How To Make A Ponytail With Rebelle Clip-In Hair Extensions

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Hi, everybody, okay, so it's been awhile since I've seen you guys and as you can tell my hair - has changed I'll, have links to my blog post about my hair with it shows photos and all that kind of good stuff down below but yeah. So basically, I have both sides. Shave now and I have a rounded fringe - and I also took out some of the magenta, because I thought I ran out of magenta, and so my hairstylist yeah, I just like put all purple in except for right here, which is this is a special effects. Fishbowl and is a special effects deep purple here. So basically, this video here is to show you how to use clip in extensions to make a longer or fuller ponytail. My hair here is, actually you know, quite short, and everything and I'd like a longer ponytail, so Rebell, hair extensions supplied me with a seven piece clipping sack here and I believe the color is Goldilocks yeah Goldilocks in there 20 inches and I actually colored them myself To kind of match my hair and everything this tutorial started: okay, so what I'm going to use are several little elastics here and a comb hair clip just to get some hair out of the way and then a brush here to brush out the extensions okay. So what I'm gon na do it's going to be difficult for me to do without using a mirror is I am going to kind of make a little ponytail. I think what I'm gon na do is make a bit of a side ponytail, because I don't like the hair hanging behind me. I'D rather have it kind of on the side. So it's going to be kind of like like this. So what I'm gon na do is I'm going to just separate my hair, so I don't want the top part here, tucked into the ponytail, so I'll just take that up or clip it up like that, and then I also don't want too much of the sides In the corner tail because I want to be able to cover up the clip-ins, so just separate your like! Ah so you have all the this hair kind of hanging around it and then I'm going to try to make a little ponytail within this. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with the two clip pieces that I think they provided me take a lot of me with for two clip ones, and then I have this one here, which I've cut a little bit shorter just to make It a little bit more layered when I wear it as regular extensions. So I'm going to start with the to clip one here and I'm just going to clip it in right next to the ponytail okay. So I'm going to take the second one and then also wrap it around now, the other one. Okay. So now I'm going to move on to one of the three clipped ones, I'm going to move on to the most narrow, three click one and I'm just going to start wrapping it around. Well, you guys can see what I'm doing then, the next one and then now I'm taking the four piece extensions and I'm going to try to wrap it around as much as possible because it's clean and then for the last one here, I'm just going to put It probably in the bottom to help blend the other hair into it. Okay, so now that we have all this, I'm going to put it in a ponytail, hopefully so I'm just grabbing all the hair with that. You can use too if you want, but just make sure that and then the clips are totally visible. My hair is a little bit kind of difficulty. I don't have a ton of it cuz. A lot of it is shaved off so like that, and then you can also take like a straightening iron to the ponytail, and that is basically it on how to create a side. Ponytail yeah. I just basically use YouTube tutorials, so yeah. I learned how to you know color right: it was pretty basic. I just did like partially one color and then partially another and they sort of blended together a little bit. I might do it kind of differently next time I color extensions, so I'm quite enjoying using extensions, it's fun to add length to my hair. I don't have like a lot of hair to add length to, but it definitely is convincing that this is my hair yeah. It'S like great hair for clippings, and it's pretty thick like this is basically all the hair here. If you have, you know, thinner, hair and you want to add length and thickness to it. Yeah I suggest, try and clip in extensions because they're pretty affordable. I have a link to the website and pictures on my blog and also on my haircut. So thanks for watching

OnyxFaith aka Chelle: Wow, your camera and lighting for this video really made the hair coloring look incredible. Love the purple and turquoise so VERY much. The last time I colored mine I added turquoise to my usual blue. Love how it looks.

Emi132A: You're such an amazing artist, everything you make seems to be so easy! Thank you !!

pinkfuzzycow: Great video! I can't wait to try this out!! This is a super cute look. Love your hair cut and color too.

