Keratin Bonded Hair Extensions

  • Posted on 31 October, 2011
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

Keratin Bonded Hair Extensions, done by Brooke Leishman for E'static Hair and Beauty

FTC:I paid for all my services with my own money, nothing was sponsored.

This service is usually around 1-1200$, but my friend gave me a good deal and I got this service for 500$ (AUS) where I got it done

Let's Talk!





Chick Approved:

Hey guys so today I'm getting creatine bonded hair extensions, I'm really excited. So this is the last time gon na see me with super short hair. I'M gon na bring you guys into the salon and try and get as much footage as I can, but we shall see. I don't really have anyone to film so we'll see how much I can get, but I hope you guys enjoy it and keep watching. If you want to see how her extensions work - okay, so this is what we've done with chris's hair. So far, she's got she's going to have a full head of extensions puttin on a quite short blunt hair, so we're going to have to texturize all of her hair we're putting in individual extensions. They look been bonded on with like a keratin glue and then we've lo lighted, her hair as well, because the extensions that were using are a little bit darker than her hair was originally. We'Ve also got some low, lighter ones here which are quite dark. You can see the different colors that would be her collar. That would be the low light color that we've put in. So what we do, don't we put a a guard at the top of her head, pull out a little piece, probably about this big and that's where it will connect to the bond. We clamp it in with this heat, clamp, again burn it, and then we just with our hands, using like a rubbing pressing motion, just like rubbing press the bond in we're going to put in roughly two hundred two, maybe even three hundred. If we can just as many as we can just for just to let it like if it does fall out or anything like that, we have heaps in there, you can kind of see the low light. So that's a really good shot of the Lola and then also anyhow forever yeah, we'll take brother. It'S now four o'clock, you know baby, I needed clothes, help me get out of it. Alright, what we might do is we'll get a thing of it at the end, I'm gon na show you what it is. So this is how short her hair this is the before the short blond hair. Alright, so you can kind of see the side. Sorry I'm turning my head. While we do this, oh yeah, that actually works really. Well, you see it uh-huh, so she slips that little thingy over. You look so funny kind of reminds me of like a kid's art project and like glue gunning things. Your hair, in funny I may be the best mom, no totally, not like a ten year old, with full extension sweetie. This is what to do. She'S gon na be one of those little pageant girls, my gosh, it's baked egg. Let me do that 200 more time, but yeah and kind of see how much we've already put in. I think I'm kind of shooting America for you so we're kind of halfway through now, but a half a head of both in tension over the foiling a bit of it. Now now we're just going into the side pieces, then I better go more up a little bit more as well. So do I like a piece in there somewhere try to get like a piece? Look like cascading around the front of her head. That'S where we're gon na shape it we're gon na try to keep them as long as we can just Kristen wants long, nice, luscious, hair, nice, natural blondes, long yeah. You can kind of see the other side here. How short her side was before those makes me laugh with people. I like your hair, so long what blonde hair has long blonde hair. So when you're cutting extensions, this is how I would do it never like cut. It'S all like a slide. Cutting kind of motion. So that it's all going to blend you're, not gon na, have any chance throughout the hair or anything like that. We'Re trying to keep her hair as long as we can to and as thick as we can. So I'm not going to do too much of cutting of the extensions. Rather it was doing like a little bit of a layer. Sort of thing you can kind of like by feel see how, where the, where it needs to be laid, you can see like her hair's quite short, we're going have to lay it all down in there and mostly through the front a lot around the face. Just to match into these shorter layers for the or the fringe for the front fringe, what it brings you, maybe then down for the back, I'm gon na try to keep it as the long hands long way it is possible. I am NOT going to second. If you know the legs, because if you go in and the one to cut the bottom of the extensions it does give like a really fake look, I mean it's up to. You know your personal opinion and how you would like it, but I generally keep it as wispy and as free flowing as I can. Wouldn'T you find that like pieces, slip too, if it was a blunt cut in like little chunks with slip down, is that I have you're looking at this rate, these things like all these like, because I think abstention like. Why are you doing this yeah? I'M not refix you to the untrained eye, maybe not so much, but I'm looking at me like. Oh, it should not a poor girl yeah, especially when they are coming to the end as well um. It does look really like yeah, a very Pacey and very that's so funny and having it blunts I mean you can say like there's like a missing leg, and I don't like that at all. I'M glad we're not doing that, especially at this light of a blonde that would be awful. You have to make the cut. Look, it's not your sauce. It'S like anything! That'S very funny. Yeah just turn around yep extensions a little bit they match my yeah. You show us the back one last time yeah, it's really good yeah yeah done! Thank you. Yeah

