The Shit People Say To Women With Short Hair!

So over the last six months I've heard all sorts of things about my hair so I thought I'd make a video about the shit people say to women with short hair!!!


Thank you to all the gorgeous women that sent me clips!!!!

Shazneen Acharia

Prajakta Koli

Jennifer Bharucha

Naina Redhu

Vishakha Pahwa

Ira Raghavan

Urvashi Kaur

Merrylin Boro

Simran Saini

Simona Rawat

Ayesha Billimoria

Adhuna Bhabani

Radhika Vaz

Prarthana Khurana

Nimisha Verma

Bhumika Singh

Mallika Arya

Kayan Contractor

Aien Jamir

Satshya Tharien

Akankshya Gogoi

Manoneeta Sur

Nikhita Shinde

Tracy Dsouza

Chinna Dua

Shveta Brahma

Anupriya Bishnoi

Ragini Kuwalekar

Mercy Tetseo

Prerna Singh

Riya Shah

Nayan Thara

Anu Menon


Second Nature by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


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Hi guys so over the last 6 months, I've gotten pretty much everything from you. Look like a boy to a lesbian, my husband's twin and God knows what else and that's all be fun to ask other women with short hair about their experiences. I am gon na set you up with this friend of mine. She has been asking about you for so long. You know, I think you guys are gon na get out like a house on fire like seriously, you know huh what the straight you instantly miss your long hair. Don'T you you can't carry off this short hair with Indian clothes. You'Re gon na have a tough time polishing your inner half Pony. Will you look like Ned Stark all Jon Snow? What'S up, girls told me that I said hey goods just because I have shorted? Does it make me a boy, and you can see that very much? Are you all right? Why did you do this to yourself? Do you have cancer, so this guy's, my balls, have to longer to have a hair bit like this. You look like a boy. The constant you look like a boy can, I read, is shown anchor with sorry. If you are an Indian woman and you have short hair and wear pants, there are two possibilities. You are either a lesbian or you are a man and that's what I get most of the time good morning, sir good afternoon, sir good evening, sir good night, sir, but I don't know if that's my short hair, my plaid hairy chest, it could be that what Is this new Ruby Rose handbook you're trying to pull off? When is this phase in your life going to get over just grow it out? Now? Oh, you looked prettier with longer hair, lipstick, lesbian, Oh where's. Your bike did something happened to you. Is that why you cut your hair? A girl looks like a code only when she has long hair and not when she is short, hair, a lesbian and a little boy and is the ugly short hair girls. Girls get mad and easily because you're, not you got ta chill. Oh, is you not a darling? Is somebody would come and say when you use a wake or somebody would say in a very crude Hindi that my scalp is showing and the word they would use for? Scalp is tinned. You know women I like, but don't you like, nice growing, hair and Saudis like wrap until, of course, don't help so have been addressed as palea and served by a lot of security guards, rickshaw wallahs and auto Wohlers. You look like a boy like no guys ever gon na. Like you, you cut your hair again. Why don't you grow a beard as well? You see boys, and even today my husband gets so much sympathy. It must be so difficult to run your hand through your wife's hair. It probably gets stuck. Oh my god is that hair at the Amazonian jungle, things must get lost, hey. Nobody has the right to personal judgment on anyone, I'm so much more than my hair. I have had short hair for almost two years now and I love it. I do pick my gender or sexuality. What about those boys who have long hair? I shaved my head because I wanted to see what I would feel like without any hair and it felt free, I felt so liberated and I felt amazing what her short hair got to do with your sexuality. I find it because I would enlightened by they stare at you all confuse it yeah I usually enjoy it. Man after I spit again keep guessing. I think it basically brings out all the most amazing features with your face and in personality, and you don't really have to hide behind your hair and I think a lot of women do that, but not just hide behind their hair. I think what you get with the short haircut is is a sense of freedom of feeling of freedom, that you can just not experience with long hair, and you just can't like put a tag on me like that men can always do whatever they want, whether it Has to be cut the hair shorter if their hair longer, so why can't we women do what we want and by the way, I'm going to go for my next pecker it's very soon. I truly love myself and basically I stopped even at an awkward well think or see shorter is fit. We all rock! Thank you.

Justine Leconte officiel: So since my hair is very long, I must be a true, very girly girl?!! Wow, thoese quotes are unbelievable. I am going to cut my hair. It's decided.

Reetika Singh: Limiting gender to length of hair hm as if God send baby girls with two 'chotis' to avoid confusion .

