Using Your Hidden Crown With Short Hair Ft. Aubrey Kinch

  • Posted on 06 August, 2015
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

Are you curious if you can wear a Hidden Crown with short hair? Watch this video to see a special tutorial by Aubrey Kinch!


Aubrey is wearing a 20 inch in color #60/8P.

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Hi guys I'm Aubrey from Aubrey catch calm, and today I'm going to show you how I took my bomb of my very short blunt Bob and changed it into this. Look with my hidden crown, hair extensions. Let'S get started here we are - and this is my hair. Without extensions, very short, blunt bob, like I said so short hair girls, this is a little trick that I have for you before. You put your extensions in you're, going to divide your hair in the back and pin up that bottom layers. Let me show you the back of my, so all you see there are just a few little pieces that are pinned up with bobby pins and what that does is allow for your extensions to lay really nicely on your neck here, and you don't get this severe Line over your natural hair is so don't skip that step short hair girls. I promise you it's worth it. Okay, so here is our hidden crown extensions. This is the one track. That'S going to go on your head, it's very very thick can see there, I'm wearing the 20 inch in color 68 P, so to get started, you're going to simply put it here on your head about an inch or two from your forehead and then you're gon Na push just the back of it down onto your crown you're going to then take just a little comb, one that has a nice little edge there. So you can pull through your hair. So that's our next step, we're just going to go around and pull a thin layer on the top of that track that you just put in okay so from here. I then take a brush, and I brush right through on that top where that wire is to disguise it a bit for you, so you can't tell that it's there and then I also go around the rest of my hair to make sure I pull through the Other parts that I wanted on top of the hidden chrome trap, and that is it so you can tell them here on that bottom for short, hair girls, all you're getting is your extension they're. The only front pieces are going to be the short pieces. That'S that it takes about 30 seconds and you have really great thick full hair with wine, a set of hidden crown, hair extension

Art Teacher: That pinned bottom layer is exactly what was messing me up! THANK YOU!

trisha xoxo: Amazing!!!

Javabean The coffie whisper: It be fantastic if daydream hidden crown made layers on the 14 inch daydream. .I know hidden crown made layers in the thicker ones,please try layers on 16 inch. daydream .:)

Kimberly Dawes: I wish you would have shown the back of your hair. Making a "lob" or blunt cut look natural with these extensions is really hard - I was looking for tips...

Diana Hun: That pin trick gave me life

Kat 23: Are you wearing the daydream one or the other ones

Mamma Bear: how much does it weigh

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