Shaaanxo: LOVE IT!! i miss my blonde hair looking at this, i had the same thing done :)

inkair: So neat to see this done, thanks for sharing the process with us! x

TheDailyCupcake: Your hair looks so gorgeous!! I've always wanted to try those!!! Great vid love!! XOXO

IDontStalkMuch: You're both so pretty and it looks great btw!! :) Brooke did an awesome job!

Natalie Williams: Looks really good! And very natural! (: How long did it end up taking?

lnm8700: wow i wish i could afford to do that to my hair! looks great!

Kayleena Caeru: Very pretty, I LOVE the hair color, you hair dresser did a very good job! :) xo

Rebecca Morris: I've got really damaged bleach blonde hair. Its so thin and brittle, the breakage goes all the way up my hair. I wear clip in extensions everyday because everyone seems to comment on how thin my hair is when I don't wear them. I'm definitely going to look into these extensions. Thank you so much for putting up this video. Its helped out a lot :) x

Mickey- TheCatzAttack: brooke did an amazing job <3

Hope Lucas: absolutely gorgeous! i love it!

AznBarbieNath: How long did you keep them in for? I'm getting fusions done soon and I'm excited!

Tally Wally: there are keratin hair extensions that usually come in wavy instead of curly :) im getting mine kertain bonds in a few days and im really excited :) hope this helps xx

HotPinkFantasy: Tape extensions are awesome if done correctly, sadly I've never had a good salon experience with extensions, no matter how much I pay for the "best" most stylist tend to be sloppy & overlook symmetry which is why I was forced to learn how to do extension myself ...which that said :) you can try a brick pattern and make sure to leave an inch of hair along ur hairline & half inch in between rolls.... also there are two types of tape extensions.. seamless and skin weft, I use both :)

Karissa Pukas: It totally depends on your local salons, do some research! :) It can be from 700-2000$ depending on what they charge, I get mind done for cheaper because my best friend is the extensionist xx

hazel0708: im really excited im doing it tomorrow and yours came out really nice and beautiful

isthelettucenotragin: Your hair looks SOO good!

Karissa Pukas: I've BABIED mine, and they lasted 7 months :) Getting them taken out next week- but I absolutely loved them, although they are a lot of work, and stupidly expensive!

Karissa Pukas: My hair has never been in better condition :) I've had them for about 2 years now (about 3 different sets)

PAJO: Brooke did a very, very good job!

tooswt4Iove: how long does it last and does it damage your hair after removal?

PrettyfaceJo: Im so glad your friend layered your extensions with your shorter hair! I can't stand when I see girls with obvious weaves because it doesnt blend! it looked great!

kycc89: this type of extension can stay in about 3 months depending on quality of hair and the upkeep. If they are removed properly by a professional, there is no damage.

Ember Le: My hairdresser had been raving about ZALA's every time I went, and I had to see for myself (now im the raver yikes hahaha) no wonder everyone is so smitten they are delightful!

BellaVonBlubell: They look awesome. What toner brand and colour would you use on these now? I have been playing around to try and find the palest colour toners but haven't been totally happy yet.

Maddy Wilson: How have these affected your hair? have you found any damage from them? xx

mgliddyy: you look awesome! love the extensions! was it cheaper in australia or, like most things there, more expensive?

Karissa Pukas: 3-7 months however well you do your aftercare :) I had mine for & months last time!

