10 Causes Of Female Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most devastating and frustrating things that can happen to us. Even worse, treating hair loss can be a struggle because there are so many different contributing factors. In this video, Dr. Egeland discusses 10 of the most common factors that can lead to hair loss, including little-known causes like air pollution and cell phone radiation.

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Heavy metals and hair loss




Nutrients and hair loss





Androgenetic hair loss:



Environmental pollutants / toxins and hair loss:


Hi everyone welcome back today, I'm going to discuss the top 10 causes for hair loss that should not be overlooked. Female hair loss can be a complex and frustrating issue. It'S also one of the most stressful symptoms that make female patients can experience as a naturopathic doctor and functional medicine provider. My goal is to figure out the underlying cause for a patient's hair loss and in most cases there are multiple factors involved. I wanted to create this video to provide more information about some common, but often overlooked causes for female hair loss. So the majority of female hair loss falls into three categories: hereditary telogen, effluvium and autoimmune. The most common type is hereditary, also known as female pattern. Hair loss or androgenetic alopecia in this type of hair loss, hormone receptors on the follicles are more sensitive to a potent form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone, which is abbreviated DHT over time. This hormone interaction produces smaller hair follicles that result in thinner and finer hair. Other hormones are also thought to play a role since many women experience hereditary hair loss after menopause, although some women may notice hair lots, much younger the pattern of hair loss or thinning is generally seen throughout the top of the head and sometimes near the temples, and We don't typically see excess hair shedding with female pattern, hair loss. I think it's important to know that, even though this type of hair loss is considered hereditary or genetic, there is still a lot you can do to optimize health and hormone balance to prevent hair loss. The next type telogen effluvium, is a temporary hair loss that is triggered by a shock to the system such as childbirth, surgery, medication, toxicity, malnutrition or even psychological stress. Telogen refers to the resting or shedding phase of the hair cycle. Now, normally we have about 5 to 10 % of our hair in this resting stage with telogen effluvium, approximately 30 % of our hair can enter the resting stage, which results in a lot of hair shedding. It'S also important to know that the hair loss is delayed and can start anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months after the stressful event and can be considered acute or chronic in acute telogen effluvium. The excess hair shedding will resolve typically within six months, and it can take about a year for the hair to regrow. If the source of the stressor is not addressed, the hair shedding can continue and result in chronic telogen effluvium. In this case, the hair loss can continue for years now, in the case of childbirth or surgery, it's easy to identify the trigger for telogen effluvium, but when it comes to toxins, chronic infections and nutrient deficiencies, the cost can be more difficult to identify. This is where functional lab testing can be helpful to identify the underlying cause. The third type of hair loss I want to cover is alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune condition where the immune cells mistakenly attacked the hair follicles. This has a distinct appearance with one or more round patches of hair loss. It can spread to the entire scalp, which is called alopecia totalis, and if the hair loss affects the scalp and body it's known as alopecia universalis. Finally, elias's is a form of alopecia areata that occurs in a wave pattern around the hairline, typically seen at the back of the neck. It'S also important to know that different types of hair loss can coexist. For example, some women will have a stressful event that triggers telogen effluvium that unmasks a female pattern, hair loss. This is why I find it so important to evaluate all of the potential factors that can lead to hair loss. So, whether or not you've been diagnosed with a specific type of hair loss here are 10 important factors to consider. First, we have to look at hormones. This is especially important for those with androgenetic or androgenic. Alopecia. Healthy levels of blood, sugar and insulin are extremely important for our other hormones to be in balance. For example, insulin, resistance and females can contribute to the androgen or male hormone excess that we see in polycystic ovarian syndrome. One of the common symptoms of PCOS is hair thinning. It is also known that starting or stopping hormonal birth control can lead to hair loss and many women experience postpartum hair loss, which may be due to a combination of hormone fluctuation and stress on the body number. Two includes scalp infections. If you have a lot of itching or irritation on the scalp, it can be helpful to see a dermatologist to rule out a yeast or bacterial infection. Number three fire rate conditions, especially hypothyroidism methimazole, which is a treatment for hyperthyroidism, can also cause hair loss. Number four intense emotional stress, such as the loss of a loved one, can be a trigger for telogen effluvium number. Five physical stressors, such as eating too little injury or surgery, especially weight loss surgery, can be a cause for hair loss. Number six harsh chemicals and hairstyling such as tight braids. This is also called traction. Alopecia number seven toxic exposures, including heavy metals such as thallium and Mercury, are well known to cause hair loss. Other toxic metals and compounds that have been linked with hair loss include arsenic, lithium, cadmium, aluminum, lead and boric acid. In my practice, I've also seen a connection between mold toxicity and hair loss number. Eight. Many of us are aware that anti-cancer drugs can cause hair loss, but a lot of other common medications are linked with hair hair loss, including antibiotics, antihistamine medication, antidepressants cholesterol, medications, things that affect blood flow, such as blood thinners, beta blockers and calcium channel blockers, colchicine, a Medication typically used for gout is well known to cause hair loss, and I was really surprised when they learned that NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen are also linked with hair loss. One thing to remember with medication is that the losses delayed. It can start 3 months or more after starting the medication number 9 nutrient deficiencies. The most common nutrient deficiencies that are linked with hair locks include iron, zinc, vitamin D and biotin insufficient. Protein intake can also lead to hair loss. Several other nutrient deficiencies that can affect our hair include vitamins, A C and E, in addition to B, complex vitamins, magnesium, selenium and essential fatty acids, including omega-3s. It'S also important to know that too much iron, vitamin, A copper or selenium have also been linked with hair loss, and this is why it's so important to try to test for nutrient levels: number 10 environmental factors, including air pollution and radiation. I don't think this gets considered very often, but air pollution can contribute to scalp irritation and hair loss. Multiple compounds found in found in particulate matter can adhere to hair shafts and caused damage. One study also linked hair loss with cellphone radiation. The patient had noticeable hair thinning on one side of the head. They reported using their cellphone six to seven hours per day for work, there's actually some research to suggest that cellphone radiation causes DNA damage of the hair root cells. The good news is, the hair loss was temporary and grew back after the patient, completed a hair care program and switched to a hands-free option. I really like air 2 headphone options to reduce radiation exposure with cellphone use for anyone interested in this research. I'Ve provided the links below. I hope you found this helpful again. I usually find that there are multiple factors involved in female hair loss. It'S also important to be patient with hair regrowth. It can take some time and, if you're interested, I could do another video discussing some of my top treatments for hair loss feel free to comment below and thanks for watching you

