Rainbow Color On Short Hair

  • Posted on 09 January, 2020
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

In this video I will be demonstrating a hair color placement that is great for short or men’s style haircuts! Yes, men can be rainbowheads too!

Josh’s Instagram: @joshborgard

My Instagram: @caitlinfordhair


Track: Good Times By Scandianvianz [Audio Library Release]

Music provided by Audio Library Plus

Watch: https://youtu.be/y2VpK_jg3Ik

Free Download / Stream: https://alloys.io/good-times

Outro Song:

Harmony by Ikson


What'S up rainbow heads welcome back to my channel and happy New Year to all of you guys? This is our very first episode of the new year. I hope you guys had wonderful holiday. If this is your first time here, my name is Caitlin Ford. I am an award-winning hair colorist, as well as a 10-year veteran hair stylist, who specializes in really really weird hair. Today I am joined by my best friend Josh Beauregard. He is volunteered for you guys to model. Today. I'Ve had a ton of requests for short hair and I've been really trying to do the best that I can to accommodate your guys's requests, and it's super super helpful when you guys. Let me know what you're interested in seeing so today we're going to show some rainbow color on some short hair today, as well as they dude, so that you guys can see that. Yes, we can do fun, hair color on guys as well um, so yeah, I'm so excited to have Josh. I am honored to be here: Caitlyn, I've known Caitlyn for a really long time. I'Ve seen her at the beginning of her journey like fresh out of hair school and just seeing the things she's been able to do and accomplish is amazing, I'm so proud of her and it's such an honor for her to be working her magic on me today. Yay, thank you. This is the first time that I've had somebody else on the show or whatever you want to call it on my youtube channel. So I'm just really excited that you're gon na be my first one. Yes, you volunteered to be my Victim, Josh and what's really cool about today's. Today'S video, too, is this is the very first video of the year, which is every 21 days. Yes, happy 2020, you guys we actually have a little little mimosa action here. We wanted to like loosen up for the camera, so cheers so 2020. I hope you guys have a wonderful holidays and all of that fun stuff, so we're gon na get started with some really really cool transformations. So new year new you right, excited cheers. Yeah can see here. We'Ve got a little bit of regrowth action in here that we need to address before we can put that that nice rainbow on he used to be platinum. I actually know Josh, because his boyfriend is one of my very best friends as well. We met in cosmetology school, so that's it usually does this does Josh's hair and he's my Michael's cheating on his boyfriend with me today? So that's really exciting. The last time that Michael does his hair. He toned his hair a little bit darker than usual, so we're gon na go ahead and pull that toner out as well as lighten his roots, so we're gon na get started with that first and then we'll do the fun colors after that. Yes, yes, we are going to Red Lobster after that giant Lobster thing here. Well, if we're gon na do a mukbang over a lobster, I'll probably just use the cheapest we're gon na start from down under here. I always like to start at the bottom. Whenever I'm bleaching, just because usually a hair lifts a little bit slower in the back than it does in the front, usually a hair in the front of people's heads, it's a little bit finer. So it makes it a little easier to bleach out. Josh have like the perfect texture, as well as natural color for lightening he's, probably a natural level. 7. That'S what I like to hear: you're, okay, most people's heads like drift. Whenever you're doing your hair, it's so funny! I think that every hairdresser can relate to that. Like I've had clients even like drift off to sleep, while I'm doing her hair, it's so hilarious like I'll, be doing her hair and I don't even realize they've fallen asleep until their head. Just like, like that, it's the funniest thing I drift tech is like someone will be talking. Someone was like trying to look back at you and it's like I'm just trying to look at you. What I'm talking to you, the other clients that I get are they have like a like just a bobbing head every time like they're, very animated with their head. Oh, your socks are right, I'll, be going to like put a foil on and they're talking, and it's literally like their head is like gone this just like all over the place, while they're talking so I'm like chasing their head around with the feel like trying to Put it in, I always like the color of the bleach, like that, like purpley blue color, yeah yeah the annoying thing about blue blue blue yeah. Well, it doesn't hurt sure your hair blue, but like when it's sitting on sometimes like, especially when you're going platinum. It can trick you into thinking. Oh, that's John John, when it's not done you know, but platinum is always tricky for that reason, and that's why you know you, like Michael, has found that he's had to bleach your