Zingeuron: When you get these done, do you have to back to the stylist for any reason every so often (weeks, months,) or are they done when they are done? I would want to get some later, but I'm worried about time.

smilesalotable: they look so real! I love them!

leighannsays: ahhh! I loved this video! I'm so jealous ;) You look gorgeous xo

Nicole Noreen: they look amazing!

xmzbreezyx: Looks so good! how much did they cost? xo

alex rose: your hair looks awesome! :)

Thess Broberg: Vinny4ex: I agree with Karissa, and my hairdresser didnt even need to cut  my hair after i worn my keratin glue hair, it only affects your newest hair, and it did protect my shoulder-lenght hair. The one with braids totally ruined my hair though...

Karissa Pukas: It's different depending on the Salon, their supplier, and the quality :) xx

Susan: How long do the extensions stay in?

HotPinkFantasy: You should really try tape extensions... after having fusion, tape extensions are pure heaven.. 40 min to apply and 40 to remove and they are completely flat to the head, seamless and undetectable. :)

Dania Wynter: How do you get them out and how long do they last?

Nicole Liddy: woah! I would have never guessed!! hahah it's funny because I always thought I had the same hair texture as you but that mine was just a lot thicker and longer (it's like down to my waist haha) but in reality your's is even thinner and shorter but I never would have realized! job well done! x

courtney otte: do you still have these exact bonds in? ive never seen them last over a year? or have you had them cut out and re bonded?

Shannon McIntyre: I have literally just had my keratin bonded extensions taken out this morning. I had them for 6 weeks and really didn't like them. Maybe because I am a Mum of 3 so don't have the time to style them everyday but I found I couldn't wear my hair up in a big top knot anymore (bonds would show) and my natural hair length really showed through the extensions unless I blow dried and straightened to help the blending (even with a blending cut). I hope you girls have more luck with yours than I did xox

Jill Katz: Hey, I just started watching your channel, u are absolutely gorgeous and u make great vids! I have been thinking of dying my hair blonde for so long, I got highlights like 2 years ago but those grew out and now I want to go really blonde like u, ur hair is so pretty! Do u get ur hair colour done at the hairdresser or at home? please answer because I need help deciding what to do, I just don't want to do it at home and ruin my hair.

sandyloo117: Are you easily able to wear your hair up? I had weft extensions that were put in with something that looked like nail polish. I don't know if it was glue or something else. Anyways, I absolutely loved them! The only problem was it was impossible to wear my hair up which was not good. With the keratin ones are you able to wear your hair up without seeing the extensions?

Karissa Pukas: I kept these in for 7 months, and then got new ones in :) xx

l Poc: you're so pretty! I want to get these done for school, tying to convince my mom with the price haha

Nicole Familton: Hey there(: , could you pleasssse tell me how you keep your extensions in such could condition? I also have permanent extensions, i'm onto my second pair now. They're starting to sort of snap off and damaging at the ends. Is there some sort of product I can use to stop this? Thankyou!(:

Alannah Woods: How long do they last?

Philly Croz: How long do they last?

K.Ann: Are your new extensions keratin bonded as well or are they clip in?

Helena Mcgee: How much does this cost? and how long does it take?

Karissa Pukas: I never have a problem- the bonds just blend in with your hair anyways- I'm sure if you spend the time, you could cover them all and definitely have none showing, but I don't care, because like I said, they just blend in!

Jayna: soooo pretty!!!

Victoria Donovan: Your hair was so cute short but it also looks really nice long as well

Rachael O'Brien: Could you please do a makeup collection video xxxx

CutieBBe23: how much does this cost and how often do you get them redone

Yelena Tischenko: very nice! how much did it cost?

Ashley Jensen: Did you have to supply the extensions yourself or did they have them?

l Poc: ugh even the hairstylist is gorgeous

jeanette hong: Does your hair fall out when the bonds come off?

Simone Chiappetta: How many inches are the extensions that you get put in? 18'', 20'' etc. I'm getting mine put in at the end of the month and i like the length of yours! Thanks a bunch :)

Isabelle Amy: i want this done but how much did it cost? <3

ss2dzr: i had this done and at the time i loved it but now i regret it... it damages your hair and doesnt last long, they end up falling out and is expensive. after i took them out they had to cut my hair shorter than what i started with, not worth it. i would stick to clip ins

Karissa Pukas: @ride296 :) I LOVE THEMMMM! I'm going to do everything with them. Buying a GHD this week.