Attune Functional Medicine: Nourish your hair from the inside out with our bestselling multivitamin/mineral formula: https://bit.ly/3aNKUJQ Support healthy hormones for healthy hair with FemGlow: https://bit.ly/3dWo43A

ARAVIND CUTZ: As a guy,hairloss is tough.Can't imagine how its for girls!

Glock Grandma: Last fall I lost a lot of hair. I was shedding by the hand full but it stopped after about 3 months. Now it’s back. I bought Iodoral to bump up my iodine bc I’ve had issues with low iodine in the past. I’m increasing liver for extra vitamins A, B’s, etc. We’re in the quarantine presently with unemployment ending in a few weeks and I’ve no job to return too- I imagine the stress may be a factor also. Thanks for a great video!

Zee H: So basically everything causes hair loss ‍♀ I've been fighting battles in all directions the past 5 years but I finally feel like it is closing in on the real cause

Naif Alsaeedan: Guys when it comes to shampoo or hair stylers Avoid any product containing this metals Heavy metals 1/ Thallium 2/ Mercury And others found occasionally 1/ Arsenic 2/ Lithium 3/ cadmium 4/ Aluminum 5/ lead 6/ Boric Acid

Justin Cox: Wow, you touched on so much here, and I’m so glad you mentioned environmental metals and also Radiation as a few possibilities also. Last year I suddenly began to see spots missing in my beard and also head, I it has spread all over my head and I seem like the only one I know that is dealing with this.. I have NO earthly idea why I would suddenly have issues. I’m light build and healthy. I think.. I was working in an office in 2019, maybe they had WiFi too strong? Maybe chemtrail spraying in our air? Maybe vitamin deficiency? My doctor did mention a Teatosterone was low.. It’s now 2021 and I need true help. No dermatologist around here has any real advice, they always just push steroids which I am done with since I’ve used way too much .

Kim Back: Thank you so very much for taking the time to explain the different reasons for hai thinning. I am close to 65 years. The thinning started about 10 months ago. This is very distressing. I will visit my doctor as my first step to find out what is going on.

The Young and The Restless Society: Yes. This info is fabulous! Must do another. Thank you for covering stress and radiation/emf>

Krissy Lynn: Top treatment! YES PLEASE!!! Thank you so much! My hair is coming out like crazy!

