How To Fix A Stretched Out Invisibobble | Fixing A Stretched Hair Tie | Beauty Hack

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Welcome back to my channel! Invisibobbles are my absolute fave hair tie but they lose their shape pretty quick. Here's how to get them back being as good as new in a flash!

Invisibobble ORIGINAL Hair Ties

If you're new here, I'm Emma, a mum of two from London. Most of the time I'm a hot mess on the struggle bus of mum life. I am not a makeup artist by any stretch of the imagination, I just really LOVE makeup and all things beauty related.

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Emma xox


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Hey loves: welcome back to my channel super quick hack, video PU. Today I discovered this recently and it's genius, so I wanted to share it with you. If you use Invisibles that you need to watch this video for those of you that don't know Invisibles are these incredible kind of plastic. Hair ties when they're in the hair depends on the shade that you use they're, pretty much invisible. They don't tangle. Your hair doesn't get stuck in them and most of the time they don't need a wig in your hair, so I love them, but after a while they lose their kind of stretch and they get a little bit out of shape. You can still use them like this, but they're not as tight and as easy to use when they're by new. But I found a hack to get your stretched kind of use, invisible balls back to brand-new so that you get that tightness and at ease with them. Again, it's super easy. All you need to do is pop them in a mug or a cup, and boil your kettle, I'm in my makeup room. So I don't have a kiss up here. So I put boiling water in my little pink flowers. You pop that in there you can see there's only one in there you put some hot water on top and you give it a second. This should have got at all. I might have to get a makeup brush shot and you give it a second. The hot water helps the invisible ball shrink back down. It'S almost there, just let it sit in there boiling water for a minute. I'M gon na give it like 30 seconds and the hot water basically shrinks your invisible ball back down to brand new, like that's almost there. I know right so if you've lost the kind of stretch and they've got a bit misshapen and you and you find them more difficult to use pop them in some hot water, it shrinks back down it's a bit hot, and it goes exactly the same as it Was when it was brand new, so I'm gon na let that cool down. How amazing, is that such a great hack? Thank you so much for watching. I hope you've enjoyed this video. If you found it helpful, don't forget to give the video a thumbs up. Don'T forget to subscribe, so you don't miss any of my uploads and if you've got any other hacks like this. Let me know in the comments. I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll speak to you soon.

Carol Taylor: This is called plastic memory!! Thermoplastics remember how they were when they were first set! How cool is that! I love being a DT Teacher

Youraverageserialarsonist Yuh: This works so well thank you so much!!!!!!!! I used it on a bracelet like this and it still worked!!!

Jayden: Thank you soooo much! This helped me alot tbh❤️I don't have to buy new of these hair tie things anyways

CARLYE SAMATAS: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I really appreciate this helpful video. ; )

Lori Lynn: This is the best video! So helpful and it WORKS!

Jazmín Colunga: Yes it worked for me thank you very much UwU ❤️

Alli: i believe you can also use a hairdryer and get the same effect

Sweet Dreamer: Tried it and they only shrunk a little, no where near the size they were when they were new

Abigail R.B: Does it need a coil in the invisibobble to shrink

Stefany Flores: Amazing I needed this!

ashley Yankowski: I subbed cause it kinda works my hair is longer so in need bigger ones

Olivia Hunt: Thanks soo much

Brittany Rawlings: Or a blow dryer

mia onufrak: i tried this but it’s not working :(

Tessa's TV show: Will this work with scrunchies?? I have a bunch of stretched put scrunchies that I want to fix.

Robert Moore: ik this was a 2 years ago but how do i clean mine

lala1165: Does not work with mine

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