Grooming A Beautiful Curly Hair In Blender (Luwizart)

  • Posted on 31 October, 2021
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

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Hello and welcome to this video brought to you by the louis art. My name is manuel carfo. I hope you guys are doing well and having a wonderful weekend. Oh had a wonderful weekend right now. It'S 6 00 p.m. Here in the philippines. In this tutorial, i will be showing you how to create a coily hairstyle inside blender. I'M a web blender has the king types or in other words modifiers that you could add to your hair guides to generate call coily hairstyle. I find this very tricky to navigate because most of the result tends to be very uniform and you don't really get very detailed, coily hairstyle, so i basically went on a research to find better techniques to make this work and i'll be sharing with you i'll, be Sharing that with you guys today, uh, i already have the scene prepared. We have this nice model, which i got from zbrush and i've gone ahead to i've gone ahead to kind of create this quick eyebrows, which i will be sharing guys this technique in the next video uh. It'S quite awesome because you'll actually be drawing the hair yourself and you'll be kind of seen a snippet of the kind of practice i'll be doing today. Okay, so let's go ahead and get started, it's not going to be a very long tutorial! So, that's why i'm taking my time introducing it um? Okay! So before we get started, there are a couple of things that i need you to have um, maybe just one um and that is called the hair net add-on. So if you're not familiar with the hair net add-on, it's basically an add-on that adds more functional functionality to blender grooming tools and it's a free add-on. So the link will be in the description where you can find it. While you're in the description, you can check out the other links for um, some plugins, which i've printed and you can see if it's for you, okay, so this hadn't add on. Like i said it's, it's kind of increases. The power blender grooming tool basically allows you allowing you to generate hair from plain and from curves and that's what we're using for this tutorial. Okay, so uh, let's get started, uh, okay, so to get started. You want to go ahead and add a curve object. So add a curve object um. Now we can go into the edit mode and selecting everything will delete it now by default. You should have this here, but you want to switch to the scarf draw tool. So it's basically like this. You can go ahead and draw your curves okay, so we'll just go to the top view and just try to draw some chords draw some coily shapes, so you can just have fun with this. You want to make them look as different as possible. Okay, just make them look cool, so we want to have lots of variations, so this up is basically going to be instance of the coily hair, at least the base of the coily hair, because we can still add more modification that can increase the complexity. Okay. So once you're at this stage, um you're on the right track, so i i suspect, even if you beginner you can get to this point so now we can go to the curve tool, um where's, that i'm looking for select. So we want to go to select and tell it to select the first. So it's just going to go ahead and select the first cuff and now we'll come to this proportional edit, enable it and want to check on connected only okay. So once you've done that you can go to the front view and just pull this and slowly scroll your mouse wheel, so you can start pulling all of them up so now you can even go further, just adjust them individually. If you want to have more coily right at the tip, if you want to have it more coil at the tip, you can do this just bring them squish them together at the top i'll bring this down slightly. Okay, so just have fun with it. So once you're at the stage um now we can go into the edit curve, edit mode select. This hit p to separate um. If you select this by hitting l to select the island and separate all of them, okay. So now we want to go outside and do ctrl a apply. The rotation and scale so make sure you have the right object, selected, okay, so one more thing before we go, we move forward so right now, if i rotate this model or if i try to instance or discover what you will get is that it will start Generating the curve right from the center, so we want it to start generating it from the tip here. So, to do that is you have to tell blend um tell blender that by making the pivot point or the origin points to be right here so quick way to do that is going to edit mode select this point uh, you can do shift s cursor to Selected and when you come out, you can go to object, set origin to 3d cursor. Okay, so we'll repeat the same thing i have that saved in my quick feel right, so i can just quickly access everything, so we just want the pivot point to be right. At the right position, okay, so now we can select all these objects and move them into a new collection. So i'll call this collection, curves and then hit okay. So we have this here, so you could create a collection by clicking new here or you could just press the shortcut m to