Sandra Leiper: Thank you very much for sharing this information. I have the parasite dientamoeba fragilis and currently awaiting treatment of Metronidazole from my GP. Will my hair stop falling out and start growing back after this would you say? Many thanks in advance for your help

LZRD84: Can intermittent fasting cause hair loss? A couple of years ago I started the Plant Paradox eating plan for good gut health. I lost 22 kgs and feel fantastic. I drifted toward eating once a day as it seemed to suit me but my hair loss is getting concerning now. My PCP said she thought it was happening because I lost so much weight but wouldn’t write a ‘script for me to have tests done to check the things you’ve mentioned. I’ve got overall thinning of the hair but most concerning is from the top of my head, running down the back of my head. BTW, I’ve been taking liquid magnesium, hi-strength B-complex, probiotics, vit.D with K2, fish oil, calcium for two years now. My hair is as healthy as it always has been (don’t colour it or perm it) & it’s nice & shiny but it keeps falling out.

Jessyca Yong: I visited a few hair saloon and self claimed hair experts. I can't help but feeling they just want me to sign up expensive hair care packages without finding out why my hair is getting thin. They seem to give everyone same reason

Blaxkberry Lemonade: I’m 15 and I’m shedding hair like a dog and I have no idea why, and it’s never done this before

Antonia: Is the symptom of excessive loss of eyebrows & eyelashes an indicator of the root cause of hair loss? Also, the massive increase of hair loss to even to very young adults, is the result of chemtrails dropping all the toxic chemicals ( barium, lithium etc.) for the past 20 years as a key reason we're seeing this happen.

MMelody M: Thank you for this info. It’s very helpful.

Ani: My hair used to be thick and beautiful now its just thin :(

Lisa Boyle: Is there any connection between hair loss- arms, legs and head, and serotonin syndrome?

Lenesha Maraj: I recommend using coconut oil and getting rid of stress in your life♥️

lakshmidevi mailakuntla: Thank you mam, how could I know which type of hair loss I have. My doctor's told me that telogen hair loss. Since 6 years I have this pblm. Now they suggested me take PRP treatment. Would I prefer that.

Pallavisree Tambraparni: I have been through so many physical ailments since 2016 and i think that is what has caused my hair loss. two brain surgeries, gastritris, gastroentritis, acid relux, kidney stones, ovarian cysts, etc... please help...

Beverly Howard: Please continue to share information on this topic, soo helpful, thank you

Vinay kumar: hello ma'am your video is really nice.. my wife was suffering from heavy hairfall and her hair quality was degrading.. she was really upset about these things.. and she use to stay depressed and under confident.. then on the recommendation of her friend she started using planet Ayurveda Go Richh hair oil and the difference it made is marvelous

ari: i’ve been under-eating for 3 months (february-april)and i started eating normal-ish for 2 months and my hair started falling out now??

brownskintimes3: Thank you for this information! I am having some hair thinning. Please do a video on treatments for this condition!!! I have had my blood work done and all looks good even thyroid however my vitamin D is low.

Rose Marrie: Omg this is lowkey scary! I'm really sad abt it I'm a vegetarian and yes I don't eat enough protein and other rich in protein foods, my mom was combing my hair when she noticed how thin was my scalp it scared me☹️ I am only 16 and it's affecting my self esteem...

Monica Kunwar: Sometimes I feel like there is a lot of hair everywhere in the room ,towel ,comb except my head

fixed land: Thank you for the comprehensive video.

Helena Grace: I am suffering from hair loss for straight four years ,Now Im 18 and it in its worst


Umme Khairun Naysa: 30yrs old having good volume of hair recently hairfall increases I can't find any reason.. I used hena pack with egg curd and herbal powder I think hena powder having problems Than I checked my Serum calcium level found it decreased than used to eat 1 capsule weekly.. Now less hairfall

Sylvia Alford: What are your treatments for hair loss?

Breezey Parker: OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH

Sahra Yasmin: I am 25 years old and my hair is falling out. I can't look at myself in the mirror and I feel like an ugly rat sometimes..i just hope I can get some rest and some cure for this..