hair twice and probably have to bleach your hair twice today, because it's almost like It gives to almost platinum and then it stops and you and won't go any further until you bleach it again. It'S easiest thing ever platinum is just like a pan and I have to say, like not, everyone is meant to be platinum. True, it's a lot of upkeep. Oh yes, I think I'm getting my hair starting to thin think so I need to get on propecia yeah. I don't like it on something preventive. I just don't have the face for a bald head. Well, if I went bald, I would just probably, I would like to get some really cool, wigs yeah for sure they're, starting to be like more options available for men who are losing hair. Actually, you know now now that we're talking about it, I'm gon na go ahead and insert a little video clip over here. One of my friends, his name is Phil Phillip ring he is a fabulously, talented hairstylist and he actually has started working with this company called hair scheme. They do these amazing hair toppers for for guys who are losing hair and it's an amazing hair replacement system. So yeah, if you guys have ever seen this video over here, it's it's got super viral all over the internet. There are like these really great natural-looking options for guys coming out. As far as like hair pieces and stuff goes so something to think about we're here. For you, yeah yeah, I know it's like with with guys hair, you know. So much of the focus like with beauty in general is about women, and you know I feel like especially nowadays, like beauty has become so much depth more diverse as far as like who it's being offered to, and everything like that. So it's so great to see. Like a lot of these products come out that are geared towards men, because you know women have always had like extensions and lace front, wigs and like all the stuff, and it's like why wouldn't I want to have that stuff? I want a lace front way right. So it's awesome that it's like become more acceptable, but also there's like more of an innovation and the types of products that are being offered towards men. How long like this this normally would take I'll give you around the salon doing this. What you're doing to me like how long like would that take just like from start to finish, I would say, um in the salon, doesn't probably take me about three hours start to finish. Yes, okay guys, so we have our bleach applied here and so now we're just gon na give it some time. Let it cook everybody always asks like how long the bleach is supposed to sit on for with bleach. It'S not an exact processing time. It'S more about just watching and waiting and letting it get to where it's gon na go. So that's what we're gon na do and we'll see you guys a little bit loose price, always a surprise. Okay, you guys so we've got Josh's beautiful freshly, bleached roots right here. There is still a little bit of toner on the ends as we talked about in the beginning, so I'm gon na go ahead and pull a little bit of bleach over his ends and for the ends we're just going to use 10 volume. I use 20 volume on his roots, so we'll do like 10 volume on his ends, just to make sure we don't fry his hair, then after that we're going to cut his hair and we will head into the color right after that. Okay, guys so we're on to the very last phase of our hair. Color use your body bag, the best part it's what we have worked so hard to get. George he's got a beautiful, clean light canvas here, and so now, what we're going to do? The plan is, we are going to go ahead and part off this triangle section right here and my plan is that I'm going to do these like lines of rainbow color through that section, and what that's going to do is when Josh pulls his hair to the Side here, he'll have rainbow colors that kind of sweep over the top of his hair and kind of break apart, and then you should be able to see these rainbow stripes right at the hairline here, which should look super cute. You could flip his hair over and it's gon na be a way for him to kind of wear his hair two different ways and get two different looks out of that, showing one two four one, yes and then on the outside of the triangle section. What we're going to do is I have this color mixed up here, so this is very similar to what I use in my inverted hair, color wig, if you guys saw that this is just going to help to tone his blonde and make it look white in The final result - and these are the rainbow colors - that I mixed up here - super excited about this, so it's gon na be more of like a pastel rainbow. As you can see, there is no orange here. The reason why I don't really like to do orange when I'm doing like a pastel rainbow like this with really really pale colors is, I have found like in between the yellow and the pink. When I put like a really pale orange in there, it almost blends in too much with the pink and it just makes the pink look like there's too much pink in it. So, that's why I kind of skip the orange but it'll still look nice and rainbowy with just these colors so and away we go. So what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and paint the the white tunning