create a new collection. Okay, so we're almost done now um. The next step is to kind of paint where we want the um coils to be generated from so selecting your object, go to wait, page mode come here and you can delete this and click on create a new vertex group. You can call this whatever you want, but i'm just going to leave that as it is, so i'm going to go into edit mode, okay and switch to wireframe and switch my brush to select lasso, and i can just quickly select some points and hit assign. So if we go into weight paint mode, we can see it's selected, so a cool operation that you can get using when weight painting is a smooth operation, so you can just click on smooth and it's basically going to blur out the edges. Okay, awesome what gets in there so now i will select this object and go into particle mode and click on here set this to head. I will go to the vertex group and select the group which we just created, i'm going to reduce the length helen to one and why i want it, i'm going to switch back to strand okay. So what once you are this position? You want to go to render setting switches to object, um just to test out the system. First, we're just going to select one here. Let'S tell it to use the object rotation so uh. Basically, if it's using the object rotation, the rotation of the object can affect the kind of instance which will affect the instances so um. What you want to do now is select all of this rotate it y 90 degrees. So basically, it's going to start facing forward, as you can see here, so the next part stage is to just kind of get the right scaling um. Basically, what you're aiming for is to match the scale of this particular guide here. Okay, so we can see they're not matching at all so um, depending on the style which you're going for. If you want a fuller hair, you probably want a longer hair length, um, i'm not going for something very long, um or kind of grown out a lot. So, let's increase this slightly and reduce this number to like 200. um. Let'S see it's 100. go back to particle. We probably need to release the lens out 2.2. So that's 0.4. I mean we could just quickly check here. Okay, so i like this length and object. So i can just scale this too much okay, so we're almost done now, so i'm just going to switch this collection and select the curve collection which we created. So we can see we have the the hair colors coils and we have different variations. So you could pick randomly just to get some variety and just have fun with it. So for the we will also use the children particle to kind of fill out some spot, so you could use interpolator that helps you fill out a more spot, so you can use um simple if you want to maintain the original form of the curves which you Created so i've got five um, it's good, but let's see three because you want to make sure that the the cups you're going to generate here are not extremely dense, because if it's dense, it's just going to take longer to generate the real high particle from the Scarf so um point about display amount, 3 works for me and we can go from there. So now we like what we see um, you could still go in if you want to kind of have a particular grooming style or you want to. You want a particular direction. You could do that, so i'm just going to enable this. You could do that by actually going in and grooming this the hair. So you don't need to worry about the styling. It'S going to be done automatically for you, so you can just guide it. Okay, so you can see it's influencing the shape, we'll still be able to influence the shape even more later after we do the final step, so just a rough shape. So let's say you want a nice long, coily hair coming down here. So what you can do is add the select the add brush from here um, if you click here and do show header. So we'll do that again. So you just right. Click here, header or hide header, so now we have the header i'm going to set the add count to one and you can access all these parameters right here in the two settings. Oh i10, i'm not sure so you can access them here, as you can see. So you can just add one hair strand, so we need to turn out the symmetry. So you can just add one hair strand there and just draw so let's make it long so what's happening here is because the weight bent is not there. So we need to put it somewhere that has like nice white paint, so increase the length you can see. We have like a haircut coming here coming down here, so this is one way you could just quickly start controlling this. So, like i mentioned, you can see, have more ways to control it. So um once you have this looking as you want, you can go here and apply instance. So before you click anywhere, you want to move all this instance to a new collection. So selecting have it still having all of this selected, you want to press m move to new collection um. We can just leave it as any name okay. So we want to hide that, and we want to also hide this okay. So now what i want to do is just join all this curves into one mesh by pressing ctrl j. So you might have this weird thing here: just delete it! Okay, so we are almost there. Now we are going to switch to geometry node panel. So if you