Afro Puff And Ponytail | Natural Hair | Shantania Beckford

Hey my Lovelies ...

This video has been highly requested on how I style my short natural hair with the draw string ponytail and deep curly weave.

Forgive me for such a long video but I thought it was best if I talked you through exactly what I did!

This video shows some of the hardships I face when doing my hair, some people make it look easy but I'm showing exactly what I go through especially when I am not really use to styling my natural texture hair.

♥ ♥ GIVE AWAY ♥ ♥

I will be giving away two of the drawstring Afro hair!!! Stay tuned for more details!


Elastic Bands

Gummy Care keratin Gel

KTC Castor oil

Cantu Coconut Curling Cream


Bobby pins

Hard brush and soft Brush


Janet Collection Noir Everytime Afro Sexy Draw String

Noxu Hair - Peruvian deep curly 22"

Soft Box

Oh hi, guys what's up police, say what you doing so today, I'm going to show you how I achieve the high puff thing. Bush ponytail Thing Thing Thing Thing: yeah, I'm gon na show you how I get that with my short hair. I'Ve shaved my head last year, yeah 2014 just went to the barbers like you know. What take it off take off my hair's falling out, I'm depressed just too much take it out, check it off chin up chin up so clean off your in a bit later. This is what we have: it's grow, Oh buddy, good, but yeah. Let me tell you natural hair is no joke, like you think, that's easy! It'S not like when your hand relaxed. Oh, you could just put your hair in a ponytail and leave with this. You actually have to put work like I have muscles from doing my hair like yeah, it's just getting to me. So I'm going to show you two styles. First. Is the big afro puff the publishing in my Instagram that one was a favorite and then I'll go back and get it, and then we have? This is actually my first ever merging Peruvian, even Brazilian hair ever got this sent to me by nuts in hair check them out they're like amazing, and it always looking for ambassadors to promote this is my favorite one. So I'm going to show you two styles and then hopefully you can just choose which one you like I'll, also be giving a giveaway on this hair. Like some people don't live where I live, so they can't get it and you know, but uh, I'm gon na get two more two more messing in two amazeballs girls, amazing, amazing girls. So you can rock the hair. Okay, we're gon na get started guys. So, first, what you need is: okay, I'm I tell you what you need. You need a spray bottle so that it's easier to put all this in a bun. I use castor oil because I really think my hair stick. It does something to. I don't know what it does, but it does something to it. So I use castor oil Lucy yeah and then I don't ever want to use this, but I just have it here: anyways they can to coconut curling cream. You should actually see the texture of my hair. Let me zoom yeah, I'm not really sure what number it is like the fours and the threes in it. I don't know. All I know is this is the texture it has like loads and lines cute little curls and stuff, but you know how I greeted thick hair, so we just love to dance. Then dance, hair, yeah see yeah, see that see that yeah. So that's my hair. Can someone please help me on Tommy what the texture is? Cuz, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know Eddie. I actually got this from my friend. He bought this for his hair for a photo shoot and he left it at my house. So I you know he knows he took his stuff. You see all that whoa. This wax sticks everything down back to my eco styler, so I used the gummy hair gel this one's a carotene one. I prefer the little ol up clean of shitload of bobby pins boy, a shitload of bobby pins cuz, I'm coming out yeah. If you have sure that mine there's no way staying up by itself a hard brush, you need you, you need a hard brush. Also, a soft brush hard and soft, yes and afro pick now we're going to get started right. Are you ready? Are you ready? I'M ready. Wish me luck. Okay, the first thing you're going to do is spray, your hair. It comes out and she sprayed midnight box. Oh god, I was all lovely yeah, yes, spray yeah, so that's sprayed of it spread your hands great. I keep on here in the light box and you know well if it breaks that's my 40 pounds down the drain. Oh, if you do need to know where I got the light boxes from even so I've dumped in the hair rub it all in I've already got product in my hair by the way cuz. I did this for work now. What you do is you try to figure out a position that you want to put your hair into I'm. Thank you all the way up, just like comb it up a bit. The afro pick fine my best problems of a black woman, reverting from the relaxed hair to natural hair. It'S a struggle relaxed. I need not to do this. One brush and you're gone well and I'm not sure so what ends okay so because I don't think I'll be able to put this over in a ponytail. You can do it Richie, I'm gon na start with this one. You can do a trick with this. Wait. It can do a trick with this one. Okay just