Vanessa Gomez: Thank you for this video Heather! My hair is completely shaved all the way around, so I too have very little hair to work with. I just purchased my first set of hair extensions, and didn't know how the hell it was going to work lol! This was very helpful =)

Vintageortacky: This is really helpful! One of the reasons I'm keeping the bottom part of my hair longer is so I could do extensions!

indicakitty: i love this look!!!! i love how different you are its awesome too see everything you do :) please don't change ;)

Morana1511: I love the whole look! Your hair, make up and contact lenses make you look really beautiful!

lieke kouthoofd: Love love LOVE the hair! Love the color, love the style! And love how the lenses matches your hair.Also like the make up. Than i'm gonna try on myself today!

Jaqueline Desjardins: Love your hair. The colors are beautiful. This was very helpful to me as I am looking into getting extensions.

HollywoodNoirMakeup: Your hair looks AMAZING Heather. The colors suit you perfectly. You're like the most beautiful, doll-like alien hybrid I've ever seen - and I know you'll see the compliment in that because of our mutual love for sci-fi movies lol

Sh3ikha: I love that blue with the purple, it's an adorable combination! We have almost the same exact style hair, I love having my sides shave especially after having long hair down to my rear almost my whole life. Ha!

Cas: I love your hair. I want to be able to look like you one day, I think your style is so unique and you definitely have the right amount of sass to pull off how amazing you look. The haters can eat it! lol Love the tutorial :)

Ashleigh Huth: wow! Crazy beautiful hair girl! Love the colors and the extensions blended in so well :)

Regina C: Oh Heather you constantly amaze me with the looks you come up with. I personally would never shave my hair off or color it wildly. I am way to old and not to bold, but that is why I love your vids you bring beauty and color to my world. You are beautiful!!!

Eudoxia Von D: This hair colour and make-up look very well on you!! As a psychologist I can't go that "extreme" myself seeing where I work. So I always enjoy it when a style looks so good on someone^^

iFlasheh: I really really love this video because i do intend to atleast try clip-ins at some point in my life, and this is a really easy tutorial. Not to mention the amazing make up :)

Mermaid Rhonda: Love it! The colors are amazing! :)

Sonata C: your hair looks awesome! Love the colours and the hair,everything! Looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

Teresa Palacios: I loved it! The color goes great with you, your gorgeous! Love your videos <3

The American Institute of Kenpo (AIK): It's amazing how you are able to pull off such cool hair styles and colors!

N0LANI: Your style is so gorgeous but I can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass it could be getting ready every day. Your looks would take me like, 5 hours. You're a champion.

ClinicallyManiac: I love how Fearless you are with your looks sokolum! You are amazing and so talented! :) In love with your Purple eyes! Cool Ombre purple/blue hair!!

pyronian93: I love this look!! The blue in your bangs is also a nice touch and it completes the look. By the way, where did you get your sailor shirt?

Alejis Santana: Wooooow, te quedó fabuloso, no sabía como ponerme mis extensiones por que soy de muy poco cabello, pero me diste una idea genial, muchas gracias hermosa! Saludos desde México.... :D

Eagleeyeshopper1: Very creative! Lovin your color choices. Your never too old to learn something new and you showed me something new. Hair is beautiful on you. Make up is very artistic and edgy. Lovin the sailor shirt, my daughter the Chef is going to the Navy, lol, anywho I am a former punk chic from early 80's and retired Interior Decorator who appreciates artistic talent great video, I will like and subscribe.

Reveur: I loooooove your new hair cut! Looks really great. But you could shave off all your hair and still look flawless. Cool video by the way :)

Jeannette Lozano: I love love love the color I wish I could pull a style like this off!!! You look fab

Brenda Beatrice: Omg the new hair cut and the colors are just beautiful! You're amazing, xx

Anna Yancey: I think your new hair is stunning! Beautiful color as well <3

varlakittykat: i just want to let you know how much i appreciate you for providing creative, informative, & grammatically-correct videos. seriously, i love make-up & beauty vids but the lack of proper grammar & pronunciation can become grating. thanks for being a creative & logical genius. vulcan life. <3

Kay-lee Snow: In love with your new cute babe! This is what I've been wanted to do for awhile now! Can't wait until after I'm done This hair competition I'm modelling in!! You rock lady!