don't have this, you can click on plus um general and you should see geometry node. So you just click on that and you have this window. So i'm not really familiar with geometry node, as i should, which i'm kind of working on currently uh. But i there's a particular tool which we need from this to work well with the nh add-on. Okay, so let's first convert this into a curve and the node we are trying to use for this geometry. Node setup is called the curve resample node. So i'm going to select the cover sample node, so, as you can see, we can increase the resolution of each curve individually. Um importantly, what we need this for is to make sure that every single strand of curve, if i could call if i could say that - has the same amount of vertices, because that's the only way it can work with hairnet. So, depending on the detail levels which you want to leave in, you could reduce this number or, depending on the processing power of your computer um. It could influence this number so really um to be safe. I usually go to something around 12 to 5, 00 to 15, so let's say 14. um. We could still retain those nice shapes, but when we're not having it very dense, you know maybe might go up to 16 for this to really get more. Let'S see. Okay. 16 is a good point. Okay, so once you have it there, you can now go to object, convert mesh okay, so it's important to save your file um. The next step would might take longer, depending on your machine and the amount of hair or the density of everything. So that's why you want to try to keep things as optimized as possible. Okay, so now we'll have this curve here and everything is prepared. Now we want to generate the particle hair from this, so if you're not familiar with hernett's a pretty straightforward add-on, uh one thing: it has some rules which you need to respect like me. Just using the resample note to make sure every single curve have the same amount of particles, so this resampling node makes a lot of things possible, which the headlights are done now um, so another rule is, if you want to use the sheet, you want to make Sure you kind of establish some scenes to kind of seams so kind of make it uh recognize um recognize it recognize the line it's going to use for generating the hair. So if you want to see more behind us adam, i have lots of video in this channel, so you could just check or you could request something specific that you want to see and i'll try to make that for you. Okay, so we want to generate um the curve here now, so you you don't need to know a lot um, it's quite straightforward, so we'll click on emit half himself. Basically, it's going to emit the head particles from this object here, so it's not going to attach it to this character. So once you have that, and you have everything set, you can just save your file and click on file fiber mesh. So you give it some time um, depending on the density. It could take 10 minutes, it could take 20 minutes, but the end result is rewarded. Okay, so i did everything right and it just took a couple of seconds: okay, um! So once you have this nice mess um, you should know it worked. So we want to select this and go to the viewport and just incr increase the strength step. You can start seeing the calves there, you could increase it if your machine could handle it um to see more thing, you can increase the number of stream particles to 50 to see more coiliness. Okay um you could play with the radius 0.05 should tighten everything. So you can really start seeing the curves um, which you want and, like i said you could still play with this. You could still add more cool stuff. So if we increase the stress step in the particular edit and switch to comb brush and make sure you go ahead, and if you go to option, you want to make sure you have the strand length and the strand um roots checked. If you need to especially the strand length, because if you don't have it, you could change the lens unintentionally, so i'm going to uncheck this roots position, so i can be able to move this anyhow. I like now. This will allow me to just go in and modify the shapes into something i actually want. So you could, at this point, paint more systems, uh, more hair, strand and style specifically to match your needs so, depending on the concept which you have or a direction, you can go in and really have full control over most things here, and the cool thing is That, on top of all of this, you can still apply some more coils to like more individual strands to create a lot of more complexity, okay, uh! So now, let's create this complexity. So it's important to have enough subdivisions aka, the strand steps uh! You could play with some clamping kind of have more take rain in certain areas and you can adjust this something like this work. Fine um, you can play with twists if you want to have cool effect, um, which you have to increase the twist of course. So if we set this to okay, this number is crazy, so i'm going to set this to 30.. So if we set the twist to like 0.3 and we can start having some more randomization, we could, like, i said, add more coils, so we reduce the altitude to 0.02. I'M going to increase the frequency to