How To Draw Kinky/Curly Hair Textures 4A,4B,4C | Christina Lorre'

  • Posted on 11 April, 2018
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

Hey loves! Super excited that i got a new video out finally ya'll! I hope this video was of help to you all and made you happy! Peace, love and God Bless my loves!








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Tortillion or Blending Stump

Tombow Pencils

Pentel Arts Duo Point Flex Double Ended Brush(For Inking)

Sakura Pigma Micron pen(For Inking)

Canson Mixed Media Sketchbook( My Fave Sketch Book)

Faber Castell Polychromos Colored Pencil Set


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Love you guys! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!

♡God Bless Loves!♡


There'S something about caramel and cheddar in the combination not sponsor what is of my love's welcome back to my channel. Oh my gosh, you guys today. I am super excited cuz. Today, it's all about the natural hair gang you guys, oh my goodness. Yes, I decided that I would do the 3 hair types of the kinky curly hair family, and that is 4a, 4b and 4c. You guys - and I decided to do this, for you guys. I know a lot of you have been asking me and I've been wanting to do this for the longest time you guys and oh my gosh. I finally did it now. Just a little disclaimer like everybody's hair types are different and for this it's just what I interpreted when I was doing my research and everything - and you know some people, have you know for a for B and for B or for C you know, have combinations or, Like it may be in the middle, so even though these might not be exactly like accurate to what maybe your hair type is, I hope it's close enough to where it's able to you know give you guys an idea of the range of natural hair styles in The kinky curly afro hair community, so I really hope that this is able to. You know help you guys out. Also, let me know if you guys want to see the more looser softer curls, which is like in the 3 3 a 3 C and 3b, and I actually did a how to draw curly, hair video, and I think that kind of covers it. But I don't know if you guys want to see you know one like that for the 3a and 3b and 3c, but I know a lot of you were requesting like kinky or curly coily hair like kinky coily and afro curly, and oh my gosh y'all. Let me tell y'all my nails before we start that's another disclaimer like I am so hurt, cuz like okay, so I was like out of town and I had no choice. I had to go to a new net new nail salon and they messed me up. Y'All like for real, like my nails, was chipping two days after I went back it shipped again, and I did it just so. I could be able to do the video but nah nah fam, it's chipped in the video. So if y'all see this, this is the yellow powder that I had under my nail from last time. So it's okay cuz, we bout to get it gon na pop in tomorrow cos that's a cup, get them fixed, get them pop in by my favorite nail technician. So you know it's gon na, be all cool. You know what I'm saying so we gon na be back and better so not later, but anyways you guys. I am super excited for this video. Please leave down in the comments below what you guys think of the video after it and all that, and I really hope with this video. Nobody helped you guys and yes, I am wearing and rocking my natural hair right now you guys, because I am just loving it. I finally am just you know, learning tah. You know how to take better care of it and figure out different hairstyles for it, and I'm just loving it. You know what I'm saying, because natural hair is beautiful, hair and brace your hair girl, cuz, you have is beautiful. I feel like it's also very important in the african-american community, for all of our young girls to know that your hair is beautiful, no matter what texture, no matter, what curl you have is beautiful girl, because it's fitting you, God made you just the way you was Supposed to be so, I just felt like you know, this is a beautiful video. Just you know, show everybody to embrace their hair, no matter what your hair curl is like or would no matter what your hair looks like embrace it honey, because it's a beautiful thing. Okay but anyways you guys, let's go ahead and get started with this video, okay, okay, my lovelies, so I have caught some daylight. Thank god! It'S through p.m. so happy that I'm up right now, because I was actually up all last night and ready to rumble. So you guys, we have three beautiful models right here and, as you can tell, I actually started on the for a one, but I got some. What is it what's the word I asked, I asked my friends opinions and it wasn't close enough to for a so. I was like you know what I'm gon na I'm not giving up. So I decided I'm gon na start over on that one we're gon na go there and we're gon na get this right. You know I'm saying, is you know when I get this right for you guys, so you guys um, just let's just give a warm welcome to these three beautiful models here who are gon na, be modeling our three different hair