Basic Haircare & Hairstyles : Getting Rid Of A Perm

  • Posted on 16 October, 2008
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

If a perm is too curly, get rid of the perm by shampooing the hair, applying a heavy conditioner and using a chemical straightener. Discover how hair salons can get rid of perms with this free video from an experienced hairdresser.

Expert: Amelia Smith

Bio: Amelia Smith has been styling all types of hair for more than 10 years.

Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC

Hi, I'm Amelia and I'm here to talk to you about techniques on getting rid of perms.. We'Ve all had an unwanted perm. Usually it's a little too tight. When the hair dresser removes the rods. You pretty much know when a perm is a little too tight.. So immediately that day go home and shampoo a perm, and what that's going to do? That'S immediately going to relax it. You're, also going to want to apply a heavy duty conditioner to the hair, and what that's going to do is also help weigh down. Some of that curl, because weight is going to pull that curl out., Then what you can do is in about a week or two. You can go back to your designer and have them do a chemical straightener on your hair, making sure that it is ammonium thioglycolate. The exact same chemical compound that perms are created from because, if you use a sodium based one then you'll have yourself a chemical haircut and your hair will break off so just make sure they use an ammonium thioglycolate based straightener.. That, of course, is chemical process. On top of chemical process that will cause some damage, so you're then going to have to use a deep conditioner treatment on a regular basis.. Now there are some other ways to help pull the curl out. You can use a straightening spray, you can also- and just actually blow your hair out straight. You can also flat iron. Now. These will also damage the hair but they're a little bit less damaging than let say a straightener immediately after getting a body wave.. So just make sure that you do an extremely thorough consultation when you do get a perm bring in pictures of the curl you want, and then that will also help prevent yourself from being in the situation of having to get rid of a perm.

PotatoLatke: I spoke with the hairstylist weeks before my hair was done. There were some miscommunication but when I got there I showed her pictures of layered large curls towards the end of the hair. She said she got it. I am not knowledgeable about perms and should have done my research but in the end the stylist didn't communicate with me that what I wanted I wasn't going to get. I ended up with really small curls which made my hair go into afro mode when outside due to the thickness. It is so bad I miss my straight hair which I took care of so well :/ I wish I could just shave my head and not throw $150 down the drain. Do your research and MAKE SURE your stylist UNDERSTANDS what you want before doing anything!

Marbled Fashion: I loved my perm in the beginning- but now I just can’t stand it anymore. I just want to go back to my natural curly hair &’ grow it out. I’ve also lost so much hair due to this perm- it really sucks loosing hair...

Farra Jawzy: thanks for the tips.. i just got perm last 2 days.. and i really hate it..  i really want my straight hair back but am afraid if i'm ruin my hair

stillabeauty17: I hate my perm I regret it so much

Lala2010wow: I just got my perm done... Showed pictures and everything... My perm only took on one side and I am literally crying right now with a placenta mask on my hair because it's breaking off already I wanted a wave not this crimped looking mess.

rhiwiko: i liked my perm, i only permed 2 times, but now i kinda regret it, i just like my fluffy asian hair

batsnpeaches: I had pictures and met a week prior to discuss it. The back of my hair didn’t take more than a gentle wave and she used her tightest rods on the front of my hair. I had bangs and now I have little pigtail looking curls sticking straight out. I look like a poodle. There’s no chill way to make it work until it falls out.

Zach Santa Cruz: wow...this kinda helped can you give some examples of heavy duty pantene one? cause I use pantene...if so, what kind of pantene? like the extra sleek, etc...

JJ: unlike most of you guys I have curly hair naturally and have a hair relaxer and I regret it a lot.

Tarah Fardy: Omg me too!!! I look so foolish. I regret it so bad.

Sara Lefty: I wish I knew this. It’s been 9 months and my perm hasn’t came out yet.

oxdayra: a perm made my hair sticky and my mom told me that the perm just burned my hair

Djsjduy Enejejek: Had wavy hair now it’s so tight and I hate it

RST Tresv: I want my naturally bushy curly back

Yashiro nene: My hair is a mess I got my hair chemically straightened and then I decided to get bangs now my bangs are really curly and my hair is puffy and straight.

K: tkz u so much. i just got a really stupid perm n on the same day wanted it out.

Candy ♡: I miss my curly 4c hair

Manic: These are all straighting methodes but what if you have naturally wavy hair or kinda curly

napadaan lang: my perm is too much and i want to get rid of it

Javier Luis: Idk why im watching this i like my perm lol

phil12367: mann i was lookin for the black ppl perm lol

sofia: i liked it but now its just a nest of straw on top of my head

Bigballerjuliae: i asked for loose curls, but THEY CAME OUT WAYYYYY TO TIGHT i did not ask for really tight curls i look like a literal poodle i hate it so much.

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