like five just to have more nice um break up. So for stuff like this, that is petrolene, we probably or definitely don't want it. So we could go into the sculpt mode and grab our comb brush and just move this in once and it's no longer a problem. Okay, so this is how cool stuff you could do. Maybe we want this here, so good luck trying to create this sweet blender's default, hair particles, um, okay, so i i love this look um. We could add more cool stuff to it too. So we can add more roughness, especially like flame flaring hair. So let's set this to like randomness of 7 or 5.7 and we'll set the threshold to 0.8. Our point: it is quite low, so that's 2.6 just to have like some randomness um. Maybe seven is lost i'll set one. So it's quite obvious. So all this cool hair here and yeah there's something you get from the randomness cool. So now we can try to preview the hair um like it's going to look in final setting, at least the shape and the thickness of the hair, basically um to do that. For some reason, this setting is not here in cycles, but you can find it in eevee um. Basically, it's switching from strand to step to actually see how it's going to look in the final render. So once you do that in ev, you can come back in cycles and have it fun have a good night's go with it. I actually have a setting for that. Well, basically, you can right click and do create shortcut and save the user preference later um. I just press f8 and have it pop up: okay, so um now we can just go in and adjust the thickness and everything so to find. That is it's located here in the hair shape. If you set this to zero, you can see what it's going to be influencing. So let's do point two, so this is going to be influenced by the star which you're going for um. You really want to use reference for stuff like this okay, so we know the um we'll set this to like one. Let'S see how it looks point four and for the root i'm gon na set this point two or three, because we have to see the nice cool stuff which i've done point two most of this stuff is just like going back and forth and just playing with It to get something that looks nice or you can satisfy, or that works great with the style which you're trying to create okay. So now we have this: i'm ready to start rendering uh before render i'm going to increase the final amount of 100 and can get away with it, because i have a pretty good computer. I recently got like a 1090., i'm quite excited about what i will the benefits to that. Of course, my pocket is suffering for that and i'm actually kind of free thinking. Why did i really need it um, but anyways so fights paying off and enjoy myself? Okay, so i have my render settings from what i read earlier, so we can use exactly the same thing. We can quickly preview our material, let's make sure we're in cycles. So you can select this and go to your material settings and you can just quickly add a nice material that we could use for this. So i'm going to select a principle here, bsf and already it's looking awesome. So i'm going to set this to 0.2 to have like a nice, shiny, hair, um and it switches to melanin concentration. Oh, let's see make it like a red head. We can have some very color vibration, roughness variation, just awesome, realism, um, having a reference of course, thereby phase. Oh never gives you a nice payoff. Okay, we might play with the thickness of the hair later, but that will be left to after they'll be left after we see our final render, so i'm just gon na hit render i'm using cyclist x with tetsy. Actually two gps. I had like a 3290 before so the render is like easy kick um using an inch uh, maritex 3019. I would say x3080, so it's pretty good. So this is the result. It'S not looking bad, actually uh, so um. One thing i will probably want to change is to make this a bit more thin, um less thick. So for that i'm going to reduce the density diameter scale, basically reducing everything as a whole, so um point zero, zero. Eight, it's pretty good like that, render, and it's fine i mean it's a bit, could be it could be less um. Let'S see a couple of things, i actually want to do so 0.006, and i will what what did i want to do? Okay, the subdivision of the render, so we still have it as five which, unless it gets a pretty good result. So if we need to optimize sense of animation, we can definitely go in and reduce this value um. But i want to see how to look in his full glory um. So that's ranger, okay, it's looking quite awesome. So that'll, be it guys i'll just do a couple of renders and i will have it on my at station. The link will be in the description. If, in case, you want to go ahead and check out the final um result as an image just to see for yourself, but this is a nice technique. You should definitely try out in the coming videos i'm going to be exploring more cool hairstyles, even though generic male hair style, i'm going to be showing you like very nice techniques that you can use for that. So thank you so much for watching this video. I hope you and your family are well see you next time and don't forget to subscribe. If you want to see more from me, uh yeah, so bye, bye for now see you next time.

