Sleek Ponytail On Thick, Kinky Type 4 Natural Hair Without Heat Or Gel!!

How to get a heatless, sleek ponytail on thick, kinky type 4 natural hair with no gel!


Creme of Nature twist & curling pudding

Creme of Nature perfect edges (extra hold)

EBIN 24hr edge tamer

Soft Brush

Wide Tooth Comb

Cotton Stretch Ponytail Holders

Jamaican Black Castor Oil


INSTRUMENTALS (provided by my mannnn!!!)





INSTAGRAM➜ @halfricanbeaute

TWITTER➜ @halfricanbeaute


F A Q:

Race: Half Nigerian + African American

Name: Isimeme (E-C-May-May) Edeko (E-Deck-Co)

Camera: Canon EOS T6i

Editing Software: iMovie

Curl Pattern: 4a/4b

Channel's Intro Song:


*FTC: This video is not sponsored.

You use my name, why don't beat again have a computer here and today I'm bringing you guys what I believe to be the first natural hairstyle of 2020. I bring you guys a natural ponytail hairstyle that matches my type for natural hair very nicely. Eating went crazy about this hairstyle on my Instagram when I posted these pictures on my profile the other day, and I was like I got ta - do it for them and crazy thing is. I did not record the video because I did not know how the hairstyles gon na turn out. You know how you want to do your hair, but you don't really have a vision on how it's gon na turn out. It was like that for me, I just was kind of just putting things together and it turned out poppin. I had hella comments about it, so I was like. I can't leave them hanging. I am doing the ponytail a little bit different than what I've ever seen before literally. This was just off the dome and it worked for me and my thick type for not your hair, so I will get into that. But before I happen to this video, if you're new to beauty - and you never heard of us sis - we don't know you better, but we are so glad that you found us this Beauty gang is hella stupid little rehear. If you don't believe me, come check the comment section below you will see multiple Beauty, a member special for the fact that we're headless to be licked and then that going to that subscribe button and the bunch. So you notified each time post a new video without further ado. Let'S happen to this ledge sis, so I've got a really cool thing about this. Hairstyle is that I didn't use any gel whatsoever to make my hair slicked down. Also, I did not blow dry. My hair, my hair, is in a stretched state, but it's basically like what I did in my natural hair winter routine that I posted on my channel. That'S basically how I stretched is left it into Duque brace for a couple of days and then took it down and it's kind of any stretch date. I do feel like with this hairstyle. You probably do meet your hair and a stretch state, but it doesn't require heat. I didn't use heat whatsoever to get my hair like this. Another thing that I changed up this time around too, is that usually with like ponytails and stuff, people have to make a very small, a bitty, teeny weeny, tiny, tiny bunny. My hair is too big for that type stuff. It just never works. The ponytail ends up. Looking too bulkier just doesn't look that good nohow doesn't make sense to me, but I somehow made it make sense in my head to do things differently, and I feel I can worked out pretty nicely first. Things first is to go ahead and kind of rake. The perimeter of my hair with a wide tooth comb just to make sure that my hair looks back without a lot of humps and pumps and all that other onions. As you can see, I'm not combing my hair. All the way through. I will rip out my hair if I do that, I just want to make sure the perimeter so the front part of my hair and the back part. I have a smooth transition into my ponytail: got ta, get that kitchen the kitchen or make or break this hair spouses. Now it's time to apply the cream of nature twist and curling. Putting all around the perimeter of my hair, the cream of nature, helps with manipulating the style easier, and it also kind of gives your hair a little bit of moisture. It'S not the most moisturizing product, but it has a little bit of moisture to it, which my hair definitely needs, because it's already in a very dry stress state. Now that there's a product in my hair that has a little bit of moisture to it. My hair will have a little bit more slit-like it'll, be a little bit easier to detangle, so I'm gon na go in with this smaller tooth comb and rewrite the perimeter of my hair, like I did with the wide tooth. Comb basically gets out any little kinks that the wide tooth comb might have missed. Of course, you got to use a soft bristle brush to go ahead and make the hairstyle smooth and sleek that's what the cream of nature does. It makes it super smooth and because of that, that's why I don't really need a gel like that, but I real reinforce it so hold that thought. You know if you guys can see this little hump right here is the reason raking is so important that can make or break a ponytail can go ahead and write. The curls trying to pop got my waves on fleek. Alright, let me I lose myself. This is when the cloth ponytail holders come into play. Y'All I always used to because my hair is so thick they're, not gon na break on me anyway, but I don't know. I just feel like two makes my ponytail more secure, another big component, those who this hairstyle working is not to put your ponytail too high. I have done that in the past when I want to put on a phony pony or create a longer ponytail on my hair, I put it too high and then, when I try to add the fake hair, it just looks like ridiculous. It'S just not in a good placement, so