Jmw11100: Your hair is amazing and the colours are epic, you're stunning!

GirlieGirlFromBrazil: Wow, you never cease to amaze me, girl. This is simply awesome! You are so beautiful.

dorkabrain: Would you please be able to do a tutorial for this makeup look, if you haven't already? The new hair is amazing, I've been thinking about getting a rounded fringe for a while now.

Ohnoitsruthio: I used to have a little fringe like that (like Bettie Page). You have inspired me to get that cut back in soon! xxx

Synthia Lauzier: I really love this colour and that's pop out super well with your contact lens. You are gorgeous ^^

Ali: I love your new haircut and colors! Gorgeous, as usual! ^.^

thewanderingkatx: Love this hair style on you & the colours are beautiful

saharastardust: OMG, I LOVE your haircolor, so pretty! And it really suits you :)

Drika Ricci: love the new hair! and the makeup always perfect!!

A Vintage Vanity: Love it! I've been toying with the idea of getting some extensions for doing vintage updos since I'm pretty convinced some of them are courtesy of some hair pieces and now I think I'm sold. Now I'll just have to do some more work to save up the dollar dollar bills. :D

sokolum79: Thank you Cora! I can't wait to see extensions on you!! <3

Clareypie: You look absolutely amazing, I really can't understand people who don't share an interest in alternative hairstyles and makeup watching your videos and then commenting on how 'abnormal' you look, it's so rude! Anyway, keep up the good work, you're an inspiration and it's your fault that I bought some black sclera lenses last week ;)

Sophie's Adventures: how did you get your hair so voluminous, it looks great! you should do a video on that :)

WINGS :P: Heather, you are so beautiful and the colors are amazing. I'm only 15 but when my semester of school is over, I'm getting my hair cut like yours haha, hopefully it'll look at good on me as it does on you!

Crystal Jones: Your just so gorgeous! I wish I could pull off a similar look to this but sadly it's not very flattering to my face shape. *sad face* But seriously I love your new hair, the colours are stunning. =]

TheWriteress7813: Please do a piecing tag! Btw I love the eye contact!

Onyx Wildcat: As always you look magically-purdyful! ^_^ I love the look, those colors look amazing on you :D Can't wait for your next video, shuga! *huggles*

supercaryn: SO FUN! Love the colors so much!!


sokolum79: It really depends on the colour, how bleached the hair was (the more damaged, the quicker it fades), and how the person cares for it. Deep Purple definitely lasts more than 2 months, but I usually like to touch it up around then.

Sarah Leonard: I LOVE LOVE LOVe your hair! In fact, I cut/shaved mine almost just like this!!

Lorina90: Love it! Love your look!! :)

Sophie Clark: Your new hair is gorgeous! I love that fringe on you.

Lauren Thompson: Your hair is gorgeous. Also, I was wondering where you got the large captive bead rings through your tunnels? I have wanted them forever!


sokolum79: Thank you! I use very vibrant colours and I only wash and style it 2-3 times a week. :)

tuliptrance: does your hair naturally withstand all the coloring? Or do you have to take extra steps to avoid breakage?

Crow: Hey, a question if you've got the time! I've got a side-shave, set pretty far back. It's almost a quarter shave. I've got a set of 18" extensions and I've noticed it can be hard to hide the longer clips (the one's with three or four). The string of clips is longer than the space I have of hair so I have to set them close together to fit and they become loose and snagged. My hair is short, a little past my shoulders,and very layered. Any help on how to place them or section my hair so they aren't noticeable?

MIJA97: U R SO COLORFUL! I love it!!!! I will never get tired of telling you how much I love your style!