Dani Love: I just searched up shampoo without chemicals. The prices are high..so if you want anything healthy expect to pay double,, where as the bad stuff is extra cheap..please make this make sense. Burger can cost $1, salad costs $5 ....lol

FruityUnicorn17: This was very helpful. Thank you

Sehrish Mir: wow that was very informative. thanks

Milagros Santiago: Wow so lots of vitamins that I’ve been taking Cause hair loss! It seems that everything you take to prevent it is bad for you!Take care of the hair you have right now with natural remedies rosemary oil in your shampoo Peppermint oil ,rice water , clove oil

Jody Hakala: How about after period? Does that influence it? It is said to in TCM eastern medicine

Nafisa Mustafa: I am having thyroid for the last few years n am shedding full hand hair whenever i comb hair or wash hair pls advise..

Emily Rodriguez: I'm 16 and I'm losing my hair

Suvarna S: my hairs are falling like rain godd...how can I cure I need my hair back

Kmily: I loose hair when i take suppliments or pills. Dosen't matter what it is. Also if i drink a lot of tea. No one have any explanation so how can i buy your supplements?‍♀️ looks like i handle liquid supplement better. Is there any common ingridients in all pills i can react to?

Amanda Queen: Pretty sure it’s Psychologically stress

Di Wells: Nothing has helped so far. Has to be a way to stop hair loss.

Daniela Dizon: is having low blood sugar cause hairloss?

Sorala Silber: What is a good hair loss shampoo and conditioner for hair loss sensitive scalp oily hair use daily

Tracy Brown: Hair thinning on top threw menopause ,please HELP ,WEN washing hair that's when it all comes out more.

Allie .C: I’m 17 bruh!!! My hair don’t need to be falling out

Ram: i saw my moms hair was falling i was so worried i hope its nothing serious

Muskan Rustam: I cry alot I try all ways but not work please pray for my hairs

Lulu LuLu: Thank you so much

Margaret NALBANDIAN: Please share some info for hair growth

Sad lilyies: Thanks this was helpful

Porfiria Yearwood: My hair is falling out I don't know what to do it makes me sad

Alana Rochester: Great video!

MegaMissfitz: Please tell me my fringe didn’t fall out

Jody Hakala: It your pregnant or were hair may fall out. If your stressed a lot and don’t have proper nutrition-hair will fall out! Get quality vitamins. If you gave mold in your home or minerals- take Chlorella, and seaweed to absorb toxins. Get a shiatsu ! And acupuncture! Out phones EMF electromagnetic field like 5G if it’s going to cause hair loss! And brain injury! and is!! I’m going to get SHIATSU and acupuncture and take vitamins.

Yakira Tahel: Thank u

noodle.: I'm 16 now and I will lose like 10 strands of hair everyday-

Always gaming: You are great

Liyabi Liyabi: M in my weight lose journey dis month is 5th month but now my hair fall to much i don't know y before my weight lose journey its normal but now its fall to much tat make me cry my hair is long i don't know wat to do but i decided to cut my hair tomorrow

RAVNEET KAUR: I'm 21 and hair is falling like crazily every where I'm my room on my towel when combing my hair o god I can't see

Khushi Dubey: ‌Muze Hair fall ki prblm jyada ho rahi thi ye pollution ke wajah se to Es vajese meri bahot Jyada hair foll ho rahe the to phir maine U tube pe dekha CHARVI HAIR Solution ke bare me to maine AMAZON se order kar liya aur muze bahot achya result mila use mere Hair foll Bhi Kam ho Gaye hai aur Naye Baal bhi Aana Shuru ho Gaye ye 3-4 mahine me aur hair growth bhr acha hai. AYURVEDIK Hai :::::

Azeem Khan: Stop the hair loss.

Nandini Naidu: I have too much hair loss everyday...I have tried few remedies...nothing seems to work...please help

Misti Roy Chowdhury: Mera bhi aise hua bdy party tha hair m cold drink ye sab lga phir aise hua

Quiet Mountain Wellness: I’d be interested.

Cecilia Adrio: I have seen ladies who are bullimic and suffer anorexia have v.healthy hair

Jody Hakala: Too many big words that isn’t helping me understand how to help myself very much.

Shivani Chhabra: awsome home remedy... mera bhi bhot hair fall hota tha mne planet Ayurveda ka GO RICH HAIR OIL and SHAMPOO use kiya to 3-month ma mujhe asar dikhna shuru hua

Sorala Silber: Or something else

Hmmmm: Can u speak English

TheAien123: Too much science language I don’t understand bye anyway

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