color on first, because that'll help me kind of lay all the rest of the hair down and make it really easy to kind of work around this section. So that's what we're gon na do. First, you know it's kind of funny too, because, with all the like wild looks and stuff that are out there these days with like hair and makeup and nails, and all these things I almost feel like this is kind of a second wave of like seeing kids. You know like it's almost like a resurgence of that, but, like being done and like a little bit more like a tasteful way days - and I saw this meeting the other day called the Roaring - there are so funny yeah. I know Bella might feel like I had like a mix CD like back when people made mix CDs before Spotify and Apple music and stuff when you had to put it on a CD one of my CDs was called Rara licious like our aw. Are you know so funny hilarious? You know just being so random yeah, so I'm here for it honest yeah. Why not? I was definitely a total thing, kid back in the day earthy and want to be anyway. I feel like most of us were poser. One of my, not very many people were actually yeah, I mean we all tried it. We all so far, like you, know our cameras and put them up real high and like made a pouty face to the side, but then you have to like post like the most you know insane lyric under it was Auburn heights lyrics or something I really get. Your emotion through yeah, I mean it's funny. Cuz, like my scene phase, is almost the thing that kind of like got me into doing here in the first place, because when I was, I would save up money and I would buy like hair extensions on line like clip in hair extensions, and I would color Them like pink and black yeah did you ever do that? What was like was it raccoon or like stripping yeah? I was obsessed with that. I loved tails and then there was the you know. The bangs, like a bit like like, like that, oh yeah, and just like seeing girls, look like the black hair, with the crazy teased hair sprayed hair like if someone lights a match. Next, you girl you're gone right and you almost had to like cut your hair yourself. Oh yeah, no hair. What do it the same way? No, I only want one inch bangs, okay, like no. I won't do that for ya. I'Ll show you guys the sectioning real quick here, so you guys can see. We'Ve got one two three four and five, and I want the rainbow to start on this side, so we'll have pink, yellow, green blue and then violet right here, so we're gon na start. Violet and then work backwards towards our very first section there. Any of you guys wondering why I'm not wearing gloves that's because working in these like little meticulous sections like this. For me it's just easier to not be wearing gloves, so I'm not wearing gloves right now. So don't yell at me. How long would you say like does the color last because then you say they kinda. They can fade like that. Like how long would you say it's like a normal like so this is so these pastel colors or like this will fade. Pretty quickly with especially with how pastel these ones are so I'd say these are gon na last, a total of about four weeks or so. If you want more longevity out of it, just do deeper, deeper colors. You know because they'll get more pastel as you wash your them, so as you guys can see, there's plastic in the way which you guys will get a really good peel reveal here in a little bit, but all those little rainbow stripes right here. So that's our! That'S our placement so we'll let it process for 20 minutes and rinse it out and we'll come back and show you guys. The big reveal well yeah we'll do the peel first and then we'll reveal it for you guys, so I'm so excited about it. Okay, you guys so it's been 20 minutes now and we are ready to peel and reveal so here we go all right, you guys. So here is our big reveal of Josh's being officially a rainbow head. Now sorry were cheated girls, chance history, this planner coordinated this. Just like a fans yeah yeah yeah, no, it's perfect cheetah rainbow. I got my big mouth yeah you're like the pastel cheetah rainbow, and I'm like the goth YZ yeah. My uterus yeah, like I said, excited I love it and what a journey it's been yeah. It looks so good, it's been an honor for you, my hair, and I really appreciate you doing this guys. Please let me know if you want to have Josh back on. I mean, I think, that you guys are going to love Josh, so I think there's pretty much. No question that you guys are gon na want Josh back on you're gon na want to see more fun. Hair looks on Josh, but just to let us know, please leave a comment down below if you want to see Josh again and also, if you guys, could leave some extra love for Josh. Let him know how awesome he was today for volunteering to be your model and how adorable he looks and his rainbow hair and just so excited. Yes, it's so good, I'm so excited. I love the way that it looks like going this way too, like right god. I was gon na, I know yeah there's a change in plan. I actually like it better than soca all right. Well, thank you guys so much for joining us today and remember guys. Hair completes the look I'll see you later guys, bye, guys you