I do suggest placing the like base of your ponytail like an inch or two lower than what you would typically do with your real hair. That makes sense bring my hair together rush it into that. Ponytail think this is a good placement for it. It'S literally like right in the upper middle part of my crown area. Oh, oh, my gosh, now something I forgot to do last time when I told myself whenever I do like tight high up hairstyles or just ponytails in general, I want to make sure I always clip to make a black, castor oil. On my edges, I highly suggest that if you have thin edges, if you want to make sure your edges don't very godless, easily land just stuff like that, I always feel like Jamaican black castor oil is kind of, like my strength, reinforcement when it comes to manipulating My edges and stuff a lot, so I am gon na go ahead and apply that around the perimeter of my hair as well. Just to make sure my edges stay strong. You know I do use a healthy amount for this in the front, and I'm gon na put it in the back. Kitchen area needs love. Now I'm gon na go in with the cream of nature, perfect edges, extra hold edge control, and I'm not gon na put it on my edges, because this junk doesn't work on my edges or howth and whatsoever. However, if it does do a good job of molding, this hairstyle - because literally this is all I use along with the cream of nature twist and curly pudding, to do the ponytail that I posted on Instagram. This is like a really big reason, a component as to why gel isn't really necessary for this hairstyle. It holds your hair, but it doesn't make it hard or anything like that, and I haven't washed my hair since I did that ponytail so like, as you saw when I started this video, my hair was still easy to manipulate. It wasn't like stuck in one hairstyle, like gel, typically makes your hair do so. This is really good for if you want to do this hairstyle, but you don't want to be stuck in this hairstyle now, I'm gon na take a nice little healthy scoop. Out of this go ahead and rub it between my hands, it is thick okay, ladies and gentlemen, then I'm gon na move it along. It is not even funny how sleek this harris's - yes, yes, yes, yes, now that my hair is sleek into this ponytail. It'S time to let the style, mold and sit so I'm gon na go ahead and throw on the scarf, and while it's sitting, I'm gon na go ahead and start one ponytail detail run this hair out the way, so it doesn't get stuck in there. Okay, look like I said earlier in the video. It will be very hard to get my hair into a teeny-tiny gon na, be like creating a bun for a ponytail to be attached to or made on either have to have short hair for or your hair can't be that dense in order for the bun to Be as small as possible, so it can my camouflage and not look ridiculous behind the ponytail. My hair personally doesn't fit in either of those categories, so I figured out kind of a different way to do this. I'M not sure if you guys are gon na like it or not, but it's footwork for me and I'm like how my hair turned out. If you can figure out a better way to do it, be my guest and even comment below. If you have any other suggestions, but this is what I do - I go ahead and actually make a bubble ponytail with my hair, for example, this is the base of my ponytail right here. I'M gon na go like an inch or so above the base. Gon na wrap a new pony tail holder around there, it's creating a quote-unquote bubbly, so that's one! Then I'm gon na go another inch or two wrap the ponytail holder around there that'll be two creating another, but I'm gon na keep doing that till I get to the ends of my hair, so I know it looks funny, but this is how your hair is. Probably gon na end up looking it's gon na have some hang time to it. It'S okay, I'm actually gon na add a couple of more ponytail holders in these thicker bubble sections just to try to make the bubble ponytail as small as possible because we are about to add hair to it. So we want it to be able to camouflage as good as possible. This one is a little fatter than I would like, but having a ponytail holder, there makes it skinnier. So now comes the fun more interesting part to add the hair onto this doggone. Hang time. Ponytail gon na go ahead. Take the Marley hair out the Pat, if you're wondering why I want from Marley hair by the way is because it's texture, mimics, not your hair. The best, especially for type 4 Naturals, have like a straightish type ponytail and your hair isn't straight it'll, look kind of ratchet. I hate ponytails that don't match your actual hair pattern. It just doesn't look cute to me, so I always try to make sure that I get hair that mimics my actual hair powder than the best. So what I'm going to do is take 1/3 out of that first peg. I feel like each pack, you can get like three good sections from it when I actually did this hairstyle on myself, no cameras or whatever I started at the end of the ponytail would attach in the hair, but it ended up looking a little bit choppy like The end look extremely long's. I didn't like the way that looks so I had to kind of manipulate it a lot, so I'm actually gon na start from the very top and I'm going to tie it like a shoestring. Your I kid you not that's how I created the ponytail. I know it sounds a little bit funny, but actually, I feel like that's the reason. It'S easy to take this hairstyle down at night as well, sometimes constantly having to wrap tracks and stuff around your ponytails and stuff takes a long time to take down, and it's just very tiresome and