types. So yes, so, let's give a hand clap for them. Yes, you guys I'm very cheesy but anyways you guys we're gon na be starting out with 4a and um. You know I've been doing my research been looking at. You know, hair types and everything and basically yeah. Just wish me luck and hope this time I can get it right because I'm sure you could tell probably it wasn't quite hitting the mark. The first time I did so before I get started. I'M gon na go ahead and I'm gon na draw out a little bit of the skull back cuz. It was there, so I might get that back for you guys, I'm gon na show you guys how to start off with drawing this okay. So if you guys have seen my how to draw hair video, you already know about basically making sure that the hair is coming off at least like an inch or two from the head. So what we're gon na do first is we want to start with the part of the hair? So I wanted her to have. Was this? The left side is her left a left part, the left side part. So all her left, basically so watch. What I did was, you know, I'm starting out right here and then bringing out like a couple like an inch right here and then basically, I'm just making the shape of how the hair I want the hair to be so. This is a good way for you to just basically start out with your base. You know what I'm saying, because you know when drawing curly hair, it could look hard because it looks like details where really it's not cuz I got to do, is start off with the base of it and then worry about everything later. So what we're gon na do before we start we're gon na make sure that you have a blending stump. Now you don't have to have a blending stump. You use your finger. You can use a q-tip. You can use a tissue paper, whatever you're comfortable with honey. So you know, you know, do you boo? So basically, what I'm about to do is I'm about to basically just fill in this part with my pencil very lightly and basically just so, we can get the base of it down and we're just filling it in. So we can fill in that shape because you know having those organic shapes. You know really helped. Okay, so now that we have that we're gon na go ahead and take our blending stop and we're gon na go ahead and sorry somebody is using the blender like while I'm using the blending stump, that's funny, but anyways we're going to blend out what I just Filled its part of the hair in right here, oh my gosh. One thing I just cannot stand is when I do film and I just really like I love the first clip that I filmed but then it's like, I don't know I messed up on something I got ta start the whole thing over like that sucks. So much, but you know you got to do what you got to do so. Basically, I'm just filling this in and then, as you fill it in, you can also start. You know basically gathering up the shape of the hair by adding, and you know a little squigglies for the curls or whatever coming out that are gon na come out here. I actually put too much pressure. Anyways, I'm just gon na continue to fill this and I'm loving this natural sunlight y'all. I really need to start filming in the daytime or cuz y'all know I'm a night owl I'd be up. Y'All I'd be just like you know what I feel like drunk it's like I'm, the type of person who loves to just draw a night cause. It'S just. I feel I feel like the creative bonds at night, but I really wanted to do this. Video for y'all. I was so happy I woke up from my nap, so I can just do this for you, okay, so, basically, now that we have this down, I'm going to show you all what a 4-acre looks like away from the hair. So basically it's small. So it's really coyly, but you can still see the curl. So it's like like this. Do you guys see that? But it's small? So it's like that. So basically, what you want to do is start filling out some of the the shading of the hair, but while shading it use those small circular motions like the hair texture and I'm starting out putting it at the bottom. Because that's how we're gon na show our depth of field? You know. Basically, since you know the hair is going behind her. It'S gon na get darker, so I you know pushes up the hair up here to the front and basically kind of juice, doing the little curls around here and sometimes for some curly hair types. Some curls are bigger than the others, so I'm gon na start. You know messing with the sides a little bit to kinda like this, but don't worry too much about this detail right now. To be honest, to be honest, you can actually just color it in like this for now cuz we're gon na smudge it out again and just go in and add more detail as we go along, but I guess it kind of just helps you to remember to Use those small circular motions as you're shading everything out really thank you for my friends all their help. They help me because I want to make sure I got this right for y'all. So basically, I'm just gon na go back and forth. Add some more of the shading until I'm satisfied, you don't have to do it as much as I do. You know it's all up to preference, that's the beauty of