Caitlin Ford: I apologize for the inconsistent audio on this video! I should have had a separate mic for myself for this video but this was my first time filming with two people. Remember guys this is a low budget operation and I’m still learning as I go

tinysarahanne: Can we have more Josh? He’s a gem. Your friendship is so sweet

KelseyToast: Okay now I wanna see a "how I did my hair in high school- scene kid edition" video

Aissa Nougba: I really wanna see raindow on curly hair like (2c 3b)

Rebekah Lewis: He looks a little like Pride Draco Malfoy with the true white tone

Empress Karebear: Is Josh accepting friendship applications ? He's so my type of homie.

Ashley Morgan: Scene definitely inspired me to want to do hair! Yes it's coming back but like you said more tasteful. Its because we all learned our lessons

Oonagh72: Wow. It reminds me of the Care Bears. I think I like most because the way you placed it, it has so much impact with out it being a head full of rainbow. I would have like to have seen a shadow root. I liked his original color a lot too, but this shade of blonde fits him better. I think I’m just into shadow roots now that I know what they are. Oooh…rainbow shadow roots!!!

FamilyOf Parsons: I love it. Josh really pulls off the look well and as always you, Caitlin are just awesome! :)

Paige Mills: omg yes, no hair dressers would do the scene cut so I would end up doing it myself ahaha and yes, more josh would be great!

Maggie: Caitlin: Hair completes the look! Josh: Hair completes the löök!

Richard Johnson: loved this video! beautiful hair and it was nice to add another person into the mix! i hope josh comes back!

Stephanie A: Loved this video! Would definitely love to see more content with you and Josh!

Marigram: You did an amazing job I was expect a progressive color placement but I love that you didn't over complicate it and I liked the tip about the orange

a Miata named Michelle: I can’t tell if he’s wearing makeup or if his skin is just flawless

kyleen hernandez: When you guys started talking about the scene phase times I wanted to be scene so bad back when it was the it thing still regret not giving the look a try lol

Ali C Smith: Josh was fun! Love the hair. Look forward to seeing some more fun Rainbow or colors.

Amanda Rhoads: Love the rainbow hair (of course!!!) and love Josh! You guys were so much fun to watch! Hope Josh comes back to join you for another video again soon! ❤️

Jaqueline Parada: Do you think you can do rainbow on natural curly hair like anything 3a or higher? I haven't seen any the way you do it

Steven Lafferty: Honestly she is my favorite YT find of 2019. I hope she gets the exposure she deserves, every video is informative, vibrant, and as a person she is just so genuine/honest. Josh is super cute and I live for the bow on his shirt. More of both of you immediately. ❤️

dark faerie: I love this look so much!! It must be so nice to have straight hair that you can just brush into place. My curly hair would revolt so badly!!

Azriel Delmiro Frizzy: we definitely NEED another episode with JOSH AGAIN PLEASE.

na li: Josh looked so good! I wanna see more of him. He seems like a really fun person to be around. Please do more short hair colors!

Callista Markham: I'm in love with this pastel color! I'm not usually into pastels cause they usually look bland to me but its SO well done!

mira jones: Josh : hair completes the LOooOok bring josh back! (:

Small Gay: Yes, we love Josh! I loved seeing you do hair on someone, you two play off of each other well!☺️

Kiana Iwata: Omg yess!!! I had commented saying how I’d love to see you do something like this and honestly I didn’t even expect anything like this look. You never seize to amaze me with your talent!!! You inspire me so much ❤️❤️

Tanja: Hi Caitlin ! I like it when you have guests! :D Josh is so sweet <3 And the rainbow looks way better as I expected to be! This is a good technique for a beginner :D I'd like to see a rainbow on a full blond head, with long hair. Something to relate for me :) cause dark hair isn't for me.

Cheri Dymond: Absolutely love it! I tend towards shorter hair, so this was great to see!

Zarah Makes Me Pretty: I'm forever doing rainbows on short hair! This was a great technique! Thanks

Kani yaru: Josh is like "I had a mix CD!" And I am here like "I had a mix TAPE!" Now I feel old x.x He's a sweetie tho, he should be on more often!!

Sarah T: Amazing colour combination, great to see the pastels with the silver so they have the same pearlescant quality. Like someone else has said, it would be great to see someone with really short hair get some mad colour. A little dissapointed that this wasn't more of a creative gradient like your other pieces have been (e.g. curved colour and gradients that shift over the whole head) and it was a fairly standard colour block. But has given me some more ideas of what to do with my side shave :)

blind3dna n3wmistak3: This color is soooo beautiful! Please bring Josh back again for another color! He’s so adorable!

misskissyfur: we definitely need more Josh!

candi 1152: I really enjoyed this collaboration. Very good energy from y'all

neva starn: just did turquoise bangs today, and it was cause I was so inspired by you! been doing "natural" colours for the past decade, no more! Im having fun with my hair, dammit!

hnskinner: I'd love to see you do a fashion color hairstyle for those with a low budget for maintenance and upkeep! My hair use to be blue all over, but after 3 years I just decided it wasn't worth the thousands a year I was spending at the salon to up keep it.

Mrs Jaskel: Love Josh! You guys are so charming together! I would love for you to share more of you’re friend josh with us, it’s always nice to have a girls night!