Ananya Mondal: Damn. Heard this all my life. 22 years. Still hearing. But Didn't care , wont care. I will keep short hair till i die :D And personally , i feel pretty good to stand out.

Joanna C Makuchi: People always ask me "what's next,are you going bald?" Hahah I find the reactions entertaining, I'm going to get a pixie undercut in the next few hours and I can't wait!This video was perfect.

shavika deoras: This was really an empowering video for all of us who are so scared to break the norm and go that extra mile to live our lives to the fullest. Loved it ❤️

Rushikesh Jagtap: I really like girls with short hairs ,everyone in the video was wow , I wish I would see girls like you everywhere . You all are rare , special, unique.I am going to date one after lockdown . If any one says bad about your short hairs remember there many people out who love your short hairs❤.

Dr.N 023: Sherry I think you are one of the very few people on the internet who actually epitomize the word "influencer".

Shruti Gupta: Sherry ❤ this video is empowering on so many levels. People somehow always want to put others down on basis of some thing or the other. You are a perfect example of shutting them mouths with dignity. More power to you ❤ #fangirl

Payal Mathur: Hey Sherry! Thanks for an amazing video! The lovely ladies in the video simply are simply rocking the short hair including you I have always had my hair the length, the color or the style I want and was fortunately not commented on for doing so. My mum loves me in short hair and prefers it that I keep it short because it makes me look more carefree and young it’s sad to hear so many judgements being passed on a person’s right to be however they want to be..the only issue I have faced mostly is hair stylists telling me not to go too short because it’s not girly or that I would have to get a haircut more frequently to maintain the style.. I still went ahead and got an inverted bob it looked pretty phenomenal and got me many compliments too! I wish people would stop poking their judgements in other people’s business ..

Neha S: Areee...see Mandira Bedi she is awesome, always with short hair and rock everything. I support u ,love u Sherry.I believe looks r not the only thing we have. Personality,nature character and lot of things are there in us. Explore them. Live and Let live. Xoxo

Persepione: LOVE this video Sherry! And it really pains me to see that a sizeable chunk of these 'well wishers' are the women around us. It's high time we stop putting so much of context into women's hair, it's dead keratin tissue growing out of your head, at the end of the day! I am not defined only by my waist length hair, and none of my short haired friends have ever coaxed me to cut it off, so nothing gives me the right to pester them for growing their own hair out. It's a personal choice people, live and let live. If you have nothing good to say about someone's appearance, please keep that mouth shut. Not everyone dresses to impress you.

Messy S: Sherry ma’am.. thanks for this video.. You are one of the online content makers that I look upto! It’s your genuine attitude that somehow is transitioned into so many of your viewers.. i just love and adore you so much!!!!!!!! A single comment won’t be able to justify my sentiments and respect for you. Keep empowering this platform. Kudos. ❤️ #ShortHairDontCare

Reshmi Ghosh: Love you for this Sherry! I love my short hair and I give a damn to people who judge my sexual preference because of the length of my hair. Damn! I hope more and more people get awareness with this video <3

Ipsita Saikia: Sherry you look cute with short hair. Show the people a palm if anyone doesn't like YOUR hair. Same message to all girls featured. #Shorthairdon'tcare

Season With Salt: I just loooove your haircut Scherezade.. I've always been a short hair girl/women all my life. And I was once not allowed to enter the ladies room because the watchman actually thought that I was a guy. I don't really understand why people can't let others be what they want to be and do what they want to do.

Menia: Been dealing with this shit my whole life! But I will still never grow this short hair of mine. Been rocking it since 99!

Saumya Pathak: That’s such a great message to put in public!! ❤️

Ayushi Shah: Thank you for this video! I have been getting some shit after I chopped my hair to a very short Bob. Someone even asked mother how did she allow me for it But I've gotten a lot of compliments for it too. Some people love it too! I've had long hair, short hair, green hair, blue hair and I am the same person. I have very thin and fine hair which makes my scalp show but that bothers others more than it bothers me.

Deepti Rawat: loved it❤️ i love my short hair and it feels good to see such similar views❤️ thankyou❤️ loved your concept of involving the real experiences of women .. lots of love

unnati jagnani: This makes me so happy! I’ve even got ‘London ka zyada influence aagaya kya’ ‘phir katvaliye’ ‘go bald only no’ and the typical shaadi difficulty ish when I’m only 19. P.S: I’ve never been to London but I had cut it right before going for a Euro trip.

Maanini Shetty: This is such a well made video and even more amazing haircuts to look at!

F D: Excellent video! I love my short hair for many reasons, and one is that it's a great idiot detector. If someone asks something stupid like "do you wear skirts so people don't think you're a man?", it tells me everything I need to know about them.