need to have one of these, then stretchy bands, and then I'm gon na take some gel first and put it on the back of my hair at the back to holding on to mail. Take the hard brush and brush make sure that, though okay, I'm gon na colonel I'll brush the back all the way up the sides I put the Jedi first and I put the customer on. I don't know why I do it that way, but you just listen. Do things the way you want to do it, you don't have to follow everybody. Does not everybody's mine will work for you. Well, that's one of my life mottos don't follow everybody's doing for then you not being true to yourself. Yes, miss over talking to a camera boy, okay, any him, then some customer, all these things Nick. Why is there good thick and then rub it all over my hair on the ends, mostly cuz? That'S where it dries out the most you know: yep yep, yep, yep yep, yes, okay over it out and then then you take this thing. Put it over your neck, then you're gon na kind of hurt yourself good, have a big head. All right, good, yeah, humble yourself, then you're gon na be mine, okay, but one over like that and then try to get the other one over your head. This, Oh Lord, see there's a line on my hand now just correcting mistakes. Okay. Now what you want to do is you're. Just gon na push push push. This could be a good style too. Oh, yes, this could be a good start to the kuzmin, because I can't um put it on your neck. You tie and properly the buttons are really small and I don't know so yeah I'll, just put it in a nice little puff. Can you see make it a little bit smaller? Then we spray. This is what why not spray spray spray screams. I love this thing and here then you open it up a bit as much as you kind of kind of smooth. As I can you see, Casey, then you have the drawstring of the back and a comb make sure you use the drawstring and the comb. Please like. No, so I'm gon na do it. You stretch it over my head. Please work. Okay, it's going! It'S going! It'S going, we didn't stick all the hair inside using the comb, secure it up back and then top off my hands. I should be itchy. So when I called my in it was life, it was like you're doing we're. Making the noise is weird anyways. I don't think all the hairs gone through, but who's gon na be able to see it. Oh really really he's gon na be able to see. Now I need to find the drawstring, I'm not really sure right went I'm actually showing you like all the problems surrounding these type of things like it's, not perfect. Okay, so I found the drawstring so I'll put the comb back in and then what you can do. The drawstring I'm gon na take it and you're gon na pull tight, pull that ish, pull it pull it, pull it pull it there. You go and look: Oh big butt wash yeah anyways, and then you just take the drawstring and wrap it around and then I'll. Just stick it in I'll put it at the front that way. I can locate him and take it off and that's it. You see when you zoom out of it and that's it, that is the buff yeah and then important thing. I'M sorry! I have to do this baby hairs. They are me, like. I have a lot for my not just like you know, I'm looking for buff gon na gel down sideburns, I like sideburns, some people shave them off up and I could add structure to the face. You wan na say Oh Jill and Peggy. They myself crush myself brush it's gon na shell and brush brush them into place. Can you believe her natural? This thing looks like boy baby has a Down, and this is how you achieve a sexy, highball shot. People actually thinks is my real hair. I'Ve happy pop Instagram saying, oh, my god, your hair is amazing. Like oh thank you, but it's not real. Look. No! It'S not mine. I wish you will grow that long in a few years, but for now I don't mind making it until I make it. There'S nothing wrong with that and I'll tell you. Another secret outside looks like a bloody tornado if you're in England or Ireland. On my friends dinner, I didn't even said it's like a tornado, so you make sure that you hold your book on tight. That'S why I put this one on Plus. Even if you don't blow up, I still have a look at her knee knee, so not fall. So let's pretend that you was in my week it just flew over her hair fell, oh yeah, that's the first one. What you also do is I'm not want my hands in this before fall off, you take your bag dinner and then you put it over your head. What do that? To make sure that your hair is nice and laid yeah? So don't you lay your hair down and then you wait for a bit or you continue to do what you're going to do. I'M going to pack up my bags and stuff and hit the road now that I've taken this one. Now I've taken the band on or off out it's more late and it's fresh, fresh, afro, fresh afro. You need a fresh afro in your life, especially if you're going natural, don't hide behind them. Silky, smooth hair need a little bit texture in your life, texture all about texture, anyways thanks now for the second one, this one becomes a little bit more skill and patience. So I like a nice side parting, so I'm going to pop my hair in the side. If