Diego Josue: I love Caitlin. Her energy is the best. Love her voice and self-expression/mannerisms. I'm always excited to click on your videos. Also your friends hair transformation came out amazing. I did want to see how it would look styled with hair products but that's okay maybe he doesn't like them.

The Foxiest Butt: Aaaah I love the way you do color so much! I wish I could find someone locally that can do this! Maybe one day I'll book a ticket JUST to see you. <3

Jen Schmitt: Yes to Josh! I love his vibe and willingness to experiment

Pandie Eyess: Perfect duo! I love love love the pastel rainbow! My life is now complete ✨

Sabella: Josh is such a sweetie! Love how the hair turned out!

Electric Evan: oh my god Josh' hair came out absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!

Mio Dal: Really liked seeing you do crazy color on short hair since I have short hair and is looking for inspiration. My hair is dark and even shorter than josh, buzzcut on sides and about 2 inches on top. Would be really cool to see what you would do on such short hair. Love your channel and find your videos really inspiring and fasciniting!

Bridget Lynch: Definitely bring Josh back! I love the dynamic and hes so fun

mindajane: His hair turned out so good and looks so good on him! I would for sure like to see more Josh!

Sarah Bacak: Josh was a wonderful guest! This was a trip down memory lane too, and believe it or not, scene is honestly still very, very popular, it's just evolved into new names at this point.

April Haldane: Yesss more Josh, he is lovely ❤

Fiona Hull: Josh was amazing and I love the final result hopefully we get to see more❤❤❤

Marcie Marshall: Josh, Your hair looks amazing! You should do more videos with Caitlin..Your a natural!❤

AV: I don't think I've really commeted before on your videos, but I love them and I'm really glad to see someone who focuses on fantasy hair color doing a youtube! I do fantasy colors for myself and my friends quite often and it's been great both learning from you and seeing some of my own techniques validated because a professional does it. I have some random questions I'd love to ask a professional/that I hope you can get to one day in your videos. I know you are super busy so obviously if you can't, no sweat, but you said you appreciated the input on what to address on your channel, so here are some random things from me: 1. I am not (yet) a professional hair stylist, and one thing I've been really frustrated by is the fact that you can't order hair supplies from most companies without a license. The only rhetoric I've seen as to why is becaues it 'protects people from hurting themselves', which seems like nonsense. You can still get hair bleach, and dyes aren't going to harm anyone. And sure, someone might give themselves a bad hairdo, but we don't require a license for people to buy a pair of scissors. There's so many brands I want to try and I don't have access to, and while I am hoping to get a license, finding the time and money to go to school so that I can up my hobby game is not easy, when I really just want to give a company money for their product! I haven't seen any hair stylists i follow on YT address this yet and I was wondering what your thoughts are on the limiting of who can buy products, when there are so many youtubes out there teaching people how to do hair. 2. Wigs! You use wigs a lot and have addressed their cost. I have been thinking about making myself some wigs but I'm not really sure where to start. Where is a good place to shop for wigs that dye well? Any tips and tricks for the professional dying and maintenance of wigs. Or for the.. wig head you put them on while you are working? Most dye videos on YT about wigs are people dunking them in a tub of water and that's not what I'm interested in. Any more depth here would be great. 3. Do you have recommendations or tips for how to dye down to the roots but not dye the scalp... I'm not sure if this is a problem for me so much because of the product I use (manic panic, mostly) or because of my technique, or if professionals just are able to wash it out of people's hair because they have a set up for it, whereas I have to send friends to go wash their hair out in the shower. But I'm trying to figure out how to do better in this area as it's driving me a little crazy and maybe you have tips. Sorry that was long, thanks so much if you read it =P

Charles Haire: That's incredibly cute!!! Love it!!!

taissa lada: This turned out amazing!

Sarah Heigho: That's such a STUNNING look! I am in such awe of your skills! What was the name of that purple dye you recommended, again? I've been doing platinum with purple shadow roots and would love to keep that true purple color longer.

Shanah Z: Josh is amazing! I love this look! <3

Mol Dyer: Loved Josh! Loved his hair! Hope to see more of him forsure this video was great!

Kate Hawk: This was such a great video!! I loved Josh ❤️

Magz: Yay yay yayyyyyy!!! As a girl w/short assed-hair, I'm tickled to see this process as well. edit: oddly enough, Kevin Aucoin (rest his soul) would do his clients' makeup as they were lying down and the clients would routinely fall asleep while he was doing their faces!