annoying, whereas this is super easy to put up and super easy To take down literally I'm wrapping it like a shoe string, starting at the base. I have both ends, I'm going to literally tie it there we go, I'm tying it around the base boom, also by the way, make sure you leave three strands on the Marley hair to the side, because that's how you're gon na wrap the base of this ponytail To kind of make it look as neat as possible: gon na go ahead and continue layering the ponytail with this Marley hair. Something to keep in mind is that Marley hair is not that heavy. So if you had longer hair like me, obviously you could still see this part is thick and yeah, something that would help kind of the ponytail to start having more of a downward type of pool to. It is to make sure that you're pulling the hair down. As you're tying it onto the ponytail, so let me just show you guys what I'm talking about as I'm tying it and tightening it I'm going to pull down as I'm tightening it. I'M pulling it down now before adding the final bundle of Marley hair gon na go ahead and um hi scarf. I'M gon na go ahead and click what I've already done away with the Marley hair. Well, actually, I'm a ponytail little way, then I'm gon na go ahead and fold over my ponytail to make it smaller and I'm basically going to create another bubble. Ponytail around my already bubble. Ponytail now I'm gon na go ahead and use the last Marley pack that I have and tie it around this new bubble. Ponytail remember when we are tying it we're gon na tie downward I'm gon na let down the remainder of the Marley hair. Just to see the overall flow of how the ponytails looking I'm gon na go ahead and create the base of my ponytail using the hair strands. I told you guys to leave off to the side now you could be done and go ahead and leave your ponytail. Like this, if you're having shorter than mine, then your bubble, ponytail - probably isn't like sticking up like that. But again my hair super thick dense and it's long so I'm gon na go ahead and use a bobby pin and just scoop it through the very end of my bubble, ponytail and attach it to the back kind of kitchen area of my hair so that it Stays down, this is what it's looking like right now and you even know if it looks bad or not back, just want to make sure that it's nothing like sticking up, and it looks really weird. I'M gon na go ahead and kind of make it look like this. You see the difference like that like this. Hopefully you guys can see the difference. All I did was aimlessly place bobby pins between the ponytail and the back of my head. Now it's laying a little bit flatter, which I like this point until it's a little bit longer than I would like, I'm gon na go ahead and cut off the very ends that are just hanging extremely long. It looks really fake. I don't like when the layers don't look natural, so I'm gon na go ahead and just shape up the ponytail a little bit now for the fun part, laying them it useless. Let'S get into them, I'm going to be using the EBI and 24-hour edge tamer. All right edges are done, gon na go ahead and let those set I'm actually going to apply one born layer of the cream with nature. Perfect edges hold just so my hair stuck and completely mold and then I'll come back and show you guys what the final results are. But I do want to apply this one more time now, I'm going to lay everything with two scars, one specifically for the edges and the other for the perimeter of my hair, alright y'all. So it's been a nice little minute. I think I've had my hair setting for a good half an hour, so now I'm ready to go ahead and take it down and see how these final results look. Y'All. My hair came out even better than the first time Wow. I showed out on this one. Y'All, I showed it out for my beauty gang. What do you think I freaking love it? I think it came out so cute if it seemed hard. It was because I was literally trying to do this hairstyle, while showing you guys making sure y'all saw the proper angles and stuff, but if you were just doing this on your own, I just said by yourself. I probably could have finish this hairstyle like 15 minutes max, so it's dope how convenient it is like I'm feeling it. I got ta give y'all close-up on this one. I really did that angles. Yes, this is probably one of my top three favorite hairstyles. I'Ve ever done on myself. I am like so proud of this wow wow wow wow. By the way, direct links to all the products that I used in this video can be found in description box below. If you do recreate this hairstyle be sure to tag me on Instagram, so I can show y'all love. You know. I got up a little bit also comment below what you guys thought of my method of putting this ponytail together instead of the typical little small. What do you think do you think my method was doing too much? Do you think my? Oh, that's a really good idea or you know what are your thoughts or if you have any other methods of doing a ponytail that makes it still look natural and not to like ridiculous up top. You should have comment that below last thing is to go ahead and keep you guys on 360, so you guys can see how my hair is looking looking and snatched off way around point-blank period. I think that is all I have for you guys. I really hope you guys enjoyed this video. Please don't forget to Like comment: share subscribe Beauty. King is clearly linty and until next time guys bye, we like to touch on, never get it up and down what they say. He'S had a longer visit on a day-by-day yeah hi Jeff Brooklyn. Yes, that's right: yeah, yummy,

