! And get your natural hair in a tight pony first

Emma Edwards: Looks so good chloe!! Loveeee youuu

AlisonXO: Looks super cute maybe even consider having a scruchie or a bow to tie around the ponytail to make it blend more either way looks good.

Mariah Tyner: I know this video is kind of old but I have sooo many wrap pony’s and no hair. I would raise the pony up about two inches, after putting it in elastic use a velvet scrunchi to add a little volume to the base and since it’s velvet it’s less likely to slip, and tuck the other side of the pony under YOUR natural pony before you start wrapping.

Leanne Jaynes Nails: This look is cute. I think it would look even more cute if you had your ponytail to the side xx

lone wolf: i used to struggle with oily hair like that. i would shower and the next day my hair would already be as if i hadn’t showered for four days lol. did a bit of research and figured out shampoo was the problem lol. so i stopped using shampoo and ever since then my hair doesn’t get oily for three to four days. i have a pixie cut now which takes longer to get oily, so once in a while i’ll use shampoo. *people reeeeaally need to get a life and worry about their own greasy hair.*

jaz goblin: I love this hairstyle on u it makes ur eyes pop

Caliluv: Do something extra nice for yourself on your birthday, and have a stylist do your hair.

katie Drogs: you look really pretty, thanks for the tips!

Miss Jamie: I LOVE YOU CHLOE and btw i wear ponytails all the time too

NIRAY: To be honest, it doesn't look really good, you look much more cute with your natural hair :)

Mikeyjackson: I’m 9 months post buzz cut and all I do I slick my hair back and put in a pony tail extension and Bobby pin the rest of my hair that doesn’t fit in the pony tail. I’m so tired of this mullet and I feel like only the pony looks good haha

luxy lace: I hope you managed to achieve your desired look

April Chiginsky: After you shower maybe try using a moouse or salt spray while damp. Then after it is dry try using a powder based dry shampoo to give your hair some texture. Use a sturdy thicker elastic and a super good hair spray like big sexy hair or kenra. No gel. Ish. Please no gel.

xJustJewItx: I know it's early, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHLOE! I really hope you enjoy your b-day when it comes along!

A ___: Omg your birthday look is going to be so epic can't wait!

Mellissa and Anthony: I’ve been waiting for something good to pop up on my dry YouTube channel. Thank god for you

Ariom: You look better without, looks awkward. You're super cute with shorter hair.

Oz Victorian on walkabout: Looking good ✌️

Lisa: You‘re gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️

Jane j: Is the ponytail suppose to be a colour match to your own hair?

Shirley Zman: My hair cooperates better after the 2-3rd day after I wash it... I only wash it twice a week

NeighborGirl: Go back and forth between wanting to cut my hair off again and wanting it long again.

Mary V: A high ponytail would look,really cute, not really feeling the low pony, mayb after you get all ready it will look better :)

Keyana Little: you need to put your hair into a tighter and higher ponytail, its too loose with the tiny rubber band thats why your hair keeps falling out of the clip

Love Kimberley Day: For ur bday go and get a hairdresser to put it in

Kat X: I'd recommend a high pony tail

Eludiastar ⭐: I love the way you said "that's disgusting", sounded proper Northerner Brit! Lol

Andrea Beltrán: What color it’s?? You look amazing


Trish: if you took 1 shot every time she says "obviously or basically" .... you'd be pissed after 5 minutes!

Olivia: Can’t wait for the birthday vlog! x

Kathy G: Was missing your videos and you uploaded

Tina Campbell: What shade is that? Your adorable

polynesian_tingz: So can't wait for the birthday vlog

Miesje.: You need a better hair tie! And use a blow dryer (cool setting) and a head wrap to set the gel.

Sarah Culley: Hun why don't you invest in clip ins off ebay they are so good I use them. Get some curly ones. Wish I could do them for you lol xxx

Chey: Your gonna be beautiful for your birthday. Thanks for the video

aisling ní: why don't you just get someone else to do it for you lol,, that seems like the obvious solution

Maz: It's me, the crazy lady from the plaza who yelled "hey I know her from YouTube" a few weeks ago.

Taleisha: I watched your video and then jenna marbles new video....maybe you should try the hairspray

Jessica Waddell: I’m trying to figure out my shade what shade is this one??

Shirley Zman: I think your pony has to be a little higher up... What color is your nail polish?

Barb Stubbs: What colour are these extensions

Bee Bee: Why not wear one of those expensive wigs you bought when you shaved your hair off! Bet you won't shave it again on a whim!

Patricia Baranowski: Not trying to be mean at all but I think you should shave or wax the hair low on the side of your neck, it’s throwing off the look

faye reader: ❤️❤️❤️

LittleMy: Just wondering, you said you are wearing an off the shoulder outfit for your birthday. Did you change your mind about wearing a suit?

Georgia: Omg we literally have the same birthday 30/10/98

Danielle Marie Far:

Dennielle Pollock: Hey Scorpio girl my birthday is October 25th.. I'm haven't fully watched the video I'm sure it's gonna look I can't wate to see

Zoe Nicole: What color was this

Son Koster: Oh hell no, use a good tutorial girl and wash your hair please. It's most def not okay, not even close, come on!

Sally Summers: it looks gross honestly

Dennielle Pollock: Oh no

Bianca Kelty: Oh my birthday is the 29th of October

Annie Finley: why do u have only one chin in ur intro

Keanu Jesus: Yo what's up with your hairline? Edit: and ya neck? Where's your chin?

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