art. You know what I'm saying so. Basically, when you shade think of those small coils now, I'm kind of starting to you know show the texture more in the light areas making sure I'm making sure that I keep the pencil light then on the outside of the hair is really important to so you Can start showing the texture, keeping the curls small then using different pressure, as you apply it to the hair, because you don't want to use the same pressure throughout the whole entire head. Then it'll look black. We don't want that. So that's why you can always go back in and you know blend anything out. That is too much of the same. The same amount of pressure applied like it looks like it's the same. You know like that. You want to gradually get darker sorry, you guys. I was out of the frame the whole time and also when you kind of like add the strands of hair, showing the texture in front of her face like that really helps to okay, and this is the for a hair type, absolutely beautiful. Just like every hair type is a really I'm happy that I'm able to do this video y'all, because I really love showcasing all other beautiful hair types of the hair spectrum. So let's go ahead and get on with the next hair type, which is or B you guys: okay, okay, guys! So, let's get on to the 4b. As you can tell I started over with this one too cuz. I ended up going towards the more 4c direction. Instead of the more 4b direction, but I think I got it now, so I'm gon na go ahead and we're gon na do in the light off her hair. So I'm gon na make it smaller because this one is gon na. I don't want it to hit that one, and I want it hit that one so we're gon na make the one in the middle smaller. So let's go ahead and get started. Honey'S just go ahead and start out with the shape of the hair. So this time do her part on this side. Take it over here kind of actually going across her face a little bit, because I kind of wanted to come out a bit kind of make this, so I can make it just a little smaller, so, okay cool! So we got that shape, we got the part and everything, and now we're gon na go ahead and fill it in just like I did the other one and by the way, the texture of this hair. It'S more like a zigzaggy like this, instead of coily. So it's a little bit more like this. So for 4b, the texture is more like Zig zaggy like this, so that can help you like what the shape as you you know. Okay, so now let's go ahead and and what's your cue to be putting some fingers whatever you got and get a little crazy with it and now going with your pencil and start making like those exact shapes when for the UM adding the depth to. And I always like to make the hair a little darker fine. You know good reference image of the back here. Cuz. Sometimes the hair types are all mixed together. You know it could be for a for B for a 4c. I mean 4b 4c. You know so you know I'm doing the best that I can. She was going back and forth with their really and you know, look at reference images. It really does help. Then I'm gradually kind of getting smaller. As I had more details, filling hair, curly, coily, kinky, curly, hair, so cute, it's so bomb like I love it. It'S SuperDuper cute! That'S not only gon na be drawing more of my original drawings, but it's curly kinky! Oh, my gosh, when you have the smudge on your eraser when you're racing, Oh for anybody who was wondering about my voices, I know some people still want to know why it sound different. It'S cuz I got my talks was taken out and I got. I got a something: my nose, not plastic surgery. Basically, I have gotten like the inside of my nose shaved down, so I can breathe better. So I think that slightly changed my voice, probably too, especially since it's been a while since I did get the surgery so I'm fully healed. I yeah my voice probably goes on different okay. Now I can do baby hairs on her. Oh yes, leek, honey, hello, baby, hairs, mm-hmm. So that's a cute super cute, hair stuff part. You hear so cute q baby, yes, and then we got our beautiful four be here and now, let's get on to the beautiful 40 here you guys I'm just having so fun with this. I can't stop at him and tell us and just playing with it. It'S just fun. This is so much fun just playing playing with his hair. Okay, but anyways you can play with it. I'M gon na keep teaching you guys so have fun and yeah. So this is how I do the 4b hair type and you can keep playing with it if you want um, which is just my little demonstration of how to do for b1. So let's go ahead and go to our 4c hair tight eye. So next is our 4c hair tight. So what we're gon na do is we're gon na start off with our our party, so we're gon na do a middle part. This time, since we already did and we're going to, we can fix that part. A hair like this for the shape of the hair, I'm gon na, have to look at reference hold on okay. So now that we have the shape of the hair, let's go ahead and fill it in with our pencil. So then we can blend everything on. In now, for the 4c hair, it's going to be like the for be