Alaynuhhh: The makeup and gold accessories are giving me SERIOUS 90s vibes and I’m here for it !!

Lauriaa: Currently wearing a wig for the “cold” season in FL, once spring rolls around I will be rocking this expeditiously

Isabella K: but your hair without the extra pony was everything

AnaisJae: Loooooove this method! A tip when doing the “bubbles” with your real hair: Do the first bubble pulling your hair downward so that most of the tension is on the underside of your ponytail rather than the top. Then repeat a couple more times like this, fold your hair to the desired length and then continue to the bottom. Your hair will lay down more initially and the ponytail won’t have to be as stiff. Hope that made sense lol

Britteny Thomas: This is the prefect protective style! I'll use this at my interview on Monday! Thank you beauty gang <3

Kimaya Fields: this makeup look is HITTING... love the hair so much!!

Crystal Thomas: Without gel?! “What you talking about Willis”

Toni Obagaye: Ugh I love how u share ur secret with other black women so we can all slay together.... girl u deserve an award ... though u already look like the prize

Tiara Yvonne: This is the safest and easiest way I’ve seen someone achieve a phony pony. No glue, Gel or needle and thread.

Hi. Goodbye: Yes maaammmm Don’t like gel and I don’t like heat Girrlll saw this on ig and needed the tutorial and now it’s finally here!!! Ayyyeee thank youuuu

Janadel Francis: You’re method honestly saved me so much time. Trying to fit thick hair into a small bun is such a struggle.

Jessica W: I did this last month! I loved it and it was super easy!

Rachel Belony: Wow I’ve never seen a ponytail done this way. It looks so perfect omg love this. ❤️

Britney Jackson: Yes sis you just gave me the inspo I needed because I was just about done trying to do anything because of how thick my hair is.I felt that struggle of you putting your hair up on a spiritual level. But I am definitely gonna give this a try!! You were giving the girls 90s vibes I'm here for it.

amber rae: Yessss thank you for showing this method! I have 4a/4b, thick, long, hair similar to yours, and this will help me tremendously when I do a drawstring pony. I have some spring twist hair that I'm going to use to try the way you showed too.

Adee: Let's start calling it the Isi ponytail or something before it gets away from her

Ameerah B: Wow that’s DEFINITELY a method I’ve never seen before came out beautifully!!!!

PurelyBelle: That is an awesome creative, protective style! Go girl!! ‍♀️

sonhrad123: definitely wanna do this hairstyle for my 17th birthday, love it!!

