Simple Shibari Hair Tie


Hey folks back at it with a quick one that I get asked about frequently. This hair tie is super quick to throw on and holds extremely well. In this video I walk through it with my model having "worst case scenario hair" meaning she is freshly showered with conditioner and styling product in which makes her hair as slick as possible. This tie really holds well though and as long as you tighten your frictions down well and gather the hair in the direction so that it pulls evenly, you should have no problem.

Occasionally you'll find that the hair slips upon first pull before it settles into place. This happens and you really just gotta play with this and get a feel for it so that you're comfortable. Once it's in though, you can pull this super tight to the point where only the true masochists will take its full potential before it starts slipping out as more and more weight is pulled. Like I said earlier, this is not suspendable on its own as it is shown in this video. Please don't hurt anyone.

Other considerations that effect this hair tie are: natural hairstyle (curly, wavy, straight, etc.), how recently has it been conditioned, styling products, length, braiding, and overall health of the hair. My typical rule of thumb is that if you can grab a nice fistful of hair, it can be tied this way. Even if the hair is shoulder length or even a bit shorter than that.

Disclosure: I unfortunately have not had the opportunity to try out this hair tie on all types of hair. In particular, I haven't gotten to try it on dreadlocked hair or ethnic hair. The folks I have tied with these types of hair didn't want their hair touched and so I have respected their wishes.

All right to start this tie off we're going to begin with the bite and we're going to go ahead and create a lark's head with the bite and slot it over our wrist. If you think about when you're, either gathering hair for a ponytail or a bun, you typically have a hair tie on your wrist, as you gather the hair and then throw that hair tie on top we're going to be doing the exact same thing with the rope Here so as i go ahead and gather the hair on the right hand, side you'll notice that i'm gathering for a high ponytail on the left hand side is more of a centered ponytail. This is all dependent upon the direction that you plan on pulling the hair. In this example, i'm going to be pulling the hair up so the right hand side is actually what i should be doing the left hand side. The only reason i'm gathering a center ponytail is so that i could show to the camera exactly what's happening. Otherwise, the rope is out of view now, you'll see what i just did. There was once i threw that lark's head in. I went ahead and spread it and collapsed it. So those two little rope lines that were on top. I went ahead and spread them and i pulled the running end to collapse and create a u-shape banded within that hair, which gives you this a really nice structure to tie onto now. I'M just throwing a couple of half twists and make sure that you're building towards the scalp you want to be layering, those on top of each other to get all that friction in the hair. This is what actually creates enough friction so that your tie doesn't slide off the hair. One thing i made a point of doing is: i had my model here shower use shampoo and conditioner, as well as her styling products after they give her a really smooth finish. So her hair is extremely slick here, so it's as slippery as it could possibly be, but even when i throw this up line, you'll notice that there's no slippage on the right hand, side and, on the left hand, side, there's a small amount of slippage. But this is more so due with again the directionality of the hair that i'm pulling that i mentioned earlier, is that since i'm not pulling evenly, i'm pulling more from the bottom of the scalp. Since i'm going up the direction - and i gathered a center pony - there's a little bit of slippage there so once again that directionality really comes into play here. That was my simple hair tie. Hope you enjoyed it.

daughterofgorgias: Your explanation is very good and simple. I definitely like it. Thanks

Thomas: I didn't realized what this video was before the end, I just wanted to tie my hair up in a bun with rope instead of elastics to be fancy

Cody Hines: What length of rope did you use?

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