Shelden Dukpa: actually I was humiliated from past months as I dyed / bleach my hair light brown and today I got little more humiliation by society and I doubt my decision but as I searched and watched your video it made me happy Thank you

hope and sunshine: all these women....ohh my god...they are all so pretty i love these videos sherry di..where you bring different women...and they talk about their experiences.. i find them empowering i had waist length hair...i chopped them off pretty recently to shoulder length.. i love them now....because there is more to my life other than hair.. love you

Priya Philip: Oh Sherry, I'm so happy you made this video. I'm sending it to my younger sister Preethi who happens to have short hair and has been hurled some crazy judgemental remarks. She would need this. ❤️

shubhangi singh: Thanks for giving me so much confidence ! I have had really long hair since last 7-8 years like really long and I have been wanting to cut them off and colour them and may be go bald ! Just because I want to and I am gonna do it pretty soon and I will make sure to donate the hair that I cut !!

Amala Joshi: Really nice video! I used to have short hair too and I agreed with most of the video, except the part where they said men don't get judged for long hair... they do all the time.. kya ladkiyo jaise baal ugaa raha hai is what people say to them Yes short hair feels free, but I enjoy having long hair more, because it really suits my face more. To each her own!

Vinu -92: I always always love your vlogs. You put in so much effort to each one of ur videos unless like other YouTubers just picking up the camera n talk n do the regular stuff that all of us do at home and cleverly claim themselves as family channel ‍♀️‍♀️Be it your couple channel or yours there's always content nor entertainment. You're the best. Keep rocking sherry. ❤️

ForrestJoJo: I have been bullied all my school life for having short hair...i had to got to therapy in my adult life because i dint feel feminine enough and found out it was rooted to this issue where someone kept telling me you are not a girl or not girly enough . I am glad that little girl gave back to the kids who called her out..brave girl. ❤️

Miya yaya: I had shaved off my hair in October! And I was always asked if I was fine and is everything ok? Can relate to the video so much.

Mitalee Mopkar: This is so spot on Sherry! Heard the strangest comments when I had a buzz cut! “That’s too short!!” But I also got some super awesome complements.

Sohini Mukherjee: This is one strong and poweful video, Sherry. More power to you.

gunjan pramod: I'm not kidding , you've got the best content ever ! Amazing the video was ! I'm stunned on how ppl comment things and I'm amazed that we girls are yet so cool about it don't give a shit :') loved the video so much !

Bansharee Parmar: Do a collab with Prajakata!!!!❤️

Shrishti: Thankyou for making this video.Alot of us women have at some point or the other faced such insensitive comments regarding carrying short hair.Kudos to you!Keep up the good work

aratipai21: I had short hair similar to yours during my school and college days ... I relate so much to this!

Seetal M.D.: sherry! thank you heaps for this video. the best this far. I get a lot of the same comments so much that after just over a year of rocking the short hair for my dear hubby I've succumbed to pressures and decided to keep it long now. it's still very short but am working on growing it out. n I hate it!

Adam: Every short hair girl I've hooked up with has been a freak, and I mean that in the best way possible. Keep on goin on

Piu Ghosh: Love my short hair...just love it!!! I never faced any such judgement luckily..but i am sure people must have judged silently..LOL..short hair girls rock!!

Srishti Mishra: this video is lit lots and lots of love to you sherry for putting up this video

NEHA: One of my favourite video till now , You go girl

Yashika Gulati: Great video sherry loved it .. litarpy left with tears in my eyes after seeing this .... Hats off to everyone with short hair ... I also want short hair now ..

Semal Varshney: My mom has short hair since her wedding and its been more than 28 years and my dad is proud of that. Also being married to an army officer, people thing she herself is a lady army officer and often ends up getting salute because of the short hair. Well i am proud of that and you too sherry.

Kavya Chauhan: Although i have more than waist length long hair but but but.....i do support u sherry and all the women with short hair...we women have our own life no1 has d right to tell wht shud v do and wht not..we will decide wht suits us not any1 else...#ShortHairDontCare

Prernaa Kashyap Khatri: ''Areey, you have a round face. Ache nahi lagege!'' ''Ladka kaise mileyga?'' I get this and more all the time!

aashlesha gode: I have a story to tell. A relative of mine who is around 60-65 still flaunts a boycut. She had a boycut for most of her life, she was called mean names by all the other relatives, but she did not budge. I feel so proud about her today. She had guts to have a boycut when women did not even go to beauty parlour

Gauri Ghatwal: Such a cool video!! Loved it Sherry!!❤️

Anushree Sharma: I can relate to this video so well..true af☠

lovmattersusee: I can't believe we are still living in an era where we have to explain and justify the length of our hair! Although I really love mid-length hair (not short, not long), the concern here is let others be.. Long, Short, Bob, Rapunzel, it's all good. Stop judging and let others live as they wish to.