you see a white stuff is gel, it's nothing else. Okay, so yeah pop my hair and then I think I'm gon na have to spray my hair a little bit more yeah. Then I'm just going to brush my hair. All the way back lost a part in all finding again there is yep. So now what we're going to do is get this horrible thing again, I'm remind me where my makeup ever gon na try and click it back into a ponytail. This is where I get all the muscles from doing this bit, so it's actually not bad. It'S going! It'S getting that it's getting there, okay, so and then I take the band and try my best to get it into some other ponytail, please what okay. So this is what I'm not left. Okay, then I have to brush the hair brush it brush it brush it cuz it's lumpy at the moment, obviouly see what it looks like with just my hair, the proper body. By that not bad eh, you know bad get some jail in jail, jail, jail, jail, shut it down because without it I'm lost. Look at that look! Look at back. It'S leaking down clean up. Looking down now bobby pins, you need to get a few bobby pins. Now, and just like like right here, this is where what the hell's up wan na do that so clap it all down with the bobby pins kind of clumping our luggage. You will see the bobby pins, but once you put the bandana on and what Lucas you know, you could even take them out afterwards yeah. I just put like three bobby pins. I don't need that much and then I'm gon na try to find my part in just a little bit more yeah like that use a soft brush and just brush it. Then you take your hair, you take your hair yeah it smooth by the way nothing. We works best for this. I personally think this is a deep curly, hair, Peruvian, deep curly hair. I need to wash and condition this again just get a little bit more tint slight natural hair. They said so yeah, so you take this and then what you do. Is you see this thing right here, you're gon na wrap it around wrap up, hear the sound effects you're going to wrap it around hope you guys actually enjoy listening to me speak, but I don't like listen to me. Myself speak but also crazy accident in it. So you take that her yeah. Then you put it round up again to wrap. Well now you begin to wrap your program ground. They all get stuck. It'S fine, nothing's done perfectly. There'S someone else in my house. Why I have you outside my house, I'm nice really. He was wrapping it around and you just take the little at the at the end. You just get a little strand from the leaf and here's my parent, like twice or so it was the postman and I've got my delivery. I'M going to do a review on. What'S in this package, back to the hair, you're gon na take another track and wrap it around again same thing: I must use, I think it's just one bundle from the deep cranny, yeah and then just gon na wrap it around again illustrate cutter. You can see the tracks after you've done this, like you, don't see the cracks at all, so I could recover flourished, and this is like wind proof like outside, looks terrible right now that it looks absolutely awful, but I know for a fact that my hair will Be in place and after worry about hair being in my face nothing, my hair will be pop. Oh yeah, there we go. I do it tight as well, not too tight. I got headache yeah, you just won't come out at all and then baby hairs thing to be checked. If you don't have baby hair, that's fine, Kim Kardashian remove all of her and she looks good look special. You know like essential, but I think people have natural hair. It looks really cute this side as well. I person have to cover my face and then to show you that's the back and it's really long as well. So then you take her band down on one more time and you just tie up your hair so that you lays flat, sometimes I actually tied the hair in the bandana. But that's another thing, as I said: we're not perfect, so these things will happen. You know now, I'm going to spray the hair, if it doesn't work for me, just doesn't come out, okay enough spray of it spray spray spray and just put your hands through it. I'M also gon na put some of the crowd and cream I'm gon na use. This in the video, yet why you don't got a lot of products to do your hair. I say I'll go to oil, good moisturizer, good gel for shampoo, good conditioner. It'S all you need it. Don'T need to have like hundreds of parts on your tables like this. Oh nice today is to seal this. To do that. Is it girl just do your hair, like do your hair? They said a lot ties by my uncle is arrestor. He goes that people's hair grow faster work best when you just leave it alone, leave it alone. You wash your hair conditioning, put some oils in you, braid your hair at night, and that's it yeah. That'S all you need to do just by finding nice products for it and that's about it. So now that that's done, I will just eight it's now to see the results of my hair see what it looks like any improvement. So so that's how you achieve an amazing ponytail with your natural hair and to leave or make and Selena or week thanks for watching she won't go.