three dots: Hey, such an amazing tutorial. I'm still learning, having difficulties with certain things tho. Could you please share the .blend file with us?

Ezra Yarmush: When i went to particle edit mode and scaled the hair I could see the curve strands, just a tip to match the length so you can use the actual hair length setting accurately.

olga baidakova: Awesome tutorial, thank you very much! I wonder, is it possible to animate such hair in blender? If yes, how?

NWilly W: Great tutorial man this hair works perfectly

Ignacio Chamba: Muy útil!

El Bubsio: A few times throughout the video (ie - at 20:22) you seem to be moving some hairs around without affecting others. How do you do this please as one of the biggest problems I have with styling hair in blender is that it's very difficult to move individual parts of the hair with affecting other nearby parts. Thanks :)

Suban Waseem: It really helped out Thank you very much!

Agata Opałko: This is amazing! I had a little issue installing your add on though... I'm using 2.93 version and 3.1 and on both I couln't install. Like blender couldn't see it. Does anyone had maybe such issue?

Yamam Suliman: you really need to show your keystrokes while you're working ..or point out where some of these options you're clicking exist originally in blender .. this is NO begginer tutorial despite the fact that it's pretty useful.

Black Swan: hey Luwiz - amazing tutorial ! really great - just one quick question: how did you call the Menu at 10:26 ? i cannot figure it out where it is. would be great Sir - thanks for your effort and time to show super Tutorials ! ciao

Naniizar3D: Hi! I'm using CC3 for my characters, but the hair there is limited and also not what I need, so I decided to learn how to do hair in blender since it is free, and maybe I can sell my styles on Reallusion... right? One day maybe haha... so my request will be a video about exporting hair, physics and all that to use the hair in CC3 and Unreal. Thanks!!

Adziptrevis: Thanks very much! Please tell, how separate hair from head for export hair to cc3?

Grandeux: Hi! Im also based in the philippines, is it possible if I can chat you? Do you have a private class for blender?

Anna Bondarenko: I have some issue with "convert to curve from text/mesh" part, bassicly after converting geometry node seems to be not working with this type of curve or smth. I tried to change the curve type, looked up on Internet and I still can't find what i did wrong and how I can fixed that :( Did anyone had the same issue? p.s sorry if there are any grammar mistakes

Alban J: How to click to "Hair shade type" ? Because you use many of shortcut but you don't say how to do the same things ^^ Thx

Probros Game: wtf just when i thought i was the only nigerian who knew blender. even from ur voice i know u are nigerian keep it up bro.

bruno brissa: my head material somehow becomes transparent (as if alpha=0) once I hit render... does anyone know what the problem could be?

BasicSmoothBrain: Next time can you turn on screen cast? I have no clue what you are clicking half the time I rarely use short cuts myself

Jeremy Delong: Can you do short on side but curly on top please

Brandon The Bear: Yes man, very smart man. Good work.

KOLIS: Kurls, Koils and Kinks ohh my!…Absolutely luv this. Thanks for sharing.

Fainthed Cherry: I have no clue how his particle mesh thing stays actually on the scalp and doesn't fly all over the place..Anyone willing to help me out here figure out why they ain't straight when I make the same steps tho in the same order as him? I'd appreciate it as I manage to make the hair but it's not properly on the scalp despite weight paints and plugins! :O

FAT64: Thanks for the video, but there is no Grooming tool addon or Hairnet addon as far as I can find... any link?

Daeus Lamb: Works beautifully, but for some reason when I apply modifiers to the hair, it thinks the roots are the tips and vice versa. LOL. What's going on with that?

Natacha: hi ! I'm stuck when im rendering, there is absolutely no hair. can someone help me please ? i don't find and solutions

Spittin' Game: I need help on finalizing my *amature* Is there way to reach out to you via email?

Caltrop: the "in blender" in the title is the only thing stopping the FBI from storming your house. good tutorial btw

GLGraffixx: My actually chara has also curly hair the magic of dies hairstyle is if the chara is animated. The Hairsim. make even better.

Max Nadolny: What was this head size? It looks like 10 times larger than a usual human head, or about 2 meters. Am I right?

Arron R.: 4:53 way to fast with all the hotkeys, viewer better know blender pretty well before attempting this tutorial.

Kim: seems like its only works for big object? how did i get for normal small object?

Chady OnFire: thank u

Samba Basse SOUMARE:

Paul Alexander Villegas: A little more specification please, you use shortcuts that I don't know where the hell they are... "curve from mesh/text"

DADDY ALEX: This video was far from a tutorial.. you didn't even explain what you were doing. Moving way too fast. NEXT PLEASE

Pawel X: Just one hair? ;)

嘉嘉: check your email from yiihuu pls

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