Vernet Hudson: There's one thing I observed when I cut my locks to about a couple millimetres, that the duration for which a person stared at me was directly proportional to their literacy. Like educated people would just take their eyes off after a glance, whereas others would look at me head to toe. But I definitely enjoyed the attention.

Ipsita Roy: A very nice video, I have been through many phases of hair in my life, I have been ganju at least 4 or five times when I was a kid, had short hair an inch long type, had shoulder length hair, also had waist long hair. I have enjoyed all of my phases well. Whenever I am exasperated of my hair I cut it off and feel happy and enjoy it a lot.. my mom always had an issue with me cutting my hair off. She always used to say itni badi kheti ugai thi.. sare katwa liye. Lol. Short hair is so comfortable, though.

Ronty_ K: This video needs to get more views.... Spread this.. This is an issue I never knew do go through a lot... Hats off to you all

Gayatri Vidhate: I loveeeeeeeeddddddd the video sherry ❤️ please make some of these more....It connects

Dezerina Rayer: Thank you sherry for making this video, this video is for all subscribers who always commented abt ur short, more love to you sherry

Kavita Negandhi: I don't care about what other people say. You look absolutely gorgeous in short hair and you rock sherry

Jainee Vashi: love this video.. i just got a haircut recently and guess what i got my hair short.. and i looove it

Stepdad Glen: I just got my hair cut really short and multiple times have I almost got kicked out of the women’s restroom because they thought I was a man . I love my short hair and I don’t care what people say.

Reshma Singh: I actually watched this video after cutting my hair and I feel even more beautiful now!

Surabhi Gupta: I chopped my hair last year, from a foot long to a few inches, and a lot of people were showing sympathy and telling me, it's ok, they will grow back.

Ketki Sarange: This is amazing ♥️ #shorthairdontcare

Aaheli Dasgupta: Yesss! I have had various versions of these exact comments said to me. Including, "If you keep cutting your hair it'll never grow back."

Shanmugapriya S: I really have a thing for short haired girls.. I love short hair.. it’s true that girls hide behind their long hair.. loved this video..

Ankita Minhas: 3:20 i love my long hair and 3:44 double standards- men get called out a lot too for having long hair. Also you don’t have to justify yourself if you don’t care about what people say to you. I love my long hair. I feel free with long hair. I’ll miss them because that’s what I want for my hair if you don’t like what you are called for your short hair you better stop judging long hair. No one is hiding behind their long hair. I love to show my locks off. I do get compliments. I’ll cut my hair short some day but I am not ready for it now and I don’t have to make a video to justify what I feel. It’s just pathetic.

Sree Durga: Much needed video .. loved it ❤️

Sarah: 4:40 men also cant do anything they want with their hair tho. if you grow it long you get the same comments like oh you look like a girl.

Anu Adam Ninja: i love short hair girls they are soo awesome and pretty !! our hair style is fully under our identity or likes . so damn asso society get te f..k outf here #shorthairdon'tcare

Socially Awkward: I once again had my hair cut to a pixie a few months ago because I was always too hot during the summer months having my hair down; also it was annoying at work. So what's the point of having long hair if you always wear it in a bun? It doesn't make me less of a woman than being clean shaven makes a male a man.

yuni Shrestha: Reality #SHORTHAIRDONTCARE and yes we rock .... Sherry you look absolutely beautiful thankyou for the video ❤️

keep going: I love women with short hair !!!! <3

Rubisco Talks: Damn! I was about to make a video on the same subject...even I’m fed up al the nonsense people say...I have pixiecut and a side under shave ...I got to hear from my hostel warden...after mins of staring...Beta aapko kuch ho gya h kya?.. #ShortHairDontCare

vanessa ozario: I can relate to this so much. I had long hair and then I cut it very short people in office started telling you look like boy in short hair, grow your hair , long hair is girly. You don't act like girl and other shit I didn't give a damm I love my short hair

JAISHREE A: it's been just 1 month since i cut my hair everyone around me specially some people whom i have even never seen or talked to say me that wtf why did you cut your such long hair.After hearing all these things from people around me and even my school friends i decided to grow my hair back even though i feel more comfortable with my short hair but then my dad said it looks really good on me and it make me feel so good as my dad don't speak to me that i feel so good and i am gonna go with my short hair now

buzz buzz: OMG it was a much needed video. Thank you so much

Mitali: I should have seen this video in the morning. I went to a salon today with the thought of cutting my hair short. I have always carry my hair long and it was a bold move for me to cut my hair very short. In the end, I couldn't gather the courage to do it and had a usual nice haircut. I'm regretting now after watching this video :(

Dipsikha Saha: Omg this has been my teenage years literally. And finally I was like "fine I will grow my hair". I had looong hair but uff it was so much work so I am back to haveing short hair and people are back with there comments!!I wish I was in that video.