here, except for much much tighter. So like like this, it's gon na be like a really small and tight, like that and since you're not gon na, be able to see that texture as much we're going to be using our blending. For this a lot I'm gon na go ahead, and just pretend that this is gon na bring the hair to come out over here like this. Okay, that's how you do and then you start shaping the sides of the hair out and search all these hairs are like so cute to me, like I love all these hairstyles cute. If I could, I would you know, I would you know, do some more with this cuz I want to like put flowers and cute stuff in the hair and, like you can do that for your drawing sorry, if it was out of focus, I mean at the Camera, but basically I was just you know, shaping it up with the blender. You can do that with your finger. So basically, what we're doing is we're gon na work on the the shading to create the depth of field. Oh, my gosh come on come on pencil. Come through yes Lee, I am just kind of since you can't see the actual like like texture, since it's so small we're, basically just trying to do dark and light shadows with this. So kind of like the hair is like divided up in sections is like. Where watch do it? Let'S be honest guys, I'm still experimenting we're trying to figure out. You know the best ways on what to do. Also look at reference photos all the time. It'Ll help you and then apply these techniques that I taught you to it will make it so much easier, y'all miss that and take it to stump and actually make like little little circular motions towards the end cuz. I see that a lot with the 4c here and you know, go ahead and go in and play with the darkness of it keep darkening it up this one you're, probably not gon na, see the part as much either, so you don't even have to draw the Part just let it fall into each other, and that makes anything cuter. This is actually so fun to do, because it's like really mostly using the blending stuff, and it looks so good because it just looks so realistic, and I really I think it really knows this. Hair type, when you use the blending stone for it, and you know, for example, I was looking at this image for the reference for the 40 here and yeah. I think it went quite well guys. I think this technique worth using the blending stump. Really, you know brought out the 4c look, so yeah definitely look a reference images and use this technique and you will have a good time. It was going about six o'clock, you guys, so I'm just getting that good lighting. Well, you know what I'm trying to say. Like I'm just happy, I caught some light today, y'all like so happy I caught some light. Oh okay, you guys. So this is how I do the 4c hair. You can continue to play with it, make it darker, lighter poofier, bigger. However, you would like to do it, but this is how I portrayed the three different types of afro: curly, hair. Okay, so before I go, I'm actually gon na add some more kinks in to four seasons. It'S you know. We try to show that more kinky texture. So that's just like the last part that we're going to add to this, and you know you just want to add those very small minut details to it. The Sun is going down right now, so I'm trying to and I'm just adding these details like around the hair in some parts they could see if I'm not like all over all over, because I noticed that it is like the texture is more faded out with The 4c tight and then you know kind of blend it out a little bit add accordingly to, however, you want to express the texture okay. Now this is my final four seat, hair, texture and yeah. You guys can you know, play around with it, however. You'D like to this is just how my hey No but yep. This is how I would do the 4c hair texture super cute, and I'm super super stoked about all these different types of hair. You guys so anyways my love's. This was my three different, the three different um afro curly or kinky curly, hair types you guys and yeah. I really hope that you all enjoyed this video and I'm gon na go ahead and finish this video with the outro. You guys so I'll see you there. Okay, you guys not to wrap up this video. Thank you guys so much for watching it. I think I got one of my one of my pieces of popcorn that I would say you know me, I don't know, but oh my gosh, you guys. Yes, this was the video and I really hope that it was able to help you guys. I hope that you liked it um. You know I tried. My best to you know represent the hair. You know to its best quality in my style, so I hope you guys enjoyed. I hope it was able to help. You guys give you an idea and yeah. Let me know down below what you guys would like to see. Next, I'm excited for all the future, the future videos that I have to come self. Yes, my love's, thank you guys so much for watching, and I love you guys so much and just remember to embrace your hair cuz you're beautiful just the way you are so I love you guys so much and I will see you guys next time. Bye. Peace, love and God bless my homies bye, mwah

