Perm Rod Set On Short/Medium Natural Hair

  • Posted on 16 October, 2018
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

Hey Everyone! Here is my video on a perm rod set on short/medium natural hair. Super fast way to get curls when your low on time! Let me know what you think down below and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already. Let's get this video to 100 likes! :)



Hey everyone is Teena, Marie welcome back to my channel, so today I'm going to be doing a perm rod tutorial, so I was going to do the teal perm rods, but I just don't have enough for my full head. So I'm gon na put that on the back burner for now and I'm actually going to be using a few different perm rods, because I want to have like my heart, shape. The fact that I used to have so I'm going to be doing bigger, perm rods and the front and smaller ones in the back. I think I'm going to use these as well, so the purple, the orange and the greys, so I'm gon na start with the back. So what I think I'm gon na do is I'm gon na do two rows in the back with grey perm rods, and then the next set is gon na be purple, and then this book right here like right here at the top, is gon na be orange. Okay, so these are the products that I'm going to be using. I already did the back, so I'm just gon na show you the middle part, so I'm just making sure that my ends are nice and smooth and then I'm just gon na wrap it around. Will twirl it swirl it? However, you want to say it and then taking that latch and closing it, and I always make sure that when I close it that latches on top of the hair, not under the roller, if that makes sense, see how I bring it over on top. Because if it's the other way, I know with me my roller unravels whoooaa, okay, so to do so, I'm gon na sit under the dryer and hopefully it will be dry once I'm done I'll. Let y'all know how long I said under the dryers so orange at the top purple in the middle and gray at the very bottom so fingers crossed. I hope that it comes out right. Okay, so I sat under the dryer for thirty minutes and then I just let it air dry for about an hour. I was cooking, so I had to finish cooking and I let it air dry for an hour and then I took it out, and these are the results. So I'm just coating my hands with some oil so that my hair won't be really frizzy. When I take the rollers out and when I do take the rollers out, I just spiral it in the opposite direction, so that is easy to take out and so far I am loving how my curls are turning out. They'Re not wet at all. So that's really one good benefit about doing your hair on dry hair is that it doesn't take long for the style to dry and, as y'all know, with perm rods, your hair being absolutely dry is key to having a really good perm rod set. So I coat up my hands with a little bit more oil and I'm just separating the curls about two to three times and that's, including with the ones in the back. You can separate, however, many times that you want. I did want a fuller effect, so I separate it more. I think perm rods are my absolute favorite style to do. I just hate putting them in it. Just takes me forever. Do y'all see these curls dawg, look how defined they are they're, so bouncy and light, and I just love how this is looking so far, so I'm all done taking these perm wraps out and I'm just going to use my handy dandy pick to give it a Little bit more volume and just make sure that you do the roots. I say this in all my videos just make sure that you do the roots is so easy to have the pic just slip through and ruin the curl. So if you just didn't want to wear your hair down like this, I am going to show you guys for super easy, easy, easy hairstyles that you can do just to give it a little pizzazz. So I'm just putting this side up, and I'm just gon na use some bobby pins to secure it, and that is it. I think this style is so cute, and it just gives it a little bit of a pop rather than just having your hair down this next hairstyle is literally SuperDuper easy. All I do is just take a little bit of hair from the front and I'm using a rubber band and putting that in a ponytail and bam. That is literally, it is so easy, and it just seems so simple, but it does give your hair a little bit of a pop, because it's just not plain so this is another style I like to do and go ahead and check out my playlist for natural Hair tutorials, if you haven't already, I show you how to do twist outs, bantu knots, other perm rod sets it just has a lot of different things, so make sure you go check that out. So this next hairstyle Yasha already know if y'all know me, which I'll do you already know. This hairstyle is literally my favorite hair starts to do ever in life, and it's just the simple puffs. Usually my puffs be really really huge, but with this I make it a little bit smaller, a little bit more defined. So one thing that I will say is that whenever I do my hair on dry hair, my hair tends to get a little bit. Frizzy err, which is fine with me. I embrace the frizz, but just let y'all know so that was the last hairstyle. It was having my hair down, but it was just out of my face so now I'm putting my hair back to how it originally was before I started doing the styles, and that is it. If you liked this video make sure that you give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel, if you haven't already and I'll see you all on the next video

Naturally Izzy: You know... I have yet to try perm rods on my hair. I will do it one day lol. But I love your results!!!!

Tam Kam: I always have a hard time using perm rods but these resulta are so beautifullll. The curls and volume, im def going to try again

Brown skin Capricorn 76: Love the style! So cute! TFS

Judy's Creative Moments: I love the curls!

hailey hall: Great video! What hair tie clamp did you use to do the puff hairstyle?

TrinaTime: Hey! I store my curlas in a container like that too!

Fit Body Life Journey: Looks good, I tried it wet and it didn't work out so I'm going to try it on dry hair next

shakira young: Loving it

SoniaChic TV: Your hair is so pretty

Q: What kind of scrunchie thingy was that and where did you get it? Great video, btw!

latoya Wesson: So pretty

Iscah Willis: Love ❤️

Naija Roots: Cute hairstyles

Very KinkyCurl: Cute

Ashley Miller: Yasssss hunty!

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