Deb Olsen: Love this one! My hair is always purple, but I am thinking maybe next time I will do this parting and do a similar rainbow in my own hair. Probably not pastel however.

Weegie Sanchez: Loved the energy in this video!

Double Aspect: Love this!! Looks so good

Suzee Holt Darby: I LOVE IT! BTW, Josh would totally look great if he looses his hair so don't worry Josh, loved you as a model! I love the rainbow hair, can it be done on an old lady with mostly stubborn grey hair?

Maggie: 14:10 for what it's worth I think Josh has a great face and would look very handsome if he went bald! And the pastel rainbow is amazing! I'm sure Josh would look fantastic with any hairstyle :)

Jewals-HealingRose222: I love hearing the stories about clients.

Stephanie Duncan: I really like the pastel on him with his more fair completion.

Bianca: Wow that looks amazing!!! Love it!!

Kvoor: This is so cute~! Josh looks FABULOUS and I love love love this color on him <3 Rock on!!

KTea Bean: Finally fun short hair!

Unyamurdle: That came out better than I thought it would, I love it

Brent Herrmann: It’s so pretty great job please keep the videos up you have taught me so much

Kim McC: Caitlin - this was awesome - bring on more (willing) victims!

Antonette Stanford: I am a hairdresser and would love a tutorial on a rainbow hair topper.

Marles The Meeper: I love this so much oh my gosh. I really would love somethjng like this with the pastel rainbow. And yeaaaaaaaas we need more Josh! He looks so good with this!

Carol Swafford: Love the pastel rainbow! Just that little bit is fabulous!

Jeannie Forbis: I love Josh! His hair is beautiful, definately would love to see him back on with you again.

Jes: I would love to see rainbow leopard spots! I don't know how that can be done but it seems like it would be amazing!

Michael Dixon: Yas! Go Josh! Love the rainbow! Would love to see more of him

Lauren: I absolutely adore Josh. He's hypnotic. Moar Josh

Amber Hale: I love this so much! I love your videos. Could you give some tips on extending the time that semi-perm or demi-perm colors stay in your hair? The last one I used was ion brand from Sally Beauty and it washed out to a putrid purple-y brown after one wash.

Captain Basketcase: Looks fabulous!!

MuZik HeArT: Hi Caitlin, you have amazing work, such a masterpiece. I want to try rainbow hair too. You're very pretty, you look like Meg Trainor. :)

Nina: I love josh's energy!

Toni Bresadola: It looks so different depending on how you style it!

Dee Dee: Yes please! More JOSH! Love the look

Shelley Noble: Absolutely fabulous! Wow!

MommyOfZ&L: I finally did my daughter's hair. I tagged you on Instagram and I used #rainbowhead and also #myminirainbowhead because it is on my daughter and she's 10.

Damien Natewa: So amazing, u guys looked like u had so much fun! this is something I might wanna do but against a black mohawk

So Le: He looks so good in his new hair i love it ❤

belly dancer31: I love Josh he's a sweet cutie pie for sure!! Love the hair you created for him! Matchs his soft sweet personality! Pravooo!!

Brent Herrmann: Gorgeous. Great job lifting all the hair evenly. You are so talented you and tabatha Coffey are my fav hairdressers people I look up to in this industry

Lucky Arts: Everybody needs some Josh in their life!! And rainbows!! Bring him back for sure. He's a keeper.

Jessica Messica: Yeah bring him back! And this seems so fun id love to see it styled in different ways

Rachael Mortician: OMG, Josh is serving some ultimate My Little Pony realness (in the best way possible of course!). I love it!

Ashley C: Caitlin I'm not saying I don't love you and your videos, buuuuuut we might need more of you and Josh ❤️ I like him!

Kathy Schultz: I love his rainbow! Might try that one next! :D I'm still in love with the holo rainbow though :)

Darkened Pixi: ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Ringing Echo: Hi Josh! Looks great and lots of fun :)

Made by a BEAutiful queen-Bea: My Honeybee loves your art!! She wanted to know if you can do a pastel color strips, though I think you kinda did that here. Lol great video

Niki: I’m a licensed stylist and I love doing crazy colors I was just wondering if you had some sort of magic formula for getting Direct deposit dies out of hair I have clients that want to change from month to month and I’m struggling with getting the last bright color out before I do the next one I love your channel I love your crazy colors and thank you for putting your formulas up

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