ThatOneKink: Girl you deserve a whole lot more views and subscribers. You are so funny and absolutely stunning. Love the dimples.

Portia Morrison: I love the natural look on you. It suits you well.

SheeksBeautyEmpire: I've been contemplating about going natural and I must say that all your natural hair videos inspire me to make the big transition. You go girl. All good stuff.

Denise Wright: Love the ponytail. The texture of your real hair is beautiful.

Yolanda&Jay: Thank you Shantania for a beautiful and informative video.

Courtney Kelly: Thank you so much for showing the real struggle of putting natural hair up! I use a shoestring and that helps me pull my puff really tight without having to get an elastic up over my head/neck. Using the shoestring like a draw string u can adjust tightness easily and I just wrap the excess string around the base of my puff and tuck the ends!

Vanity by Dani'T: gosh you're freaking stunning... I'm definitely going to get me one of those fro ponytails , you rocked it. new subbie... side bar: you're hilarious....

Shaineya Brown: Wow! I've been watching your videos for ages and you are defo AMAZEBALLS soooo happy I finally got one of the afro puff s

Jamjuds: both cute and simple.

Simply Windy: I've never tried the afro puffs and ponytails I think I need to try them now:)

Ericka Fernandez: Thanks for the video! Loved it. my hair is the same ext way. Very thick. I also love your makeup. Do you have a tutorial on that as well??

JSmithmua: loved the tutorial. I just subscribed and liked. thank you.

Jay: Love it!

carol T2: lightbox! hilarious! real jamaican fe true! you are absolutely gorgeous. So proud of you!

Tosin Banks: Love the video, love the hair and makeup ! ❤️❤️

Jenn H: Just discovered your channel.  Love your hair styles; thanks for sharing. You are so funny.

GroundedCocoa: natural hair is no joke! My arms are also toned from doing my hair

Zae Jackson: I've been following you on insta for months now and I was like yessssss her skin tone, hair styles and make up done screen shot some of ya pics as well lmbo then I just came across this video and was like ooohh wow that's her! lol didn't know you had a youtube hun and you're British??!!!! that's another shocker... guess it's safe to say I'll be subbing and I'm about to see if you have makeup vids!!! Lol

Momo: Omg!!Shan, love how you so natural

Vivian Shell: I love your high puff it's so cute

Mukete Pamela: girl I really love what you do and u are very beautiful

Sheldon Cason: You are Brilliant ,Beautiful & So Amazing.Continue Making these wonderful videos Sweetheart!

Bae Bae: Before you put the afro on that could be a look! That's how all of us girls with your hair length myself included do the "fake high Puff pony tail" look because our hair it to short to fit in a normal high ponytail. I do that every time I do my hair since I don't have any fake hair right now. Basically the steps are same just after you choke yourself with the headband use bobby pins tighten the band closer and puff the pony out && you can rock ya own Puff!

F: Omg I seen ur hair in ur latest hate comment video & was like omg I'm in love, her natural hair is beautiful then scrolled down ur vids & seen the clips ins I was like omg I neeeed you slayed this ponytail Girl!

GAIL Edwards: Your natural hair is beautiful xx

Leia McCampbell: I love your natural hair❤

MsNairobi: thanks my berbecue hairstyle from you. ..btw you really are so funny i enjoyed watching you

Theresa A: Just found your channel hiiii. Love what you did with your hair! Oh what lip color is that on your lips? Very pretty btw :)

Tandibee123: I know what to do with my old weaves

omalicha N: Beautiful black hair. Love your personality.

Ms. Nygee J.: new subbie :-) I really enjoy watching your video, you have a nice personality and your hair are very beautiful...u inspired me

dripping honey: You could've wore your bandana with the long ponytail out girl. It was definitely a look! You should definitely invest in an array of bandanas and wraps cause they look fantastic in you ❤

Jimille Frontera: Your hair is so pretty

Aggie Hair: lol i honestly kept watching this because of ur personality. I don't do puffs but now i'm gonna try it. You are too gorgeous

nijael: that hair is AMAZING. new subbie

Junette Watson: Proud Cousin and New Subbie! My girl yuh makeup MAWWDD! xoxo

Cheryl Ross: Love it

the recessionista: great videos and great personality!

BeautiNSuccess: Beautiful hair

Tia MoNaé: love your videos your super pretty <3 and funny lol

Ivana Mayo: I think you are a 4B/4C hair texture. I understand the struggle of figuring out my hair texture. I had to do research and watch videos to figure out my hair texture. your hair looks amazing and healthy by the way. Also, I love your videos.

Ivana Mayo: I think you are a 4B/4C hair texture. I understand the struggle of figuring out my hair texture. I had to do research and watch videos to figure out my hair texture. your hair looks amazing and healthy by the way. Also, I love your videos.

Coco Cure: nice video thanks for the upload!