TheSpook: I always love your hair!! do you still do your pigtails?? if you do,could you make a video on how you do them???

cruhsty r: cute cut! and the bow is adorable :)

Jane Fleet: So cool, I love the cut and colour, also lovin the blue eyes. So pretty. :)

Rocka Bella: Yeah, you're back. :) Your new vid makes me want to try extensions, especially because I am thinking about cutting my hair shorter again. Then I would still be able to change whenever I feel like it. Usually I get bored with my long hair pretty quickly and find it too boring. Would love to dye it very colorful as well or try a sidecut, but at work this wouldn't exactly be helpful I guess. :(

Rayne.Ethereal: Wow, my fav hair style on you yet!! I am jealous I so want this hair cut. Also, what lenses are you wearing?

CHICKEN: May I ask, how you dyed your hair this gorgeous purple colour? Semi or permanent? :)

Magda Torres: I am so jellin' right now. I really wish I could pull off something like this. It is awesome on you. Beautiful.

Marie Rappa: I really love your makeup and beautiful hair cut and the color choice...Really nice!!!

TaniaPR44: Love it!!! blue & purple are my favorite colors... and hot pink: )

liin622: So I just found you on YouTube and I just love your look and your makeup you are just so out there I wish I was brave like you to do my hair like that and makeup too definitely will subscribe to you (:

Shannon: You are absolutely gorgeous! So glad I found your channel (:

Zoë Wolfchild: You have such amazing style, I never get bored of looking at you :)

hamsterii: Wow ;D this haristyle rocks!!! you look amazing! I love the colours of hair and makeup :D

ebabylopez: I love these colors and the cut on u more than the last....AWESOME!!!!

Asma Almatrooshi: Love your videos and your new hair style, can you please make a makeup tutorial for the look in this video, please I really love it your eyes amazing.Thank you

Tom James: i forgot to say that your hair and makeup and WHOLE LOOK, personality including, is absolutely beautiful just in case my last comment seemed a bit rude! x

Sirenae: OMG you look amazing with long hair also!!!! I love your style!!!!!!!

Serpentina: A lot of work for a ponytail, but a beautiful result.  Your color choice is perfect.

35msheather: It seems the more I watch u I learn a lot and wanted to thank you for making videos. You also look very beautiful. I've been watching over a couple years now, you are one of my fave u tubers I can't wait to learn by watching more thank you

C K: WHOA!  You look different now!  I LOVE IT!  You're stunning!

Alilithkay Miller: thats really cool! love the dermal too!

sokolum79: Yeah!!! They rock. This is my 4th time with the rounded fringe.

LisaFreemontStreet: This. Is. Awesome. Gorgeous color!!

dc5girl209: Girl... You always look amazing!! Loooove the hair and make up!!

Kittytron2000x: Wow! You look amazing! These lenses look unbelieveably stunning - i'm totally in love with your eyes!

Whalien 134340: I WISH I had your eyeshape! And I love your hair! If I could dye my hair unnatural colors, it would be teal and emerald green

TheZeldaGirl1: i just love your style! my style is just girly, so this is opposite but still lovin it <3

Beatriz Ríos: I love that hair!! Amé ese cabello!!

KristinLikesBunnies: Your hair looks sooo good! I love your shirt as well :D

Sarcasm's Closet: love the hair cut its beautiful

Erica Warren: I personally love your hair. As a cancer survivor I love to see short and unusual hair cuts on women.

CandyyCakesss: I love the colors ♥

Jessi Hanna: LOVE the colors♥

Siobhán McDonnell (LetzMakeup): The blue/cyan (fishbowl) in your hair is savage!!! Loving the fringe on yo face! x

Just Jessy: You look fantastic! love the hair :D

Melanie Grey: Omg never have i seen anyone so beautiful in my life besides my mom :) I love your hair. And your eyes i love purple :D

๏𝔾 Nεяdii Lîonεss: I just loveeeee the color of your hair! I wish I could do that lol, I don't think it would look as good as it does on you though

Emmy: this is gorgeous<3

Moon_Goddess: Love the new colors!!!

sokolum79: Awesome, thank you!! ^_^

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