Justine Michelle: When these box braids come out, I’m doing this style. All the black girl magic in this vid is too much for me Isi

Trinity Minus: I coming back to this video so I can do this for prom! I loved this!

Savan Ketchum: Thank You for my Spring Time Summer Time Look!

Deborah Jordan: I’m to the point in my hair journey where it takes me and my mom to get all my hair in a ponytail

Shayonncé: What I do when I can’t get my hair into a tiny bun is do a plait, then wrap the plait into a smaller bun. that works best for when my hair doesn’t cooperate

Sabina Miezah: Definitely wearing this as a protective style for the next two weeks this method is honestly so smart and easy and the bun method never works out for me. Thanks Isi

Rayanna: I was watching her do her hair and I was thinking, she dont even need the extra hair.

Ms oddballz: This is a great method. I loved it and it was easy to follow.

Keiko: Omg I’m so happy you did this because my hair has gotten longer and I needed another way to do a ponytail . This is definitely going to be my birthday hairstyle ❤️

nikstar87: Great look! I like to put another scrunchie on the end of my hair before tryna contain it into a pony tail. Makes it easier to get the ends through the main scrunchie... can't remember where I first saw that too but it saves my arms some work for sure.

The Inspirational Angel 🕊💖: This is so cute!! I will definitely be trying this out with the method you use! I love it!✨

SoniaJR: Thanks . Great simple slick hair style for the working week

Tyra Bourne: Wow I have been looking for the longest time on how to slay a ponytail on my thick 4b/c hair. Can't wait to try this out this week❣thank you so much for your creativity

Rayanna M: Yes you did that your ponytail is slayed and layed ❤️ I really loved your method I never seen it done like that especially tiring the hair around like shoe strings it’s really cute and if blended with your hair extremely well ❤️

RAWKSTARtm: Love this! I don’t have type 4 hair, but I love your channel! My daughter has type 4 hair so I been mentioning your channel to her because she could learn a lot from you! ✌❤️

Domo Unique: SISSSSSS THIS IS A WHOLE LOOK! I definitely gotta try this, it's so effortless!!

Makyiah Eastman: i’m applauding your edges

Chef Kristea: Girl!!! This is sooo creative!!! I’m def gonna try this

Anitra Frayer: Love it!!! Very great idea!!!

Gizelle Gayle: Yes castor oil for that edge protection, I do the same. Love the hairstyle, I might do this hairstyle tonight ❤️

Naturally Cre: Yes ma’am! Love it, definitely gotta try

It’sDynaisha: This is genius . I would love to see you do this method but with a low ponytail

Kristin Johnson: my hair doesn't fit into a small bun either so i'll give this a try! thanks

Alexandra Annosier: Lol I love how happy you were at the end about how it came out. I love this I’m gonna try it.

campns1: So thank you for your channel, my wife and I are a mixed race couple she's mixed black white, i'm mixed mexican white. But she hasn't had natural hair in about 30 years. We recently adopted a mixed black, hispanic, white 8 year old little girl about 6 weeks ago and we have been struggling to tame her hair. Some of your earlier videos helped us and this little girl go from fretting getting her hair done to looking forward to it. my wife and I are continuing to use your channel to figure out how to do some age appropriate hair styles for her. She's been through a lot in her short life and were happy to help her express herself in good positive ways. keep up the good work and thank you for what you do.

Ada Mbata: Love the hair videos! Keep them coming! Your hair videos are bomb! Good idea on your pony tail!! I know you mentioned that you take it down in the evenings. I'm just curious about how long it would last. I want to try it on my hair now.

Queen BritBrat: Hey issi! After u put ur real hair in a ponytail, you can try splitting that ponytail into like 5-6 small braids. That'll make it easier to put it in a small bun! #beautegang

Christine Matalbert: The intro never gets old sisss‍♀️❤️❤️❤️ #BeautyGangAlwaysLit

Ashley Pemberton: You literally solved my issue with sleek ponies!!!!!!!!

1Master Ki: I lovvvvvvvvve this method Super easy and flawless thank you so much ✌

Vanessa Glorie: Whoa I’m shook! This is such smart way to do a ponytail on type 4 hair!