Judith Ogboru: I have the same problem with you, I don't know my hair type or texture and my friend tells me it's between 3c to 4b but it is really soft and has very little shrinkage. AND the strands are curly.

betty Davis: I enjoy your video so much I became a subbie. Thank you.

Dianne Namara: Pretty... love yr personality

Asha Morisho's life: I so enjoyed watching! you are so funny!

Nikky Alfred: loool YAAS was waiting for this since I saw it in your last video... love that afro puff <3

IndyRose: yassss! I love your skin tone it's so beautiful girl. new subbing check my channel out as well xoxo

Scholastic Book Fair: That curl pattern though gawwwwwwwwwwwd so beautiful. I'm no expert but I'd say 4a

OlamidayoAkinsete: Hello Gorgeous, i wanted to purchase the afro puff ponytail from the same place you got it from but it not working. Im not sure if I'm doing something wrong. i really love the hair and want to get it Can you help? or recommend somewhere else? Thanks x

glam4u2004: I enjoyed your video..... you are beautiful, beautiful face, love your personality :)

Susan Makinen: Both hairstyle looking good

Shuga Henry: LOL you are so funny!! I enjoyed watching you. Cheers!

Korrine Sky: I love your natural hair

Delaura Beckford: Love the video!!!

Alianne King: your uncle is a wise man lol, these styles really helped. Thank youu

CindyN Cole: do you brush the afro puff to be big? or any hair product?

Kaniel Hastings: you could legit be sisters with lira galore. you remind me of her lol. love your channel

Jasmine Banks: I love your videos!!! ✨

WatchMe_RaeRae: Her make up is amazing

Aybar 63: Your natural hair looks good

t briggs: She is sooo gorgeous

UziSlays: absolutely love ur channel x. at some angles you really look like Queen latifah

Jasmine Olivia: Love your videos you so pretty and funny xxxx

NishaBo123: Very pretty

Patience Chris: I love you, u are so funny. I will try your hair styles

zak: Where are you from? omg your accents got me falling in love

AgentDouble Oh Soul !!: Get it, Shantunia!

Mary B: Ur so funny! love the video. Subscribed

Sonia Yomba: Hello beautifulPlease give me the name of the puff ponytail that u have on the 1st style. I truly love it. i tried the name u put in the description but it doesnt show the same exact hair.Thank you

Joce jhok: You're beautiful!!!

Nigerian Barbie: Ur make is flawless

MANAYA STANLEY: u have 4c hair by the way and ur absolutely beutiful i had hair just like urs but i couldnt deall with it any more so i just got dreads

Mila Muller: Problems of a black woman lmao The struggle is real girl lol

Petra Chidas: Hey babe I love your video, do you sell Afro puffs by any chance I'm desperately looking for one

Samira Williams: ur textures looks like 4b-c too me

Xena Callisto: I love your voice!

Lashonay 🌎: you are too funny, your hair is really thick. have you ever done a natural hair tutorial? It really looks healthy...

Trina Time All the Time: Hey... can I get the puff... love ittttt

Tiana: gurl u had me

G Jean: Did you shave off your hair in its entirety or did you just cut it really low? My hair is breaking off and I've been thinking about doing the same, but I don't know which would have it grow back the healthiest.

Hairfood Factory Nederland: Where can i order the puff ? Short ponytail. Please answer

Bam Bam: your beautiful!!

awshastar26: youre so beautiful

Xavier Simon: on the Afro can you add things to make it curly?

Princess Banderella: my same texture of hair ☺

Ivanesa Silva: Where did you buy the puffy hair?

Endurance Michael: YOURE SO PRETTY

CD Colourist: Had to subscribe after this!!

Serina S.: You look just like Danii Boo the Jamaican dancer look her up on YouTube and you will see what I'm talking about exact same facial features it's crazy

tameikarose: I wish someone had told me that a year ago

soulmate: thanks4 sharing you are a very happy young lady

susan johnson: Hi I'm new to YouTube and I was wondering if u use 100% kanekalon braiding hair do u have to straighten your natural hair to make it look real or Could u just put gel in your hair without having to straight it???? :) thank u

Queen of the Grandenites: you seem like you'd be fun to hang out with

Positive Proton: you are SO pretty

Princess Bell: do you have instagram?? you're so pretty

Ketsia Guyane: I didn't understand what you said because I'm french x) but you are so funny :)

Nigerian Barbie: i just subscribed to ur channels.....u r toooooo funny

Young Fantasy: I can't find the puff on the website I was so excited to get it

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