Christina Lorre': Hope you found this video helpful loves!! Thanks for watching God Bless!✨

Basically Shalieen: Finally,I’m really tired that everytime I search for curly tutorial I get “wavy” hair type instead-

Yish'ka: The sad part is that there is a few tutorials on kinky, coily hair. I've been looking tutorials like for years! Thanks sis, it was helpful. Subscribed.

Gun: Been drawing for 6 years and it took me 2 years to finally decide to look up how to draw my OWN hair

rae ✿: Even though I have straight hair, I really wanna learn how to draw this kind of beautiful hair!

Amy de Buitléir: Yes indeed, Afro-caribbean hair is beautiful, and I'm always glad to see someone rocking it.

tigress_: Gurllllll, u saved me with this since I was a little girl, I was trying to figure out how to draw my 4c hair, until I got tired of trying and straightened my hair and just kept drawing straight hair persons. now that I'm natural again, I finally know how to draw my own hairTHANK YOU

savannah: Glad that there's someone out there who doesn't just do straight hair drawing tutorials.

Van: this is awesome! i’ve been trying to up my drawing game and i exclusively draw people and i love drawing beautiful darker colored ladies most buttttttt as a white girl i don’t know much about natural hair much less how to draw it. thank you so much for this!! no more bald ladies LOL❤️

Vey Sey Can Draw!: I think this actually helped a lot! It’s my first time drawing this type of hair and this was a very good guide! Thank you so much!!

Maya -: This is so cute I like the 4C one because it looks like my hair!

Raquel Childs: I have 4C hair And u nailed it for me! Your drawing looks just like my hair only difference is I have now dyed it Reddish Orange! Thank U so much

ihop: I love how she's so motivated anytime she messes up to restart anytime I mess up with anything I'm just done

wild flower: Thank u sooo much this helped me out with drawing hair. I literally stumbled upon your channel by accident. I was so frustrated and confused on how to draw curly hair. you really helped me out again thank u so much love ur channel

JaiC Bacote: 1. This video is EXTREMELY helpful. I struggled all my life with drawing non straight hair 2. The chipped nail...I actually like the yellow and neutral tone like that. I think I will do my nails with those colors in a slanted style like that what is the name of that neutral color?

Milan Woodley: Thank you for the in-depth tutorial, I’ve been trying to get better at drawing natural hair. This really helped me, keep strengthening your skills and talents.

Jessie Gibson: Thank you so much for this video! I'm trying to draw a portrait of my friend and I've never tackled these hair types before. This was incredibly helpful for me and I know he's gonna love it.

Itz Arianna: she made my confidence go up about my hair OMG ILY HER!

Diamond's vlogs: Yass where all my natural ladies at!!! I'm a 4c

Tiara Hill: Thank You so much for this ! ❤️ They are so cute and spot on.

Hello It's me: I love this video and find it super helpful! I’ve been having trouble with curly/kinky hair for a while so I appreciate videos like this ^-^ you also seem to have a really nice personality so you earned a sub!

Iridescxnt: I don’t have a blending tool so this took a long time but I’m so happy with it! It’s hard for me to draw curly hair but I really wanted to make a portrait of my best friend and this tutorial really helped! And I added my own little touch

Danny Rivera: Love that you made a tutorial on this! I've never liked that when many tutorials talk about drawing hair, they skip over kinky hairstyles but I'm glad you are teaching others how to draw more hair textures.

fantasia243645: Thank you for making this video! I love the representation! 4c Curly Queen~! I really like your energy and art style as well. Subscribed.

Kayla: I love this video and the message ur sending out! "Embrace yo hair!" I big chopped (went fully natural) at the end of January and I am loving my hair!! Rockin the Afro! Your drawings are so cute!

Keira MRE: 4C is cute like damn gurl <3

Tiramiisu: I’ve always wanted to be able to showcase 4a/4b/4c hair in my drawings, I just didn’t know how. Thank you so much for this tutorial!

Moved Accounts: I absolutely love this! your stylizations are so perfect, especially the last one, wow!

Leilea Vanmeter: 4:39 is when she starts drawing

𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓾𝓶𝓽𝓲𝔃: Your art style is just my type and the tutorial is AMAZING. Thanks!

Asari Aibangbee: I NEEDED THIS VIDEO!! Thank you so much for this inspiration❤️✊

BubbleTPlzz: This helped me so so so so much! Thank you so much

Jess: 1 year later and this is still so helpful thank you so much I had such a hard struggle but this really helped

MatryoshkaMark: ah, doing this digitally should be a breeze :D i'm so glad i found this tutorial, i have been _searching_ for tutorials on these types of hair for a good chunk of time now.