Ammeth86: I can honestly say I like short haired girls much more! For me, a girl with short hair is much prettier and cuter! ❤️❤️

aishwarya devade: Even I’ve had short hair for the longest time and I’ve heard the same !

riya ann thomas: I think you look wonderful with short hair n those lovely loops....your long hair look was a different version of you and you carried that well's too difficult for me to decide which look is better... More power to you

Manav.B .Pandya: I love short girl girls I just love it

Riddhi Vartak: Though my hair is not short but I have seen my friends constantly being nagged Abt their sexuality because of short hair. I mean how is somebody's hair going to decide one's sexuality. U are doing an exceptional job Sherry. Lots of love.

Praya S: "Do you even have hair?" "You're not supposed to cut your hair, females should never do it" "the power of long hair is amazing, guys love long hair why don't you grow it out?" "You're not a kid, 'boy cut' isn't for you" "see how long my hair is, it falls but that's okay! Atleast i have hair na?"

JesusMySavior: Honestly, I just think it's a preference thing. Most people like long hair on women because it gives the face a softer and feminine touch. I hold that opinion as well...but it makes no sense to ask rude questions to somebody who has short hair. :O

Kangkana Kalita: Can relate so much!

Priya: I grew up in a joint family and luckily none of my family members ever gave importance to the length of my hair...even my friends or acquaintances never commented anything negative whenever i went from long hair to short...and i keep on changing the length of my hair every 2-3 years!!!

Manisha Mittal: When I went to the Parlour to get my hair cut into a bob the Parlour lady asked me if I was alright and do i need to visit a psychiatrist. After the bob I got to hear almost all of it especially when is this phase in ur life going to get over and did you have an ugly breakup or are you emotional damaged Just for reference I had hair till my waist.

Happy Ash Happy Soul: Recently I had a bob cut because it's summer n wanted to experience new look.omg god I got so many positive and negative comments Positivity always welcome.Negative I dnt have shit time to listen to u.At work it was like omg why u cut ur hair? Why? What happened to us hair? Blaa blaa. Arrey people just mind your own business. Stop spreading negativity. It's my life it's my choice

Sunflower: I love my hair . I'm going through alot of things(mental, physical, emotional,etc) and I cut my hair everyone is like what have you done? You're girl. Girl' should have long hair. You're look like mad half mind girl. One day you might go on street naked. You're a shame on our family. Etc . It's my hair . My choice whatever I do. My short hair make me feel better and I don't give a fuck what people say or life my choice.

Shreya Singh: Don't forget! You look intimidating I get that all the time

Kal Your Pal: Ya it was high time you made this video for all those haters who would comment everywhere on your social media and in comments here. Some comments were so mean. I don't know why people think it is ok to give their opinion on people's personal choices.

Shubhada M: This video is different from most of your it ☺

Tejpreet Kaur: Amazing. This was required. Amazing content

Krishika Piwal: Yessss u can’t experience the freedom with long hair ♥️

Rashi Koranne: I cut my hair short 3 years back and everyone start telling me how they wanted to see me back in the long bitch I don't do it for you.

Anshuman Jain: Love this video ! ❤️

Moyu Zaim: after cutting my hair people i know - YOU look like a boy. i was like dud hairs don't define gender. i felt like a revolutionary. lol its fun

Nisha Singh: Loved it!!

Dr. Gayatri Shinde: *Relates* ❤️ Loved it!

Rima Sardesai: I have short hair, and I can totally relate to this. But i feel free. I feel so good with less hair on my head and less mess in my life I can sleep for extra 10 minutes wdout caring abt time for shower. I dont even take too much time to styl them. I love love my short hair. Not that i got a lot of criticism. But a lot of people have me a lot questions abt my hair.

Radhika Dhoot: Loved it!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

ipshita chakraborty: ABSOLUTELY amazing Ppl must take care of their own shit n let us take care of ours....

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