How To Fix Invisibobble Hair Elastics - Hair Romance Good Hair Q&A #3

Don't throw away your stretched out invisibobbles - you can make them as good as new with this hair hack. This is part of my Good Hair Q&A series with new videos every day this month.

You can buy invisibobbles at salons or online -




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Christina xx

Hi there and welcome back to Hair Romance., I'm Christina and I'm posting an answer to one of your hair questions every day this month so hit subscribe. So you don't miss my next video. Now, we've already talked about curl cream and oily hair and the link for those is in the description box below. But now we're going to talk about hair elastics.. I shared a hair hack on Instagram and I got a lot of questions, so I'm going to run through exactly what I do. Now. I'm a big fan of these invisibobbles, these invisible hair elastics., You might know them seen them. Before. They're plastic and they're sort of like a coil and they're fantastic because they don't leave a dent in your hair.. So when you wear your hair up in a ponytail or a bun, I find them really comfortable even for thick or heavy hair.. They hold up. Well, but they don't leave a mark in your hair, so they're terrific, if you're going to the gym in the middle of the day, and you want to put your hair up and you can still take it down and it looks pretty much the same as when You started. So they're fantastic, but after a little while they do start to stretch out and they can still wind around but they're, not as good.But there's a way to shrink them back to their original shape and I'll. Show you exactly what I do. Now. The first step is to boil the kettle., But you don't need boiling water for this. You just need hot water. So once it's boiled, let it cool down a little bit. More. Then place your elastic in the bottom of a cup and pour a little bit of water over the top.. You can see it shrink back straight. Away., Now be a little careful when you're taking the elastic out of the water.. It is hot. So I just usually drain it into the sink, and then it's good to go. So that's how you shrink your invisibobble back to its original size.. I hope it helped that I used some green ones, because I didn't think you'd see the clear ones very well in the example., But you can get them in a bunch of different colors and they're fantastic and no matter what your hair type is. They're. Also excellent. For when you have curly hair - and you want to pineapple your hair up on top of your head, while you sleep. That's my trick as well - for getting up with great curls in the morning. Thanks so much for watching and do subscribe. So you don't miss my next video and you can also ask your questions in the comments. Below. Have fun with your hair and I'll see you soon. Bye,

Wendy F: I can’t figure out how to untwist the ones that get permanent twists in them ☹️

Sarayu V: Hi, do you know how to fix one of these if you snap it in half? Love this video btw

Andy StPierre: I used to use the hot water trick but my hair dresser/best friend showed me how to use the blow dryer instead and it shrink them in seconds!

LaughingLeanne: You can also use a blowdryer to get them to shrink back up, which is a lot easier and faster. Just make sure to let them cool before using! :-)

Tahreem Sheikh: I love your smile! And omg, I always use a invisibobble to tie a pineapple. It’s become loose and I only have one. Ahaha.

Jen.L: Dang i wish i saw this year's ago before i threw away a whole heap Thanks for the tip❤

Alexandra Wimmer: Hi, shrink it that bobblethingi with my hairdrier, or I just place it in the sun, if I don't need to use it straight away.

ladyflimflam: Or tuck them into your bra when you take them out instead of putting them on your wrist. Mine are always in good shape because of that.

Jan Holdridge: I just soak mine in really hot water in the sink. Works like a charm.

Kinjal Dave: How to get rid of those yellow stains in the clear ones ?

Natalie Grooman: Thanks for sharing this info

Carol Pardee: Wow! Great tip!

WinstonChaychel: I toss mine in the trash I just can't use the invisibobbles. They were keychains before and we would try to use them as hair elastics back then too, they just snagged hahaha. I'll rock the scrunchie.

Katti Miller: I have to hide my Invisbobbles. My dog has eaten 8 of them, 2 out of spite.

Sharon T: Do you use protein in your hair? If so why and what products?

Dan nie: I take them with me to the sauna.

Mari Barker: Does anyone know how to untangle one though? I know how to shrink them just fine but mines all misshapen

shicadelic: Mine always break after a few months.

Lucy SOMEONE: Omg?.?. This is amazing

Kara Lee: Woah who knew?!

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