Makeupswatch Fan: So beautiful, love it

Darrenisha Triplett: When you are really feeling your hair lol at 0:01

S Hitch: Love this style!

livelaugh _love: This is so innovative..this video will be trending

Kelsie J: This gave me all my life! I was looking for this!!

Iysatu Kargbo: This is incredibly helpful cause I don't like gel! Thanks sis!!!!!

Ishani Brinson: this method!! was made for my thick kinky 4a hair I can't wait to try it

ae k: I always slap marley hair on top of a ponytail and go about my day, but this makes so much sense & gives a natural tapered look. Doing this for a lowpony soon!

Kendra Monica: I’ve never seen this method before. I’m feeling it.

Gabby-Shonté: This is gorgeous!!

Dezhana D: I love this look!

SERENDIPITY: Oeehh you should try this as a low ponytail, I’d love to see that as well

themoderndiva: I love your method perfect for summer

Kathy Flemmings: Ponytail great ideas looks beautiful

katrina taylor: I love this. I’m going to get the products for my hair. That’s a wonderful idea.

Therealshay: I never thought about using Marley hair! Definitely going to recreate this!

BlueFlowers: So cute! Will be trying this soon lol

Vannah Banana: I did this hairstyle twice before. It's the easiest and it allows me to not touch my hair too much.

Adaiza Findley: This was a great idea especially for someone like me who doesn’t really know how to do my hair. This was a simple way! Also can you do an updated tutorial on how to do edges your girl is still struggling

rita leach: Love how you really put that ❤ together.

Alexa Ramírez: Muy linda

Shay Kisalu: Genius idea of how to add the ponytail. Cute hairstyle

Lilian Okibe: I always have headache when I do tight ponytails. How do you prevent this?

Taneaka Tillman: Yes sis you definitely showed out with this ponytail it did seem like alot of extra steps but it turned out cute.

Yaa Owusua: I love your method. I’ll try it out.

ciera nicole: I’ve been using the bubble ponytail idea lately but if I’m slicking it down & my hair is wet it’s easier to make it smaller when it’s super small! I definitely need to add more bubbles to my ponytail to make it even more sleek!

A. Ade: loved it! although i think you can fold your own hair into half before putting in the extentions, just to make it abit easier but great this method!

Brittney Joseph: Yaaaass!!! You look amazing! I’ve missed your hair videos such inspo! ✨✨

Kim Porter: Looks great! I also love the method....

Nusha Hooi: I can't wait to try out this hairstyle

HeyItsMeJazz: Hey Halfrican Beaute first off I want to say ilysm you are such amazing person btw you and your boo is goals! I have a question can you do mini twists on your hair ? Love you so much

Mamie Stuart: Love it

Star Mocha: Love this look on you!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

TheFlygirlsiii: Girl u poppin! Method was easy and great! Beautiful turnout

Terry Walker: Awesome idea and technique

Jania C: Sisssssss if only there was a LOVE button for this video!!! Utter dope to the next level! this is by far the BEST...BEST... B.E.S.T. method I have seen by far

Enn Vee: This is a brilliant technique!!

Juliette Anne: Love it!!!!

Ali B: I love it!

CallMe Key: I love this ✨ but can we get a makeup tutorial it looks so good

Tamara Henderson: I love it thanks great method I will be defiantly be trying it

Schnieline: So creative. Definitely gonna try this hair style sis

Leslie Galloway: Girl...SWV, Jade, first day of 10th grade 1998... I’m getting ALL the feels of the 90s from you on this video

Denene Owens: You did that, love it***

DIAMOND FIANKO: Very natural looking.. thanks for sharing with us and happy new year sis

—ella moïka: tht such a good idea, i feel like it wont hurt my scalp !! DEFINITELY GON TRY THIS OUT ✊

Marion Booth: Sis the ponytail is on point. You did that!

Elexus Hunt: without gel ? i clicked IMMEDIATELY

Koils Natural: I love the method. Anything simple is a win for me

Jasmine Jenkins: You just took black girl magic to a whole new level! Thank you!!!!

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