Lunale: can we use this with short hair? around 4 cm long?

Erica Mota: i hate my clip-in extensions and was really considering this! how much was it if you don't mind me asking?

Whitney Androy: Ive been considering getting keratin bonds for awhile now BUT my hair is naturally curly :( Do you know if they make curly bonded extensions/or if you can even put bonds in curly hair?

AMAS: heyy :)! ur hair extensions look soo goood! I´ve had hair extensions for years, clip ins , braided in, and microlinkss.. what brand hair, or quality is it that u have in ur hair?! It looks soo soft and silky, my own hair is much like urs, very fine, straight and soft, and no matter how much I take care of my hair extensions, they tend to always get thick and dry sometimes dont match my own hair well :( plz help

omfgyourmomsugly: I had the same problem! I had to have mine burnt out with a hair straightener becos they were so bad

Karissa Pukas: I've had 4 sets in two years... and my hair has never been stronger, or in better shape ;) My stylist has had them for 6 years, and her natural hair went from shorter than this to past her bra strap, and completely healthy... Hate to say it, but you must have had a dud supplier or technique :/

Karissa Pukas: Partially from bleach, (mostly around the top of my head) but I've always had it just past my shoulders- it just doesn't really like to grow that long :) If I tried to get it past my boobs it is just too thin and lame! lol

Vanessa Williams: they are perfect!!! i am thinking to get my hair like yours but i dont know the price and their cost....

Lesh Ritson: I had these and they hurt soooo bad! And they made me bald when they ripped out! :(

DeeDee: SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Love DeeDee

Annie Her: How much space do you leave in between bonding

Karissa Pukas: Nope! My hair has never been in better condition! :)

Laura: Hi :) I really want to get hair extensions because of how thin my hair is, I was just wondering the condition of your hair now?x

Olena Sitnykova: I have the same camera)) Looks good)

xXEmilyXxification: I cant wait till July, I get to meet Brooke's amazingly talented boyfriend, and i'm hoping shes there so I can ask her does she think extensions would work for me. Also if she could do my wedding hair.. I just love Brooke so much.

Jordan Christopher Charles: Oh my god it's so pretty xx

ayekid rauhl: how long does it stay in for? like so she can see :)

Rae Scott: Ash refers to the underlying shade of a hair color. Like some people can be a blonde but may have a purple, blue, green or red undertone... depending on the person and products used and natural color.

Tara Wiperi: OMG, I need to see Brooke, i live local to you and i'm getting married in 4 months and need to get extensions. She did such an amazing job, Can you tell me where to find her so she can do mine. You would be such a life saver. :))))))

oh nana: Does it help ur hair grow?

Hayley Felty: whats the price range of getting Keratin hair extensions?

Karissa Pukas: totally depends where you live :) and depends on how fast your stylist is!

Ayesha Touhid: hiya i was just wondering about the extensions... did they do any damage to your natural hair .. and how would you take care of them!!?? Thanks !!

Karissa Pukas: Hahaha yeah my hair is suppperrrr fine- That's ok! Extensions for the win! ;) xx

Queen Bitch: how much would it be to get these extensions, i live in australia too :) in melbourne.

Karissa Pukas: @maryask86 these are permanent, so I dont have to always clip in extensions, because i got SOOOO over doing that ever day lol

Enzi Yankee: is it permanent?

Mary Rutter: In her newest video she said around $999 to $1,500 :( EXPENSIVE

Darcey Barrett: are they pre bonded keratin extensions?

Shayla Nicole: i actually love the job the hairdresser did, where did you go?

Ashley Harkins: I don't understand the root touch up with keratin bonded extensions. Do you have to remove them before every root touch up? That would be terrible): please answer because I too have platinum hair and I'm lookin into these extensions. I've had others before but I'm looking into these. Thanks for your help!

ooohlalou: whats the difference between skin weft and seamless?

SincerelyAlyssa: How much did these cost??

Karissa Pukas: @msshaynicole69 all info is in the bottom box below the video :) xx

Nina Lyn: so how long do those last for??

vinny4x: Length isn't the problem, the hair you keep of course grows . Your hair gets much thinner

Arlene Howe: how much did they end up costing??

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