Afro Kinky Curly | My Natural Hair Extensions

  • Posted on 18 November, 2014
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous


If you’re looking for a 4c hair extension, Afro Kinky are the perfect hair extensions for you. A 4c curl pattern has a tight “Z” pattern. Rather than coiling into spirals, the hair bends in sharp angles making a shape like the letter “Z”. Our Afro Kinky hair has the soft-cotton like feel of real natural hair. These air extensions are made with strong ringlets that prevent snapping or breaking in bulk. We like to call these our “low maintenance” extensions. All you need is your favorite styling product and a nylon pin styling brush.

Afro Kinky are the perfect hair extensions for a natural hair look that requires no straightening, curling or heat. Our extensions are versatile and can be work with relaxed and natural hair. We offer specialized closures to match your current hairstyle to give you that seamless natural look.

Afro Kinky Curly - How To Wash & Detangle My Natural Hair Extensions reviews

Afro Kinky Curly - How To Wash & Detangle My Natural Hair Extensions reviews

You, okay, hello, ladies divas and Dolls. Today we're going to be watching and detangling hi fro kinky hair. So let's go ahead and get started. You'Re gon na need a few things you're going to need a spray bottle with a warm water. Your Denman brush you're, going to need the shampoo of your choice. Today we are using cream of nature's with argan oil. It'S a sulfate, free, shampoo and you're also going to need about four or five ponytail holders. I'Ve already sectioned my hair into four and I've already done three out of the four sections. Okay, I do have the Vixen someone, so I have my hair left out all the way from the front to the back and ear to ear, and I have already shampooed and conditioned my own hair. I will turn around so you can see. My own hair is also separated from the other four sections, so let's go ahead and get started. The first thing that you're going to do you're going to take your spray bottle and you are going to dampen the section that you are about to detangle, not completely soaked it just dampen it. So the hair is nice and pliable the afro kinky. It is a lot like natural 4c hair, the ringlets are very small and the hair is very delicate. So you don't want to put a lot of stress and tension on the air to pop it or to break the ends. So once you dampen the hair, you just want to add in finger detangle and if you see any hair, where that's clumped, together from a previous style over a friend, make twist off or braid out, you want to go ahead and separate that as well. So after you have done that with the hair, you want to go ahead and take your ponytail holder, and you want to section away a small piece, a small to medium sized portion of your section about yay big, and you want to pull the rest of the Hair away you're going to take your water bottle with warm water and go ahead and just lightly dress. They heard the piece that you're about to come out and then again just do some like finger, detangling, making sure there's no large clumps or any large tangles. Take your diamond brush and you're going to start from the tip of the air. Most of your tangles and snags with the afro kinky do happen at the base of the hair. So once you detangle this portion, it makes detangling the rest of the hair pretty easy. While I'm doing this, you will also get a chance to see how the diamond brush defines the afro kinky and gives it a nice curl definition. This same method. You would use this same method to define the curls of the afro kinky. The only difference is after you wet it with your spray bottle, you add your styling cream or your styling pudding or your curl cream to the hair. While you comb through it and as you can see, the afro kinky is really easy to detangle. You just want to start from the roots and make your way all the way. I'M sorry start from the tip, excuse me and then make your way all the way to the roots of the hair. Now that section is done, so I'm going to go ahead and just pull it out of the way and I'm going to pull down another section same size, I'm going to repeat this process. Okay, now that I have a decent amounts detangled, this section has already been detangled. I am going to take my shampoo, I'm going to apply about a quarter. Size amount to my hand and then praying hand like motion. You are going to put the shampoo into your extensions. You don't want to rub the hair together in this manner, because it will create tangles now, with your dimmer brush, go ahead and go through the hair, and this will basically push the shampoo through the air and make sure the strands are cleansed. Now I'm going to go ahead and put this in a twist to pull it out of the way a loose twist and I'm going to do the look this last part of the fourth section, because the video is sped up. It looks like I'm being very rough with the extensions, but I am NOT you want to take your time and detangle very gently to make sure you don't cause any unnecessary, breakage or any unnecessary shedding. Both section has been completely detangled. So now I'm going to go ahead and add the shampoo to this half of the fourth section, make a list twist and go ahead, and but it as I have done with the other parts of their detangled and add a campaign to all four sections of my Hair now what you're going to do at this point you're going to go ahead and get into the shower or the sequent section at a time, you're going to go ahead and take down the button and you're going to let the water run through this section of The hair and your with your hands in and praying like motion you're going to go ahead and help the water, through your hair, to rinse all the shampoo out. This way, your hair will stay detangled and it will be cleansed and thoroughly if you want to can use your take your diamond brush into the shower with you. While the water is running the Saru of your hair, you can go ahead and comb the diamond brush through your extensions to also help make sure all the shampoo gets out. But you do not want to rinse and rub the hair or you only tangle, your hair. After you finish rinsing that one section at a time go ahead and put a nice big twist back into your hair and pin it back into a bun and move on to the next section. Now, thank you for watching and stay tuned for other upcoming videos. With thousand how to's, with my natural hair, extensions hair line,

Rwanda Reese: I love this hair! My niece used it and I could not tell the difference, between her hair and what was added in! I will be ordering some.

rumcakes2: I have finally found a website that carries natural looking weave! Thank you soo much! I have been natural for about 2 years and i have been looking for weave that resembles my own hair. I do not want any Brazilian hair, but something that looks like MY hair. I looove the hair that you have provided and i see nothing but good reviews. While I was browsing around, i couldnt see the perm yaki hair on your website. Is it possible if you can post a video on it pleease.  And Thanks again for providing a place where natural women/girls can have their hair without doing much manipulation. 

CancerrGirl92: Gorgeous! What length(s) is this? 

IfyLove: this hair is nice !

Anointed hill: can you do a detangle on the Afro kinky clip ins

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