Ladybug: Thank you! I have 4c hair and it’s really fun to draw. I’m going to practice all of these. Thank you for sharing!

Vlogs By Ashlyn: Love this not just your amazing art but the message you gave with it!!

E W: Thank you so much Christina this helped me A LOT I also got inspired by the face of your drawings and I think they are soo cute so again, thank you!

nymph: I love these! Would you mind showing us how to do hairstyles with this type of hair? Like buns and stuff?

WealthisoftheMind: This is sooooo beautiful! I wish I could draw to do this!

Michelle: Omg finally a 4a,b,c hair tutorial!! COME TROUGH it's so accurate slay queen

Hannanana ;D: I’m experimenting with different hair types and as someone who very much admired natural, curly big hair, this was super helpful! All you queens who rock these look seriously I am in awe!

Shanice Mitchell: Thank you so much for this video. I have been dying to learn how to draw natural hair of my fellow beautiful African queens but good videos are so hard to find and sometimes be too difficult to follow for beginners. Watching you go step by step and explain everything helped so much and now I just want to practice more and more. Thanks again and I loved seeing your beautiful personality shine in this video. Peace and Luv

some BODY: this is the first videos of yours I've ever seen and I'm in LOVE!!! I've wanted to learn how to draw better for so long and this helped me!!! thank you!!!

VampireNinjaBunnies: Thanks for the great tutorial. As someone with pin straight hair I was at a complete loss how to convey the 4c hair I wanted to give a character. This is super helpful.

Cassidy Rose: You are incredible!! These girls are so beautiful and I love love their hair! Can’t wait too try these techniques xox thank you Christina

Mz. Bass: Love this!! Thank u so much for this tutorial!!

Freud Charles: I've actually learned a great deal of techniques from your videos. Keep these up

Taylor: Omg this was so helpful. I’ve been struggling with sketching curly hair for the longest and I finally got it. Thank you!

Soy: i love this tutorial!! thank you so much!!!!! it helps so much


I like Food: I have 4B hair ♥️ and the way u drew it was on point

Joyce Thomas: Thank you for sharing you tips. Loved the tips, very useful. Looking forward to more videos from you.

SunniMxddy: You and your art is very very beautiful! This really inspired me to start drawing :) ✨

Aphro: SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL. I AM IN AWE! I’m so freakin excited to try this now!

Andasiah: Thank you! My 6 year old and I were able to use this to help with her 1st grade project about herself

Lorna Westwick: Thank you sooo very much for this. Been searching for what seems like forever to find a good tutorial for afro hair. Ps. Love love love your make up. Looks so good on you.

mikhail114: You did such a great job. I love it!

Andrea G: Loved this tutorial

Julia Wunder: Thank you so much, Christina! I myself have curly/ kinky hair , and I find it so hard to draw! Thanks girl! Love ya!

Hannah Sam: Thank you soooooo much I’ve been watching your tutorials for a while I wasn’t such a strong drawer thanks to you I’ve found my own art style I been growing thank you and God bless

b r e e: I love your drawings but I also really love your energy! I love how you're yourself in your intros

LadyIHawke: New sub!!! This video is so helpful! I had no idea how to draw these textures for one of my manga characters and now she looks so fly. You are so amazing! Keep it up girl ^^

Rudy Gomez: I really love how she does her eyes. Really beautiful

MrDvinci8: This is your best video to date. Ive watched your art style improve tremendously. This video was very inspiring and you're the first person to actually break down how to draw black people hair here on youtube. Keep on growing. God bless you and continue to shine!!!!

Emma L: Omg thank you! I have 4b Hair and I was making a self portrait so this helped me a lot!

kalonkakon: I'm so happy to find your channel! I've learned so much already! I hope you do decide to do a video of 3a/3b/3c hair!

L3cy..💗: Thank you so much I was looking for curly hair this is perfect!!!!!

Okay256: This is very helpful,thank you ❤️

FanFictionBts: omg I can't even draw a circle without erasing it

Dani: this video really helped me draw my bestfriend who has 4A hair. this is during the corona virus issue so i can’t see her rn especially since she has it. so i drew her to show i think of her always. THANK YOU because without this i’d be struggling especially since i’m hispanic and have “white” girl hair

YouR.aann_Extra: I love how your videos are so self-explanatory and easy!!

Anisha Armstrong: My hair is 4a & I have small sections of 3c & 4b, but the 4c one is so cute! I'm loving it!

daisybell4: I looooooooooooove your drawings!! The way you draw these hair textures are BEAUTIFUL! :)

Space Kid: This video was really helpful thanks!❤️

Isaac: Thank-you! I'm trying to draw a character from my book and this really helped!

Michaelangelol: Thank you! I've been trying to draw type 4 hair for ages but I could never get it right (also all my people out there with 4a,4b and 4c hair your hair is gorgeous don't let anyone tell you otherwise)

Yeet Muffin: Ahh tysm, I’ve been trying to make diverse drawings but I’m so bad at curly hair, this really helped

Bre Da Barbie: This is very wonderful , amazing work

Nakeyshia S: Very helpful! Thank you

Tori McCroan: Thank you so much for this awesome tutorial. I am white, and that’s no excuse to not learn this beautiful art form

MuhGirls: Very helpful! Thank you so much!

Sushii: I tried to do the first one and it turned out pretty good love you

Sophia Paxton: This was very helpful! I love your charisma! You are a beautiful and talented person!

CROW: I love this video and I really appreciate it. I want to expand the types of hair I draw because nobody just wants to see straight or wavy hair you explain it very well Also you hair looks so beautiful and I love that your embracing it.

Renee Mills: Thanks for the instruct!!!!! I’m brushing upon my drawing skills and you’re awesome

Molly Allen: You are so lovely, and your video was inspiring, fun, uplifting, and informative! What a joy to watch :)

Nao tsukinose: They are all so good but the third one is beautiful I love it

Liz: I really love this!!!! This video was so much help!!

Crystal Dvoroznak: I LOVE your style!! I have a lot of talent ,but, don't know how to use it. Your video tutorials are soooo informative and fun! I've learned so much. Thank you for sharing your talent.

Nina Greatie: I can never draw myself bc of my hair but now I can :) thanks for this video

Samira E: As soon as I saw this tumbnail I subscribed! I really wanted to sketch a pic of my friend with kinky coily hairand I couldn't find ANYTHING!!! I love how your using your content to inspire all kinds of people and be inclusive and encouraging

Sha'Tuon S: I use mostly pen in my drawing but looking at how you draw natural hair in pencil made me go find my blending stump so fast! Keep up the bomb work sis!✿ ✿ ✿

AngelaYessire: I came across your channel recently, and can I just say I LOVEE YOUU, your drawing style, your personality, everything is so bomb. You're the first youtuber I saw that incorporated natural hair in drawings so flawlessly. Your channel is truly a blessing ~xoxo 14 yr old girl~

Julia alghamri: This is really helpful. Thank you❣️

KeeperOfThe10: Thank you for this tutorial. I'm getting back into my drawing and this is perfect bc it's the only thing i didn't have down. Love your enthusiasm. Subscribed! #Godisgreatallthetime

Jada Pace: Thank you sooo much!! I can finally draw my sister's without making them look like thier brains are coming out!!! You are a life saver!! You just earned a Sub!

Daniel Saunders: OMG, This Video helped me so much with my school art project. I have never tried to draw anything other than straight or wavy hair. This hair style is something I've always wanted to try. Thank you so much!!!!

It’s Amyyy: This was very helpful and your makeup was slaying

Angelina: This was beyond helpful! Thanks so much for another great video! Plus ever since daylight savings i have been LOVING this 6 o'clock lighting!keep up the good work! Last thing that pink/purple sunset eye look is poppin! Love you so much and God bless!

YahkiYAH Y'israEL: Love your hair drawings especially love the 4C - looks so real. Thanks for sharing x

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